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What do you call your DH?

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As I called for my DH this morning, I wondered about what other terms of endearment people use when they talk to each other. I use my DH's name sometimes, but most of the time I call him Milo which is a short version of My Love. It started off as silly fun when we were first married, but became second nature so much that it's just his name now. He'll even sign cards like that, but only to me of course. I don't use terms like honey or dear though. He doesn't have a pet name for me though, but that's cool. At least he doesn't refer to me as the 'ball and chain' or something like that. :tongue_smilie:


When you talk with your DH/Wife/Partner, do you use the name that everyone else calls them, or do you use your own pet name you created, or terms of endearment?

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As I called for my DH this morning, I wondered about what other terms of endearment people use when they talk to each other. I use my DH's name sometimes, but most of the time I call him Milo which is a short version of My Love. It started off as silly fun when we were first married, but became second nature so much that it's just his name now. He'll even sign cards like that, but only to me of course. I don't use terms like honey or dear though. He doesn't have a pet name for me though, but that's cool. At least he doesn't refer to me as the 'ball and chain' or something like that. :tongue_smilie:


When you talk with your DH/Wife/Partner, do you use the name that everyone else calls them, or do you use your own pet name you created, or terms of endearment?



Honey - 90% of the time


Grammy still (he's been dead 15 years) calls Grandpop "Daddy". They had 10 kids together, and I guess it became a habit.

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My hubby and I still call each other "Girlfriend" and "Boyfriend." I'm not sure why...:001_huh:


We seldom use each other's real names; when we do, we're either in a serious disagreement or speaking to someone else about one another.


We get made fun of a fair bit, but can't really think of better substitute names for one another, so we just deal.

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Sometimes his first name but usually Boo - short for Booly. Where it started I don't remember but we've both had the same nickname since before marraige- ends in 'y' for him and 'ie' for me :001_smile:

Edited by StillLearning
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I call him so much stuff that when one day when I called him Mark-his real name- he asked if I was mad at him. Most of the time I call him Sweetheart or Love or Sweet Baboo. I call him Dad a lot, but once I did that in public when we did not have the kids with us. :blushing: We have been watching a lot of Jane Austen movies (and other movies set in that time). So we have been calling each other Mr. and Mrs. Gilliland.

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I call him Babe or Ad most of the time (his name is Adam, but his family is Australian, and they nickname EVERYONE... I didn't even know I could have my named shortened until one of my BILs started calling me Sar-bear). When I want something, he's Dear or Darling. When I'm feeling really ornery, he's Schnuggypoo-Fuzzybutt. :D

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Honey. He usually answers "yes, my love". If he's calling to me, it's usually "honey? Honey?... Ang!" because he doesn't hear me answer from my corner of the house, lol. (I can hear him because I have the Bat Ears and the wild rumpus doesn't follow me)


But, yeah, it would be weird to address him by his name.

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What a fun thread!


I call my dh by his name, or Honey. He calls me Babe or My Love, or Lovely One, but when he is talking to the kids he refers to me as "your dear sweet mother" (as in "Look what you are doing to your dear, sweet mother!" or 'Go take your dear, sweet mother's plate" .


It's funny, I still remember when we were dating and he called me "babe" for the first time...I thought, now we are getting somewhere!

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I say darling or "my love." But I also call my son "my love" so I guess that doesn't count. :001_smile: Come to think of it, my husband doesn't call me much of anything (it's not as unromantic as it sounds!). He hardly says my full name, when he does he's usually frustrated at me.

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We never use each others’ names. I feels so unnatural to me!


I call DH Beloved, My love, and Love. I also often call him Beroved, because when DS was little, he thought DH’s name was Beloved since I always called him that, but he couldn’t say that, and it came out Beroved. Whenever DS would call to DH, he would holler out, “BeROVed!!!!†It was hilarious, so it kind of stuck, and I use it fairly frequently now. Even DS (now 5) often jokingly uses it when calling DH.


DH always calls me Sweetheart. No matter how much I'm driving him crazy! :D


Once at church when DS was about 3, someone asked him who his parents were, and he told them Beroved and Sweetheart :lol:

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We both call the other "hon". I also call him sweetie, and dad or daddy. Oh, and I call him by his entire first name when I need something (he goes by a nickname).


When he feels like teasing me, or if I have done something to exasperate him, he calls me "woman". :lol:

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I love Milo. So cute.


My dh actuallys calls me My Love a lot. He is very sweet and loving and so he uses many sweet terms of endearment. I think he rarely uses my first name.


I use his first name A LOT. He has an unusual first name and I love it. I also use lots of terms of endearment.


We haven't been married a year yet...so that might make a difference.

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I call him hon, babe, and a more formal nickname because we have a son who is named after his father (and grandfather) and son gets the nick name, nick name. :D



He calls me by my shortened name, but it's not said in his regular voice. He says it a special way, with a different inflection than, say, my mother would. He also calls me babe, and doll.

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As I called for my DH this morning, I wondered about what other terms of endearment people use when they talk to each other. I use my DH's name sometimes, but most of the time I call him Milo which is a short version of My Love. It started off as silly fun when we were first married, but became second nature so much that it's just his name now. He'll even sign cards like that, but only to me of course. I don't use terms like honey or dear though. He doesn't have a pet name for me though, but that's cool. At least he doesn't refer to me as the 'ball and chain' or something like that. :tongue_smilie:


When you talk with your DH/Wife/Partner, do you use the name that everyone else calls them, or do you use your own pet name you created, or terms of endearment?


I call him Husband. :D


Sometimes he calls me Myo...which is short for My Ol' Lady or My ol' ball and chain....





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I refer to him by his


First name (when I have his attention or know I can get it)

Mr. Last name (when I know it is the only way he'll hear me. It is school teacher-itis).

Kid's name + Dad (as in "Hey, DragonFly's Dad, are you going to go help him since he is yelling for YOU?")

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