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Who has a blog that is NOT a homeschool blog

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I started "Welcoming Katya" when we first made the decision to host Katya and then through the adoption process. That transitioned to "Life to the Full" when Katya was home and "Welcoming Katya" didn't quite fit anymore. But, it was still mostly Katya stories, adoption stuff, human trafficking updates, and then a smattering of family life, but very little school. But, it was so murky. So, I'm in the process of transitioning to a new blog which will have a clear focus and be more reflective of my passion to mobilize women to impact the world for Christ. Because our world starts at home, there will be home stuff in it, but my focus is women, particularly 20-something and early 30-something women who want to be discipled. What I want to accomplish with my blog cannot replace REAL LIFE discipling, but, I hope, will reach younger women where they are and help them root their identity in Christ, cultivate intimacy with Christ, and impact the world through Christ. Even narrower, my focus is upon women who are at key transitional places in their lives - entering the marketplace, marriage, and/or motherhood. These seem to be crossroads where women can lose their way and need to remember who they are, whose they are and gain courage to walk in this reality.


I'm still in the process of building the blog, but as I was working on it a bit, it caused me to wonder which of you ladies have blogs that do not have homeschool as a focus, but rather a different passion or pursuit. If you do, tell me about it. I'd love to hear!

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Not a lady, but I will answer anyway.


My blog isn't homeschooling focused, but I have posted about homeschooling. I focus on things I am interested in, and it tends to be focused on politics and theology most of the time.


For the longest time, I thought your blog was to promote your real estate company... you know "realtygoodwin". :D

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Mine is not specifically homeschooling....it's about our every day life. Sometimes I'll talk about homeschooling, sometimes I'll get up on my soapbox about an issue LOL, sometimes I'll post pics of family vacations, daily life, etc. The link is in my signature.


Same here. Mine is brand new, so I'm still working the kinks out. :001_smile:

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Mine is just about everyday life, too. I try to write about homeschooling at least once a week, but usually, that's all the attention I give to that topic. I just share things that I find interesting, whatever they may be.


I have a fashion blog, too, but I haven't been very good at keeping that one up--it's hard to want to post daily pictures when you're pregnant and only have about five outfits to wear!

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I have one that I update with a picture and a blurb everyday. I've kept it up for almost four years now and it is a fabulous resource for family that we are away from, my husband when he's deployed, as well as myself to remember and reminisce.


Funny thing is...when I told my husband I wanted to post a picture a day, he laughed and said it would last maybe a week. I sure proved him wrong!

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I have a blog where I talk about forgiveness after rape. I was assaulted as a child and I've come to the point where I have chosen to forgive the teen who assaulted me. At times, I've written how this experience has affected how I raise my own children. I also write book reviews. I just started homeschooling so I just announced to my readers that I was officially homeschooling.


My blog is http://thecrimsoncoveredfarmlife.com

Edited by AmyontheFarm
forgot to add the link :)
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When I started my blog, it was intended to be more about everyday life. Mostly a way to share my day to day life with my family that lives several states away. It seems to end up about homeschooling more often than not though, but I suppose that's where my brain usually is. :tongue_smilie:


I do post about other things though--books, menus, homemaking type stuff, etc.

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I started my blog as a way to stay sane after one of our children was diagnosed with a life altering chronic illness. It's still my way to decompress and enjoy life, but as our son has stabilized it's more about life in general- or whatever I find interesting/funny.


I do have a separate home school blog that I tend to neglect...

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My blog is about providing practical solutions for parents of kids with Asperger Syndrome/High-Functioning Autism.


It's a business blog - I'm a certified Life Coach and have recently transitioned my coaching practice to work exclusively with parents of kids with AS/HFA (I was previously coaching women professionals/entrepreneurs which was my "pre-homeschooling life"). DS has Asperger's, so this transition has allowed me to bring my work into alignment with my personal passion (helping my son and connecting with other AS parents for information sharing and support).


The posts are primarily focused on the unique challenges parents of kids with AS face, as well as helping parents themselves find balance, parent positively, and enjoy life.


Link is in my siggie. :)

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  • 2 months later...

I just started a blog (i've done one before, but rarely added to it, that one was suposed to be a family update type of blog and it really did NOT work for me)


I called this one From My Point of View, because that is what it is. My point of view on books, some of my goals, and there will probably be some about homeschool as well (since that's what I do).

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Mine is kind of a journal. It's whatever I am thinking about or doing at the time. I recently did a 3 part series on "Women I Admire". I wrote about when my 8 year old boy chipped his tooth and included pictures. My blog doesn't have a focus, unless it's just "Daily Life in Our Home".

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I started "Welcoming Katya" when we first made the decision to host Katya and then through the adoption process. That transitioned to "Life to the Full" when Katya was home and "Welcoming Katya" didn't quite fit anymore. But, it was still mostly Katya stories, adoption stuff, human trafficking updates, and then a smattering of family life, but very little school. But, it was so murky. So, I'm in the process of transitioning to a new blog which will have a clear focus and be more reflective of my passion to mobilize women to impact the world for Christ. Because our world starts at home, there will be home stuff in it, but my focus is women, particularly 20-something and early 30-something women who want to be discipled. What I want to accomplish with my blog cannot replace REAL LIFE discipling, but, I hope, will reach younger women where they are and help them root their identity in Christ, cultivate intimacy with Christ, and impact the world through Christ. Even narrower, my focus is upon women who are at key transitional places in their lives - entering the marketplace, marriage, and/or motherhood. These seem to be crossroads where women can lose their way and need to remember who they are, whose they are and gain courage to walk in this reality.


I'm still in the process of building the blog, but as I was working on it a bit, it caused me to wonder which of you ladies have blogs that do not have homeschool as a focus, but rather a different passion or pursuit. If you do, tell me about it. I'd love to hear!


It sounds like you have put a lot of thought into your blog. Knowing who your audience is, and what you want to get out of the experience is key. Last year I sort of lost my way. My blog is mostly a writing/book review blog, but during an extended period of discouragement I gave it up. Now I'm back with posts at least once a week, and that is what I can manage right now.

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I have a 3 blogs


My main one is my homeschooling blog, but I also have a craft blog


and a blog where I keep a few of my favorite photos that I've taken



Back when I was a CPST/carseat tech, I also used to have a carseat blog where I would post safety tips on how to properly use carseats, booster seats, etc.

But, when my certification lapsed, I closed that blog.

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While my blog is called "Swimtaxi234" because of our children's love/passion for swimming, I write mostly about our family life and that includes a ton of posts on our dogs, homeschooling, and life in general.


Today and yesterday's posts are on homeschooling, but the next two days are about sports. I try to sit down once a week and write 4-7 posts and schedule them to post during the week.

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My blog is about daily life... sometimes about family events... sometimes highlighting my hobbies of photography and crochet/sewing/crafts... a lot of times featuring my grandchildren, who I am blessed to babysit each week... I usually highlight each person's birthday with a post... and I usually write about something specific from time to time under the heading "seriously". Right now I am doing the Happiness Project for 2012 and write about it a few times a month (just starting... lol) and that is under "seriously" because I am not html gifts and do not know how to make a new tab for "Happiness Project"!!!


I love to blog.

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It sounds like you have put a lot of thought into your blog. Knowing who your audience is, and what you want to get out of the experience is key. Last year I sort of lost my way. My blog is mostly a writing/book review blog, but during an extended period of discouragement I gave it up. Now I'm back with posts at least once a week, and that is what I can manage right now.


Thanks, Georgiana! The same thing happened to me and it's good to be back to writing with a sense of focus.

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