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How old is the oldest woman you know who gave birth?

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I know there are more and more "older" mothers out there--some considering 35+ as older.


I am just wondering about how old is the oldest woman you knew who gave birth WITHOUT fertility treatments or other medical "help".


Dh and I have been married for 18 years now and have no bio kids and at this stage just really don't want to start over with a baby. We are very happy with our adopted kiddos.


Just wondering when it is really too old to have a baby.

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I know there are more and more "older" mothers out there--some considering 35+ as older.



35 isn't old to be having a baby.


I was in my 40's - and was considered "geriatric".


The oldest mom I know was 48 - and had grandchildren.

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I have a close friend who is the same age as I am. We have dds that are 12 yo, and we were both 45 when they were born. My friend gave birth to her dd, who is the youngest of four bio children. I adopted mine, but she is actually my bio gdd by birth. (We became parents upon adoption, so have always been Mommy & Daddy to her.)




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I have a friend who is... 54, I think? And just had a baby last year. She has two daughters my age that she had when she was quite young, 18-20. She and their father got divorced eventually, but she found and married a man who had never had children. The doctors had told him it was his fault. Three kids later (one daughter my son's age, one son my daughter's age, and one baby girl), they're pretty sure the doctors had it wrong!

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My former second-grade teacher (who was in her 30s when I was in her class) got pregnant by surprise when she was 50. Her husband wasn't on board with starting over with children, so he left. Then she found out she was pregnant with twins. They were born when she was 51 are the same age as my oldest daughter. Every time I saw her she looked exhausted! She kept teaching, so she had a class full of kids all day and twins at night. :svengo:

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