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Did you marry your best friend?

Did you marry your best friend?  

  1. 1. Did you marry your best friend?

    • Yes, my spouse was my best friend
    • Not best friends, but still close
    • No

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Did you marry your best friend? I did, but it seems like one of my friends didn't. She and her husband have had a rough time getting along. I don't think they have compatible personalities and habits. She married at 18 and now says that "18 is too young." They'll stay together because of their religious beliefs, but I have little hope of them ever really being happy with their marriage.

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Yes, we sometimes bicker like grumpy old men but we get along wonderfully 99% of the time. We hve gone through some major rough patches in the 5.5 years we have been married but I wouldn't change anything. I think some people don't really realize what marriage entails. Marriage is HARD work. I got married at 20 and yeah I was young but we knew going in that it wasn't going to be simple or a walk in the park.

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Yes I did. We dated for 7 years before we married and I simply enjoyed spending time with him. I'll honestly admit that now there are times when it's much harder to be friends with him. I love him dearly, but married life has its pressures that young dating people just don't have to deal with. But he was and still is my best friend! If we hadn't married he'd still be my buddy.

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No. Dh and I met and started dating immediately. There was no 'friendship' part of our courtship. I had a best friend at the time.


If dh and I would not have dated, we would not have been friends. We are very different from one another, and have very little in common. We can easily come to common ground, but we rarely start on the same side.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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My husband became my neighbor in 8th grade and we were very good friends all through school. Then his house burned down and they moved the yr after we graduated. We lost touch for a couple of years. I just got my own little crappy apt and ran into his sister and told her to give my new phone number to him. He called and came down that weekend. We started dating that first weekend. He asked me to marry him 3 weeks later. We waited about a year then got married. We have been married 13 yrs now.

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Well, it is young, especially now that I have girls of my own. I called my mom from the University and told her I met the man I was going to marry when I was 18. We married 3 years later after we graduated, and have been married almost 19 years.


Having said all that, we did have to find out who we were while we were married. It was hard but very worth it for us. I wouldn't recommend getting married that young if you aren't ready for the work. We've always been old souls, though.


ETA: Oops, yes, I married my best friend. :D

Edited by FairyMom
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I guess it depends on the definition. I have best girlfriends and it is just different.


But, before DH and I dated we were very close. In fact, we pretty much said, "we either need to marry or not date" because we didn't want to ruin our friendship.

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I considered him my best friend. He did not. Now (after 6 years together/4 years married) we would consider each other our best friends. We got married at 21/23 and have definitely grown up together.


I will say, we are very compatible. I truly think we grew in to people that fit together perfectly.

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Best friend? No. Compatible soul? Yes.


I really like this. It describes us, too.


I've never wanted to be married to my best friend, though. It's honestly not a concept that ever really registered with me until I began hanging out around Christians (especially homeschooling Christians). I'm happy being married to a compatible soul, but we needn't be besties :).


It's all about what an individual wants and needs. Some want one person to be their everything; despite some overlap, I have different wants and needs from my spouse and my best friend.


One more thing to file under Things That Make the World Go 'Round :D.

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Gosh, he was my best friend for a long time before I realized how perfect we were for each other. :001_wub:


He was sick last night for only the second time in our marriage of 15 years- (Really sick with a high fever - no man cold - I don't count those)- so I'm feeling especially in love with him at the moment.

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He may not "get" me as much as I'd like (he's just clueless that way), I have absolute trust and confidence in him that he'd never knowingly hurt me and will always be there for me. I can allow myself to be completely vulnerable and have confidence it is safe.


I have complete confidence he absolutely cherishes me because I understand him better than anyone he's ever known, and he knows it.

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Nope. My best friend asked me to marry him, and I was rather skeeved out by the idea. I had no idea he loved me like that. I couldn't marry him anymore than I would want to marry my brother or my cousin.


Actually, that scenario happened to me several times before I figured out that I and my single male friends were at cross-purposes.


When I met DH, it was instant pure romance and total infatuation that miraculously turned to true love almost overnight. We were married within weeks of meeting each other. I thought then, as I do now, that he is my other half. He's what was missing from a life that seemed busy and full, and ever since then he's been the other part of "us." I don't think of him as my best friend, although when I stop to examine what 'best friend' means he certainly fits the bill. I guess I just think of him as my husband.


We celebrated our 16th anniversary yesterday. :001_wub:

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I married at 18. Definitely have gone through times where we're indifferent to each other and more like friends/roommates than spouses....but I'm a firm believer in marrying young.


Can I ask why? DH & I married young, and spent a LOT of time that way at the beginning. (On occasion, we even go through it now still.) It's led me to be a strong proponent of waiting to marry until you're absolutely ready-- which may be young for some people, but wasn't for me.


ETA: Not trying to be argumentative. I just honestly want to see the other perspective on this. Thanks!!

Edited by KristinaBreece
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Did you marry your best friend? I did, but it seems like one of my friends didn't. She and her husband have had a rough time getting along. I don't think they have compatible personalities and habits. She married at 18 and now says that "18 is too young." They'll stay together because of their religious beliefs, but I have little hope of them ever really being happy with their marriage.


And who is to say the same thing wouldn't have happened if they were 21, or 31? You can marry your best friend and rough times getting along can still happen.



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We were very close friends for 3 years before we had our (only official ;)) "date." Shortly thereafter (month and a half) we had a handfasting and lived together for a little over a year while planning our legal wedding. It's been 17 years since the handfasting and still going strong.:)

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No. My best friend at the time was dating some silly nutty chick. (They eventually married and divorced within 2 years.)


I wouldn't even say dh is my soul mate. That is a lot of pressure to put on someone.


But in a few days we will be celebrating 13 years.


We enjoy each other's company when we are together, but we don't find it necessary to be in each other's pockets 24/7. He has his friends and activities and interests. I have mine. Some of these things overlap. Some of them don't.

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Where's the other option??? DH and I were good friends all growing up. Same friends, same school, same church, worked at the same fast food place in high school. I started liking him when I was 16. He didn't see the light until I was 20. We started dating when I was 22 and were married 9 months later. But he wasn't my best friend. My best friends were girls. Out of all my guy friends, he was in the top 5 for closest.

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No, I married a really hot guy that I had amazing chemistry with after a very short period of time. He turned out to be my best friend, my lover and my soul mate. :001_wub: Unfortunately, I think I may have set a bad precedent for my dds. Some have said to me well it worked for you and dad, while others seem to understand that lightening doesn't strike twice in the same place.

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We started as acquaintances, then dated briefly. After we broke up we became very good friends, and by the time we started dating again I counted him as one of my small circle of best friends.


Is DH my best friend, yes. Is he the one I go to for girlly chit-chat or to beat curriculum choices to death, no. He doesn't exist to meet all my emotional needs; that isn't healthy for any relationship. Still, if I had to pick only one adult person to ever interact with again, it would be DH.

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It's a long story but I'm not currently married but partnered, and living with, my SO of two years. I'm not sure if I want to marry as I'm honestly not a huge fan, I've been there already. But, we will probably do it eventually.


We were best friends for 11 years before we started dating. Long story but it is amazing to be involved with your best friend.

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I always think of a best friend as a girl friend, because when I was young all my best friends were girls.


I would say that my DH is my best friend now. (maybe not best friend when we were dating, but was heading that way). I couldn't marry someone that I couldn't be friends with too.

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