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Do you and your dh share your passwords with each other?

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Not really. My husband is the computer guru in our house. So, he has the administrator and basic account passwords for "my" computer in case he needs to fix something.


He does not know my e-mail password or the passwords for any of my online accounts. Nor do I know his. It's not like it's some big secret, although my husband does work in IT security and is a little bit paranoid about sharing passwords. It's more that we just have no reason to know them.

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We share our email password, but we have a joint account for email. I have a personal email I use for school stuff, but if he needed to I think it would take him no more than 2 tries to figure out my pw, but I would give it to him if he asked. For other websites (for products we register etc) sometimes we share and other times not. Usually when he doesn't it's because it's for something I couldn't give a hoot about anyway.

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Noooo. We had passwords before we were an entity. We just wouldn't think to share them. Heck, I've been married to him for over 10 years now, and I barely know his ss number. He definitely doesn't know mine.


Well, OK, wait. We do share the administrator account, and therefore that password, for the network and hardware devices. But for our individual accounts? No. I've been on his system when I'm in his office many times. He has been with mine, too when he needs/wants to do something immediately. I don't think either of us are trying to hide anything, but it just doesn't occur to us to know the other's individual passwords.

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Share....but neither of us actually go into the others accounts (email, facebook, etc.). We share the computer, so that's a given, we both know the password to get onto it.


For things like the bills, that I pay, each has a unique password.....those are kept in a file (written) so if DH ever needs them, he has them, knows where they are and can find them, but as a day-to-day thing, he has no clue what they are.

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Yes, and it's a total mess. :) All of our emails dump into apple mail, so we see everything. If we buy something on Etsy the email goes to me. Ebay, he gets one. If I use Paypal anywhere, he gets an email. I once bought him a cuff bracelet stamped with the lat and long coordinates of where we met. He got a paypal email from a very froufrou girly sounding etsy jewelry shop, which set him wondering what in the world I bought him. :confused: I think he finally got himself an Amazon account, since we could always see each other's recently viewed items. Christmas secret keeping takes epic planning around here.

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He can never remember his own,


Ha, this is us. My husband never remembers his passwords. Half the time I have to log in for him.




This is us also!! I get a kick out of everytime I hear "Honey what is my password for__________ again??"



Even funnier he keeps having to ask me what his debit card pin number is!! He so rarely uses it at the ATM that he just doesn't remember. When he needs cash the bank is usually open and he goes in or he just uses his card and runs it as credit at any business.



Kinda funny story--- One time he was out of town for work and had to get cash out and I was not able to answer my phone because I was in Bible study and he sat out at the ATM for nearly an hour. I felt so bad. You think that convinced him to remember his number?? Nope :001_huh:

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We each usually stick to our own computers.


If I need to do anything with/on my spouse's computer, I do have the password, but I really don't make a habit of checking her email or even using her computer because I have mine set up just the way I like it. :D When I use hers, it just frustrates me, LOL.


But yes, technically I do have the password for her computer and all of her email accounts, but I RARELY bother to use them. Actually half the time I can't remember and I have to wander over to wherever she is to make sure I'm spelling the password correctly, by the time I've done that, I could have just gone to my own computer and done whatever it was I needed to do. :lol:

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We share but more because we each have a standard password we use for most things so it's not too hard to know. I occasionally check his email for him and will use his Facebook to get a look at mine from "outside". I don't think he's ever bothered checking my email or facebook. He's just not that interested.

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Well, theoretically we share but my my hubby is in the IT field and he is frequently required to change his passwords and there are limitations on what he can use. It has to be a certain length or both numbers and letters or special characters or some caps, and can't be something that has been used previously, etc. and he has about 50 passwords and can't remember all of them so when he changes one he changes all of them. Unfortunately, I don't always get the info before I need it and I am scared to death he is going to die and I won't be able to access anything. I keep telling him to write them down but he never keeps up with the list. One time he changed the password on my Money file and then promptly forgot it. We were never able to figure it out so I lost five years worth of files. Finally, I put my foot down and told him that he could not change passwords on any personal accounts. I have one password for accounts that don't need to be terribly secure (like say, the library). I have had it for about 15 years now and even my kids know it. Then we have a password for our secure personal accounts that we both know. I am sure that there are some accounts that I may eventually need access to that I won't have the password for.

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Almost all of my passwords are the same, or similiar enough to figure out. He is the same way. So, if he doesn't know one of mine, it's pretty easy to figure out, or he'll yell across the house "What's your password for xxxxxx?"


We've been known to hack one another's facebook accounts and hijack status updates as well. :D

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Just wondering if you share your computer & email passwords with your spouse or if you each keep them private?


If we can remember them. ;)


My dh and I are very open with each other. It was one of the things that attracted me to him (after I had come out of a bad marriage with a HUGE secret keeper.) Dh never hides his phone or guards it. His email accounts are open for me.


This morning his phone went off with a text while he was in the shower...I picked up his phone and saw the first line of a text from his 'boss'...the wife half of the couple he works for who also introduced us. I didn't read the entire text...just saw that she was reminding him to 'not forget' something. So I opened the door to the shower and told him he got a text from his 'boss'....the female one....he pulled back the shower curtain and we giggled about her being his boss....and that was that. I LOVE being able to read my dh's text and him not be angry about it.


Now if I looked at his phone and it was from a sibling or his children....I would not read the text. I would think that would be rude to read it before he had a chance to. He does me the same way....if it is by him and rings or goes off he might glance at it...but he isn't all into my personal conversations with my girlfriends or my brother who might be telling me private info.


I heart my life now.

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