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Do you wear anything for eye correction...glasses/contacts/goggles of any kind?

Eye correction device needed? (surgery in options 8-9)  

  1. 1. Eye correction device needed? (surgery in options 8-9)

    • 0-29yo No correction needed
    • 0-29yo Full time correction needed
    • 0-29yo Part time correction needed
    • 30+yo No correction needed
    • 30+yo Full time correction needed
    • 30+yo Part time correction needed
    • Other OR I haven't been to a dr, but suspect I need something
    • Yes correction worn AND I have had surgery.
    • No correction worn but I have had surgery for correction.
    • No correction needed :)

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Just back from the eye dr and I am curious....


Do you wear anything for correction?


I forgot to edit off the last no correction needed, sorry. You can answer there if you don't want to disclose your age :)

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I have worn glasses for short sightedness since I was 13.

My mother has been wearing glasses since she was 6, my sister since she was 3.all for short sightedness. several of my siblings glasses they use for driving etc.


My Dh wears glasses for short sight , so far none of our children have needed glasses.

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Dh & ds wear glasses

Dd & I wear contacts




Just random thoughts on the way back from the dr.....


Because I am almost 40 and they commented several times about my eyesight

being very good. In a surprised tone :/.I will ask the dr next week when I go back about the age statistics. I thought in the mean while I would check here.



Many of the women in my family don't need correction until much older than I. And even then, it is just reading glasses. My grandmother didn't wear full time correction until way into her 70s...my mother is the same. I set the poll parameters at 30, because they seemed surprised that I don't need any correction at 39. I assumed good vision was the norm, but after the appointment, I realized that most/all of my friends in their 30s need corrective lens of some sort. I can't think of any that do not wear correction.


For such a vital organ, I am surprised that eyes start to degrade so fast. It left me wondering if that is how it is on the insides too. Do our livers start to age, and are they less proficient too as we approach our middle years? Or are other organs less sensitive to age than our eyes?

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I just turned 37 and have never needed glasses. I apparently have an astigmatism in my right eye but it's so minor it doesn't require correction.


My dh on the other had is pretty much blind as a bat without his glasses, he's worn them since he was young (like 10 or something)


My mom used to have to wear full time glasses but had surgery about 15 years ago and has just now started to need readers.


My sons don't need any corrective lenses, and my dd wears a very minor prescription for reading that is a theraputic prescription her vision therapy Dr. gave her.

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32 and I wear bi-focals. I'm short-sighted, but when reading, everything goes out of focus.


My eyes got old way before I did.


My 11 yo ds wears them. Shortsighted in the right eye and 95% blind in the other.

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I chose PT because I don't always wear my glasses, but I don't drive w/out them, & there's little point in going shopping w/out them. Around the house, though, I don't really need them much.


I also chose both age groups because while I'm 30+ NOW, I started wearing glasses when I was about 15. Freaked the living daylights out of me because I'd always had perfect vision. :001_huh:

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I wore glasses for over 40 years. Yes, I'm that old. :lol: I was very nearsighted. Imagine my consternation when nature played a trick on me by making me farsighted, too, as I got older. :glare:


So a few years ago I had Lasik...Interlasik? Something like that. I have 20/40 distance vision, and I wear readers that I pick up at the grocery store. Love.it.

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I have been wearing glasses since I was 3. Hmm, just did the math on that. I have been wearing glasses for over 40 years. Now I feel old. So far, the children have inherited dh's excellent eye sight. He started needing reading glasses after he turned 40.

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I have worn glasses since I was 10, contacts when I turned 18. Finally last year, at the age of 47, I needed something to correct my reading. So I wear contacts where one eye reads and the other sees distance.


I have heard that most folks need reading glasses by their early 40's or so...at least that is what my previous eye dr said. He took great delight in telling me that...and then I would tell him I was way past my early 40's...so maybe next time. :D:lol:


I traded him in for a new eye dr and he has been great - has really worked with me with the contacts and not needing to use reading glasses. He actually listened to how much reading I do (as a home school mom) and made the suggestion of the contacts. It was weird at first but if I put them in first thing when I wake up I'm fine.

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I have worn glasses and/or contacts full-time since I was in third grade.


Me too. I have severe near-sightedness. I had surgery on both eyes in my 20's for retinal tears caused by the severity of the near-sightedness. I have to be super tuned in to any changes in my eyes as I am at risk for retinal detachment. My Sweet-Pea appears to be headed down the same road I fear. Boo-Boo just got her glasses this year as well.

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I'm 44, don't wear glasses or contacts or have ever had eye surgery. I do have Grave's eye disease. Due to that I *could* wear glasses for reading, but my eyes change almost minute to minute so it is impossible to pin down a prescription. There are some moments that my eyesight is perfect.


Before having this eye condition I had 20/20 in my right eye and 20/10 in my left. I've had this for 5 years so I was roughly 39 last time I had a normal eye visit.

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Started wearing glasses in 3rd grade. Switched to contacts in 7th although I still wear my glasses when I first get out of bed and just before.


I switched to mono-vision contacts a couple years ago because I was no longer able to read anything close. Mono-vision basically gives me one contact that sees far and one that sees close, yet they also work together for overall vision.


Unfortunately, I have found that recently I am having trouble at times seeing close (usually due to alot of computer and reading time) and find I have to sometimes use magnifier glasses to ease eye strain and to see better.


Probably due for an eye exam and a new prescription. Uuhhhhh!!


Dh-reading glasses

Ds-reading glasses (although I don't think he wears them much)

Dd-reading glasses

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I'm in the 30+ category and need correction part-time. I'm nearsighted and have needed correction since my early 20's. I don't wear glasses at home, though (I'm about 20/100). I need them for driving, but I have to take them off to do anything that requires near vision, like reading labels at the grocery store or even eating at a restaurant. If I get contacts again I'd need bifocal lenses. My mother is farsighted and started wearing glasses about the same time I did--she was in her early 40's at the time.

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I've been wearing glasses or contacts since I was in seventh grade. I needed them earlier but refused to tell my mother until it got so bad I had to squint 24/7... even then, *I* had to mention it because she never would have noticed. Sore spot. Moving on... I have 20/15 vision with correction, but I have a nasty double astigmatism in both eyes. Now I can't wear contacts because of issues with the material.


When it comes to the rest of my family, my husband is moderately nearsighted, but his prescription hasn't changed in several years. DS had strabismus when he was tiny and had surgery to correct it and now has a simple convergence insufficiency. The doctor suspects he'll be nearsighted like his father within a few years. DD doesn't have any issues yet, but odds are that she'll develop them eventually. I keep an eye on her :)

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I've worn glasses for distance since the age of 5. Bi-focals appeared at age 42. From what my doctor said, after 40 is when people start seeing a difference and needing reading glasses. At age 45, DH had to have reading glasses and now at age 53, needs them both for reading and distance.

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I'm in the over 30 crowd. I started wearing glasses in 5th grade, contacts in 10th grade and had corrective laser surgery about 13 years ago. It was absolutely awesome to not need any corrective lenses for about 10 years or so.


Around the 40ish milestone, I started having to squint to read. Now I need readers to read or see pretty much anything up close.

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I'll be 33 on July 29, and I'm dying my hair right now so my glasses are off. I'm squinting to type this and to take the poll was an even bigger challenge. At least I don't need to look to type. :)


I wear glasses because I'm scared to death to put anything near my eyes. I started wearing glasses when I was about 19. I was working in a jewelry factory as a solderer and the little green flame I had to stare at all day killed my eyesight.

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I've worn glasses since I was in 3rd grade. I had contacts through late high school & college, but I had gas permeable ones and my eyes have lost their tolerance for them. I've tried soft ones but haven't been able to get a prescription that works. I feel like I'm constantly having to work to see clearly, and they make my eyes itch, so they're not worth it. Glasses it is! I am blind as a bat without them.

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I started wearing glasses when I was 12. By age 16 couldn't see without glasses. I also have bad astigmatism.

I started wearing contacts... oh wow, I can't remember when I started.

At age 44 I had to go to trifocals-LOL. I feel so old now that I think about it. I wear contacts during the day when I am going out of the house. But I can't see print with them. At home I wear my glasses.


In my family... My mom wore glasses, my dad started wearing them in his 60's for reading. My sister and oldest brother wear glasses. My other older brother started wearing glasses in his 30's.


Dh wears glasses but he can still pass drivers vision test. He also uses contacts on occassions.

16 yr old Dd wears glasses, she just barely needs them. So far doesn't want contacts. It has been interesting with her. She got her first pair of glasses in 6th grade, but then in 7th grade she didn't need them. Then in 9th grade she needed them again. She has mild astigmatism.

16 yr old Ds wears glasses. He started wearing them in 6th grade also. So far doesn't want contacts.

10 and 12 yr old Ds's... so far they are have good eyes. 12yr old complains about not being able to see board at school, but when examined by doctor... he passes exam with 20/20.

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I'm 44, have worn glasses since 6th grade. I am near sighted and have astigmatism. The only change I've noticed since turning 40 is that it takes a little bit longer to focus from near to far. I refuse to get bifocas. I take off my glasses to read, but need them for the computer, that has always been the case.


Dh never needed glasses until he was 40. He is farsighted, just turned 50 and has problems with fine print.

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I had cataract surgery at age 34. My vision is now almost perfect with my artificial lenses, but since they are artificial they can't focus, so I wear reading glasses to look at small things.


Before I developed cataracts I had a slight stigmatism, but managed just fine without glasses.

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over 40 and I don't have any correction. Recently, I went to the eye Dr for a quick check up because I noticed I am having to hold the book a little further away and it is getting harder to read tiny print.


I guess I must have had better than 20/20 vision because even with a slight age related degrading of my sight, I am still at almost perfect vision. I am very slightly nearsighted but not enough to bother with treating.


I find it odd because both my parents have worn glasses since they were children.

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Last year, I noticed my eyesight was starting to decline, and I felt like I couldn't see quite as well as I normally could. I went to the eye doctor, and indeed, my vision had declined, to 20/20. Ugh, I had always had 20/13 in one eye and 20/10 in the other. Luckily for me, it seems that my vision was being affected by a medication I was on at the time, and since then it's pretty much gone back to normal, although I'm so paranoid about losing it again, now, though. Once you've had my vision for 40 + years, there's no getting used to anything else, believe me. It really worries me that I might eventually need some kind of corrective something or other, although they assured me there that if it hasn't happened yet, it isn't likely to now. But who really knows... Everyone I know who wears glasses or contacts has done so since they were pretty young and have had their whole lives to get used to them. My eyes are super-sensitive to...everything...and I'd have such a hard time dealing with corrected vision. I'm such a wimp...

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I have been wearing glasses since I was 3. Hmm, just did the math on that. I have been wearing glasses for over 40 years. Now I feel old. So far, the children have inherited dh's excellent eye sight. He started needing reading glasses after he turned 40.


I've had to wear glasses full time since I was 3 years old. I won't wear contacts (partially because the thought of them scares me, and partially because I've worn glasses for nearly 20 years so everybody is used to seeing me in glasses)


I've been wearing glasses since I was 3, too. I only know a few other people who've gotten them so young, so this is kind of neat for me. I'm 43 (& way too close to 44), so it's been over 40 years for me as well.


I was born cross-eyed, which was corrected when I was 3. I ended up far-sighted in my left eye and near-sighted in my right eye. I had to get bifocals 6 years ago.

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I've worn glasses since I was in 3rd grade. I had contacts through late high school & college, but I had gas permeable ones and my eyes have lost their tolerance for them. I've tried soft ones but haven't been able to get a prescription that works. I feel like I'm constantly having to work to see clearly, and they make my eyes itch, so they're not worth it. Glasses it is! I am blind as a bat without them.

This is almost exactly my story, except I started wearing glasses in 1st grade.

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My husband and I both got lasik surgery. Best decision ever!


Every time I hear about Lasik surgery I can't help but remember that show "King of Queens", where he was a cheapskate and for her birthday paid for her to have Lasik surgery. Only he went to a quack offering a "buy one get one free" eye surgery which made her blind. :lol:


He then had to pay for a good doctor to fix it. :lol:

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I got glasses when I was 16yo. I was working on getting my driver's license and couldn't see anything but a light when I looked through the little viewfinder thingy for the vision test. I remember being amazed at seeing individual blades of grass and leaves on trees. I think my biggest shock was seeing that the dark patches on the moon were visible to the naked eye. I thought you could only see them with a telescope. It had always looked like a fuzzy white ball to me.


I don't wear my glasses at home at all. I'm near-sighted, but not so near-sighted that I can't see what's around me. I am sitting about 2.5 feet from my computer monitor and have no problems at all with reading what's on it. I have to wear my glasses to watch tv from across the room, but I usually sit up close with an exercise ball.


My prescription has been the same for the past 20 years. The only change is that I used to be able to power through my lenses and read things close up with them on. Now I'm constantly taking them off at the grocery store so I can read the small print. I refuse to get bifocals or progressives at this point.


My dh had better-than-perfect vision until 40yo and then he had to get glasses. He went right into progressives with an astigmatism correction and wears the glasses pretty much all the time.

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I've needed full-time correction since I was 8 years old, and I'm 44 now. I'm so near-sighted that I can barely tell there is a letter at the top of eye charts. I am noticing changes, though. My prescription actually improved a little bit this last exam, but I'm starting to not be able to see as well close up when I'm using glasses or contacts.

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I've worn eye wear since I was 18. Now DH and I sell eye wear and sunglasses online. I've learned so much about glasses selling eye wear, but most of all I handled enough glasses to know what is both fashionable and worth buying. I prefer European frames, but I'd wear Oliver Peoples in a heart beat.

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I'm 35 and need full time correction. BUT, mine is pretty unique, at least according to my doctor it is, lol:D


I only wear ONE contact lens. My vision is good in one eye but worse in the other eye. One eye is nearsighted and the other is farsighted! I've always needed vision correction.


My DD wears glasses. Her vision isn't awful but they are not able to correct it to perfect 20/20

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