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Are we the only ones not going to a 4th of July cookout?

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Nope. We partied it up last night, recovery is today and back to the grind tomorrow. ;) Watching Cake Boss marathon and eating leftovers, perhaps floating around in the pool.


We never party before a workday. It's too hard to head back in with your brain firing at full capacity.

Edited by justamouse
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Nope. We're having a pretty "regular" dinner (it's not a very frequent option, but I make it at least once a month), and we're not going to fireworks. It is expected to rain.


We just bothered looking in to a thing at the zoo that would've been super for us, but it's sold out.


I did get some poppers and some sparklers that we might let the kids use later tonight.


It's work and school here tomorrow, so it feels more like a regular weekend day.

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Nope, we aren't doing much at all!


I've not been feeling great and we aren't big on major 4th of July stuff. SO is cooking dinner, maybe on the grill, and then the three of us may watch fireworks on tv, lol

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We don't celebrate this holiday. It's just a day to remember when we declared independence, but I don't see the need for all the hoopla that normally surrounds it.


Then again, I don't see the need for all the hoopla surrounding new years eve either.


And yes, today is a regular school day for us.

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It's a big weekend for our business (campground), so now we just want everyone to pack up, get out, and go home :D. I'm home with the kids today and we just finished a regular school day. We're planning on kayaking after my husband closes the office this afternoon.


No cookouts for us, but we'll be having a beer on the patio to celebrate having a good turn-out at the campground this weekend.

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Good to know. Now I don't feel so bad serving Tacos for dinner tonight.;)


Tacos sound great! I think I will suggest to SO that he should make those for dinner, lol


If you drink, have some champagne with it!

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We are moving starting July 11th and we finished up the propane tank last weekend since it is so hard to know exactly how much there is in there. So no home BBQ and we are going to the fireworks and bringing Greek Chicken pitas I make at home for that. We will probably grill again when we move to Residence Inn next Wednesday.

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We don't celebrate this holiday. It's just a day to remember when we declared independence, but I don't see the need for all the hoopla that normally surrounds it.


Then again, I don't see the need for all the hoopla surrounding new years eve either.


And yes, today is a regular school day for us.

So... no 4th of July and no New Years Eve... You must have a "fireworks free" lifestyle.;)

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We went to a party on Saturday, but today we're just hanging out here in the AC :D


My dad went fishing this AM and then came home and mowed our lawn and our neighbors, my mom watched the closing of the Casey Anthony trial, my boyfriend is coming over for dinner (roasted chicken, asparagus, home fries & onions) and that's about it. No fireworks tonight either. Our city is having them, but after years of going to watch them downtown where it isn't the safest place to be, we got over them.

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We are moving starting July 11th and we finished up the propane tank last weekend since it is so hard to know exactly how much there is in there. So no home BBQ and we are going to the fireworks and bringing Greek Chicken pitas I make at home for that. We will probably grill again when we move to Residence Inn next Wednesday.



:drool5: Those sound delicious! Recipe, please?

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So... no 4th of July and no New Years Eve... You must have a "fireworks free" lifestyle.;)


I'm not here but we don't really get to see fireworks IRL unless on the waterfront somewhere. No fireworks are allowed here and they take it seriously!

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Well, since we moved to the UK, I've never really felt comfortable celebrating the 4th.


"Yea! We're independent from you lot! I want to celebrate!"


I wasn't sure how that would go over with the neighbors. Of course, maybe they'd be celebrating alongside me.


"Yea! We're free of those bloomin' Yanks! We want to celebrate!"



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Nope. We're not all patriotic like that. :tongue_smilie:


We read the opening of the Declaration of Independence, but parades? Fireworks? Carnivals? Nope. :lol: Normally we would do our own cookout but it's been the most insane weekend so we haven't planned anything like that.

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No celebration for us. I would like to go to see the fireworks, but it would mean being up way past bedtime and dh has to work tomorrow. Also, the kids and I are leaving to visit my parents Thursday, so I'm washing clothes and packing. Dh is cooking some ribs for dinner, which is a special treat, so that is the extent of our celebrating.

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We are home today. Hubby is taking the weekend to do his plumbing and electrical work in the bathroom we are remodeling. The contractor shows up next week to start sheetrock, tile, etc.


We did go to our daughter's on Saturday night for a cookout and fireworks. So we did celebrate, just not today.

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No cookout or family get-together for us. Dh is studying for an Oracle certification exam...time for his last level. Dd is on an EMS shift and with the amount of drinking and driving done in the city where they asked for extra help, I doubt she will have a quiet shift. :(


The boys are taking a break from working on 4-H projects and I have attacked mount laundry with a vengence. I told the kids that they'd be joining a nudist colony because I'm tired of washing clothes. The new was not well received! :lol:



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We weren't supposed to. LOL


I thought I was getting out of it this year. We usually have a big-ish bbq but didn't plan one this year. Friends who know we usually do this, called, so now we are having them over. LOL Oh, well it will be good. They are casual people and they used to live in our neighborhood so their kids are very comfortable here.



I was sitting her in my cozy clothes, now I need to get up and start cooking/cleaning.


Guess I had better get a move on :)

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Nothing for us today. Hubby had to work today. We had a cookout on Friday when my hubby and kids were here. That's all we did. Not allowed to shoot off fireworks in the city limits here so we won't be doing that either.

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Of course, we're vegans, so the whole cook-out thing isn't really our speed.


We moved a couple of months ago to a house that puts us within walking distance of the big city park where they do the fireworks. There are also booths and music and things going on most of the afternoon.


So, my kids have a friend over, and the plan is to walk over to the park later to browse the event and watch the fireworks.


I baked a cake.


We have snack foods and sparling grape juice and some sparklers.


That'll be it for us.

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Not us. The kids are working on fair projects and will probably go to the fireworks later with their dad. I'm off my allergy meds for some testing this week and I'm staying indoors as much as possible.


I'll probably do something on the grill later and I have corn on the cob and watermelon in the fridge.

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Sitting on the couch over here. DH also sitting around, napping, and generally taking it easy. Kids playing with stuff. I canned some fresh figs I picked yesterday off my dad's tree. No parties here.. don't feel bad!

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