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Would you be surprised if your teenager tried alcohol before age 21?

Would you be shocked or surprised if your underage teen tried alcohol?  

  1. 1. Would you be shocked or surprised if your underage teen tried alcohol?

    • Yes, I would be shocked and/or surprised.
    • No, I wouldn't be shocked and/or surprised.
    • Other.

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Definitely not. I tried it before I was 21 and so did every other person I know. (Like nmoira said below, I'd be more surprised if they DIDN'T!)


Now, if you asked me if I'd be surprised if they tried it before they became a teenager, then, yeah. :P

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I'm not putting a lot of parameters on the question, because I'm not asking if your underage kid would try alcohol (or not), and I'm not assuming that good kids wouldn't and troubled kids would. -Just asking if you'd be surprised if they did. :bigear:
I'd be shocked if they didn't. I come from a very relaxed family background regarding alcohol (I was always offered a half glass of wine as a teenager when there was wine), and grew up in a province in which the legal drinking age is 19. Personally, I think setting the legal drinking age at 21 is asinine -- 18 or 19 makes more sense to me.
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No, it's the "nature of the beast" to try things at that age. I was a "good" kid, and I did.


:iagree: I hope my ds doesn't overindulge, we have alcoholic issues on both sides of the family. But to think he will be 21 before he ever takes a sip would be naive on my part.

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I'd be shocked if they didn't. I come from a very relaxed family background regarding alcohol (I was always offered a half glass of wine as a teenager when there was wine), and grew up in a province in which the legal drinking age is 19. Personally, I think setting the legal drinking age at 21 is asinine -- 18 or 19 makes more sense to me.


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Personally, I think setting the legal drinking age at 21 is asinine -- 18 or 19 makes more sense to me.

:iagree: There is a good chance I will allow a sip of wine or something similar at home at an age below 21. I think more harm is done by making such a big forbidden deal about alcohol.

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Legal age is 18 here.

I know both mine already have tried it in party situations. Underage binge drinking is rife here in Australia. One is sensitive to alcohol and apparently collapsed- can pnly drink small amounts. The other got drunk _ i have no idea when, he told me months later- and now cant stand the smell- makes him nauseous.

We don't allow it, but both kids are extrovert, social animals. Our attitude seems to be minimising it.

Dh is very, very against it, as an ex alcoholic. Probably makes too big a deal.

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No, it's the "nature of the beast" to try things at that age. I was a "good" kid, and I did.

Me too. Didn't overindulge or otherwise be unsafe or irresponsible about it, but I had more than one serving of alcohol before my 21st birthday.


And most of those times were provided by family, though my family was relatively conservative about such things.


:iagree: There is a good chance I will allow a sip of wine or something similar at home at an age below 21. I think more harm is done by making such a big forbidden deal about alcohol.


Same here.

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I'd be surprised. Neither dh nor I drink alcohol. I've never even tried it (don't know about dh). I think all forms of alcohol smell nasty. :tongue_smilie: My mom's family and my friends in high school looked pretty stupid and/or were mean while drunk, so it never held any appeal to me....

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My kids...yes. Mainly because of alcoholism issues in family members. Seeing the results of it has pretty much turned them off to alcohol.



I was raised by an alcoholic mom and at 36, I still have never drank and probably never will at this point...If they do try it, that's on them, but I would be a little surprised...


ETA: I am the only adult I know who has never drank...

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I voted other.


I would be surprised if my daughter did. She has sensory issues with taste and won't drink soda because it is too 'spicy'. I can't see her getting near alcohol before or after she is of age.


I would NOT be surprised if my older son did. He likes being part of a group and would be willing to try most things to belong. He doesn't have the wonky sensory stuff that his big sister does.


My younger son... I don't know. He has the same wonky sensory stuff as my daughter, but wants to fit in even more than my older son. Good thing he is six and no one is offering him anything!

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My 3 older ones have had sips already. Some liked it and some said, "Yuck!"


I said other because I think there's a difference between "trying it" with parental supervision on rare and special occasions and abusing it. I would be shocked and dissappointed if they did the latter.

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I was raised by an alcoholic mom and at 36, I still have never drank and probably never will at this point...If they do try it, that's on them, but I would be a little surprised...


ETA: I am the only adult I know who has never drank...


I am the only adult I know who has not tried drugs and who did not try alcohol until I was 30. I drink a glass of wine maybe two or three times a year, but I joke about needing it far more often!


My boys may try alchohol before they are 21, but I know for certain that my oldest, 19, is extremely wary, based on his observations of my sister, an alcoholic and drug addict. And he has also told me horror stories about staying awake all night monitoring his friends for alchohol poisoning. College drinking has changed since we were in school. Now kids drink themselves into oblivion. Regularly. So I'm pretty confident that my son will be wise in his choices.


I've also talked to the boys extensively about alcoholism, since I am one of 6 siblings who is not an alcoholic or drug addict or both. They know about genetic predisposition, and I was very conscientious about presenting information not in a scare-tactic sort of way, but "you need this information to make wise choices" way.

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I wouldn't be surprised at all, because the drinking age here is 18. :tongue_smilie:


Most kids try at 16.


My DS is 13, and he's already sipping wine at our dinner table. I don't believe in making alcohol a forbidden fruit, and he's never seen anyone take more than one glass of wine at dinner. He can take a sip if he wants.

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In our religion we don't drink alcohol. So I hope they never do. But if they do, I would be less surprised to have it happen before 21, when most kids do their experimenting with it. By the time they're 21, they'll probably have decided one way or the other.

This is me, too.

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I wouldn't be surprised at all, because the drinking age here is 18. :tongue_smilie:


Most kids try at 16.


My DS is 13, and he's already sipping wine at our dinner table. I don't believe in making alcohol a forbidden fruit, and he's never seen anyone take more than one glass of wine at dinner. He can take a sip if he wants.



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No. They already have tasted alcohol. DH and I make beer and wine and we will teach them if they want to know how. We live in wine country and go for regular tastings. They know the routine.


I allow them to taste it at home if they want. They both have and they both hated it.

:lol::lol: Mine don't care for the taste either.

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Both of mine have had the occasional sip of wine. Neither cares for the taste. We talk about alcoholism and the effects of over indulging frequently so I am hopeful that when the serious trying occurs they will be somewhat smart about it.

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After the age of 16, is a tradition in my dh's family to share a beer while fishing. You could have knocked me over with a feather when dh told me his adamantly anti any dancing or PDA or alcohol family did that. I swiftly corrected. The family does not do it. The menfolk do it and it is a rather solemn secret to never mention it to the mamas.


Besides kids and I are catholic. My kids get their first sip at FHC.;)


Besides, a BIT of southern comfort+lemon+honey makes a great night cap for sick older kids/teens. Often more effective and I propose less hazardous than most OTC or RX options.


So. My answer is no, but for my dh and I's sake, please don't tell my MIL.:lol:

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Surprised, but not shocked. For now, my oldest thinks it is the dumbest thing ever, and cannot fathom why anyone would WANT to drink or feel drunk.


:001_huh: there is a world of difference between enjoying A drink and wanting to be drunk.


The first is no different than enjoying anything in life. Chocolate, coffee, whatever.


The second, I'm with your son. I have never understood it either. I don't think I have ever felt the desire to drink like that.

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:001_huh: there is a world of difference between enjoying A drink and wanting to be drunk.


The first is no different than enjoying anything in life. Chocolate, coffee, whatever.


The second, I'm with your son. I have never understood it either. I don't think I have ever felt the desire to drink like that.


Perhaps I didn't write that well. That's why I wrote it as drink OR be drunk. She's very aware of the difference, and still can't fathom either. (she's smelled alchoholic drinks and thinks it's vile)

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I am the only adult I know who has not tried drugs and who did not try alcohol until I was 30. I drink a glass of wine maybe two or three times a year, but I joke about needing it far more often!

I could have written this, although I did have a few sips when I was married (the wedding toast) and at a wine tasting party when I was 21.


This New Year's was the first time I actually consumed alcohol and became tipsy and I am way over 30. I didn't even drink that night but I was picking the fruit out of the sangria punch bowl and thoroughly enjoyed myself.:glare:

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I answered "other" LOL.


It depends on the teen. I have raised/ing 7 kids.


My nephews... no surprise and I know that they did try alcholol. Actually with them.. I would be been shocked if they hadn't tried alcohol before age 21... heck, even before age 18 wouldn't be a shock.


My niece... I truly don't know if she did drink any. I wouldn't be totally surprised but I don't believe she had tried alcohol before age 21.


My twins... yes I would be very surprised/shocked. But that is because of their personality. They do nothing based on peer pressure! If they did try alcohol it would be totally of their own accord and at this time... they are both adamently opposed to any drugs, alcohol, tobacco. Dd doesn't even like to take meds if she can avoid them... so illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco is taboo. She is also vegetarian and prefers to not "poison" her body. Of course ice cream and chocolate doesn't count-LOL. Ds#1 thinks anyone doing drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc are complete idiots.


Younger two kids... I can see them trying alcohol if their friends are doing it. Ds#2 is very into wanting to be liked and would do what the other kids are doing if he is given half a chance. Ds#3 would do it just because he is so agreeable and just... too hard to explain-LOL. But he is on autistic spectrum and he still at age 10 doesn't think that getting hit by a car can hurt him... he has been hit before and didn't get even a bruise so that reinforced it in his mind. So these two are very closely supervised at all times and I just don't trust them to be with friends without adult supervision.

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I say 'not surprised' because I think it is a pretty typical thing teens do.


FOR ds16, I would be very surprised if he tried alcohol at this time in his life. He is a devote Christian, and doesn't even drink caffeine 'because it is a drug'. I can't say this won't change for him, but honestly I don't foresee it any time soon. Since these rules are coming from him, and not me, and I only see his faith strengthening daily, I am pretty certain on this.


Dh and I started parting at 12yo. We drank/partied heavily in our mid teens, and pretty much stopped parting at 18yo. Now, we will have a bottle of beer or wine, but that is about it.


We spent out time with partiers, and drug dealers. We are not naive about teenage drinking/drug use. I just don't see that in ds16 though, he just isn't a partier by nature.

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No, all of mine have had a sip.


With nary an alcoholic on either side of kiddo's tree, and my belief that alcohol treated as a food rather than merely an intoxicant helps prevent abuse later in life, I will be giving kiddo sips here and there, and start with a little bit of watered down wine at 14, just like my mother did.

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I put "other" because my husband is Italian, and it is customary for children to be able to drink wine occasionally. Therefore, they have already tried alcohol. If I am having a glass of wine, and they ask for a sip, more often then not they will get it. Unless, of course, there won't be enough wine for me.


I am hoping that by having a non-absolutely-forbidding attitude, they will not feel the need to be secretive or rebellious and less like to become binge drinkers.

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I was raised by an alcoholic mom and at 36, I still have never drank and probably never will at this point...If they do try it, that's on them, but I would be a little surprised...


ETA: I am the only adult I know who has never drank...


I never have and would be surprised but not shocked if my kids try it. I had a cousin killed by a drunk driver when I was a kid. I know people like alcohol for a variety of reasons, but there is nothing I see in it to outweigh the bad. The kids have heard my opinion and will more often as they continue to grow.

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