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Poll (wait for it!): Do you cook breakfast?

Do you cook breakfast?  

  1. 1. Do you cook breakfast?

    • yes, always from scratch
    • yes, a mix of scratch and frozen/mixes
    • yes, mostly from frozen/mixes
    • yes, if by cook you mean put a poptart in the toaster
    • we usually eat cereal or something that doesn't require cooking
    • I cook in the morning, but not traditional breakfast foods
    • The kids manage their own breakfast
    • We don't really do breakfast
    • Other
    • I just like answering polls

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I cook breakfast foods for dinner. Occasionally on weekends I will mix up a batch of scones.


My children eat sandwiches for breakfast. DH rarely eats breakfast, when he does, he fixes it himself. I eat leftovers or a sandwich.


Oooh, we are going to make some scones now--right now. Thanks for the thought!

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I love cooking breakfast. My mother always cooked us a hot breakfast before sending us off to school, until we were late teens, and I know it was one of many ways she showed us that she valued us. I too see it as an act of love, something I enjoy doing for my family. I enjoy the morning time in the kitchen with dh--he makes coffee and sets the table and makes the eggs while I get the rest of the meal together. Then all of us sit down together over a hot meal to start our day. We usually eat eggs and fruit every morning, with toast or pancakes or oatmeal or tortillas. Sometimes rice and miso soup, or scones or muffins.


(Lest anyone mis-read my intention, I DO NOT mean that moms who don't cook breakfast don't love their families. I DO mean that for me making breakfast is a way for me to serve my family in love. :) )


ETA: I am getting some yummy ideas! I love the idea of building parfaits, for example! :)



Edited by myfunnybunch
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I voted always from scratch but it barely registers as cooking in my book. I put 10 c water 5 cups oats in a pot turn it on high. Come back 5 minutes later to a nicely boiled pot of oatmeal, dump in some dried fruit or frozen fruit, scoop into bowls and drizzle with honey.


Other wise we have musli, dump oats in bowl, cover with milk, dump in sliced almonds, dried or frozen fruit, grind flax and dump and drizzle with honey.


It's from scratch but either requires less than 5 minutes of hands of time. I'm not ambitious enough for real cooking in the morning.

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I don't usually cook *big* meals, but when dc were home, I cooked something for breakfast every morning for many years. Both were lactose intolerant, meaning no cold cereal they could prepare themselves. I didn't do Poptarts or anything like that. So it was hot cereals, eggs, french toast, things like that (they could eat foods that had milk as an ingredient; they just couldn't have milk all by itself, KWIM?). I'm thinking that I quit cooking for them when they were old enough to cook for themselves and they had jobs/classes at community college/whatever.

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I voted "other" because it varies -- a few times a week I make yogurt parfaits (greek yogurt, granola-- either storebought or homemade -- and fruit), oatmeal a couple of times a week, and then cooked things like eggs, french toast, or pancakes a couple of times.

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That's what I was thinking too. You are inherently changing the fruit into a smoothies. A frozen waffle or breakfast sandwich you are just heating it.


In a typical 2 week period I probably make breakfast burritos once or twice, eggs (scrambled, omelet, boiled, poached, whatever) around 8 times, pancakes 2 or 3 times, homemade waffles or ebelskeivers once (on the weekend), baked oatmeal or grits once, french toast once, smoothies once, bacon and/or sausage 5-6 times (I do the pre-cooked refrigerated sausages unless I'm making breakfast burritos or gravy), scratch-made biscuits and gravy once, frozen biscuits 3 or 4 times. The kids fend for themselves/have cereal 3-4 times.


Some of these things I make more than one thing. This morning I was only partly motivated. I cooked biscuits (from frozen), sausage patties (the refrigerated kind), scrambled an egg for everyone and gave them greek yogurt.


Yesterday I boiled eggs, sliced some cheese and made smoothies with bananas, frozen strawberries, yogurt and milk.


eta: I usually cook my dh a fried egg between two pieces of toast; he takes it with him in sandwich form.


Boy, I wish I had that many days in a two-week period! Or do I? :blink: Maybe you get more days when you don't spend so much time cooking!

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I said yes, always, because even when it's yogurt and granola, I've made both myself.


I've found that cooking breakfast for all of us doesn't take me more than 15 minutes-even when I'm making waffle batter. Yes, it takes a bit to cook them, but even that is pretty speedy.


Most mornings I also make dh and I green shakes. I keep everything int he fridge, ready in one container.


I actually can't wait until Dd16 school is out (even though it's share time), then Dh will be home for breakfast with us and then it's a sit down meal. (He's not home for dinner, so we love having a meal with him).

Edited by justamouse
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I said we make stuff that doesn't require cooking but I guess from the thread "cooking" is defined differently by different people.


The main choices are cold cereal of some sort and fruit, bagels/toast with various spread options (butter/honey, Nutella, jam, peanut butter, Laughing Cow cheese), oatmeal or yogurt with fruit and granola. We kind of rotate through those choices. Dh is usually the breakfast maker but if I'm home I'm more likely to do eggs. On the weekend we'll either do eggs/omelets or dh will often bake something (scones, popovers, banana bread, muffins). We make pancakes or french toast on a rare weekend morning.

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It depends on if you're talking about 1st breakfast or 2nd breakfast :001_huh:. My kids whip up something easy when they get up, then I usually cook something when I get up.

My girls also practice 1st and 2nd dinner... it's horrible. They'll eat, then go to a class or something, come bouncing into the house calling for 2nd dinner..



:crying: help me

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LOL I'm laughing at myself that with all of those poll options I still had to choose other. ;) I do cook breakfast often during the week, but often it's not a traditional breakfast. Then on the weekends I usually cook a big breakfast from scratch like pancakes, fried potatoes, or yuca with sausage and eggs something like that. Other times I don't cook at all and it is just cereal for breakfast.

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I had to choose "Other" because all of those choices really boiled down to yes or no...but I cook breakfast 2-3x a week and the other days everyone is on their own. I will make muffins or waffles the night before, or I'll cook some cream of wheat or eggs. But I don't do it every day. :)

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Most days, my dh cooks breakfast. It'll be some sort of egg dish or occasionally, something Asian. I sometimes will do his prep work. About once a week, I'll do the steel cut oats. I have a better feel for it, and it is less stressful for me to do.

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I had to choose other. I cook 3 or 4 days out of the week and everyone either eats leftover breakfast items (muffins, pancakes, waffles,) or they make their own oatmeal, cream of wheat, eggs, bagels, fruits, etc.


The only time I cook big breakfasts (eggs, sausage, hashbrowns, biscuits, gravy) is for dinner once or twice a month.

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Alot of mornings I'll make egg hole sandwiches for someone who request them. I'm sure there is a fancy name for this, buttered bread with a hole in it and an egg in the hole, then cooked on stovetop. I'm actually training the ones who request it the most to make their own!

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I make myself an egg and usually have some leftover greens with it - if nothing is leftover, I add a slice of rye.

I am at the moment living by myself but this is all the "cooking" I ever did for breakfast. For a long time we ate cereal for breakfast until I switched to protein.

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In general, yes. Always from scratch. But I'm still struggling with morning sickness at the end of my pregnancy so there's been a lot of cold cereal in the past months.

I do big batches of pancakes, muffins, etc and freeze, so I don't have to cook every single day, but we still have a warm, fresh, homemade breakfast.

At least, the kids do. I usually have coffee or a smoothie.

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I don't always cook breakfast. In that case every fends for themselves from left overs, cereal, toast or make their own.


When I cook I cook things like:


Cream of Wheat

Biscuits and gravy (I use Bisquick) and sausage

Eggs, bacon, potatoes

Eggs & toast

Eggs with bacon & toast



I would say when I'm doing good, I cook about 3 breakfasts a week. I aspire to be Lucy Ricardo and cook breakfast every morning, but I seem to channel all her other attributes instead! :tongue_smilie:

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Alot of mornings I'll make egg hole sandwiches for someone who request them. I'm sure there is a fancy name for this, buttered bread with a hole in it and an egg in the hole, then cooked on stovetop. I'm actually training the ones who request it the most to make their own!


My mother called this "egg in a nest" and my dear friend calls them bird nests. :)



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I usually make double or triple batches of muffins, pancakes, or waffles to keep in the freezer. Other wise, I do cook breakfast everyday. I don't use mixes or cold cereals. I make my own granola for homemade yogurt or milk.


breakfasts that we have frequently:


homemade yogurt + fruit sauce or honey and granola


steel cut oats

baked oatmeal





french toast

more eggs...

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I cook 99.9% of the time... if you only count "first breakfast". If you count both "breakfasts" then I should have voted "other" :p


DS is a hobbit. By that I mean this kid has to have first breakfast, second breakfast, a small snack, lunch, a small snack, dinner, and another snack or else he loses weight. First breakfast is usually scrambled eggs with toast, from scratch pancakes/waffles with bacon or sausage, breakfast burrito, omelet, scrambled omelet (eggs, cheese, and some sort of meat), homemade oatmeal, or smoothies. Always served with a side of fruit - usually a banana, or 1/2 cup of mandarin oranges/peaches/pears/berries.


For second breakfast he either has leftovers from first breakfast, a "breakfast cookie" (I just make an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie and sub homemade yogurt for 1/2-2/3 of the butter and cut the choc chip amount in half), or a bowl of cereal.

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I know this isn't the right place to post this, but I can't start a new thread! I keep getting an error message. Is this happening to anyone else? I'm getting paranoid now that I've lost posting privileges or something because...:confused: Probably just a glitch, I know, but I see other people starting new threads, so...:001_huh:

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Once a week we have what the kids call "fancy breakfast." On school days, they get their own cereal or my husband makes them oatmeal or toast and eggs. I make them smoothies once a week. On Sunday, it's cereal - our church serves donuts, bagels, fruit after service (that's usually lunch for the kids!).

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We do a mix - but I answered that the kids make their own breakfast. Dh and I get up early with dd. We eat eggs, dd eats oatmeal and we make that and do the dishes and work out.


The older boys get up later and make their own breakfast, but it's also made from scratch - eggs, oatmeal, toast (homemade bread) with cream cheese/hot sauce/butter.

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I know this isn't the right place to post this, but I can't start a new thread! I keep getting an error message. Is this happening to anyone else? I'm getting paranoid now that I've lost posting privileges or something because...:confused: Probably just a glitch, I know, but I see other people starting new threads, so...:001_huh:


I was able to start a new thread in the "test" forum but not on the K-8 board. If anyone can help, I would appreciate you commenting there.


This is the message I get:


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24 bytes) in /www/welltrainedmind/forums/includes/class_core.php on line 3318

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I voted for mostly homemade, but also frozen/mixes. I always make breakfast because I want those kids to get their schoolwork done before we have to run out the door to wherever we're going in the afternoon. I also do our SL reading while they eat breakfast, so I want everyone's meal ready at the same time.


My son has lots of allergies, so I do a lot of eggs, toast and bacon with the occasional bowl of cereal or pancakes/waffles.



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We eat cereal or toast or fruit or oatmeal or sometimes poptart (I don't keep these stocked, but get them every so often). The kids make their own breakfasts and lunches for that matter. I cook one meal a day. I stock the pantry with easy to make things. Every now and then I make a lunch for all three of us but for the most part, my kids are to an age where they can feed themselves fairly easily.

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For ds8: I use Bisquick to make 4 or 5 days worth of pancakes. I keep them in the fridge, and then microwave them until they're gone, and make 4 or 5 more days of pancakes.


For ds6: He eats a bowlful of cereal


For me: I eat a package of oatmeal, turkey lunchmeat and an orange.


DH makes his own breakfast--usually dry cereal that he eats in the car.

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Dh often "cooks" the kids melted cheese sandwiches or bacon on the weekend. I have made sure never ever to do it, so they know not to ask on weekdays!


During the week they do their own thing. Even the 4 yr old is often told to sort out his own cereal (he likes it without milk, so no mess to worry about).

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Well, I feed everyone breakfast every day since DH has usually left for work by then. I cook breakfast 2-3 mornings a week. The rest of the week we have things I've frozen (homemade waffles, pancakes, or muffins), boiled eggs, toast, etc. Well except for DS, he has a pb and honey sandwich virtually every morning. Before that he was on a yogurt kick.

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I'm like you, Mrs. M, only I'd say I cook breakfast maybe twice a week.

When I started homeschooling, I cooked every morning for the first two weeks. The first day I skipped cooking, my son told me he stood there for a moment, then "realized" he could get his own bkfst! Like he'd been doing for quite some time before those two weeks...Amazing how fast we get used to something...:D


I have to admit, I feel like a better mom when I offer a hot breakfast. Not saying it's true, just some sort of image I have in my head of what constitutes a caring mom--don't even know where that comes from.



Yeah, I feel like a better mom when I vacuum in high heels and.....

Oh wait, who am I kidding, I don't own a vacuum or high heels :001_huh:.

No wonder I feel like such a bad mom. :D


When I was a little girl I wanted to be Donna Reed and Princess Leia. I was very conflicted.


We do a lot of fruit, yogurt, cereal/granola/grain mixture, cereal bars etc.

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Day 1 - Oatmeal (cooked on stove)

Day 2 - No-Cook "Variety Breakfast" (1/2 banana, cereal/fig bars, PB on bread, fruit)

Day 3 - Scrambled or Hard-Boiled Eggs

Day 4 - No-Cook "Variety Breakfast" (basically the same as above)

Day 5 - Cream of Wheat (cooked on stove)


We don't have a microwave because our electrical system can't handle it. :glare: But I've learned to like the "real thing" when it comes to oatmeal or cream of wheat. We cook those on the stove, not those little microwaveable packets.


My husband handles breakfast on the weekends. He makes French toast or pancakes or the BEST omelets. :D I sit in bed and wait for my bagel with cream cheese and that amazing cup of coffee. :001_wub: He's a good man.

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Sometimes I cook. I made pancakes this morning. Dh is our main breakfast cook, and will cook a big breakfast on a Saturday or Sunday morning, but not every week.


Breakfast around here changes daily. Some days I cook, some days I make smoothies, some days it's grab your own, and some days we each (just ds and me during the week) have something different but sit down to eat together.

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