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Are you a good cook?

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I think so. I don't think all the meals I prepare highlight my abilities, but when I have time I can both cook and bake well.


And I know I'm lucky, I was a good cook and liked to cook before I had kids. My dc have since been diagnosed celiac, so being able to cook and bake from scratch is essential in my house.

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(In the voice of Westley from "Princess Bride")


"I've worked hard to become so."


People around here think I'm a good cook. Dh thinks I'm a good baker - he's really the better cook. I personally don't know if I would rate as one or not. I rarely turn out truly horrible meals, but then I tend to think in terms of $-per-calorie-consumed which doesn't really address the taste aspect of things so much. I do know one thing: I will never again be caught in a foreign country without much in the way of pre-prepared foods available (in our price range, that is), only have my Christmas cookie recipe book along, and not have a clue how to prep a meal from the basics. Period. So I've spent the last 5 to 7 years trying to get my head on straight in the kitchen. Does that count? :D


Mama Anna

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Other people tell me I am. I do like to cook. I like to play with food in different ways. It does not always turn out like I would like, but it's rare I completely ruin a dish. I sometimes teach a community cooking class when enough people ask me to do one. I've taught one on Mexican/Latin cooking, one on vegetarian cooking and three on what they dubbed "hippie cooking," but I called frugal cooking.

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Yes, but the amount of butter I use would make Paula Deen blush.


If you don't yet, you might enjoy pioneer woman's cooking blog. She loves to use butter and heavy cream too. :001_smile:


I'm told I'm a good cook. But between budgeting, nutrition and pleasing three kids and a weight-watcher hubby, I have to get very creative and constantly change recipes. I still try to splurge and make a very special meal a few times a month. I also lOVE entertaining and feeding crowds special appetizers and heavy laden buffets.


I made fresh dinner rolls and whole ground wheat cinnamon rolls on Saturday. I don't know if there was anything healthy though once I poured on the buttery sugar icing glaze. But they sure tasted good!:tongue_smilie:

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I am always learning. What is a good cook? I am a health nut (preferring a mostly raw food vegan diet nowadays but not strictly by any means) dealing with a family of comfort food eaters- one a vegetarian who cant eat any beans and doesn't like most vegetables and is gluten intolerant, a meat eater who wont eat soup or casseroles of any sort where food is mixed together- fortunately dd16 is fairly easy going and will eat most things I make but she is sugar intolerant. Pleasing everyone is just about impossible- so yes, I am pretty jolly amazing at making meals that fulfill my basic nutritional standards while edible in various ways for all members.

I like to try new things a lot and often they dont work so well- sometimes they do which is good. I bought coconut flour last week and in one day made both coconut flour pancakes, and coconut biscuits. Dd and I ate the pancakes- the other two gagged :) The chickens are enjoying the biscuits this morning.

I am sure if we were starving and food was in short supply, everyone would be a lot less fussy.

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No. I am (...shudder...) a bad cook.


I'm an excellent baker, so it's not my ability to read a recipe or use the utensils properly. But dishes I cook tend to come out nasty, regardless of the recipe. I have had few sucesses, except for cooking large chunks of quality meat that are very difficult to ruin (think turkey, prime rib). I think it's a lack of aptitude combined with a lack of desire.


Fortunatly, DH is an excellent cook.

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No. And I don't like to cook. If I find a good recipe, I ask my dds to make it.:001_smile:


I made spaghetti for my Italian aunt once. Her comment was, "I've had worse in restaurants." :lol::lol:


Even the "American meals" as she calls them, don't turn out. I under- or over-cook the vegetables, and nothing turns out on time. Half the meal is cold, the other half is raw.


I can throw a roast in the crock pot, though.


The ironic thing is that I was FHAer (Future Homemaker of America) of the year in high school. My poor home ec teacher would faint if she knew how my home ec skills have deteriorated over the years.:D

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I do okay.


My family owned restaurants, so I grew up in commercial kitchens. Some of the knack and skills rubbed off on me, but I'm by no means a natural.


My kid is a good cook, a natural cook. He can wing anything and it will taste great. Given the same ingredients I'll manage something edible and reasonable, but it won't be anything to write home to mom about IYKWIM. You can truly taste his passion and love for the ingredients :) they always add that extra something, I guess!

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I forgot to add that I would be a much better cook if I didn't hate washing dishes.

Right now I look for recipes that can be done in a minimal amount of time or prepped through out the day and don't require a lot of equipment to make.


I don't mind doing dishes :D I much prefer them to cooking!


Our house rules state that the cook is exempt from dishes duty. Sounds like it'd work well for your home, too LOL.

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It's one thing that I'm known for -- I've loved cooking since I was about 10. My oldest loves to cook (and eat!) and says he hopes that his wife is as good a cook as I am. What a sweetie! But I always tell him that even if she isn't, he can't tell her that! LOL

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yes, but I get tend to get stuck in a cuisine for awhile, the last few years it has been vegetarian South Indian food. I have a friend who grew up there that has been teaching me. I have cooked for other Indians and they are shocked that I cooked it.(In a good way)

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I don't mind doing dishes :D I much prefer them to cooking!


Our house rules state that the cook is exempt from dishes duty. Sounds like it'd work well for your home, too LOL.


I would rather scrub a toilet, clean the kitty litter box, or do my taxes over doing dishes.


I like the rule, maybe when DS is older I can implement it. If I did that now, DH would just take over cooking dinner. We both love to cook, but he doesn't care to do dishes after working all day.

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My kids just told me this weekend, "Mom you really are a good cook... even if you don't like cooking!" And they wanted to know why I don't like to cook...


Yep, I fix the best enchiladas... I can make awesome homemade spaghetti sauce... I even use said sauce for homemade lasagne...


But, I hate meal planning... I hate side dishes... I don't like trying to get everything done at the same time... Making meals is just not enjoyable. But... I do it and I do it well, anyway. I guess my family learns the lesson with me that we don't have to "like" it to do a good job...


Now, if someone is in the kitchen WITH me and works on sides and salads, etc... I enjoy the experience much more.

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I'm not too bad. I have cooked more "gourmet" at times, not so much these days, but I do generally make fairly tasty meals that are also generally pretty nutritious. My family usually seems pretty happy, anyway. (Though it cracks me up when the simplest meals get the most rave reviews from the children!)

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