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please send it our way. Possum has been diagnosed with Chronic Lung Disease and the PDA in his heart has re-opened, he is also showing the initial signs of ROP. He is having trouble getting off the breathing assistance (CPAP) at almost 35 weeks and really needs to do that to move forward.


He is now 2.3kg and growing beautifully. I was hopeful that he would be home by his due date 10 Jan but that is looking unlikely at this stage. Now i am hoping for the end of Jan. It is really tough on the other kids and DH me being away in the city!

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Thinking of you and your baby boy. I think it's probably harder on you thinking of your family at home, than it is for them at home - it's a mama's way to worry about how everyone else is coping. Try to breathe deeply and know that they will be fine, and try to let go of some of that particular worry. You have so much to handle, some of it needs to be put to one side.:grouphug::grouphug:

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I have no idea what all your initials stand for, but I want to encourage you. I shared about my friend who had her baby at just barely 24 weeks. He also had a very, very hard time coming off the CPAP. He had many issues off and on, and I can only imagine how hard it is to witness that, on top of being away from your kids. BUT, I have to share that I was holding my friend's baby, now 3 months old (born in May or June, due in September) and he is just such an absolutely joy. And what a butterball!


There are many trials with preemies. I hope and pray your little guy will be on the mend and out the NICU door soon.

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:grouphug: and continuing prayers. My boys were born 13 weeks early, so I have some idea of what you are going through.


One of them does have ROP, which means that he has to wear glasses and have his eyes examined by an ophthalmologist every year. He can see just fine. He has had glasses since he was a year old.

Edited by RoughCollie
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