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What kind of cereal do your families eat?

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I was reading the milk thread and noticed quite a few go through a lot of milk on their cereal.


I avoid buying much cereal because I feel like it's just overly processed junk food, but I do keep a box of Rice Chex on hand for when we need to have something quick. My kids are not big granola eaters, so that limits our options in the healthy cereal arena.


Do you have any truly nourishing cereal suggestions that your family likes to eat? I would love a more convenient breakfast option!

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My kids eat alot of oatmeal. They also eat Organic granola (that doesnt help you though) and they eat alot of grape nuts. We heat the grape nuts up 30 seconds and let it sit for a minute. Its soooo good that way!


Very rarely I will buy Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds for a treat.


We eat alot of home made breakfast burritos and home made egg sandwiches on english muffins for breakfast around here

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Kids have:

Nature's Path Flax Plus

Trader Joe's High Fiber O's


Dh has Oatmeal


All of the above are organic.


For "topping" on all of these, they like TJ's "just the clusters" Granola, various flavors - not organic but no corn syrup or preservatives.


I usually have Greek yogurt with blueberries and pecans. :)

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I try to look for ones with a combo of protein and fiber. Anything else is off my list. So.....Kashi with the berries, frosted mini-wheats blueberry or strawberry ( we like a little frosting on our fiber), occasionally honey nut cheap brand cheerios. And for a treat now and then we get Oh's. Love the Kashi:hurray:

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We make some granola, two of the kids eat a lot of oatmeal, and I like the occasional Cream of Wheat. For regular boxed cereals, we stock up on most varieties of Cheerios (can't bring myself to buy the new chocolate though!), Chex, Shredded Wheat, Rice Krispies, and sometimes Raisin Bran and Kix.


Right now, there are a couple of boxes of sugary Chex in the pantry b/c there was a good sale last week. REALLY junky cereals (chocolate and fake-marshmallow types) are reserved for birthday wishes. :tongue_smilie:

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We all eat cereal 6 days a week (I make pancakes or waffles on Saturday).


I only eat Kashi Go Lean Crunch. It is filling and has a good balance of protein and fiber. I weigh it so I know I'm only eating one serving, so a box will last a little more than a week. I stock up when I can find it for about $2.50 a box.


Kids and dh eat any of the following and what we have available depends on what is on sale. I do stock up on Honey Bunches of Oats when it is $2/box.


Honey Bunches of Oats


Honey Nut Cheerios



Dh will also eat Raisin Bran.

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Cookies n Crisp

Captain Crunch

Franken Berry

and Count Chocula...



oh wait, you meant which ones DO we eat, those are the ones my kids wished they ate! :) Instead this mean ole mommey gives Multi-grain cheerios and whatever buy one get one free cereal with less than 6 grams of sugar is on sale that week....




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Kashi - various flavors

TJs- flavored granola like the apple

Various brands of granola cereal from Whole Foods stores/New Seasons. The brands are all different, I just watch for low sugar

TJs version of frosted mini-wheats for a treat (sugared cereal is eaten for dessert sometimes here LOL)

Panda Puffs and the other brands of similar flavors for treats (they aren't bad for you but have nothing in them really )

TJs version of Cheerios

Quaker Oatmeal Squares

TJs or other brands version of Raisin Bran (again I watch the sugar content)

Various whole grain flake cereals-I can't think of the name of any of them right now.




Overall I watch for less that 7-9gms of sugar for 3/4 cup serving. I also want to see vitamin rich ingredients, not just vitamins as ingredients. I also prefer to see a good helping of protein to make the cereal last more than 1 hour in the stomach. Not all of these meet these requirements, but most do and like I mentioned the others aren't nec eaten for breakfast.

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Hubby mixes granola (bought in bulk from local nut packing plant) with yogurt. I sometimes dunk Wheetabix in cafe latte. Youngest has a bowl of coco puffs once a week or so.


Mostly folks here (except hubby) go for warmed up dinner leftovers or toast or a bagel. Milk here (about 4 gallons a week) is simply drunk.

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I buy Cascadian Farms and Kashi. I do buy some generic cereals if I can get them without HFCS. I stock up like crazy when cereal is on sale at Kroger. I also find organic cereals cheap at Big Lots sometimes.


Nathan scrambles two eggs every morning with a cheese stick or has oatmeal. So, there are usually four of us eating cereal. Oh, but my husband has been having a V-8 with a Kashi cereal bar for breakfast -- so I guess that's only three of us.

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Cereal, junk food:svengo:. I was raised on cornflakes, rice crispies, cherrios with sliced bananas. I usually buy Life, Multi grain, plain or honey nut cheerios, post raisen bran, oatmeal squares, weetabix with honey on top, shredded mini wheats, special K with strawberries of Special K granola. My go to breakfast is oatmeal made with soy milk, yogert, walnuts and cranberries or frozen mixed berries. DH has his stash of trix and once in a while I buy lucky charms, captain crunch, cinnamon toast crunch. Now with that said I do make breakfast a couple mornings a week for my kids. I keep bagels and cream cheese in the house.

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Not cereal eaters (except in extreme circumstances...like when I had 24/7 morning sickness and the kids had to eat something.)


We do a lot of stuff with rolled oats. Easiest of all is pouring rolled oats into a bowl, sprinkling a tad of brown sugar over the top, and then adding milk. Waaayyy cheaper than cold cereal (and healthier, too!) and my kids like it. L, in fact, requests this at least twice a day. :001_huh:


I also make granola sometimes (one batch disappears the day it's made, though) and oatmeal. Also, homemade hot cereal. (I grind whatever grains I have--wheat, rice, barley, quinoa, or a combination in the blender & then cook in boiling salted water. I think I do a 3c water/1c grains ratio for about 20 min.)


I've recently discovered Azure Standard and was able to get 25 lbs. of rolled oats for $16.20, which is so worth it for my family. It's only been a month and my bag is already half gone. :001_huh:

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Oh, I also like the homemade Müsli I grew up eating:


Pour some oats into a bowl

Add enough milk to make the oats nice and wet

Chop up & add some fruit (we always did apple, banana, and raisins)

Sprinkle cinammon on top (& sugar or honey if you want some sweetness)

Plop several spoonfuls of plain yogurt on top & mix it all up


I sometimes add other stuff, too,such as different dried fruits or coconut or wheat germ, but the basic recipe stays the same. Sometimes I make this for dinner on hot summer days.:)

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I assume you are meaning cold cereals. I try to buy when cereal is on sale and I have a coupon. We usually eat various flavors of Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats, and Frosted Mini-Wheats. My dh loves the Aldi's brand of Honey Bunches of Oats. He says it's better than the GM kind. I love the granola Cascadian Farm cereals.


Occasionally I will let the kids buy a "junk" cereal to have for a snack or dessert.

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Oldest ds: rice/corn Chex or the organic gluten-free cereals if I can get them on sale (he has Celiac)

Younger ds: whatever generic Trix-type cereal I can get on sale, he can't stand "plain" cereals and it's not worth the meltdown to fight him on it. :( In the winter he likes a bowl of oatmeal.

The toddler won't eat anything but Cheerios. She even knows the name and will shout "cheeios" when she sees the box, lol!


I rarely eat cereal myself. If I can get it at a good price, I like Special K w/strawberries or any of the cereals with nuts and fruit in them. Dh likes Grape Nuts.


For a treat once a month, if it's on sale, I let younger ds pick out one of those "bad for you" cereals like Cookie Crisp or Coco Puffs. :) I try not to have them in the house; too expensive, too much junk in them and they never last more than a day or two anyway. ;)

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We prefer walnuts, yogurt and blueberries...

Another idea for non-cereal lovers--- you can put oatmeal and milk/water in fridge the night before and it will be ready to eat by morning. You don't even need to cook it. You can add honey, nuts, berries in the morning. My husband does this every evening.

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Oh, I also like the homemade Müsli I grew up eating:


Pour some oats into a bowl

Add enough milk to make the oats nice and wet

Chop up & add some fruit (we always did apple, banana, and raisins)

Sprinkle cinammon on top (& sugar or honey if you want some sweetness)

Plop several spoonfuls of plain yogurt on top & mix it all up


I sometimes add other stuff, too,such as different dried fruits or coconut or wheat germ, but the basic recipe stays the same. Sometimes I make this for dinner on hot summer days.:)


Yes! We learned this from some Swiss friends.


For cold cereal, we do Trader Joe's stuff.


Most school mornings, we usually do quick oats. Sometimes, though, I make steel-cut oats-- they are awesome in the crockpot.


Another yummy idea is to fry rolled oats in butter and top with hot applesauce.

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My oldest will, mysteriously, only eat Honey Bunches of Oats (or Chocolate Cheerios, but we don't buy those as a rule). The others will eat just about anything, so I buy whatever's on sale and has whole grains and not too much sugar. Right now we've got Cheerios, Wheaties, and some kind of Fiber One in rotation.

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We prefer walnuts, yogurt and blueberries...

Another idea for non-cereal lovers--- you can put oatmeal and milk/water in fridge the night before and it will be ready to eat by morning. You don't even need to cook it. You can add honey, nuts, berries in the morning. My husband does this every evening.


Can I ask if rolled oats works, and the amounts of liquid and oats? I have some organic rolled oats that I could try. They were in bulk so there aren't any cooking instructions on them.

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