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Where does your dog sleep?

Where does your dog sleep?  

  1. 1. Where does your dog sleep?

    • small dog - In my bed, right beside me
    • small dog - In my bed, but by my feet
    • small dog - On the floor, by the bed
    • big dog - In my bed, right beside me
    • big dog - In my bed, but by my feet
    • big dog - On the floor, by the bed
    • In a different room
    • outside
    • small dog - in my child's bed
    • big dog - in my child's bed

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Tell me where your dog sleeps. I have a small dog that curls up to me every night. When I’m away from home, I have difficulty falling asleep without her. I mentioned this to someone who thought it was quite odd that I'd let a dog in my bed.

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We have two dogs and they sleep in different places. Our grown (35 lb) lab mix sleeps in her dog bed on the floor by our bed. Our half-grown (70 lb) lab sleeps on his dog bed in his crate in our den. I still don't trust him 100% in the house unsupervised.


We are a "no dogs in the bed" household. We don't allow them on any of the furniture. They are still members of our family, though.

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I answered about my dog who died last year, so now he sleeps in eternity. He was 100 pounds and slept by our bed because he wasn't allowed on the bed.


My previous dog, who was small, slept with me on my bed before I was married. After we got engaged, I said to her one night, "You're going to have to start sleeping on the floor because dh won't like you sleeping in the bed." A few weeks later, I was wondering why she no longer slept on my bed and I remembered saying that to her, and realized that that was the last night she slept on my bed. Yes, she understood me! It happened in other circumstances too.

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There isn't an option for me to vote. My pug sleeps in a dog crate next to my dh's dresser in our room. I know what you mean about the dog not be present causing interruption in your sleep though. My pug snores like a hibernating bear, so when he's not with me I have a hard time falling asleep. He's like my furry, four legged, white noise machine. LOL

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We have a small Bichon (8lbs.) that starts out in bed with us, but then I put her in her crate later. DH says she can sleep with us, but I'm so afraid that she will get mashed, or suffocated somehow. Could that actually happen? I know it can with a real baby- but a year old dog? I had a trainer tell me (at the park) that she is not my baby, and she doesn't want to be treated like one. I've never had a dog before, only kids, so I don't really know how else to treat her. But at $75 an hour, all I could do was smile and take his card. :)


Tell me where your dog sleeps. I have a small dog that curls up to me every night. When I’m away from home, I have difficulty falling asleep without her. I mentioned this to someone who thought it was quite odd that I'd let a dog in my bed.
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Actually there wasn't an answer that covered my whole situation. My Golden always sleeps in my room on the floor near the bed. The Pomihuahau is always crated, sometimes in my dd's room, sometimes in mine. If I happen to be napping during the day then he is leashed and sleeps on an ottoman next to me bed.


ETA: We are also a no dogs on the furniture family and certainly not on the bed. Furniture is for cats, and occassionaly people although I do not allow cats in my room at night because I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is. I certainly couldn't manage with 1-4 cats in the bed.

Edited by KidsHappen
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My Golden tends to wander all night and cannot settle,when she finally does settle, its somewhere in a main traffic flow, I once stepped on her in the middle of the night so hard I thought I had broken her foot--she limped for a day. so she sleeps in the laundry room with a baby gate for a door.



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We have a small Bichon (8lbs.) that starts out in bed with us, but then I put her in her crate later. DH says she can sleep with us, but I'm so afraid that she will get mashed, or suffocated somehow. Could that actually happen? I know it can with a real baby- but a year old dog? I had a trainer tell me (at the park) that she is not my baby, and she doesn't want to be treated like one. I've never had a dog before, only kids, so I don't really know how else to treat her. But at $75 an hour, all I could do was smile and take his card. :)


Well, to keep with another thread's theme, I sleep with 8lb babies. Why would I put an 8lb dog's "safety" above that? ;)

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I had to answer twice. My female standard poodle sleeps on the bed. I put near my feet, but she often curls up to my legs during the night. I miss her when we go out of town too so I don't think it is strange at all!!


My male standard poodle visits on the bed, but he sleeps on his bed at the foot of our bed.




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Our dogs are now confined to our kitchen/dining room/sun room area as we have just put in all new hardwood flooring and they scratch it when they are let into the other areas of the house.


So, they sleep there.


I can't sleep with a dog in my bed but my son would LOVE the dog in his bed. The dogs won't stay in his bed though, they want MY bed.

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Mine sleeps on his big, fluffy dog bed in the corner of our bedroom. His bed is bigger than he is, he's a chihuahua mix.


Dh isn't an animal person so much and isn't okay with animals in the bed. He makes tons of compromises for me and my love and need for pets, so he gets to have this one. And I cosleep and had a lot of babies in a row, so it wouldn't have been safe to have an animal in our bed with the baby. My childhood cat slept with me every night though, he would curl up in the crook of my arm with his head on my shoulder. Whenever I was stressed about something at school or couldn't sleep for whatever reason, his rumbling purr always put me right to sleep. I miss him.

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BIG Yellow Lab 100+lbs Use to sleep on my bed & hog the bed.

BIG Black Lab 100 lbs Moves in and starts sleeping Curled up at foot of my bed. :D Not so bad.. this moves BIG yellow lab to floor by my bed.

BIG Black Lab gets reallly comfy in new house and now sprawls out in my bed..NOT so comfy... trying to get him to sleep on the floor But that big droopy face just gets me every time! occasionally they both get in a jealous mood and think that they can both fit! twin bed w/ 2 100lb + dogs and 115lb me.. doesnt work so well. :glare:


LOL but the black one does occasionally go sleep with my daughter. Im set on not letting them on the furniture or beds when we move into the new house. Its just a pain to constantly wash the bedding~! Not to mention I dont get good sleep. But I do Love them!! :D

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I had to hit three options...we did not go into this planning 3 dogs...but life happens and that's what we have...


Big dog (border collie/lab mix 65 pounds) used to sleep ON TOP of the covers but between my legs so I could almost never turn over....then along came beagle...little did I know how packish they were, she starts out on top of the bed (hence kicked big dog off and now big dog sleeps directly under our bed on my side...then the beagle has to have her back to my back and her feet pushing on my husband...unbelievable really...can't believe that's our sleeping arrangement...


Along comes a maltese and she sleeps in the bed with my daughters..they each have their own twin bed but they fought over the maltese so they sleep in the guest bedroom (queen size) and the maltese sleeps at their feet...


In twenty years, we'll have no dogs and probably miss them terribly..but enjoy how clean a bed stays and we won't have to change the sheets every 3 days to keep them clean! :)


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Well, when we were dating, future dh asked me where I was planning on having my dog sleep after I got married because she slept with me and she was large! She slept with us after we got married, too, but got out before baby #1 got into the equation!


Our current dog sometimes sleeps outside and sometimes sleeps in one of the kids' rooms.


My mom's Scottie sleeps with her.


So I don't find sleeping with a dog odd, but I imagine opinions vary quite widely on that question!

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We have a small dog (Boston Terrier) who sleeps in with one boy or the other. I don't allow her in my bed, but they love snuggling with her at night.

Deciding who 'gets Penelope' used to cause a lot of bickering, so the boys actually created a schedule. Now, just before bedtime we hear something like, "It's Tuesday, she's mine!" :)

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We have a part-Shepherd and, I never thought I'd go for having a dog in the bed...but she does sleep with us, at our feet. She's so smart, too! If she's crowding my legs I just snap my fingers and she scooches over a few inches.


I have to slug dh. :D


Our new-to-us Beagle sleeps snuggled in her special blanket in my ds's bed. He's the one who wanted a small dog to cuddle.

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After THE pet thread I am almost afraid to say it but our dog either sleeps outside (in summer) or in the living room (in winter).


In the house he has a certain spot he goes to and plops down and promptly goes to sleep.


He would like to be in the house more in summer and we wouldn't mind it but he sheds something fierce. We have carpet (wish it was hardwood floors but we rent)and his hair gets stuck in the carpet. If we had hardwood we could just sweep it up but alas...

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Tell me where your dog sleeps. I have a small dog that curls up to me every night. When I’m away from home, I have difficulty falling asleep without her. I mentioned this to someone who thought it was quite odd that I'd let a dog in my bed.


OTHER. Our two dogs sleep in separate crates in the basement. They are fine with that and go in happily. They have plenty of blankets, but there is no way we could have them up where we are. They would keep us up all night and for some reason the little dog pees on the floor every time we have ever let her try to stay upstairs at night. She is fine during the day, but we don't let either dog go upstairs into the kids' room.

Edited by Old Dominion Heather
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Our 50lb shepherd mix usually sleeps in his crate (door open) in our bedroom. Sometimes he ends up on the floor at the foot of the bed.


Our 45lb cocker spaniel who passed away several years ago used to sleep in bed with us. She usually slept at the foot of the bed but one night she decided to curl up right next to me. I think she wanted to be close because she wasn't feeling well. Sometime during the night she peed all over me and the bed. After that night she started sleeping on the floor. :tongue_smilie:

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Wherever they want.


That usually means my malamute sleeps on the floor right beside my bed, on my side. She usually sits up at least once and shoves her nose in my face for a kiss.


My setter starts out in the bathroom, then sometimes goes to my ds's room.


The current foster starts out on the big cushion in the living room but usually ends up in the hallway by the morning.


They're welcome to sleep in our beds & sometimes the setter will sleep on my feet.


Our old foster who was a huge maremma slept in my dd's bed with her.

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My little Chihuahua sleeps with my oldest daughter or with me and dh. Our Boxer/Beagle mix sleeps in her crate, her preference. Our Border Collie mix sleeps on the foot of our bed for half the night, then he wakes me up to go on "patrol" as I call it. He wants out every night, in the middle of the night, so he can make sure all is well outside. ;)

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Until recently our lab slept in her own room. Sounds exotic, but it was a sunroom, she has her own chair and everything. Dh didn't want her sleeping in the bedroom. Well she has calmed down and we took a trip where she had to sleep in the same room with us and dh and her bonded. It was quite sweet. :D So now she sleeps in the bedroom. Either on an ottoman or under a bench in the room. I call it her top and bottom bunk.


If it was just me, she'd sleep on the bed.

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I have one that sleeps either at the foot of our bed or under our bed (usually depending on the weather; when she's cold she sleeps in bed with us). The other two sleep in their crates downstairs. One sleeps downstairs because he's too old to want to climb the stairs anymore and now he's in the crate because he's also, apparently, too old to make it through the night without peeing anymore. When he's in the crate, he'll bark to wake us up at 5 in the morning; if he's not he will thoughtfully pee on the floor rather than disturb us :) (he's lucky he happens to also be the greatest dog in the whole world, so we don't mind putting up with his old dog quirks). The other one can't sleep in our room because we keep him and Lucy the bed sleeper separated (Lucy does not play well with others). He was a puppy and chewed a lot when we first got him, so we put him in the crate. Now he'd probably be fine out of the crate, but he goes in there by himself every night as soon as he sees us getting ready to go up for bed. So I guess we figure if it ain't broke don't fix it. We have complicated sleeping arrangements around here.

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If we didn't crate them the Jack Russell would be chewing on things and chasing the cats all night. During the day the little dog sleeps in one of the chairs and the bigger dog sleeps on the couch or dh's recliner chair with the little dog. We decided the crates would allow the cats some time when they could have free run of the house without dealing with dogs. We never used crates until we got the JR but it's made life alot simpler.

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Of course I have to be an "Other" here. My dog, a basset/retriever mix named Roscoe, looks just like a retriever who's been cut off at the knees (just giving you all the mental picture). He is very protective of our family and travels during the night. He starts off in bed with ds, then sleeps in his chair at the living room window for awhile to make sure all is quiet. Then he sleeps in the hallway for awhile between ds's room and my and dh's room. Early in the morning he jumps up to our bed and sleeps at my feet. And then when the dh gets up Roscoe moves up and spoons me.

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The Golden Retriever (not very big, 62lbs), sleeps in the king-sized bed with us. We would prefer for him to sleep on the floor but we haven't put in the effort to make that happen.


The 12lb Chihuahua (mix?, adopted - we don't know for sure what he is) sleeps with the kids in DD's bed.

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That's one of the best things about having a dog. You're not nuts.


My Australian Shepherd sleeps anywhere she wants unless there's no room for her there. She's aware that she is the lowest creature in the pecking order, but if no one else is in bed with me, she'll curl up right by my head. If my partner is in bed with me, she'll curl up at by my feet. If my partner and my youngest son are in bed with me, she'll sleep on the floor right next to the bed. If my partner and youngest son are in bed with me and my middle son is on the floor right next to the bed, she'll sleep by the bedroom door.

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Well, my dog doesn't live with us, but when I go home to my parents she sleeps on the couch with me. And she is 90 some pounds. :lol: When I'm not here she sleeps in the bed with my parents, right next to them. When she comes to visit at our apartment, she sleeps with us in the twin sized bed that DD and I are currently sleeping in.

She doesn't think she's a dog though. lol. I'm pretty sure she thinks she is my first child.


Our other dog recently passed away. She was 120 pounds and ALSO slept with my parents in their bed, at their feet. When we were here, she'd either sleep beside the couch where I was sleeping or whereever my daughter was sleeping.

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One small one sleeps with one of the boys... and sometimes just on the couch. He loves being outside during the day and coming in once in a while as he freely wishes... but sleeps in with us.


The other dog is a medium to larger dog with TONS of hair and gets very hot. He loves it outside and chooses not to come inside and he sleeps in his little dog house, which we replace the bedding in a couple times a year...

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