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The name "Henry"

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Is this name too "old"? Yesterday the name popped into my head and I cannot get it out! Don't know where it came from but am considering it now for baby (middle name Jameson/Jamison). Is it completely nerdy? The other contender is "Seth". Thoughts?


I know this isn't a baby/pregnancy forum but the forum I'm on seems to be filled with moms who can't get past anything "aiden" based or from Twilight. No offense to moms here who have used such names but I want something different. ;)

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I like Henry! Plus I have a dear friend with a son named Henry and he is a sweet, intelligent, loving boy. So I guess I have good associations with it! It is old fashioned but that doesn't make it bad!! If your gut is telling you Henry...then Henry it should be!

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I love Henry. I know I'm going to sound like one of those Moms who like names based on movies, but when I hear it I flash to the movie Ever After, where the Prince tells Drew Barrymore to "call me Henry". That right there makes it a romantic, classic name for me. ;) Honestly though, I do like it. It's more "classic" than "old" to me.

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Henry's a great name, and while it was most popular at the beginning of the 20th century, it's a classic name and it has been rising steadily in popularity for the last ten years. I think it's pretty safe.


Personally, I think Jameson/Jamison has a much greater likelihood of seeming "trendy" (and thus, eventually, outdated), so I would avoid it unless it's a family name.


Of course, if you go with "Henry James", which I think it more likely to stand the test of time, you'll have people assume he's named for the author.


I do like the name "Henry" very much though.


And you can play around with nicknames as well. "Hal" is rather hip, and "Hank" is retro-cool, and I think one can pull that off with a more classic given name.

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I don't think it sounds old fashioned at all, but take my opinion with a grain of salt because we're planning on giving our little boy (who is welcome to join us anytime after Sunday :D ) a name which is about as far from trendy as you can get.


Actually, my initial reaction was that Henry is starting to get fairly popular. I've heard of a few babies call Henry recently. I doubt, however, that you're likely to see three of them on the playground. :)


Here's the listing for Henry on Nameberry - my favorite baby name site.



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I too like Henry.It is a classic name, which I tend to like.When I name my kids I think "Would I want my brain surgeon/CPA/lawyer named ______?" Henry meets that requirement.


I agree with a pp that a nickname of "Hank" would be less than desirable, though I would not mind Harry (Think Prince Harry and try not to swoon).


ETA: Our dc's names are Cora, Samuel, and Jillian. We love classic names. Love them!

Edited by wendilouwho
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Thanks for the replies, ladies! I don't know even one Henry of any age so reading that it may be making a comeback is surprising.


I was going to use "James" as a mn but our last name is that of 007 so I thought that would be a bit hokey. My dad's name is James so I thought Jameson/Jamison could honor him without bringing to mind a secret agent. ;)

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I have a Henry. :D


I thought the name was really unusual when I chose it 12 years ago ~ I didn't know anyone under the age of 60 named Henry, and most of our friends and family said "Oh, that's an....interesting choice" when they first heard the name. I'm shocked to hear how many other Henrys there are now!



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I picked out the name Madeleine for my oldest when I was 8 years old. At that time, NO ONE was naming there children that. Well, you know what happened.


My 14 year old is named Henry. When he was born, it was considered such a dorky name that I thought it would never be popular. Now, my brother has 2 nephews named Henry.


Based on my track record, I expect the names Louisa and Vivienne to reach the top ten in the next 15 years.

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Henry's a great name, and while it was most popular at the beginning of the 20th century, it's a classic name and it has been rising steadily in popularity for the last ten years. I think it's pretty safe.


Personally, I think Jameson/Jamison has a much greater likelihood of seeming "trendy" (and thus, eventually, outdated), so I would avoid it unless it's a family name.


Of course, if you go with "Henry James", which I think it more likely to stand the test of time, you'll have people assume he's named for the author.


I do like the name "Henry" very much though.


And you can play around with nicknames as well. "Hal" is rather hip, and "Hank" is retro-cool, and I think one can pull that off with a more classic given name.


I think Henry James is also the name of the oldest boy in the Boxcar children. Not many people might pick up on that though.

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I love it!


I'll probably get myself in trouble here, but for me, its unisex names I dislike.


Most "unisex" names start out as boys' names and then people STEAL them for girls, and they eventually turn into girl names. As if people with girls don't have enough names to pick from already! It's hard enough coming up with boy names as it is! Says me, with three boys and too many encounters with girls named August and Ariellas nicknamed Ari.


Ahem. Where was I? Henry is a great name. Henry nn Hank has been on our short list all three times. I think it's fairly trendy amongst a certain subset of the population (celebrities, urban hipster types), but I don't think it's in any danger of turning into Aidan.

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I have a 10 y.o. nephew named Henry.


Henry is a fairly popular name around here. It's not unusual to go to the playground or library and hear "Henry!" directed at a little guy in the 6-and-under crowd.


If you love it, go for it. My sister was a little worried about the name Henry, but once he was born, he was just Henry, kwim?

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I love Henry. It was my great-grandfather's name, and it's what we named the child that I miscarried - so it holds a special place in my heart.


:( I'm so sorry.


I woke up last night and for the first time had a name for this little one...and I cried. sniff sniff :) I really appreciate the responses because choosing a name is such a privilege and I am always afraid of not choosing the right one.

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