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How often do you leave the house alone?

How often do you leave  

  1. 1. How often do you leave

    • once a week
    • 2-3 times a week
    • 4-5 times a week
    • daily
    • monthly
    • I never leave the house alone
    • I want to pick other just because I can

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I'm wondering how often homeschooling moms (dads too if they are "househusbands") leave the house by themselves. This may be to run to the store, go to work, meetings, anything.


I realized a few minutes ago that I "get" to leave the house for a meeting tonight. I don't leave often without either dd or dh.

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I now get to spent Friday night through Sunday morning all by myself! Now, this is not how I wanted things to be. I do not LIKE that my children have to learn their home in order to spend time with their daddy. But... since it IS... I'll admit that I'm lovin' my "time off" :D

Previously, it was less often, 2-3 times a month, maybe.

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I get to leave the house with both my dd's every other Thursday to drop them off at Daisy Scouts and then I leave the baby boy with dh..and I get an hour and half to myself.


Otherwise on the weeks that they don't have Daisy Scouts I find time atleast to get a shower alone while dh holds up the fort..or I'll sneak off to the store in the middle of the week alone :p

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I practice yoga 3 x a week so DH either comes home or I drop them off at his work (right near by). I go out with DH weekly (that doesn't count as alone, but it's kidless!) and if I need a break I will drop the kids off at DH's work (he works for himself) with a video and go to the beach.:)

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I'm wondering how often homeschooling moms (dads too if they are "househusbands") leave the house by themselves.

I said daily because I do go for a run on my own an a near-daily basis. I often combine that with taking some boys to and from an activity, but ultimately, it incorporates time on my own. I also do other things on my own fairly often. Btw, I think how often a parent does things alone is a function of the children's ages as much or more than it is whether or not a family homeschools.


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I usually have a meeting for our homeschool co-op once a month and then perhaps I get out for a few hours on the weekend every other week or once a month. Sometimes that is to just run errands so I need to separate some time just for myself, maybe for fun. If our school schedule allows I sometimes try to pay a friend to babysit for a few hours during the week.

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I visit with a friend about every two weeks, I have a homeschool meeting once a month, and I almost always go grocery shopping alone or with my husband at night.


Sometimes, I will go out in the evening by myself -- to a craft store, and I go to the library a lot alone as well.


I chose 2-3 times a week, but sometimes it's more like 4-5. It just depends.


At home, I have designated "do not disturb" times -- one in the morning, one during the break between school and dinner, and then after the kids are in bed (off duty as far as the kids are concerned). I'm there if anyone really needs me, but generally speaking, I ask them to respect my rejuvenation time. It works well.

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twice a year for dental appointments!

:lol: This is pretty close to me. Not long ago, I had to have some major work done. It took hours to get it all finished (I had my dentist do it all at once). He gave me an ipod to use to pass the time. I dozed in the chair and had a grand time.


I rarely go out alone. I feel incredibly guilty doing it. Why? I don't know.


But, I am going out this Friday with girl friends. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. And I am determined not to feel guilty!:D

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I said once a week, but it's probably more like once every two weeks. My dh has been home for about 10 mos., and we usually go together. Also, since he's home we walk together. So I don't get out alone as much as I used to.


Not complaining. I love having him here to go with me. Plus he drives so I don't have to fight the traffic and use bad language. :blush:

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I often go shopping by myself, but it's not daily, definitely not weekly as sometimes I go 2 weeks or more without doing so, but it's not as in-often as monthly. So, I'm a contrary 'other'. Don't blame the others for your inability to imagine all possible scenarios when creating a poll ;)


ETA: just to clarify, that last statement was 'said' in a sing-song voice in a teasing manner but was not meant in a rude/malicious manner.

Edited by secular_mom
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As dh comes in the front door I'm usually heading out the back. It's usually just to get a coke or something equally silly, but I need that 10-15 minutes of just me to be a pleasant, charming wife for the evening after a full day of kiddos. DH knows I need this breather and accomodates it happily.

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Usually, 4 nights/week, to go to work. I've been trying to get Tuesday nights (College of Brymstonne meetings, the SCA group I play with) by myself, but DD isn't convinced yet of the merits of that idea (even though she often spends half the meeting complaining she's bored). She'd be home alone for about an hour, until DW#2 gets home from work, which would be fine with me if DD's okay with it. Usually, she's not. I might start vying for Sunday afternoon (archery practice) sans DD, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Only when I absolutely put my foot down and refuse to take ds4 with me. The only time he doesn't want to go somewhere is when it is impossibleto leave him home. Dh (who doesn't have to dealwith him all week) will say why can't you take him? Unless my answer is if I take him he will be left there, I usually get talked into takinghim.

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Any time I want? I don't usually want to go out by myself. I like to take one of the kids with me. But I could easily go out 2-3 times a week by myself if I had the desire to do so.


I only have two children though and they are older.

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At home, I have designated "do not disturb" times -- one in the morning, one during the break between school and dinner, and then after the kids are in bed (off duty as far as the kids are concerned). I'm there if anyone really needs me, but generally speaking, I ask them to respect my rejuvenation time. It works well.



I have done this, too, at the same times as you! :001_smile:

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I picked "other.":D


When my dc were little, I left the house, oh, once a week to go grocery shopping in the evening when dh was home (we only had one car).


When dc were older, I went out once a week to a dance class, or to Moms' Night Out with my support group.


Now that I'm an empty nester I go out all by my onesie all the time.:D

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I leave the house alone 4-5 times/week because I've gone back to school, and I have 1 class each day on M-T-W-Th. If not for those classes, gosh, I think maybe 1/mo. I think that's about what it used to be. But I have really noticed that I have a bit more freedom now that my kiddos are getting a bit older.

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I go to the gym 4-5x a week. I leave my two teens in charge and hope that they all don't bring the house down in the 1 1/2-2 hours that I'm gone! LOL But they all know that I'm a better mom when I GO. I really need it; it keeps my depression at bay and I'm losing weight AND my temper flares less. :tongue_smilie:

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I have regular activities like a once a month book group and a once a month local WTM group along with places to go on the weekends that sometimes are easier alone. DH works late most nights, however, so I have to schedule time away with him in advance or find a sitter. Since our move I haven't found a great list of sitters so I've had to be persistent in scheduling activities with dh's calendar. It helps if the activity is a regular one, like book group, that way it's a habit for both of us to remember.

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A couple of weeks ago I went out to get my hair cut and that was the first time I'd been out of the house alone since the week before Christmas. And that December outing was the first time since the last hair appointment, which was back in September. I really, really, really need to make more of an effort for alone time out of the house each and every week.

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Chucki, I want to pick other just because I can. Love the category name LOL.


I usually leave the house once a week to go to the grocery store and library by myself. I will sometimes stop at a clothing store, bookstore, Starbucks, Bed Bath and Beyond... That's only every couple of months though.

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I rarely leave the house alone more than 4x/week. I got to the gym 4x/week and I'm always alone for that. I have at least one of the kids with me for nearly everything else. Sometimes I'm dropping a kid off somewhere and then doing my own thing, but I wouldn't go do whatever I was doing at that time if I wasn't already leaving the house with one of the kids. I combine trips.


For awhile I was going to the grocery store by myself, but my 11yo usually goes with me now. I prefer to have her with me at the grocery store. She keeps me moving and makes the shopping trip much shorter. I can have her get items on a crowded aisle while I shop the next aisle with the cart.


My 11yo and 16yo used to take turns going with me. They both liked to go, but I couldn't take the two of them together. Then they both stopped going with me for several months. I'm glad the 11yo decided to start coming with me again.

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I voted 'other'. I rarely leave the house on my own, but I often leave with one or other boy, then drop them off at an activity and have an hour to myself. Last night, during Hobbes' Karate I ran some errands on foot (library, ATM, dropping off a letter) then did the recycling by car. It doesn't sound too thrilling, but at least I was alone.



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I picked other because dh takes the kids out every morning to do the shopping, since he is unemployed at the moment. In theory I could leave the house every day by myself if I wanted to, but in practice I stay home and do housework or job search for him, or maybe even mooch here most of the time.



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I am one of the few "daily" answers.


However, I have a work outside the home job. I also am a student, although I usually have at least one child with me at my school unless they are at their Dad's.


I would say that the bigger question in my case would be:


How often are you in the house alone?


:iagree: This is more of what I need. Regular blocks of time alone in my own home. For me, it's very rare and very needed.

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The only time I leave the house alone would be the 3 days a week I go to work. We have a nanny come to the house, so I'm not even dropping the kids off anywhere. Unfortunately, that is the ONLY time I leave home alone! (I treasure my drives to the office - a total of one hour 3 days a week of singing what I want at the top of my lungs.)

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Two years ago this answer would have been just a couple times a month. Now that they're older I can get out more by myself. Even just running up to the post office for stamps used to be such a chore since everyone needed to be buckled and strapped. Now it's a little easier since I can leave them at the house for a few minutes alone to dash to the store real quickly.

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very very rarely. Of course I do not have a spouse to take over for me if I do, and the kids can not be left alone, so they are with me all the time. THe exception is when I need a 5-10 minute breather, I have my neighbor watch them and take a quick drive (and pick up my neighbors cigarettes while I am out) to clear my head then back at it. So those times I can leave alone. Of if I make it to my homeschool support group once a months without kids (but then we have days like the one coming up for the used curric sale that they come with me, followed by the science fair next month, so even those are not kidless excursions)


I rarely am without the littlest one as my family won't babysit her because she still nurses(though she can go all day without it, they don't want her to make the slightest fuss while she is there), and/or I have my oldest as very few people can handle watching him. MOre often then not I have a minimum of those 2, with the middles added in.

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I chose monthly because "I Never Leave the House Alone" was just too depressing.


The last time I went somewhere alone it was a prenatal appointment and Dh took off work. The boys (5 and 3) cried because I was leaving them behind. They thought they would miss me soooo much they would rather sit in a doctor's office than play with Daddy.


I even took my kids when I went Christmas shopping. I had no one to leave them with so I blindfolded them while we were in the stores. My mom was horrified when I told her - but she didn't offer to drive the seven hours to my house to babysit.

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very very rarely. Of course I do not have a spouse to take over for me if I do, and the kids can not be left alone, so they are with me all the time.

Are you "allowed" to send them to their rooms without an adult? Or is that looked at the same way you shoveling snow is?

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