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House to yourself? What do you enjoy doing?

Laura Corin

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I have the house to myself (apart from the dog) for 31 hours between putting my son onto a train this morning and picking up Husband from a train tomorrow evening.  I don't have full freedom, as I work full time, but I work at home, can take a lunch break and can stop at 5pm.  How would you enjoy the time?

I have decided not to visit my mother this evening - I'll do a longer visit on Saturday instead.  I'll take a walk in the sunshine at lunchtime, but I do that anyway.  I've also defrosted prawns to make my favourite lunch; I'm thinking about what I really want for supper.  I'm not eating out at present and there isn't worthwhile takeaway/delivery here.  As usual, I'll do yoga after work.  I'll skip housework apart from essentials. 

What would you do?

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I would be getting takeout/delivery and would not be cooking with that precious time 😁.  

I would take an uninterrupted nap, organize my cross-stitch stash (where I could spread everything out in my bedroom to see what I actually need to organize), watch a movie, take a hot bath, and have a nice glass of wine.  I would not spend it on my phone or computer.  

I am jealous 😂😂! Enjoy your time!

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When I have the house to myself I make whatever I want for dinner, usually an old favorite that dh doesn't cook (he does all the cooking), as well as have snacks that I don't normally eat.   I will watch movies that he doesn't want to see or listen to music, and usually I read quite a bit.  

I do tend to do some bigger cleaning projects that are easier to do with nobody else here.  We have a very small house so it's impossible for me to do big organizational projects with people around.

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It’s been two years since I’ve had more than hour or two to myself; I can barely remember how relaxing it is.

Weirdly, I am much more productive when I’m alone, so I would crank up my music (usually I have to listen on earphones) and organize and deep clean the house. Cleaning uninterrupted can be very relaxing for me, though.

Enjoy your time— it sounds amazing! 

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19 minutes ago, MEmama said:

It’s been two years since I’ve had more than hour or two to myself; I can barely remember how relaxing it is.

Weirdly, I am much more productive when I’m alone, so I would crank up my music (usually I have to listen on earphones) and organize and deep clean the house. Cleaning uninterrupted can be very relaxing for me, though.

Enjoy your time— it sounds amazing! 

Same for me.  I love to clean alone.

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Loud, disruptive cleaning whenever I want. 

Play podcasts loudly instead of through earphones.

Practice piano, especially new pieces that I can spend oodles of time playing badly (piano is in the same room as our home office).

Long meditation right in the middle of the house; maybe try a new technique.

Hang/re-hang pictures on the walls


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I would eat leftovers so I don’t have to cook, and then watch movies or shows that no one else wants to. I might do yoga in the living room where there’s lots of space, instead of in my bedroom. I would definitely not clean more than the bare minimum. I would read.

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When I find myself in that fortunate situation, I have meals I like (Shrimp!!!), write uninterrupted, and have what I call Spa Time--long soak, face mask, etc.  Stuff I find hard to squeeze in when dealing with our ordinary busy life.  If I get a couple of days in a row to myself (HAHAHAHA), I invite a friend over but with just one day, I enjoy the blissful solitude.

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Sometimes when that happens (never so long, rarely truly alone, but close) I rebel against my nature and I don't plan out the time! Gasp! I just do what I want *in the moment*! 😄 But in the end my list looks a lot like the things already mentioned. It tends to be my most creative time, because I can really sink in to a project without interruption. Enjoy!

Edited by SusanC
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42 minutes ago, SusanC said:

Sometimes when that happens (never do long, rarely truly alive, but close) I rebel against my nature and I don't plan out the time! Gasp! I just do what I want *in the moment*! 😄

This is the most intriguing idea.  I'm a planner too.  I'll try standing and breathing after work and yoga, just to see what seems good. 

So far: nice lunch, good walk and outdoor chat with neighbours, planted some basil seeds, started on a long-delayed work project which could be satisfying. 

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For me it depends. If I’ve been super busy I might need to do nothing but eat food only I like and relax. If I’m not in need of downtime I’d put on a podcast or music and clean and organize. My clothes need to be gone through  so that’s what I’d probably do. 

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8 hours ago, mlktwins said:

I would be getting takeout/delivery and would not be cooking with that precious time 😁.  

organize my cross-stitch stash (where I could spread everything out in my bedroom to see what I actually need to organize), 

 I would do a project or be a vegetable. I would definitely podcast, listen to music, and/or an audiobook. Project can means lots of things from tackling something I've looked forward to to prepping things I want to do so that I can enjoy doing them in bits and pieces until my next uninterrupted time. 

I like to leave a thread un-pulled, so to speak, for the next time...it helps me to have an obvious and simple task in front of me that's easy to do so that I can get in the groove without a big initiation hump. Using uninterrupted time to set that up gives me a lot of satisfaction, and I tend to use my time better in the long run. 

Organizing like mlktwins says here is something I tend to need to do in order to get motivation and creativity going. I need to make a "mess"  and spread things out to connect with my options and settle into a plan of action.

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I had an eccentric evening,  but it worked well for me - 

Stretchy yoga

Cup of decaff tea while watching the first third of Charade. 

Made supper - prawns, roast cauliflower and edamame beans with yoghurt-mint-lime-tahini dressing - and ate it while watching the second third of Charade

Tidied up supper and put on a wash, then watched the last third of Charade with another cup of decaff tea.

Warm bath with Lord Peter short stories. 

Now bed betimes. 

Like I say - eccentric,  but the rhythm really worked. And not something that would have made sense with anyone else in the house.

Edited by Laura Corin
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This happens for me roughly a weekend every other year ish. I always plan a couple of big hikes with my dog, get junky take out food on the way home, luxuriate in a shower and then watch a movie only I will like. I look forward to this and LOVE it.

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If I had the house to myself for an extended period of time I'd use half of it to work on my ebay business and the other half watching whatever I wanted while cuddling my dogs. I'd eat whatever didn't require me to cook and I wouldn't clean the house at all unless it was my office

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13 hours ago, Eos said:

maybe a movie that my family won't watch. 

Quoting myself because...

1 hour ago, MissLemon said:

I would watch Inspector Poirot movies all.night.long.

sister, these are what I was thinking of when I posted earlier. 

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Well, nowadays I have a puppy here, so my answers are affected by that.  Specifically the "sleep until 2pm" part.  😛

I think the main way I'd take advantage would be to play music.  For hours.

I'd say yoga in the common areas, but not with the dog hair ....

And I'd probably clean and clean and clean, especially in my kids' rooms.

(But realistically, I'd probably be trying to move a mountain of client work and waste the opportunity to enjoy my time alone.)

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17 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Paint the bathroom ceiling. I have been waiting for the last 2 years for dh and the twins to go camping so I can paint it. It is pretty bad the old paint is peeling off, but we cannot have the room not functioning with everyone here.

Right? Every dang wall and ceiling in my house needs painting and I just don’t have the strength to do it with 4 kids 10 and under. Just can’t.

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I'm struck by how similar sounding many of our responses are.  We seem to be a group that likes cleaning but also not cleaning, yoga, movies, takeout food, music, hiking, and books - with time alone to enjoy them!

My empty house of tonight has vanished, too cold for dh and dd to go camping.  😞 

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8 minutes ago, Eos said:

I'm struck by how similar sounding many of our responses are.  We seem to be a group that likes cleaning but also not cleaning, yoga, movies, takeout food, music, hiking, and books - with time alone to enjoy them!

My empty house of tonight has vanished, too cold for dh and dd to go camping.  😞 

My deepest condolences. I know the feeling well, the promise of even a precious hour alone unceremoniously taken away. 😞



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I know you are no longer alone. But for me, I just love the quiet. If I decide to something downstairs like a project, I will put Netflix onto a show I have seen  before and just listen to it. I rarely watch/listen to TV downstairs and pretty much only when I am alone. I guess that is something I do much more when I am alone....be downstairs. I usually hang out upstairs in my room to avoid drama with dd15, so it sometimes feels odd to be downstairs in the main areas of the house.

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