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Church, covid, masks ☹️ update


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My church which has previously been really good about covid protocols is going with our state change which is no masks for vaccinated individuals.   My husband is but I am not due to still having long covid and trying to sort that out.    I am a little hesitant still about my teens and I have 3 under 12 anyways. 

I feel awful about this.  Everyone at church does not need to know that I haven't gotten it yet.    What a horrible horrible idea this is.  I may stay home for a time but that is a very serious decision to make for what amounts to pride I suppose.  

Edited by busymama7
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We were just having a similar conversation.  So, if we follow our new state mandates, my dh and I and our 17yods don't have to wear masks, my 20yods(hasn't had the time to get the vaccine - works nights, 60 plus hours a week at a new job)  and 11yodd do, and my 13yo and 15yo (first shot this week) do.  What a mess!   


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1 minute ago, scholastica said:

I’m sorry you’re in this position. 
There have been reports about the vaccines easing long Covid for some people. Talk to your doctor about it.

I know and I have. But some get worse.  I have his support for waiting a bit longer.   I most likely will by fall and have very little exposure between now and then.  I guess church would be the biggest risk for me.  

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I'm vaccinated.  I'll be wearing a mask in any circumstance in which I ask my youngest to, at least for a while.  Modeling, show of solidarity, whatever.  If I saw you wearing a mask with 3 kids under 12, I'd probably think that was the reason.

I hope you find a solution to the long covid.

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can i ask why it bothers you that people know you don't have the vaccine yet?  No judgement here, I can't get fully vaccinated at this point, but I hadn't even gotten to the point where I was thinking about what people in public would think when i'm wearing a mask and they aren't

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3 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

can i ask why it bothers you that people know you don't have the vaccine yet?  No judgement here, I can't get fully vaccinated at this point, but I hadn't even gotten to the point where I was thinking about what people in public would think when i'm wearing a mask and they aren't

It feels like a scarlet A.     Or a mask of shame.  It just feels so yucky and honestly I don't think I would care in public but at church it just feels so wrong and divisive.  

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25 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

It feels like a scarlet A.     Or a mask of shame.  It just feels so yucky and honestly I don't think I would care in public but at church it just feels so wrong and divisive.  

Oh, that’s awful to feel that way.  You are doing what your doc asked you to do!  You could be masking with your kids for support and solidarity for all anyone knows.  I don’t know about your church specifically, but I bet everyone will be supportive and caring and understanding.  And some people might even be grateful.  I know I will be masking when I ask my kid to mask, and will be smiling underneath it when we see other people wearing theirs, as it will make DD feel better. And even if I think they haven’t had a vaccine, I’ll just figure they can’t for some reason, and be grateful that they care enough about others to be honest and mask!

Don’t give this another thought.  Seriously.  

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1 hour ago, busymama7 said:

My church which has previously been really good about covid protocols is going with our state change which is no masks for vaccinated individuals.   My husband is but I am not due to still having long covid and trying to sort that out.    I am a little hesitant still about my teens and I have 3 under 12 anyways. 

I feel awful about this.  Everyone at church does not need to know that I haven't gotten it yet.    What a horrible horrible idea this is.  I may stay home for a time but that is a very serious decision to make for what amounts to pride I suppose.  

I feel like it's a political ploy to "encourage" people to get vaccinated. My state doesn't seem to be in a rush to lift the mandate.

I have  a compromised immune system - last time I had a vaccination (three years ago), it was unpleasant for a good two+  weeks - and that was an established and long studied vaccine.  

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1 hour ago, busymama7 said:

It feels like a scarlet A.     Or a mask of shame.  It just feels so yucky and honestly I don't think I would care in public but at church it just feels so wrong and divisive.  

I can understand. Unfortunately, I think lots of people who haven’t been vaccinated and don’t plan to be are going to stop wearing masks. Those are the ones who really should feel ashamed. But if the last year has taught us anything, they won’t. Just remember that you are doing the right thing for your health and following your doctor’s guidelines. I also think some vaccinated  people, especially those most at risk, may continue to mask. So while people may think they can tell by mask wearing who has and hasn’t been vaccinated, I’m not sure it will be nearly that clear cut.

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1 hour ago, gardenmom5 said:

I feel like it's a political ploy to "encourage" people to get vaccinated. My state doesn't seem to be in a rush to lift the mandate.

I have  a compromised immune system - last time I had a vaccination (three years ago), it was unpleasant for a good two+  weeks - and that was an established and long studied vaccine.  

I don’t really see how this is so, since I fully expect most people who are opposed to the vaccine (not for health reasons like immune compromised or recovering from long covid) are going to stop mask wearing as soon as it is allowed. You honestly think covid deniers and vaccine conspiracy theorists are going to follow the new regulations and not just stop mask wearing? And why shouldn’t we be “encouraging” people to get vaccinated? That’s exactly what public health officials need to be doing to protect those who can’t vaccinate and politicians need to do to save businesses and jobs. The majority of people refusing have no health conditions putting them at increased risk for complications from the vaccine.

Edited by Frances
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1 hour ago, busymama7 said:

It feels like a scarlet A.     Or a mask of shame.  It just feels so yucky and honestly I don't think I would care in public but at church it just feels so wrong and divisive.  

I would be a lot more concerned about unvaccinated people showing up at church unmasked, than I would about seeing you and your family still wearing your masks. 

And I absolutely believe that many, many people are going to lie about their vaccination status so they won’t have to wear a mask.

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2 hours ago, busymama7 said:

My church which has previously been really good about covid protocols is going with our state change which is no masks for vaccinated individuals.   My husband is but I am not due to still having long covid and trying to sort that out.    I am a little hesitant still about my teens and I have 3 under 12 anyways. 

I feel awful about this.  Everyone at church does not need to know that I haven't gotten it yet.    What a horrible horrible idea this is.  I may stay home for a time but that is a very serious decision to make for what amounts to pride I suppose.  

I’m so sorry! I hadn’t been thinking about this particular set of circumstances. The thing is, I don’t think anyone is going to be thinking badly of those who are masking. My concern is those who are unvaccinated AND not masking. I expect a lot of people to still be masking for all kinds of reasons, and I don’t think most people will think anything negative of them. 

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41 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

I would be a lot more concerned about unvaccinated people showing up at church unmasked, than I would about seeing you and your family still wearing your masks. 

And I absolutely believe that many, many people are going to lie about their vaccination status so they won’t have to wear a mask.

I am definitely worried about that too for sure.   I don't believe this is over but so many talk about "during covid" as if it's over.   We had just barely gone back to Sunday school classes for my kids and they are so thrilled to be there. I've been ok with their precautions and I guess maybe this won't change much since the kids can't be vaccinated.

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I agree the way DeWine is handling this is awkward. Around here major businesses like Kroger have taken down their signs and removed enforcers. So are people now, as of tomorrow, free to walk into Kroger unmasked? I was in there today (not having heard about DeWine's new dictum) and everyone was still wearing masks. It seems COMPLETELY untenable and unreasonable to expect some kind of enforcement, and frankly I don't think most people give a rip. 

So I kind of assume that over the next few days what we'll see is it all just ENDS. No masking anywhere. Not June 2, but over the next couple days. No one is going to sit there and somehow enforce mask/no mask by vaccination status.

I'm very sorry you have long covid btw. Presumably this means you have antibodies, yes? So it's completely unnecessary for you to wear a mask if it's not being required of a vaccinated person. But of course they can't get into the weeds like that. This is all just theatre. DeWine is being pressured to end it, so it's ending. People who were riding on the mass masking now have to get vax. In that sense, it may push vax numbers up a bit.


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3 hours ago, busymama7 said:

It feels like a scarlet A.     Or a mask of shame.  It just feels so yucky and honestly I don't think I would care in public but at church it just feels so wrong and divisive.  

Then don't do it. He's not saying this out of any actual data or logic or necessity and it's pretty obvious that this is all very fast back pedaling and him digging out as fast as he can. You're immune (or could test to see) and are not making anyone sick. 

I think if we just give it a couple days, the whole thing will sort itself out. 

Edited by PeterPan
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2 hours ago, Frances said:

I don’t really see how this is so, since I fully expect most people who are opposed to the vaccine (not for health reasons like immune compromised or recovering from long covid) are going to stop mask wearing as soon as it is allowed. You honestly think covid deniers and vaccine conspiracy theorists are going to follow the new regulations and not just stop mask wearing? And why shouldn’t we be “encouraging” people to get vaccinated? That’s exactly what public health officials need to be doing to protect those who can’t vaccinate and politicians need to do to save businesses and jobs. The majority of people refusing have no health conditions putting them at increased risk for complications from the vaccine.

There's a difference between "encouraging" and "shaming".  I think offering to pay people to be vaccinated is ridiculous - but that is one method of "encouragement".  Saying people who've been vaccinated can stop wearing their masks, but those who haven't have to wear them - is shaming.  It makes those who haven't stick out.

I am immune compromised - after learning more how those who have my chronic illness are affected, I'm willing to get pfizer - and ONLY pfizer.  But if I didn't feel comfortable with the vaccine - yes, I would feel as though I was being shamed for having a medical condition that makes me a poor candidate for the vaccine, so I'm expected to continue to wear a mask and stick out like a sore thumb.

I have one who was very opposed to it (and mask wearing, hello - spanish flu anyone? those who wore masks did better?)  but did finally get it because of pressure from other sources.

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I have masked for years due to being immunocompromised.  Lots of us who are immunocompromised have had to do that.  I have had the occasional person ask if I have cancer.  But most people don't say anything.  My friends are all gracious people.  No one else matters anyway.

All you have to do if people even ask (and many won't) is to say that you feel more comfortable in a mask right now.  You don't even have to say that you can't vaccinate for medical reasons. 

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1 hour ago, gardenmom5 said:

There's a difference between "encouraging" and "shaming".  I think offering to pay people to be vaccinated is ridiculous - but that is one method of "encouragement".  Saying people who've been vaccinated can stop wearing their masks, but those who haven't have to wear them - is shaming.  It makes those who haven't stick out.

I am immune compromised - after learning more how those who have my chronic illness are affected, I'm willing to get pfizer - and ONLY pfizer.  But if I didn't feel comfortable with the vaccine - yes, I would feel as though I was being shamed for having a medical condition that makes me a poor candidate for the vaccine, so I'm expected to continue to wear a mask and stick out like a sore thumb.

I have one who was very opposed to it (and mask wearing, hello - spanish flu anyone? those who wore masks did better?)  but did finally get it because of pressure from other sources.

I hope people who can’t get vaccinated for health reasons won’t feel that way, but I don’t know if they will really stick out. I’m guessing the majority of people not vaccinating will also stop wearing masks and that some vaccinated people will continue to wear masks. Plus, the reality is that unvaccinated people are more of a risk to others. Like so much about this pandemic, it’s usually the conscientious people trying to do the right thing who end up feeling bad (e.g. people who can’t get vaccinated due to health conditions) and those who primarily think of themselves who feel no remorse for their actions. It reminds me of stories so many profs tell me about when they discover cheating in their classes and give a talk to the students. Invariably, one or two tearful students will come see them afterwards and admit to possibly cheating when they did no such thing. But the truly guilty rarely admit it or confess.

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@busymama7-- I'm not a church goer, but FWIW I for one won't be negatively judging anyone who continues to mask, nor will I automatically assume anyone who is masking is doing so because they aren't fully vaccinated. In your case I might assume you were masking in solidarity with your younger kids and as encouragement for them. Or I might assume you have an underlying health issue that, even with full vaccination, makes it wise to continue to mask. Or perhaps you're fully vaccinated but still cautious, and feel better masking. There are many other choices for/assumptions about people still masking besides the Scarlet Letter choice of "unvaccinated."

I could certainly be wrong, but I think most areas of the country that have had high masking compliance will continue to see at least some percentage of even vaccinated people continue to mask, especially in crowded indoor settings.

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10 hours ago, busymama7 said:

It feels like a scarlet A.     Or a mask of shame.  It just feels so yucky and honestly I don't think I would care in public but at church it just feels so wrong and divisive.  

I'm vaccinated and planning to wear a mask at any indoor place - grocery store, etc - and even outdoors with crowds - like at farmer's markets -  for a long, long time. I don't have any plans to stop. However, I'm concerned that people will think I'm an anti-vaxxer. Hopefully they'll just figure I'm extra cautious. 

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7 hours ago, PeterPan said:

I agree the way DeWine is handling this is awkward. Around here major businesses like Kroger have taken down their signs and removed enforcers. So are people now, as of tomorrow, free to walk into Kroger unmasked? I was in there today (not having heard about DeWine's new dictum) and everyone was still wearing masks. It seems COMPLETELY untenable and unreasonable to expect some kind of enforcement, and frankly I don't think most people give a rip. 

So I kind of assume that over the next few days what we'll see is it all just ENDS. No masking anywhere. Not June 2, but over the next couple days. No one is going to sit there and somehow enforce mask/no mask by vaccination status.

I'm very sorry you have long covid btw. Presumably this means you have antibodies, yes? So it's completely unnecessary for you to wear a mask if it's not being required of a vaccinated person. But of course they can't get into the weeds like that. This is all just theatre. DeWine is being pressured to end it, so it's ending. People who were riding on the mass masking now have to get vax. In that sense, it may push vax numbers up a bit.


Virginia is doing the same thing.  The mandate was dropped effective at midnight last night, except on public transportation, medical facilities and schools.  WalMart and Costco announced they won't require masks as of today, Kroger and a few other say they are.  It was all quite sudden.  Last week the complaints was that the CDC was still saying we should mask outdoors and now just poof, nothing. 

Edited by HeartString
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58 minutes ago, Kanin said:

I'm vaccinated and planning to wear a mask at any indoor place - grocery store, etc - and even outdoors with crowds - like at farmer's markets -  for a long, long time. I don't have any plans to stop. However, I'm concerned that people will think I'm an anti-vaxxer. Hopefully they'll just figure I'm extra cautious. 

I know lots of anti-vaxxers. I can't imagine anyone mistaking a mask wearer for an anti-vaxxer. If I saw someone with a mask I would only assume they were cautious and be extra conscientious to give distance to make them feel comfortable and that would be that. I wouldn't dig into why they were still masking. It's hard to relate because we have not had much mask wearing here so the scenario of an anti-vaxxer masking would mean they would start masking now when they haven't been all along and that is just unimaginable. 

Such different worlds we live in. We have had no mask mandate and chain stores that officially required masks never really did. The only place masks were enforced was our church. 

To me this new "unmask if you are vaccinated" is just a way for everyone to be done with it. Of course no one knows who is vaccinated so it seems like a way to make it over as far as masks go without officially declaring it over. 

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11 hours ago, scholastica said:

I’m sorry you’re in this position. 
There have been reports about the vaccines easing long Covid for some people. Talk to your doctor about it.

All my long Covid symptoms cleared up around 14 days post the second Moderna shot, except my sense of smell.  That’s better but more 100%.

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2 hours ago, Kanin said:

I'm vaccinated and planning to wear a mask at any indoor place - grocery store, etc - and even outdoors with crowds - like at farmer's markets -  for a long, long time. I don't have any plans to stop. However, I'm concerned that people will think I'm an anti-vaxxer. Hopefully they'll just figure I'm extra cautious. 

I'm in the same boat.

I am bitterly disappointed by this change.  In just under two weeks our household will be fully vaxxed.  I was so looking forward to perhaps going places in a single mask vs double masking.  No vaccine is 100% and I don't want even a mild case given my risk factors.

There is no way I trust antivaxxers to mask when it will be so easy to get away with it.

My family has endured trauma due to injury and deaths.  We have to be extremely cautious.

This change is driving us back into lockdown.  I am truly angry.

Grocery stores at least should stay masked like public transport etc.  The places lifting their mandates are putting their workers health into the hands of a public that I personally don't trust to be unselfish.

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1 hour ago, teachermom2834 said:

It's hard to relate because we have not had much mask wearing here so the scenario of an anti-vaxxer masking would mean they would start masking now when they haven't been all along and that is just unimaginable. 

Such different worlds we live in. We have had no mask mandate and chain stores that officially required masks never really did. The only place masks were enforced was our church. 

To me this new "unmask if you are vaccinated" is just a way for everyone to be done with it. Of course no one knows who is vaccinated so it seems like a way to make it over as far as masks go without officially declaring it over. 

It is amazing how different it is different places. I haven’t seen anyone unmasked in a store all year. There was one guy in Trader Joe’s last Summer who seemed to be making a show of calling attention to himself. I went into a store yesterday and wondered if I was suddenly going to see a bunch of people without masks, but no. Still no one without a mask. Will be interesting how it plays out over the coming weeks. 

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My church has been awful in handling all the covid things. They made a few minor adjustments at the beginning (I'm not sure why, because they were not the most effective kinds of adjustments, and they were made rather mockingly). Granted, we are in a lower case number area. However, even at the height of things, I was one of only a few (6-7 total?) who masked at church, and the only one in my Sunday school class. There were quite a few people who had all the symptoms, but who refused to get tested, I suppose because they thought it really wasn't a big deal (in spite of some things I know about that were dangerous, esp. for one), and they didn't want the government to know🙄. We moved our regular seating spot to a more remote area in the building where there weren't near as many people.

Jump to now--my family is all vaccinated. I quit wearing a mask when I was two weeks past my 2nd vaccine. No reason to wear one for solidarity, because no one else is wearing one. I struggle back and forth between having compassion for those who don't have the incessant desire to research any- and everything like I do, hoping they do not get sick, and a feeling of frustration and anger that says, "serves you right if you do," and then guilt for feeling that way.

We are currently still in that church, but there is a lot going on, and I doubt we will be there much longer. (I would have left already, but there are some reasons we have stayed until now.) Most, if not all, of the churches that are around here have not taken covid seriously either, which makes it harder to find a new one. However, there are others that have been more respectful of those who do.

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4 hours ago, happi duck said:

I'm in the same boat.

I am bitterly disappointed by this change.  In just under two weeks our household will be fully vaxxed.  I was so looking forward to perhaps going places in a single mask vs double masking.  No vaccine is 100% and I don't want even a mild case given my risk factors.

There is no way I trust antivaxxers to mask when it will be so easy to get away with it.

My family has endured trauma due to injury and deaths.  We have to be extremely cautious.

This change is driving us back into lockdown.  I am truly angry.

Grocery stores at least should stay masked like public transport etc.  The places lifting their mandates are putting their workers health into the hands of a public that I personally don't trust to be unselfish.

I feel exactly the same way!!! 

I am absolutely beyond disgusted. 

I have been so upset since I heard this news. 

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1 minute ago, Catwoman said:

I feel exactly the same way!!! 

I am absolutely beyond disgusted. 

I have been so upset since I heard this news. 

Thanks for posting.  I was afraid that I'm losing it because I'm still so upset.  Glad I'm not alone! 

Cats and ducks unite!

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Just now, happi duck said:

Thanks for posting.  I was afraid that I'm losing it because I'm still so upset.  Glad I'm not alone! 

Cats and ducks unite!

You’re definitely not alone!

This feels worse than lockdown to me. Maybe that won’t make sense to most people, but this feels far more isolating... and disappointing.

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5 hours ago, happi duck said:

I'm in the same boat.

I am bitterly disappointed by this change.  In just under two weeks our household will be fully vaxxed.  I was so looking forward to perhaps going places in a single mask vs double masking.  No vaccine is 100% and I don't want even a mild case given my risk factors.

There is no way I trust antivaxxers to mask when it will be so easy to get away with it.

My family has endured trauma due to injury and deaths.  We have to be extremely cautious.

This change is driving us back into lockdown.  I am truly angry.

Grocery stores at least should stay masked like public transport etc.  The places lifting their mandates are putting their workers health into the hands of a public that I personally don't trust to be unselfish.

I'm so sorry. I'm with you, a single mask in a store would feel like freedom. 

Today I listened to an interview with Rochelle Walensky, the CDC head. Listening to her made me feel more confident about the efficacy of vaccines - like... yes, once vaccinated you actually are safe to do stuff! - so I think I'll feel pretty good about going to stores, masked, or to work. I'm not looking for crowded, indoor, unmasked events, but I never really did that pre-pandemic anyway. 

When you're all vaccinated, will you feel comfortable hanging out with vaccinated friends? That would make life a lot better. 

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1 hour ago, happi duck said:

Thanks for posting.  I was afraid that I'm losing it because I'm still so upset.  Glad I'm not alone! 

Cats and ducks unite!

Add me in there! My poor husband woke to me ranting about it. 

I'm SO upset especially for my friends that have immune compromised kids. All these anti vaxxers will get to do what they want and those poor kids are the ones that have to isolate even more now. 

1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

You’re definitely not alone!

This feels worse than lockdown to me. Maybe that won’t make sense to most people, but this feels far more isolating... and disappointing.

I think because we were SO CLOSE to feeling safe! And because there IS a vaccine, we HAVE a way to fix this, and people are just choosing not to! 

God has GOT to be sitting up there shaking his head. I'm thinking of that old story about the man who says, "God will save me" and God finally says, after the guy drowns, "I sent you two boats and a helicopter, what more did you want??". He sent us a vaccine, and masks! What more do you want?1

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I'm happy that our church is still requiring masks (at least I haven't heard otherwise), doing services outdoors only, and the plan was to revisit that after a) August 15, b) if positivity rate in our area is under 5%, and c) if 70% of our community has been vaccinated.  Honestly, I'm not sure our community will get to 70%.  

My friend in Denver's (Orthodox) church sent out an email saying effective immediately no masks are required and no spacing.  Everyone come back, and by the way, nobody is to ask anyone else's vaccination status.  

The scuttlebut I am hearing is that wearing masks is actually illegal in Virginia.  Which is true.......it's a law clearly designed to prevent things like KKK hoods.  And it does have an exemption written into the law for health reasons.  And this law was superseded by the state of emergency and the mask mandate.  But....I am concerned that in certain areas, this will be a way for police to harass people who are masking.  I'm concerned.  

I'm REALLY concerned that schools aren't going to require masks next year.  That would be bad.  My kids desperately need to go back to in person school.  They'll be vaccinated, but I'm very worried about variants, and while 90-95% prevention is excellent, it becomes much less safe feeling if there are high absolute numbers and a high chance of exposure.  A 1 in 10 to a 1 in 20 chance of being infected if there's lots of exposure is really rather a lot.  

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2 hours ago, Catwoman said:

You’re definitely not alone!

This feels worse than lockdown to me. Maybe that won’t make sense to most people, but this feels far more isolating... and disappointing.


2 hours ago, happi duck said:

Thanks for posting.  I was afraid that I'm losing it because I'm still so upset.  Glad I'm not alone! 

Cats and ducks unite!

I'm sorry. I would feel this way too if I were in an area where these new guidelines made any difference in how people were acting. As it is, the only difference is that I felt I could go in a store without a mask. But since I saw about the same number of people in the store wearing masks as before, I will probably go back to wearing one for moral support. (I don't know if my post even makes any sense. 😛

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2 hours ago, Catwoman said:

You’re definitely not alone!

This feels worse than lockdown to me. Maybe that won’t make sense to most people, but this feels far more isolating... and disappointing.

Of course it does!  With lockdown, there was a sense that we were "all in this together."  Everyone was locked down.  With this, you can watch and know the world and your friends are carrying on and that you and your family alone are not a part of it.  It feels like a personal exclusion.  It sucks.  

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21 hours ago, busymama7 said:

It feels like a scarlet A.     Or a mask of shame. 

I think there would be plenty of vaccinated people who will still choose to mask to reduce the residual risk.

I am fully vaccinated and will continue to mask in public indoor situations , and I know many others who will.

Edited by regentrude
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55 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Of course it does!  With lockdown, there was a sense that we were "all in this together."  Everyone was locked down.  With this, you can watch and know the world and your friends are carrying on and that you and your family alone are not a part of it.  It feels like a personal exclusion.  It sucks.  

Yes! That’s it, exactly!

It’s not that I don’t want people to be able to do the things they enjoy doing — I just wish more people would get vaccinated so everyone could feel safer and have more freedom, and I wish they had waited to recommend relaxing restrictions until a much higher percentage of the entire country has been vaccinated.

And honestly, if I trusted people to tell the truth, I wouldn’t be opposed to lifting mask requirements for vaccinated people. But I don’t trust unvaccinated people not to lie. 

Please don’t think I’m saying that I think all unvaccinated people are liars — that’s not what I mean at all! I have a close friend whose family refuses to be vaccinated, but they are also continuing to mask and social distance, and I know they would never lie and say they had been vaccinated when they hadn’t. But I have seen too many anti-vaxxers posting online, who seem to be actually bragging about being able to do whatever they want now, and laughing at the idea of telling people they are vaccinated just to fool them. I think that is a horrible thing to do. 

I was just starting to feel kind of hopeful about all of this, but not any more. 😞 

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3 hours ago, happi duck said:

Thanks for posting.  I was afraid that I'm losing it because I'm still so upset.  Glad I'm not alone! 

Cats and ducks unite!

I'm right there with you, happi! I was just beginning to feel okay about dd traveling 15 hours away for her summer research program, even though she is high risk. Now I’m terrified about her getting sick (or worse) up there all alone, and she is dreading rather than looking forward to the summer.  I just want to curl up into a ball and cry. 

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36 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Yes! That’s it, exactly!

It’s not that I don’t want people to be able to do the things they enjoy doing — I just wish more people would get vaccinated so everyone could feel safer and have more freedom, and I wish they had waited to recommend relaxing restrictions until a much higher percentage of the entire country has been vaccinated.

And honestly, if I trusted people to tell the truth, I wouldn’t be opposed to lifting mask requirements for vaccinated people. But I don’t trust unvaccinated people not to lie. 

Please don’t think I’m saying that I think all unvaccinated people are liars — that’s not what I mean at all! I have a close friend whose family refuses to be vaccinated, but they are also continuing to mask and social distance, and I know they would never lie and say they had been vaccinated when they hadn’t. But I have seen too many anti-vaxxers posting online, who seem to be actually bragging about being able to do whatever they want now, and laughing at the idea of telling people they are vaccinated just to fool them. I think that is a horrible thing to do. 

I was just starting to feel kind of hopeful about all of this, but not any more. 😞 

I have seen this too, including a nephew and his wife. These folks will no longer be on the list of relatives that we choose to have a relationship with, and that list is likely to grow. It is amazing to me what people will cop to with pride on social media. 😡

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45 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

It’s not that I don’t want people to be able to do the things they enjoy doing — I just wish more people would get vaccinated so everyone could feel safer and have more freedom, and I wish they had waited to recommend relaxing restrictions until a much higher percentage of the entire country has been vaccinated.

Well said. 

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If you have long Covid, then you are likely just as protected as if you had the vax.  So from a moral/ethical standpoint, I would support your going maskless if you want to.  You may or may not want to tell your church your reasoning.

My sister can't mask for medical reasons, and I wanted her to come to my kids' Confirmation last summer (she's their Godmother).  I spoke to the church leaders, and they checked and confirmed that her coming without a mask was within the guidelines and they wouldn't stop her.

That said, if you want to mask at church, you should go ahead and do so without a care for what others think about it.  It's nobody's business!

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On 5/14/2021 at 11:50 PM, Catwoman said:

I would be a lot more concerned about unvaccinated people showing up at church unmasked, than I would about seeing you and your family still wearing your masks. 

And I absolutely believe that many, many people are going to lie about their vaccination status so they won’t have to wear a mask.


I'm sure that those that are not vaccinating for political reasons (many in the U.S., sadly) will lie and just not wear masks. They don't care about public health. 

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41 minutes ago, SKL said:

If you have long Covid, then you are likely just as protected as if you had the vax.  So from a moral/ethical standpoint, I would support your going maskless if you want to.  You may or may not want to tell your church your reasoning.


I agree with that actually.  Having Long Covid means you should have immunity from your original infection.  Unless long covid messes with that immune response somehow. 

I figure, in my own mind, for my own thinking, that if J&J with its 60-70% efficacy counts as "fully vaxed" than natural immunity should count too.  Natural immunity probably  isn't as robust or as good at fighting variants as the MRNA vaccines seem to be, but that description sounds exactly like how I would describe J&J.  Denying that natural immunity exists just isn't "following the science". 

Edited by HeartString
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17 hours ago, Terabith said:

I'm happy that our church is still requiring masks (at least I haven't heard otherwise), doing services outdoors only, and the plan was to revisit that after a) August 15, b) if positivity rate in our area is under 5%, and c) if 70% of our community has been vaccinated.  Honestly, I'm not sure our community will get to 70%.  

My friend in Denver's (Orthodox) church sent out an email saying effective immediately no masks are required and no spacing.  Everyone come back, and by the way, nobody is to ask anyone else's vaccination status.  

The scuttlebut I am hearing is that wearing masks is actually illegal in Virginia.  Which is true.......it's a law clearly designed to prevent things like KKK hoods.  And it does have an exemption written into the law for health reasons.  And this law was superseded by the state of emergency and the mask mandate.  But....I am concerned that in certain areas, this will be a way for police to harass people who are masking.  I'm concerned.  

I'm REALLY concerned that schools aren't going to require masks next year.  That would be bad.  My kids desperately need to go back to in person school.  They'll be vaccinated, but I'm very worried about variants, and while 90-95% prevention is excellent, it becomes much less safe feeling if there are high absolute numbers and a high chance of exposure.  A 1 in 10 to a 1 in 20 chance of being infected if there's lots of exposure is really rather a lot.  

I've been attending my BFF's service in VA remotely, and this morning is making me uncomfortable, because no one is masked. Not the little ones, not the adults...no one. I know my friend has been walking a fine line because she's in a rural community where masking was made more political, and has been sticking to the letter of the law as laid down by the GC and state, so now there are no restrictions, but honestly, I'm not sure that I will be able to handle attending and seeing people laughing, singing, and just plain acting like there is no pandemic when there are children who obviously cannot be vaccinated present. I definitely can't go back to church locally if attending a FB live service is triggering an anxiety response.  It's going to take awhile to be able to see people unmasked indoors as being responsible as opposed to being someone I can't trust, since anti-masking has been so aggressively politicized here.  

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On 5/14/2021 at 8:40 PM, busymama7 said:

My church which has previously been really good about covid protocols is going with our state change which is no masks for vaccinated individuals.   My husband is but I am not due to still having long covid and trying to sort that out.    I am a little hesitant still about my teens and I have 3 under 12 anyways. 

I feel awful about this.  Everyone at church does not need to know that I haven't gotten it yet.    What a horrible horrible idea this is.  I may stay home for a time but that is a very serious decision to make for what amounts to pride I suppose.  

I have a similar situation at my workplace.  We had it all worked out, and it was fine until the CDC changed the rules.  Bummer.  I'm so sorry. 

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Color me not shocked. I have a few covid reasonable churches in the area that I allow to call me if they need a substitute pianist on Sunday. Got the call today. Y'all there was a meltdown!

Apparently, the wife of one of the pastors has been very vocal about not getting vaccinated and encouraging others not to do so which I am guessing has been a source of distress in the church, but I don't know only guessing from the accusations made during the yelling which was way too close to me for my comfort because the piano is close the administrative side exits to the hallway/narthex. Well, she showed up today with no mask though the church has not dropped its mask mandate - no mask, no entry. Oh my goodness, it was banana pants out there, just epic yelling, name calling, some folks wanting the pastor fired because of his wife!

Sigh, I slipped out the other side and thankfully my check had been left on the piano so I did not need to speak to anyone. I immediately fired off an email to the senior pastor saying I could no longer be on their sub list. Life is too short to get up on Sunday, leave my family, and have that drama. I am fully vaxed but chose to wear a mask at the piano anyway since that was the sign on the door and I would rather just role model being sensitive to others. 

That pastor's wife sings on worship team every other week, and well, I would imagine from here on out that is going to be controversial. The $100 fee that I charge just isn't worth the possibility of being close to that drama. I really hope they did not have a bunch of visitors because first impressions are a thing, and this was a bad one.

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23 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Color me not shocked. I have a few covid reasonable churches in the area that I allow to call me if they need a substitute pianist on Sunday. Got the call today. Y'all there was a meltdown!

Apparently, the wife of one of the pastors has been very vocal about not getting vaccinated and encouraging others not to do so which I am guessing has been a source of distress in the church, but I don't know only guessing from the accusations made during the yelling which was way too close to me for my comfort because the piano is close the administrative side exits to the hallway/narthex. Well, she showed up today with no mask though the church has not dropped its mask mandate - no mask, no entry. Oh my goodness, it was banana pants out there, just epic yelling, name calling, some folks wanting the pastor fired because of his wife!

Sigh, I slipped out the other side and thankfully my check had been left on the piano so I did not need to speak to anyone. I immediately fired off an email to the senior pastor saying I could no longer be on their sub list. Life is too short to get up on Sunday, leave my family, and have that drama. I am fully vaxed but chose to wear a mask at the piano anyway since that was the sign on the door and I would rather just role model being sensitive to others. 

That pastor's wife sings on worship team every other week, and well, I would imagine from here on out that is going to be controversial. The $100 fee that I charge just isn't worth the possibility of being close to that drama. I really hope they did not have a bunch of visitors because first impressions are a thing, and this was a bad one.

Oh, no.  That's just heartbreaking.


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1 hour ago, Halftime Hope said:

Oh, no.  That's just heartbreaking.


It really is! And this church does a LOT of good things for the community, food pantry clothing pantry, utility assistance, pay for licensed therapy and counseling for abuse victims, and after school tutoring now that all the tutors are vaccinated. To think of all of that coming to an end because of this kind of thing is gut wrenching! I am not a Christian anymore, but I sure do believe in all the good they are doing. But the drama really upset me, and Dh attended with me today which is only does off and on when I substitute, and it was never closer to where he was. So he doesn't want to go back for a while. He does think I should just go off the list for now, but then give them a chance to sort things out, and maybe sub for them in the fall. They really do some wonderful work in the community.

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