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"My French teacher was actually named Mrs. French," and other people we knew with names like that.


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Also, the doctor who took out my wisdom teeth was named Dr. Slaughter, and my daughter's speech therapist was named Mrs. Speaker.


A partner at my uncle's medical clinic was named Dr. Gesundheit! 


A classmate of mine growing up was named Rusty Gates.  :)




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Also, the doctor who took out my wisdom teeth was named Dr. Slaughter, and my daughter's speech therapist was named Mrs. Speaker.


A partner at my uncle's medical clinic was named Dr. Gesundheit! 


A classmate of mine growing up was named Rusty Gates.   :)

Knew a chaplain named Karen Chaplin.

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I met a guy named Graham Golden. But when I met him I was creating his student ID which has his last name listed first so I saw it as Golden, Graham. I looked up from the form with an amused looked and his reply to my expression was, "yup, you read it right.'

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Huh...I pronounce Stich and Stitch exactly the same.


I wonder if I'm odd.


Maybe it's pronounced steech with a guttural ch like in loch?


My grandma insisted that she went to school with a sister and brother named Rosie and Harry Butts, but I could never tell if she was serious of not. 

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Maybe it's pronounced steech with a guttural ch like in loch?


My grandma insisted that she went to school with a sister and brother named Rosie and Harry Butts, but I could never tell if she was serious of not. 


Ohhh I just looked up the pronunciation.  It's "stish" for Stich.  (short i)


That didn't occur to me, but that makes some sense.






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Then there's the old tall tale about the Hogg sisters, whose first names were "Ima" and "Youra."


There really was an Ima Hogg. But she didn't have a sister, so there was no "Ura." https://tshaonline.org/publications/books/31531



My mom had a neighbor named Harry Furry.


ETA: Kinsa, great minds think alike! I knew about Ima, because she was a member of my sorority.

Edited by Storygirl
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We have a friend in the Air Force with the last name Paine. We met him when he was a Major!


Our Bishop when we were newlyweds was named Bispo, which is Bishop is Portuguese, so basically Bishop Bishop.

My sister, also in the Air Force, knew a Major Paine! Wonder if it was the same guy?

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