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The Well Trained Hiker completes the Appalachian Trail

Jane in NC

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That is awesome. In college, a friend and I were planning on doing this but we both ended up meeting our future spouses during the planning phase and the idea of spending months with another male was no longer appealing to me. Plus his girlfriend was not ok with it.


I hope to do it still someday but now I have to wait until my kids are older.

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Awesome! I have a friend who's son is currently about 900 miles in. HIs hiking buddy ended up deciding to go home so he's on his own now. I'm sure he'd love it if a fellow homeschooler would send him a message of encouragement on his Facebook page, if your son does the Facebook thing. https://www.facebook.com/Thru-hiking-the-AT-in-2016-1014636971935234/timeline



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That is *spectacular!* So timely for me, because I am reading "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed and it's making me think about backpacking. Of course, that would mean the AT for me.:)

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Wow, I am beyond impressed!!! My dd met a through hiker this spring. He had begun in Georgia in late winter - early spring. I know it would be a giant coincidence if it were your son, but I have to ask. She was on NJ at Waywayanda on May 14. if you think it might be him, I can pm you his trail name or post it here.


Dd said there are a lot of through hikers, so I am not holding my breath. But it would be great if dd had met your son.

Edited by Alessandra
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Wow, I am beyond impressed!!! My dd met a through hiker this spring. He had begun in Georgia in late winter - early spring. I know it would be a giant coincidence if it were your son, but I have to ask. She was on NJ at Waywayanda on May 14. The through hiker's trail name was Tenderfoot.


Dd said there are a lot of through hikers, so I am not holding my breath. But it would be great if dd had met your son.

On May 13 my son was at Wildcat near Waywayanda (having checked the map where I plotted his progress). Could they have crossed paths? My son is Scorched Heels.

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On May 13 my son was at Wildcat near Waywayanda (having checked the map where I plotted his progress). Could they have crossed paths? My son is Scorched Heels.

My dd was at Wilcat on Saturday night, May 14, when her Girl Scout group met a young man who was hiking from Georgia to Maine. Dd said he slept in the shelter and did not use a tent. But his trail name was Tenderfoot. Oh, I am SO disappointed. My dd's group was heading east through Waywayanda, towards Maine, finishing up at the park office area, so they probably would not have crossed paths. :-( Anyway, her group was three girls in mid teens and four adults, I think. There was also a Boy Scout group that night.




Dd says your picture looks like the person she is calling Tenderfoot. She thinks? Not 100% sure. Weird!

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My dd was at Wilcat on Saturday night, May 14, when her Girl Scout group met a young man who was hiking from Georgia to Maine. Dd said he slept in the shelter and did not use a tent. But his trail name was Tenderfoot. Oh, I am SO disappointed. My dd's group was heading east through Waywayanda, towards Maine, finishing up at the park office area, so they probably would not have crossed paths. :-( Anyway, her group was three girls in mid teens and four adults, I think. There was also a Boy Scout group that night.




Dd says your picture looks like the person she is calling Tenderfoot. She thinks? Not 100% sure. Weird!


My son prefers shelter sleeping to using a tent (apparently rodents dancing through the night don't bother him!).  If she remembers him saying that he was an archaeologist, they crossed paths.  The names of Scorched Heels and Tenderfoot both suggest a foot problem--my son's issue early on which earned him this trail moniker.

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My son prefers shelter sleeping to using a tent (apparently rodents dancing through the night don't bother him!). If she remembers him saying that he was an archaeologist, they crossed paths. The names of Scorched Heels and Tenderfoot both suggest a foot problem--my son's issue early on which earned him this trail moniker.

I will ask her about the archaeologist.


Can you ask ds if he remembers a small group of Girl Scoutsand a larger group of Boy Scouts, and other stuff I mentioned in previous post? The Boy Scouts arrived first and took all the good camping spots, lol.


I would so like them to have crossed paths, just for the serendipity.




One of the GS leaders was Mama Wolf. Dd does not have a trail name yet.

Edited by Alessandra
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Awesome - great pic!  He looks very fit and ready for the next challenge.


Pass on my congratulations to him!


Oh yeah, meant to ask - does he have a favorite section of the trail? (mainly thinking about views)


Thanks again to you and your husband for helping the hiker when he was down for the count in PA.


I am going to let him process the hike before asking him your last question.  I know that he loved the Roan Highlands (NC) and the Grayson Highlands (VA)--you might like the latter because of the wild ponies.  Views really vary with time of year.  When we met up with The Boy in the Shenandoah in April, the upper elevations had not leafed out so we had great views.  There are parts of the AT that are described as "the green tunnel" but again that depends on time of year.  We have not had a lot of contact with him while he was in NH and ME so I can't mention any specific places there. As I said, he needs some time to process.


Also, he loved the boulder scramble in the Lehigh Gap.  He thought it was super fun.  But climbing over massive rocks is not everyone's cup of tea!

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