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Does pouring rain make you put off buying groceries, even if you are out of milk?


Shopping in the rain?   

234 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you delay grocery shopping if it is raining!

    • Yes
    • Not usually
    • I live in the PNW and would starve
    • You are a ridiculous princess
    • I love loading the car in the rain

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One of my local Whole Foods has underground parking, a few Targets and Safeway has same building/attached parking. We could go grocery shopping on a rainy day and not be in the rain.


Hubby and I grew up where monsoon rain is expected so we would have just bought milk even if we had to walk in the rain to the grocers. After all we walked to school in the rain from prek to college :lol:

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I voted not usually. Which really means, it has to be significantly bad weather, like tornado warnings, for me to put it off. I don't shop with my kids unless there is NO OTHER WAY and that means I *have* to shop on Saturday mornings. Well, I could shop on Sunday, but we are usually out of enough of everything that there's nothing left to make on Saturdays. Plus, Saturday is the end of the sale week at the store I do most of my shopping at, and since I plan my menu and list based at least partially on the sale, going on Sunday messes up my entire plan.


Loading groceries in the rain......my van's back door flips up, with the press of a button on my key, so I just stand under the door to load up lol.

Mine used to do that but it broke. Now I have to manually lift it and get dripped all over.

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I use any excuse I can to avoid darkening the doors of the grocery store. I absolutely hate going there.

It is true for me, too.


My youngest DS just told me -- again -- that there is no milk. You would think that is a federal crime.

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There's a little secret about the PNW. Pouring rain, coming down in buckets, raining cats and dogs? Pretty rare. Shockingly rare compared to perceptions. We have more gray misty days than we do actual rain storms. And if you are in the Seattle metro area, you can just get all your groceries delivered by Amazon Fresh should the gray bother you.

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It's monsoon season here. It can easily rain an inch an hour during heavy downpours.  So, if it normally takes me 20 minutes to load groceries, everything is going to get flat out soaked.   I regularly check the forecast before heading out to the store, and I keep shelf-stable almond milk on hand for those emergencies when we would run out.  There's so much flash flooding here that I don't want to go out and not be able to get home. 

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It is true for me, too.


My youngest DS just told me -- again -- that there is no milk. You would think that is a federal crime.


:D I'd send mine to the grocery store. On his bike. In the rain. He could manage to carry a half-gallon of milk in his backpack. But then again, he'd probably change his mind about how badly he needed that milk.

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I thought I could beat the rain a few weeks ago and ended up caught in a hail storm and "radar-indicated tornado" between Costco and home. I was in DH's car, and his trunk looks like a golf ball now with all the dents, oops.


On the plus side, no lines by the time I got to Aldi!


Sorry, that's just me telling stories, not a real answer. I guess it would depend on the kind of rain. And if we were out of coffee, too.

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If it's pouring, usually I wait.  I go grocery shopping when I am low on something so I have time.  There isn't really any worry.  Plus, the kids like playing in the pouring rain and puddles afterwards.  If it's misty or incremental showers, I'll just go ahead and go.

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My desire to grocery shop (or run any errand) with an almost 6 yo, 4 yo, and almost 3 yo in the pouring rain is zero. Actually, it's less than zero. 

We would have to be on the verge of starving for it to happen.

However, we did go grocery shopping in the light rain recently. And...it wasn't terrible. But I don't think I'll be doing it again any time soon.

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Yes, because I walk to get all of our groceries. But like others have mentioned there is a big different between PNW rain (where I did all my grocery shopping on foot too) and pouring rain. And most of the time I can arrange my schedule to miss the big thunderstorms if we live in a place where they are common at certain times of the year.

Edited by Amira
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I will take a day without milk over braving lightning in a parking lot any day, and pouring rain here usually equals thunderstorm. Added to the fact that we don't have a garage, that leaves the kids and I getting soaked multiple times from house to car, car to store, store to car, then unloading in the rain.....no thanks. I don't think you're a princess at all.

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The only thing that would make me go shopping the pouring rain is actual starvation without other choices.  Even if there was no food in the house, I'd go to a fast food window before I went shopping in a downpour.  Just, no.

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We'd starve if I had to wait for good weather whenever I had to go to the grocery.


I usually find its extra busy when it's pouring buckets and in huge snowstorms. Maybe the New Englanders like to show off how tough we are? Lol.

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I walk to the grocery unless I'm doing a Costco run. So, yes. The rain makes me not grocery shop. Or I drive, which always feels ridiculous to drive three blocks. But at least there's a covered garage there. Except, if I do that, because I don't usually drive, I'm likely to forget to get the ticket validated, which means I have to walk back down and do it which means that driving those three blocks probably took longer, which is extra ridiculous. So... yeah, I put it off. Who needs milk anyway?

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Yes.  I now live in an area with a lot of rain, but I grew up in SoCal.  So, while I love the rain and don't mind walking to the end of the road to fetch my mail, I have no desire to drive into town [back roads, 30 minutes] then load up my car while the rain, rain, rain comes down, down, down.


I have been called a wimp.  I own it.


There is always food in the house, so my family won't starve.  They just may not have milk, eggs or bread for a few days.


Though yes, I usually stock up on milk, eggs, and bread when I know a bad storm's a-coming. 

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It hardly ever rains here, so I will make excuses to go out in it. OTOH, I just finished 3+ hours of errands in 90 degree weather with 4 kids & no AC. I almost cried thinking about doing this for the rest of the summer...

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There's a little secret about the PNW. Pouring rain, coming down in buckets, raining cats and dogs? Pretty rare. Shockingly rare compared to perceptions. We have more gray misty days than we do actual rain storms. And if you are in the Seattle metro area, you can just get all your groceries delivered by Amazon Fresh should the gray bother you.

Yeah, but that would be worse for me and my hair. At least bucket-fall rain can be umbrellaed.

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The rain has ended. So there goes THAT excuse.


There are plenty of other excuses - like it's too nice outside.


I'm another who really doesn't like shopping and will just put it off.  We've found we can go without plenty of things.  There are always other options around.  The only exception is cat food in the morning.  Now we have a back up for that (if needed).  My mom gave us a small case of canned cat food.  My cats don't get canned food - except in emergencies.   :coolgleamA:

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Well, we have the opposite. It has hit 115* here, so I've avoided getting milk for 3 days. :D I went and got some today...and ice cream. In a few weeks, we'll all be acclimated to the summer heat, but it still isn't fun to go out.

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I walk a third of the mile to the store. I walk the same distance back, but with groceries, uphill. I'm scared of lightning. The store is much closer to the water than I am, and it's not unusual for the streets to flood.


So yes, if it's torrential out there, I stay home and order pizza.

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I voted yes. With the caveat that it is what I do *now*, based solely on location. It has nothing to do with shopping or groceries and everything to do with the fact that southern California drivers can NOT drive in the rain. Therefore, I do not leave my house unless it's an emergency if it pours rain.


When I lived in NC, MN, or Canada, I shopped and drove in all weather conditions, only avoiding *severe* winter weather.

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Where I live, unless there is tropical activity, there are normally only intermittently heavy rains, not downpours all day, so you can avoid those--wait an hour, and the weather will change. However, I remember when Dd were 1 and 4 I went to the grocery store, only to come out with a thunderstorm with rain hard enough to stop traffic on the interstate falling. It was supper time, so waiting it out wasn't really an option. A 50 ish nice lady, who was standing by the doors waiting for the rain to abate before she went out, saw my dilemma (kids plus groceries plus thunderstorm, or dry kids and screaming hungry kids) and said she'd watch them for me while I went to get the car so I wouldn t have to take them out in the storm. She even gave me her real estate business card and said she wasn't a crazy person. Clearly, a mommy!! I took her up on the offer and went to get the car, got the kids home and fed with a minimum of drama and soakedness. God is smiling on you, dear lady! Again, owing to where I live, if snow is predicted all bets are off, you'd better get to the store even if you already have bread and milk :)

Edited by MotherGoose
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No. I think you are a princess, but that is because I have an attached garage and the rest for on my van works, my kids are old enough to buckle themselves, but young enough to want to help collect things from the far teaches of the store. Soooo, don't take my name calling to personally, 'cause I wear my ballgowns to the store, in the rain. Glass does are waterproof, though.

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Rain doesn't bother me at all, however, today I am avoiding grocery shopping due to the hot weather we are having.  It is almost 90 right now and I hate hot weather.  I am going to make DH go with me tonight after we go to a movie and it cools down outside and we can suffer together.

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:D I'd send mine to the grocery store. On his bike. In the rain. He could manage to carry a half-gallon of milk in his backpack. But then again, he'd probably change his mind about how badly he needed that milk.


I do this whenever they whine about the lack of groceries in the house.


But my boys would go willingly and happily in the rain - they love being out in the rain. And they'd probably get to the store, buy some junk for themselves, forget the milk, and come back home in sopping wet clothes leaving muddy bikes in my garage that would make me re-think "It may have been easier had I just gone to get the d@!& milk myself!" (and I could have stopped by Starbucks on the way home for myself as a treat). :D

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Not usually, Rain doesn't bother me much.  I think if it's really bad I may send DH to get the milk (I don't do well driving in the rain) or make him go with me so he can pull the car up to load the groceries, so they don't get too wet.  As a kid I had to do my farm chores in the rain and wait for the bus in the rain, maybe I'm weird but I still like playing in the rain.

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I delay because I usually have to bring the girls with me.... if it's pouring rain but dh is home to be with the girls then I will go.




Yep, I normally shop with four small people.  I would feed them play doh before dragging all of us to the store in the pouring rain.  If I got to go to the store by myself, OTOH, I'd happily go even if it was literally raining cats and dogs.



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Three words: Amazon Prime Now




So Cal Princess

You princess, you!


I went. It looks like more storms later, but there was a break in the weather. I consoled myself by buying stitch markers for my knitting. Now I have to make dinner. Really, this middle-class gig is wearing on me.

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