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  • Birthday 02/08/1987

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  1. I followed links from the other thread on racism to this: https://thehumanist.com/commentary/want-to-help-end-systemic-racism-first-step-drop-the-white-guilt and through that article to this: http://collectiveliberation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/What_Is_White_Supremacy_Martinez.pdf both of which I found helpful. Thank you for all your posts on this, bibiche. Before reading through these threads I did not completely understand what was meant by racism, as I was confusing the term with racial prejudice. I think that a lot of communication breakdowns must occur over this point, as many people I know are making the same mistake. (edited for clarity)
  2. Okay, that's about what I was thinking also. His first idea was a submarine equipped with technology inspired by fish gills to extract oxygen from the water . . . I had to tell him they already have that, lol. Thank you :)
  3. My ds is old enough for lego robotics team at our charter school this year, and a portion of the application essay prompt reads: "...identify a new problem and create an innovative solution that uses an animal to help solve the problem." But how new is new? And does this mean a workable solution, or an imaginative solution? Any input is appreciated :)
  4. I have only been to 8, and just 2 as an adult - California (live here) and Nevada. I am jealous of all you travelers :) I have seen a lot of California, however . . . and that would count as about 8 more back east wouldn't it? ;)
  5. After baby-sitting . . . clerk-type position at a retail nursery when I was 14.
  6. I agree with haiku about what the term 'beer culture' typically means. What you describe, though (functional alcoholism?) I grew up with this as well, and no, I don't get it either, except to define it as an addiction.
  7. 20, then 22 - brought home 3rd & 4th at 24 & 26, finalized adoptions at 25, 27.
  8. Yes :) Our charter is structured very similarly, except instead of a $ amount they will purchase specified curricula, and there are optional outsourced PE-type classes, and other classes provided at the school. I love it for all the reasons you mentioned, and for the social aspect for my kids. It is exactly the kind of thing I would have liked myself as a (home-schooled) kid.
  9. People will probably find this gross, but . . . still worth it for me :) We only do dishes once a day, in the am. My 8yo does the majority: loads / unloads the dishwasher, and washes all the pots and pans he can. I finish up, and then we just stack the dishes we use during the day in the sink. There are not many until dinner though - we use cups for whatever we eat at breakfast, and lunch is often one big plate of finger-type foods. If we eat leftovers we might use paper plates (shame, shame, I know). Then there are always 7,000 dishes created cooking dinner, and I just . . . turn off the light. Out of sight, out of mind, lol.
  10. I can't believe they didn't have age limits already . . . although I also can't imagine what people are thinking bringing little kids to something like that. I go to the library during preschool story hour just to cover up how much noise I can't seem to stop my 2 & 4yo from making and I still feel really obnoxious bringing them.
  11. Yes, they are hard to size online, but they are adjustable over a fairly large age/size spread. Here are some with reviews stating they fit 6-9 year olds http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=20653356 Hope you find what you are looking for :)
  12. Less than what I spend on food . . . but only because I need well-nourished people to use all the great curriculum I buy.
  13. It hardly ever rains here, so I will make excuses to go out in it. OTOH, I just finished 3+ hours of errands in 90 degree weather with 4 kids & no AC. I almost cried thinking about doing this for the rest of the summer...
  14. I let them, but their main allowance goes directly from my account to theirs, and so far they have never wanted anything enough to actually make a withdrawal. Their spending cash comes from doing extra chores, mostly in the form of quarters that they immediately feed into vending machines. And then we talk about it. 'See, you enjoyed that bubblegum, but where is it now?' My oldest is starting to do this less, but the two younger remain unrepentant in their sugar-sphere profligacy :)
  15. Mostly being well-rounded for us, because my kids do not yet have a 'passion'. If they did find one, that would take precedence over what we do now. My oldest is in the situation you describe with our main sport - he is okay but not great, and I think he would drop it if I did not subtly encourage him. My main reason for wanting him to continue with it (aside from learning to be coached and to play for a team) is to build competency at the sport. The benefit (theoretically) is that if the skill-set is there, he will be able to play as long as he wants, after he gets old enough to truly make the decision for himself. It is hard to join some things at the beginner level after a certain age, and I would like him to have the option to continue with this one.
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