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Ladies only: what, if anything, does Aunt Flow stop you from doing?


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I mean aside from marital relations...


Most of us have probably seen the feminine product commercials that all have the message: "Don't let your period stop you from doing what you want" etc. 


But in real life, that is hard to do sometimes. Periods can be awful, painful, require bathroom visits that necessitate extra privacy (hard when out and about with young children). 


There are times when there are certain outings I just don't want to deal with on day 1 to 3 of menstruation, especially. I am wondering if I am just a wimp or how other gals approach it. 

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Heavy lifting and running etc. on day 1 at least.  I sometimes use it as an excuse to avoid swimming.


I try to avoid drinking a lot because I don't want to make extra trips to the bathroom.


Other than that, I usually plow through whatever I need to do, unless I'm unusually sick or cramping a lot, which doesn't happen to me much.

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.... Pretty much nothing. Even marital relations are just fine here if I'm toward the tail end and that is more my preference than his. We just don't care.


My only issue is that I've been having such severe bleeding I have to stay near a bathroom the last few cycles, so I have to be careful I'm not stranded out somewhere and unable to deal with my flow. But cramps suck (and are no worse than early labor contractions), flow is obnoxious, mood is off, and life goes on.

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Well, beach stuff, though I don't much want to swim usually I like to sun sometimes.  But on my heavy days, a tampon or cup isn't enough, so I would be hesitant to sit around in a bathing suit.


I don't much want to camp under those circumstances either.  I had to sometimes in the army, it sucked.  I had a guy once say he hoped I didn't have my period, because I might attract bears.  I thought - well, what am I going to do about it if I do?  Sleep in a tree?

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1. Going out and about for the first two days. My flow is so heavy on those days that I have to empty my cup at least once an hour, and this is an enormous improvement over pre-cup periods. I even get up in the middle of the night to do it. Hence, I have to stay close to a toilet, and usually I figure it's not worth the stress to travel.


2. Pooping.

Edited by Tanaqui
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I don't AVOID camping when I'm on my period, because we only get a few chances to camp each year and I'm not going to make the family miss out on them because I'm menstruating.... but it does pretty much suck.

Aside from that, the only thing Aunt Flo really stops me from doing is exercising self-control, lol.

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Depends on the month lately, but there are a few days I don't want to leave the house. I hate having my heaviest days on the day I have long classes at school. 


In the past, I've had heavy periods while on vacation (times when I couldn't pick the schedule), business conferences (instead of networking I was running to the bathroom between sessions), and seems like every holiday. 


I am so ready to be done with the whole thing, I'm in my latter years with it. Just yesterday my mom (love her!) once again wondered why I was still having my period when she was done when she was about 6 years younger than me. Gee, thanks mom. 



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I avoid swimming during my period.

I don't like to stay overnight in people's homes during it either.

As I'm getting older, I am getting migraines just prior and in the days of the beginning of my cycle. This is sidelining me far more than cycles themselves ever have for me.

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In my younger years nothing - aside from letting hubby and the kids do more chores more as an excuse than need.  But that's because everything was regular and I could plan what I needed, etc, so could prepare for anything from swimming to staying over at someone's house or camping/hiking, etc.  I didn't want it to interfere with anything, so it didn't.


Then I reached my current age... far less predictability and far less "must do it" thoughts on my end.  Unless I NEED to be at school (which requires dark pants and plenty of "just in case" options), then when "it" finally hits (esp Day 2 & 3 - sometimes) I try to stay home and spend my time with my computer - fairly near the bathroom.  Definitely no swimming.

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Not much...I don't wear light colored clothes. Umm...I'd prefer not to be traveling but if I am it is okay. My first 2 days are the heaviest but even they aren't excessively heavy. Sometimes I use it as an excuse not to exercise, but that's just laziness! Editing for classification: I mean I'm lazy, not anyone else.

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For someone to say "if" I have cramps is so foreign to me. I have to take Advil and Tylenol both, together round the clock or else I'm incapacitated for at least the first 3 days. My cramps are vicious. Are there others out there who actually don't get cramps sometimes? 

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Definitely prevents me from behaving like a normal, fully-functional, not-mentally-ill adult.



So true! The random fits of anger, crying over stupid stuff, you name it. 


I usually get a migraine the night before it starts so that slows me down, and I'm usually very tired the first day or two. I read a compelling book (by a fitness guru) that said to skip your workout on the first day and that was an immense relief because I just don't have the extra energy. 


So I wouldn't say I actively avoid doing anything but I don't go out of my way to do anything either. I just want to be still and be alone.

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Also, I wonder how valid it is that many seem to see any lack of normalcy and productivity during one's period as an "excuse" or laziness. Why is this? 


It's always easier to attribute frustrating aspects of another person's existence to character flaws rather than physical issues. Saying "laziness" absolves the speaker of any perceived responsibility to help their friend/spouse/employee/child handle their problem with ADHD/depression/periods/twisted ankle.

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For someone to say "if" I have cramps is so foreign to me. I have to take Advil and Tylenol both, together round the clock or else I'm incapacitated for at least the first 3 days. My cramps are vicious. Are there others out there who actually don't get cramps sometimes?

Have you tried any breathing or relaxation exercises? For me, at least, cramps are like pre-transition contractions (early labor forever, transition, babies was my formula). They hurt and I have to pause but I can still handle them. I mean, it's not like I'm dying in labor either. It hurts but my brain doesn't shut down just because I have radiating abdominal pain.


Or are we talking the cyst bursting black out kind of cramps?


ETA - I just remembered that if you're not doing it already, taking plenty of magnesium and exercising definitely changes the severity for me. That could be why mine have been worse lately, I've been slacking on both counts :o

Edited by Arctic Mama
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For someone to say "if" I have cramps is so foreign to me. I have to take Advil and Tylenol both, together round the clock or else I'm incapacitated for at least the first 3 days. My cramps are vicious. Are there others out there who actually don't get cramps sometimes? 


I hardly ever cramp, but I pay a lot of money to my chiropractor for it.

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For someone to say "if" I have cramps is so foreign to me. I have to take Advil and Tylenol both, together round the clock or else I'm incapacitated for at least the first 3 days. My cramps are vicious. Are there others out there who actually don't get cramps sometimes? 


Me.  Very rarely anyway.  I do get moody though. :)

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I avoid using public restrooms if possible.

No yoga (it is actually not recommended to do more intense poses on those days)

No running or hiking

On the yoga thing, why??

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I almost never cramp, and I have really light periods.  Because of this, I really don't have to stop doing anything.  I can have crazy mood swings though. I have been known to be lazy and use it as an excuse to not do anything (very rarely).  I would never assume someone else is lazy because they have to stop normal life to deal with their period.  I know that I am extremely fortunate to not have a hard time.  I have relatives and friends that have a lot to deal with every month.

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It doesn't really stop me from activity, I've run two half marathons on my heaviest day. I'm pretty sure the fear of my period starting is what caused it to start both times. I probably wouldn't swim but that doesn't come up often and it would be my preference not to camp, but it wouldn't stop me since we don't go primative camping.


I do tend to feel tired a day or so before it starts so I may have to force myself to do things. Occasionally I get cramps that are awful (causing me to vomit) but that isn't consistent, maybe once every couple years. I don't always get cramps or headaches but when I do advil helps.


I think people are really indivdual and cycles change. If your period keeps you from doing things don't feel guilty about it.

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For someone to say "if" I have cramps is so foreign to me. I have to take Advil and Tylenol both, together round the clock or else I'm incapacitated for at least the first 3 days. My cramps are vicious. Are there others out there who actually don't get cramps sometimes? 

I don't get cramps. As in, I've had to take 1 naproxen sodium once in about 6 months. I realize I am ridiculously lucky. Since I'm not in pain, I can just carry on with normal life. If I had the cramps now that I had in high school, I would stay home and not move for 2 days every month.


(I owe this marvel to the pill. Even though I haven't taken it in about 5 years, it seems to have permanently eliminated my cramps.)

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It used to not stop me at all (except for TeA), but that is not the case now. I never thought I'd have hormonal issues pre-/during menopause because I had never had pms symptoms in my younger years. But golly was I wrong :-(. Terrible cramps, migraines, heavy flow, etc etc etc certainly slow me down these days. Thankfully (at least for now), it's confined to one or two days per cycle. But the onset of issues took me by surprise, and I am embarrassed at the ignorance of my teen and younger adult self and feel bad for thinking my pms-ing friends were wimps. So to those who experience this for their entire menstruating life, you have my deepest sympathy!

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Also, I wonder how valid it is that many seem to see any lack of normalcy and productivity during one's period as an "excuse" or laziness. Why is this? 


I haven't had any cramps since my pregnancies/childbirth and I don't really feel anything differently whether I end up doing the chores or let the guys do them.  Therefore, for me (and I'm only talking about myself) it IS an excuse or laziness deal when I don't keep on with normal life - or at least it was when things were regular post kids.


Like some others, I can get more cranky during that time.  I wish I didn't.  I've used it to warn my guys for their futures...

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The actual physical period? Not a problem. Actually a relief. "So that's why I've been a manic pile of tears this week! Time to rejoin the land of the living! Woo hoo!"


Exactly! And since switching to a cup it's even better. It's all the emotional crap and the fatigue that kills me. And I definitely feel relieved when it finally shows up...now the healing can begin!

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For someone to say "if" I have cramps is so foreign to me. I have to take Advil and Tylenol both, together round the clock or else I'm incapacitated for at least the first 3 days. My cramps are vicious. Are there others out there who actually don't get cramps sometimes?

I'm 29 and never had cramps while menstrating until my period returned with my youngest who is 11 months. Now I get cramps for half of the first day but nothing I need to take meds for.

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Have you tried any breathing or relaxation exercises? For me, at least, cramps are like pre-transition contractions (early labor forever, transition, babies was my formula). They hurt and I have to pause but I can still handle them. I mean, it's not like I'm dying in labor either. It hurts but my brain doesn't shut down just because I have radiating abdominal pain.


Or are we talking the cyst bursting black out kind of cramps?


ETA - I just remembered that if you're not doing it already, taking plenty of magnesium and exercising definitely changes the severity for me. That could be why mine have been worse lately, I've been slacking on both counts :o


Haven't tried breathing or relaxation exercises (I do take magnesium every night though for help sleeping). My cramps are always like the part of labor where you can't talk or do things other than try to endure the pain. I have wondered how normal this level of pain every period is, but even if it is within the range of normal, it's very difficult to carry on doing regular things. It's like being severely ill and injured for several days a month. Popping 12 Advil and Tylenol a day for 3 - 4 days is all I can do right now. Maybe one day I will find help before menopause.

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For someone to say "if" I have cramps is so foreign to me. I have to take Advil and Tylenol both, together round the clock or else I'm incapacitated for at least the first 3 days. My cramps are vicious. Are there others out there who actually don't get cramps sometimes?

I haven't seen Aunt Flo for a few years, but I only had mild cramps on the first day. I rarely needed to take anything for pain. It didn't keep me from doing much of anything, even swimming.

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Definitely prevents me from behaving like a normal, fully-functional, not-mentally-ill adult.


Same here. I'm in my mid-thirties and started my period at 12. And still, every single month before AF starts I am deeply convinced that life is desperately cruel, people around me are unbearable, everything is hopeless, I need to yell, and eat and cry. I hope one of these days I can look at my period tracker app and think, hmm, maybe there's a reason you are feeling so distressed. Hasn't happened yet. 

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When I was younger, I didn't change much of anything in my normal routine.  However, now that I'm older and in pre-menopause things have changed dramatically.  I have 1-3 (usually a day and half actual time) days most months that I avoid leaving the house.  At times it feels like I could simply move into the restroom and pamprin is my best friend.  

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For someone to say "if" I have cramps is so foreign to me. I have to take Advil and Tylenol both, together round the clock or else I'm incapacitated for at least the first 3 days. My cramps are vicious. Are there others out there who actually don't get cramps sometimes? 

I've never had cramps bad enough to interfere with life (Advil was enough to cut the pain), and since having children I don't cramp at all.  Just tend to be tender and uncomfortable feeling although not painful.  Nor do I have such a heavy flow that I need to stay by the bathroom.  I use a cup and on day 2 I need to empty in the morning, once in the afternoon, and then right before bed.  All other day, I empty upon waking and then when getting ready for bed.

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I have only occasionally had really bad cramps / heavy bleeding, and some cycles I don't get cramps.  If I do, it's usually for 4-8 hours only, and if I'm sitting at home I usually don't need to take pain killers.  Though in my old age, this varies a lot.


PMS - I'm not sure whether I still get it, but whenever I do/did, I would get that hopeless, worthless feeling.


I might be done with the whole business now - not sure, hoping - so it will be nice to speak of all these things in the past tense!

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Haven't tried breathing or relaxation exercises (I do take magnesium every night though for help sleeping). My cramps are always like the part of labor where you can't talk or do things other than try to endure the pain. I have wondered how normal this level of pain every period is, but even if it is within the range of normal, it's very difficult to carry on doing regular things. It's like being severely ill and injured for several days a month. Popping 12 Advil and Tylenol a day for 3 - 4 days is all I can do right now. Maybe one day I will find help before menopause.

That is more rare outside of PCOS. I'd talk with your doctor about it if you're not already on hormonal birth control. I hate the stuff for contraception but it is a legitimately awesome treatment for pmdd symptoms. A stronger painkiller and anti inflammatory is also a good idea.


I'm sorry your suffering so much! I bleed like a stuck pig and have a fair bit of pain but it's nothing where I couldn't keep a straight face and just consciously relax all my abdominal muscles to prevent from feeling worse.

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For a couple of days I can't swim or use the hot tub, even with an ultra tampon (on these days I have to use pads and tampons together). I find that cramps are less severe when I stay active so I try not to just sit around. I definitely like to stay close to home where I know there is a bathroom handy but I generally don't let it interfere with anything I really want to do.



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