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Recommend Board Games for Preschoolers--Bumping for the Holidays


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So, I'm bumping this thread because of all the great suggestions in it because I hope that someone looking for holiday ideas will find something here.

Also, we can add on to it.




There has to be something besides Candy Land. Maybe there are newer toddler/prek games that I have not heard of. Please, enlighten me O great and wise Hive Members.


I need something for a 3 year old and a 6 year old.

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Sneaky Snacky Squirrel is cooperative (if you search that, others come up on Amazon)


Busytown (Based on Richard Scarry book)


Memory type games (Eeboo makes some cute, nicer versions my older kids loved)


2 and 5 is a tough combo. I think you'll have to help the 2 yo on most for a bit. My 3 yo is still too nuts for games though bright enough. Maybe if I had a tranq dart... ;)

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A good variation (for your little) on candyland is allowing each player to draw two cards. You could totally expand that to 5 or 6 cards.


Idk how old your preschooler is, but Snakes and Ladders, Hi-Ho Cherry-o, sequence for kids, Blokus, dominoes, Memory, Set, that math scrabble game I can't remember the name of, scrabble (I totally played this with dd when she was 4/5)...


Oh! 2 and 5. You want games they can do together? There's a game that has you roll a die and do silly things? Like dance or sing. How about Twister!

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2 and 5 is a tough combo. I think you'll have to help the 2 yo on most for a bit. My 3 yo is still too nuts for games though bright enough. Maybe if I had a tranq dart... ;)

LOL, Jr spent a few days in the hospital and isn't back up to his usual manic pace just yet, but he's definitely bored. He's got the fine motor and social skills/attention to play simple board games though and I thought that it would be a good time to introduce them.

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Sneaky Squirrel is like "Hi Ho Cherry-O" only your kids get fun squirrel tweezers to play with. :)


We like the Dr. Seuss games... "Horton Hears a Who--You To The Rescue" and "Cat and the Hat I Can Do That".


We have a Pancake Relay game that is fun, too.


Monopoly Jr. is fun as well.  When my son was four, he liked to play Uno (with a little help.)


Oh...and Junior Yatzee. I think we had a Disney version.


Most of these I got either on sale on Amazon or at Target.  

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Hoot Owl Hoot, by the above named Peaceable Kingdom, is sweet.

At those ages, mine loved Max the Cat, Harvest Time, Round Up and Secret Door, all by Family Pastimes and all cooperative. There is a small amount of strategy involved in all those games, so it isn't just the random, poke your eye out-ness of say Candy Land. 



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What's that one where you pile up the elephants? It was from Blue Orange - Zimbbos. Those ages could totally play that together.


My boys also loved the one where the frogs were watching the kids - Froggie Boogie. They might be able to do that one together.


The one that was most loved here was called Bzz Out by Gamewright. It's out of print now, but if you can find it, it was great, though maybe not quite yet for the 2 yo.


In a year it'll be a little easier. Most 2 yos really struggle with games but there will be a few more for 3 yos.

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There has to be something besides Candy Land. Maybe there are newer toddler/prek games that I have not heard of. Please, enlighten me O great and wise Hive Members.


I need something for a 2 year old and a 5 year old.


My son got Haba Orchard for Christmas when he was 2 years old 2y4mo and started playing it that VERY day.  He is now 8 and getting a bit old for it, but still plays it with his 4 year old sister.


Other good ones in the 2-3 year old range: Snail's Pace Race by Ravensburger Games (Both kids still play)



It's a card game -- but Hiss by Gamewright


DD played Spot It (Frozen) at age 3. (NOT by normal rules. I put out two cards and she had to find the image that was the same between them.  If she missed, then I got a chance to claim the card by finding the match. -- so taking turns)


DS has been playing Tsuro since age 4. DD since age 3.


Haba Animal Upon Animal


Richard Scarry's Busytown: Eye Found it http://smile.amazon.com/Wonder-Forge-Richard-Scarrys-Busytown/dp/B002V3RCE6/ref=pd_sim_21_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=51Sn0bWpMvL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=1TXZAYFK71SZ0RNJXXCP


DD got Gobblet Gobblers for Christmas this year (age 4) -- good for the 5 year old anyway. Fast short games.


We had Go Away Monsters with DS at age 2 too! I forgot about that one. Great fun. We lost too many pieces so DD didn't get to play it.


Yaghtzee Jr works by age 3 with some adult help. We have been doing that one for over a year now.


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I really, really love board games, and I really, really hate playing board games with my two year old. Board games weren't fun with my second born until he was almost four. My eldest, starting at about 2.5, liked to play board games with me. Some of my favorites were Pengoloo, Hoot Owl Hoot, Busytown, and CooCoo the Rocking Clown Game.


Really, though, I'm mean. We play board games with the toddler is napping.

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Before I had a child I remember being disgusted by a story of a parent rigging the Candyland deck so their child would win quickly and get the game over with.  When I started to play Candyland with my child, it was so mind-numbly boring I had to institute the rule of 'Draw from the cards face-down in the lid spread randomly" to keep myself from doing the same thing.  


There have been some good ones mentioned.  We also liked the Ladybug game.  It is so cute, and it was designed by a kid as a class project.  There is a path with two obstacles.  To get past the first you either need to get a "Bug Off Mantis" card or land on the bridge which takes you past.  The second you need 10 aphids to get past.  To move you draw cards with large font numbers on them.   There will be a number from 1-4, whether you move forward or back, and if you should draw again.  It isn't too long, so the attention scan isn't a problem.  


Uncle Wiggly is good too once they can count up to about 15.   The little rhymes on each card is pretty cute.  One thing I like is that every space is numbered so sometimes I can point out addition possibilities.  


How could I have almost forgot the Lego game!   Depending on the color you roll, the game changes.   So, one person might make a little lego thing that everyone else has to copy, or people try to bowl over some little lego pins.  


One thing we do, whenever one piece passes another, they go "kiss kiss kiss" to each other.  

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If your 2yo is on the older side of 2 and/or starting to count maybe consider Sorry! You could use just 2 game pieces per person and take out the Sorry cards--those might be a bit much for a little one. Ds1 loved this game when he was little and by the time he was 3yo it was his favorite game everrrrrr! YMMV, of course.

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I agree with Peaceable Kingdom games. We have several and love them all.

Stone Soup

Race to the Treasure

Hoot, Owl, Hoot

Dinosaur Escape

Fish Stix (a little more advanced, my 3yo hasn't tried it yet so I'm not sure)

Except Fish Stix those are cooperative games.


Discovery Garden is my 3yo's favorite game ever.

Speedy Diner (green eggs and ham) - Not a board game, a jump up and run around game. Both girls LOVE this one. It's a team game. 2yo could do one of the two roles if s/he knows some colors.

Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel ( I saw someone list this as cooperative, maybe there's different rule sets but it's not cooperative the way we play)

Labyrinth (Still a bit above my 3yo, so probably not for your 2yo yet, but your 5yo would probably like it)


Race to the Treasure, Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel and Discovery Garden would be the easiest of those for a 2yo.

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Whatever you do, don't buy Hungry Hungry Hippos. OMG that game tries a parent's nerves. The noise! *shudder*

I learned that lesson recently! I loved it when I was 6 and my 6-year-old had been asking so when we found it at a thrift store I bought it. I'm so glad I only spent $2 because it's gone now!

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My 2.5 year old looooves Whoowasit. Not what you'd think of first for that age, maybe, but he can follow the game and participate. It's cooperative with three levels of play, so also a favorite with the other kids (9, 7, 5).




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Catch the Match!


Playroom Entertainment makes that one and several others that have been big hits with our preschoolers.


Gamewright has several too, like Moose in the House, but I think more of theirs are for older kids.


I know there are several Dr. Seuss games out there.


Chutes and Ladders.


Hi Ho Cherry-O!


Lots of memory games -- sequential, standard, Pooh, trucks, etc.


Richard Scarry has a very basic card game that requires no skill, and for some reason, my kids love it.


Little ones can probably play Tenzi.  Even if they can't count much, they can tell if all the dice are showing the same number of dots.  (Maybe not a 2yo.)

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Go away monster


This is what you're supposed to say when they beg you to play Candyland one more time, right? I am probably the one who disgusted a previous poster by admitting that I'd rig the game to be over quickly because I haaaaaaated that game.  :D


We liked many of the Ravensburger games. Amazing Labyrinth, especially, had a pretty long life, as the boys liked playing it until they were late elementary age. Sorry, also.


My kids also really enjoyed Chutes and Ladders and Uncle Wiggly.

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Ravensburger has several beautiful pre-school games.  I bought ours in Germany so the names aren't in English or I would give you specifics.  But, if you look on Amazon and search Ravensburger you will find several tha might spark your interest.


ETA: Also look at Selecta. We have several of their pre-school games as well.  Our favorite is Grief Zu ( in German) I'm trying to find it in the American market. I'll let you know if I locate it. It's good fun. Even my older kids liked to play with the littlies.

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Lots of great ones mentioned...but for your particular kiddo I would recommend Sum Swamp. Alex loved it at that age. Very basic addition/subtraction, and a bit of even/odd identification.

Also, basic card games like go fish and RS math's version Go to the Dump where you make pairs that equal 10 (big friends).

For tiny hands, a tip: we took two plastic lids like those from round butter containers. Turn them back to back and insert a metal brad through the center. Now you have a card holder that even the littlest hands can manage:)

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chuts and ladder is the non-sugar version of candy land.  I can't remember what other board games we did.


My son had the hardest time with Chutes and Ladders before he could read the larger numbers reliably just because they had to go different direction on different rows. He'd get confused and move his piece the wrong direction. It seemed completely random to him which way to go after sliding down a slide/going up a ladder. It was GREAT for learning how one number followed another -- so ages 4 or 5. Not age 2.

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Kerplunk, Jenga, and Fishing (not sure the actual name) were great early games at our house. All are at Walmart or Target. Mancala is a good early game too but I'm doubtful a 2 year old would understand what was happening, you could create your own game from the board and marbles though.


While my children liked the idea of playing a game at 2 or 3 they really didn't appreciate them until they were a bit older. They did better with I Spy or Find the Button type games at the younger ages.


Corrected grammar

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