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What's your idea of a good time on your birthday?


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I like to get the day "off" from the assorted tasks I don't like to do (dishes, cooking, etc.) but in a very low-key way. I don't want to be taken out for a big, expensive meal or anything, just have the opportunity to not do a few things.


Sometimes, I like to hit the bookstore with permission to buy myself a book guilt free. A couple of times, I've asked to go to Home Depot to buy a plant or something.


Other than that, I just want all of my family members to be pleasant to me and to each other.


I'm a real party animal.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Quiet. I typically do a lot of reading and writing and thinking time. Also, cake and cherry fizz and in the evening playing board games or video games with my partner. 


This good time is amplified by our family situation. My birthday is the day after M-6's. M is very social and loves having people around her - the last 2 year's she's had 2-3 friends over for a sleep over [plus her 2 older siblings get involved as well]. Very loud, late one with too much watching minecraft videos and no one going out to play for very long even in the middle of summer. So for the last 2 years, my birthday has been mainly me recovering from that. I debate on ensuring next year she picks something that doesn't last overnight so I can enjoy my birthday more or if that would make hers less fun. 

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I'm really low maintenance. I enjoy peace, so no fighting/arguing is a must. A little something for my birthday (not a big present, a small something, but that I like or enjoy). I don't cook, I like hubby to make dinner, and kids and him do the dishes. Lemon cheesecake for dessert if they have the time to make it, if not it can be store bought.

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Lunch with a few friends can be nice.


A few thoughtful gifts--garden stuff, books, etc. Doesn't have to be big.


A few years ago, Dh and I went to a Rangers game. It was fun, just being the two of us.


If family is around, supper here at home or out. I'm easy either way.


I've found if I'm too quiet on that day I get depressed. So I can read and lounge for a part of the day, but then I need to get up and go out for a bit.

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 minimal to no wiping anyone else's butt.


That's a good one. I want to go a whole day without wiping anyone's butt besides my own. 


I also like the idea of having a day off from all the tedious tasks like deciding what's for/ making dinner, cleaning, dishes etc. But then getting out of the house later sounds good. 


I might actually get crazy and request that DH take the kids somewhere so I can be by myself. I am a SAHM but because of my kids ages, and being homeschooled, being in the house by myself is the impossible dream. 

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Good food and good company.  The very best is when I can spend the day exploring a new place with dh.  Sometimes I make food I like, sometimes we buy it. 


When our children were little I didn't do much on my birthday except buy myself a book and find time to read it. That was lovely.

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That's a good one. I want to go a whole day without wiping anyone's butt besides my own. 


I also like the idea of having a day off from all the tedious tasks like deciding what's for/ making dinner, cleaning, dishes etc. But then getting out of the house later sounds good. 


I might actually get crazy and request that DH take the kids somewhere so I can be by myself. I am a SAHM but because of my kids ages, and being homeschooled, being in the house by myself is the impossible dream. 


Four years ago I started a birthday tradition.  


The day before I take the kids to the library and let them check out as many videos (age-appropriate, of course) as they want.  Then all day on my birthday I plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally.  Meanwhile, I CLEAN my house.  Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.  


By the time DH comes home there is a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van is piled with stuff to donate and the house feels fresh and ready to start my new year.


Then we all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we pop the kids into bed early, DH "surprises" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My perfect birthday marred only by the birthday phone calls that I have to cheerfully field...don't they know that the best gift they could give this introvert is not making me talk on the phone?!?!?  Nothing says you care like a birthday text or email!!   :thumbup:



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Chocolate cake, nice dinner out, minimal to no wiping anyone else's butt.


Shoot for the stars, zoobie.


I might actually get crazy and request that DH take the kids somewhere so I can be by myself. I am a SAHM but because of my kids ages, and being homeschooled, being in the house by myself is the impossible dream.


That sounds like a great plan. No matter how much you love your kids, sometimes you just need a freaking break.

Edited by Tanaqui
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Having Netflix all to myself and sushi for dinner with my family.  Sadly, it is never going to happen, one of the downfalls of having a twin who thinks we should always be together doing something on our birthday.   She KNOWS I hate parties, she doesn't care. 



So tell her no. It's perfectly reasonable for you to only spend half your birthdays with her - or none at all, though I assume you want to spend time with her at least some years. And you know what? Most of the time, I find that if I put my foot down, then after the initial protest it's not a problem anymore.

Edited by Tanaqui
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I like having a family dinner - but not at my house. 


I'd also be happy to go out to dinner with my husband, or maybe something fun like bowling.  Possibly a canoe trip, but not a serious one.


A massage, or trip to the salon,  or time to shop without kids and some shopping money would be nice.


I might like to go out dancing if I had the right group of friends.  Or - to the Shore Club for lobster and dancing - this is unlikely though because dh generally refuses to dance.


Last year dh and I went to a roller derby game and then the taco bar.





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I haven't done this for my birthday yet, but this year for Mother's Day, I asked for the afternoon off.  I went downtown, took myself out to a nice sushi restaurant, browsed around in the art galleries, went to a book store, read a bit, picked up the Sunday Times, sat down with a cappuccino and read as much as I wanted, got up to get some gelato, and then read some more.  I sampled cheeses, olive oils and vinegars at the oil and vinegar store.  As my present, I bought some books and art supplies (which I was able to select slowly and carefully with no children tugging at me).  It was so delicious to just walk around all by myself with nothing that needed to be accomplished.  

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I'm an extreme introvert, so my perfect birthday for the past few years has been to sleep in, go out to eat with DH and the kids, and then spend the afternoon by myself at a movie.


I love going to the movies by myself. I don't have to talk to anyone, don't have to share my popcorn, and can choose any film that I want. The kids usually make me cards, and I get a few gifts, but mainly my gift is getting to spend the day by myself. Sometimes after the movie I might stop at a store to buy myself a couple of cute shirts (I only shop for clothes for myself two or three times a year).


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For the past 4 years I've gone away and spent a night in a hotel on my own. I don't necessarily do it on my actual birthday but on some convenient weekend close to it. I go on Saturday morning and come back sometime Sunday afternoon. I typically go to a museum or two during the day and take my time seeing what I want. I go to a bookstore and just browse. I take a long walk. I go out to lunch alone. Then I check into the hotel. I take a long hot bath and spend the rest of the time reading. I might watch whatever I want on TV or a movie that only I would be interested in. I generally order room service for dinner and breakfast the next morning. Sunday morning I leave the hotel as late as I can and go to one more museum or just come back home. 


It's lovely. :) 

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My birthday is Sat.  I want to do my own thing.  If that means being on the computer all day, so be it!  But  my family will make me a meal in bed, which I will have to carry back to the kitchen to actually eat it.  


Ideal day....sleep late.  Get brunch out.  Go for an easy hike outside.  Maybe a movie.  Eat dinner somewhere I love.   And be allowed to play on my phone.  


LOL  not very friendly huh?    I get no breaks.  Even holidays....always cooking or cleaning.  A day where I eat out and don't have to look at my house getting dirtier b/c I refuse to do anything about it at the moment would be bliss.  I guess in an dream world I would have some adventure planned....boat?  Or fly somewhere fun?  But reality is I hope to get to skip cooking a meal.  And maybe they will make me a cake? 

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Today was my birthday.


I slept until 10:22 at which point I quietly started playing on my ipad in bed without anyone knowing I was awake (unless they saw my FB post.)


I got out of bed at 11:00. I did not shower today at all. I hate showering. I get cold quickly and would prefer staying in big puffy clothes from October to April without ever taking any of them off. But we don't live in Medieval Europe so I have to shower. Except on my birthday.


So, I dressed my stinky self in clothes (couldn't get out of dressing today), and at 12:00 we all walked to the diner that's 1/2 a mile away. I had the appetizer platter (2 mozza sticks, 5 onion rings, 2 chicken tenders) and a cup of chili for lunch.


We walked home.


DS13 left his stylus at the diner, so while DH and DS worked on the science fair project (pure torture for DS13, and I didn't have to help AT ALL--yay!), I took a bike and rode back to the diner to get the stylus. Only I grabbed my son's bike and not my DH's bike and realized about 1/4 of a mile from home that the seat was really too low and my knees started to hurt. Thankfully, we live at the low end of town so it was downhill all the way home.


I played a bit more on the ipad while DH and DS wrestled with the science fair project.


I decided that I wanted to go browsing at Ollies. DS13 was exhausted from all the science fair torture and opted to stay home. DH and DS10 came with me. When we got there we realized we were hungry so we went to Pizza Hut. I got the alfredo chicken pasta dish and they had pizza. We browsed at Ollies for 1.5 hours and then at Goodwill for 1/2 hour. I got my dad some red Converse shoes--brand new still had the tag--at Goodwill, but I'm not sure they're the right size and I might have to return them.


My aunt had surgery today so we stopped at her house on the way home for about 20 minutes.


I sat down to play on my ipad and saw this thread and commented. I think I'll play some Zoo Tycoon on the computer for an hour and then go to bed.


But other years:


DH's birthday was yesterday. We are 5 years and 1 day apart in age. When he turned 40 and I turned 35 we had a HUGE party in the church gym. We invited everyone we know.


When I turned 40 and he turned 45, we invited everyone we know to play laser tag with us. We rented the entire facility before they opened to the public and had a big breakfast and sessions of laser tag. It was a blast.


You just never know around here. Huge party or low-key day at home. Anything could happen on a birthday!

Edited by Garga
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I just like to be sure I have some treats, whether large (a whole morning to myself) or small (my favorite pot of tea).  A hot bath is nice. I like some time to reflect on the past year and consider my goals for my next year of life.  Not cooking dinner is nice, but I always bake my own cake (or I just order a tiny dessert from a fancy shop, or eat a truffle!). I don't really have expectations that need to be met.  

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It depends on my mood. Some years I want to go out and about, getting an "experiential" gift of going somewhere or doing something that we couldn't justify the time or expense of without a good reason. Some years I like to just get a few books, some nice wine and chill with Dh. Sometimes even going out for dinner with or without the kids. I usually end up baking my own cake but my oldest may be able to handle it all on her own by the time my birthday rolls around again.  :hurray:

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I enjoy doing a daytime movie or just a coffee with a friend on my birthday.


I like a nice meal, at home. Sometimes we do take-out, sometimes dh cooks the meal I ask for (I do the dessert). I'm specific about the time I want to eat. I like to direct all after-hours requests or complaints to dh - I am "off duty" and retire to my room with movie and a drink after dinner.

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Four years ago I started a birthday tradition.  


The day before I take the kids to the library and let them check out as many videos (age-appropriate, of course) as they want.  Then all day on my birthday I plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally.  Meanwhile, I CLEAN my house.  Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.  


By the time DH comes home there is a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van is piled with stuff to donate and the house feels fresh and ready to start my new year.


Then we all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we pop the kids into bed early, DH "surprises" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My perfect birthday marred only by the birthday phone calls that I have to cheerfully field...don't they know that the best gift they could give this introvert is not making me talk on the phone?!?!?  Nothing says you care like a birthday text or email!!   :thumbup:




This sounds epic!!

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So tell her no. It's perfectly reasonable for you to only spend half your birthdays with her - or none at all, though I assume you want to spend time with her at least some years. And you know what? Most of the time, I find that if I put my foot down, then after the initial protest it's not a problem anymore.


After this thread, I had a fantastic idea.  Told her if she wanted to be together for our birthday this year she can come over and we will watch favorite movies and order out and she said yes! 


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So tell her no. It's perfectly reasonable for you to only spend half your birthdays with her - or none at all, though I assume you want to spend time with her at least some years. And you know what? Most of the time, I find that if I put my foot down, then after the initial protest it's not a problem anymore.


She still hasn't forgiven me for missing our 30th together because I went to Japan for earthquake relief. ;)

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I mainly like acknowledgement.   Happy birthday hugs and kisses in the morning. Kids helping more than usual with chores.  Someone providing a nice dessert.  I don't care too much about gifts though I'm happy to receive something from my kids. 


I don't mind cooking dinner on my birthday, though cooked food brought in - even a take-and-bake pizza, or grocery store chicken - is fine too.  I don't really like going out for dinner anymore - it's so expensive, and we haven't found any restaurants we love here.  


I actually could skip birthdays and similar occasions (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day) altogether but we make the effort to celebrate them here as part of child training.  My son does not "get" things like this naturally.  I don't want to be reading posts from his as-yet-hypothetical wife years from now, about how he ignores her birthday.  So we consider it part of child training.  Yes, even at his age.

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Four years ago I started a birthday tradition.


The day before I take the kids to the library and let them check out as many videos (age-appropriate, of course) as they want. Then all day on my birthday I plop them all in front of the TV and just throw snacks and picnic food at them occasionally. Meanwhile, I CLEAN my house. Top to bottom, floor to ceiling, music playing, dishwasher and laundry constantly humming in the background.


By the time DH comes home there is a big bag of trash sitting in the garage, the back of the van is piled with stuff to donate and the house feels fresh and ready to start my new year.


Then we all go out for dinner (dropping the donations off on the way), we pop the kids into bed early, DH "surprises" me with my favorite kind of cake from the grocery store and we relax in the pristine house and watch whatever I want on Netflix.


My perfect birthday marred only by the birthday phone calls that I have to cheerfully field...don't they know that the best gift they could give this introvert is not making me talk on the phone?!?!? Nothing says you care like a birthday text or email!! :thumbup:



This is fantastic and I'm stealing it!!!

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If my b/day is on a week day, I usually have lunch out with friends. And then dinner out with the family. The weekend before or after will include a day of fun in the city (museum, shopping, food, etc). If my birthday is on the weekend, we do the weekend thing and I have lunch out with friends sometime close to it. Some years, multiple lunches with different friend groups. I'm very social so this works well for me. My husband says that I don't have a birthday but a birthday week ;)

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My ideal would be to start the day with a good early workout or walk with the dog, followed by weekday Mass and breakfast out with my DH and kids. After that, we'd do some sort of family activity for the rest of the morning. In the afternoon I would go out for coffee by myself with a good book and then come home to a clean house and dinner prepared by my husband.


In reality, Tuesday morning DS has orchestra practice at 7:30, which eliminates both our options for morning Mass and makes it a bit more challenging to have time to workout and make sure DS is at practice on time while juggling baby boy's nursing routine. DH is taking the day off so he'll be on diaper duty all day, and we will go out for breakfast, but I'm not sure how much time to myself the baby will let me have. We haven't tried giving him a bottle of pumped milk yet.

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My ideal would be a nice walk with friends, some kayaking, a trail ride on my horse, not having to cook dinner, and then a walk on the boardwalk/beach with DH......maybe a picnic at the beach.  My birthday is September and in Michigan it could be in the upper 80s or in the 40s but a day in the mid 60s would be perfect for me.

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Mostly I just like to be alone. I seem to always be working a 24 on my birthday. This year my boss bought me a cake and my partner got me chocolate. My husband forgot about it.


One year I decided I really wanted to do something nice and my husband and I went away for a nice romantic weekend away. We came back with a surprise baby, though it took about three and a half months to realize it.

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A housecleaning, that I don't have to ask for, plan, or execute.


Go somewhere I don't have to pick, plan or execute.


Not cook, or otherwise plan, purchase the food.


My birthday was a couple days ago. I ignored the mess, chauffeured everyone about, and went to bed early. I think I ate leftovers.


I am now planning the January and March birthdays. I think my daughter is going to bake me a cake this weekend.


What I'd love, though, is a surprise party.

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