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Santa Question


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Once your kids are old enough to not believe in Santa.....do you still put out some presents on Christmas Eve (or whenever your Santa arrives)? Or do you still carry out the same traditions, just with them on it? 


I really, really wish dd9 didn't believe any more.  It would make it so much easier to just put out everything at once and be done with it.  I would probably still do stockings, but to not have to hide presents would be lovely!

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I still hide everything, and my ds is 15. I still stay up most of the night on Christmas Eve, arranging the packages under the tree in a certain way until I'm sure it looks perfect, and ds loves getting up on Christmas morning to see it. :)


I loved it when he still believed in Santa. Those years were amazingly fun.


Edited to add -- We do at least one fairly big gift on Christmas Eve, so that goes under the tree sometime during the day on Christmas Eve for torture purposes. (Hmmm... what could possibly be in that box? Probably you wish you could pick it up and shake it... 😈)

Edited by Catwoman
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We've always done the one present and stocking from Santa but everything else is from us as well. Mine haven't believed in many years but still get one Santa gift and a stocking. I will continue it until they move out just like my parents did. Dds look forward to it still.

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Santa only brings one presents and stuff for stockings.  We have presents under the tree otherwise from DH and I and other family that sends stuff.  Well, they are under there after getting wrapped, which I supposed I need to get around to.     I think at this point my kids have all figured it out, but we like make believe and it keeps things fun.  We probably won't stop until the kids are moved out on their own.

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Mine never believed in Santa, but we still did the presents-appearing-"magically"- overnight thing. They knew perfectly well who brought the gifts, but we all played along together.


Our routine has always been that one present appears under the tree in the middle of the night beginning the day we put up the tree (usually soon after December 15). Then anything left over arrives and stockings are filled sometime between bedtime on the 24th and Christmas morning. We purposely hold back large items to put out the last night to increase the illusion of "explosion."


Even now that my kids are adults/nearly so, we follow the same basic pattern.

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It's tradition here for gifts to magically appear for Christmas morning.   sometimes mom preferred opening gifts Christmas eve, let us stay up later but they got to sleep in Christmas morning while we would get up and play with a new things.   


Funny story about traditions and kids who do no longer believe in Santa clause.  When middle son was 16 he was up while the little ones had gone to bed.  He came out while I was filling stockings and he said something like "Now you have ruined Christmas for me"   :lol:  He has gone to bed the same time as the little ones the past few years.  I guess he likes our traditions.

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My 13 year year old son still BELIEVES. He just wrote his letter to Santa. I have no idea when he is going to figure it out, but even after he does, we'll still continue the same traditions. My parents continued the traditions of Santa even after we figured it out. Only problem was, as my Mom got older, she'd forget where she hid stuff.

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In my family, Santa gifts are unwrapped and put out on Christmas Eve after the kids went to bed. Once the youngest didn't believe anymore, we lost the Santa tradition and everything was wrapped and from us. The ones who knew the secret still got Santa gifts because the youngest still believed. We just stopped doing that when my youngest knew, which was when she was fairly young. We still do stockings and I put those out on Christmas morning.

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We've always played the Santa Game, but all of our kids have understood that Santa is just a game.  I put the presents under the tree a week or so before Christmas, having kept them hidden before.  And the ones from the huz and me say To: Name From: Santa and the kids know it's from us.  And goodies turn up in the stocking on Christmas morning.

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We put a few gifts under the tree, but hide the rest, even though we don't do Santa. It's just fun to come in the livingroom on Christmas morning and see a pile of gifts. Stockings "magically" appear in your bed at the foot sometime in the night after Mass on Christmas Eve. There have been many occasions when the person putting the stockings in the beds let out a few choice words--clean up the floor before bed on Christmas Eve so there's no toe stubbing!

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My kids are young adults, and even though they haven't believed in Santa for several years, I will not confess that he doesn't exit.  Like I tell them, "I still believe in Santa.  If I stop believing, maybe I wouldn't get any presents."  Even so, most presents go under the tree and stockings are filled usually after midnight before Christmas morning when most are at least in their rooms.  I think it makes for a fun Christmas morning to see what has appeared.  I have to say, though, that Christmas morning comes later and later as the teenagers like to sleep in later and later!

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I continue the same traditions. I don't hide the gifts as stridently and I don't wrap them with as much secretivity, though. If any kid goes looking in my closet with his eyes half-open, he will see the Christmas gifts are in there.


Also, they see Amazon boxes and what-not arriving; they know they are gifts and I have told them plainly any arriving deliveries are none of their beeswax.

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My parents still did the Christmas presents put out late Christmas Eve night so we could come into the room to get them on Christmas morning until we were grown and out of the house.  I will do the same with my kids.  It's fun.  (I have one who wholeheartedly believes, one who I know knows the truth, but chooses to believe, and two who have known for years.)

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I have one staunch believer and one non-believer. It's hard. Santa fills the stockings and leaves group gifts (ex. board games) and one special, surprise item on Christmas Eve. My non-believer will be getting coal from Santa this year. The edible kind.

Edited by Sneezyone
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We only do one medium sized gift from Santa each...right now those are wrapped and hidden inside a packing box in the garage LOL.


The rest are all wrapped and hidden in my closet. All the kids know they are in there but are good about not touching..although there has been some looking .


All mine still believe but I will still put the gifts out Christmas Eve. It's no fun on Christmas morning if you have already seen the pile of gifts for weeks. Plus if my kids ask for something they will usually recognise the shape of it and know they are getting it ...which takes away the suprise for both the receiver and the giver. My DH does that if I put his stuff under the tree...he looks at it and says ...that is this..that is this...and he is always right and it always makes me feel let down and like throwing his gifts in the garbage.


The only gifts we keep under the tree are the ones the kids get for each other and for mom and dad. We open these on Christmas Eve. Santa gifts and mum and dad gifts come out when they go to sleep so they can walk out and say WOW... going from nothing to something always creates the illusion of tons of gifts...even if there aren't lol.

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As someone said above, we've always done Santa as a game--the kids have always known it's dh and I. They wake up Christmas morning to find their stockings full and a "big" gift from Santa. But everything else gets wrapped and put under the tree as the gifts arrive and as I have time to get them wrapped. We all love looking at presents under the tree most of December. Some tags say from Santa, some say from the cat, some say from mom, some from mom and dad, some from dad--they know they're all from us. They like to have things to unwrap--all relatives now just give money, so they want me to wrap each item separately instead of putting all of the books together, etc. So I try to think up different things for the tags to say.

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Santa still comes! Sometimes dd helps otherwise I'm up and text my brother on the west coast who used to stay up with me. I miss those all night elf parties . I asked ds 19 if he was about done with Hess trucks . He looked at me and said, "it's Christmas!" Lol help me now!

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Once your kids are old enough to not believe in Santa.....do you still put out some presents on Christmas Eve (or whenever your Santa arrives)? Or do you still carry out the same traditions, just with them on it?


I really, really wish dd9 didn't believe any more. It would make it so much easier to just put out everything at once and be done with it. I would probably still do stockings, but to not have to hide presents would be lovely!

We still do stockings, Santa's book basket, and a fun "Santa gift" for each child still living at home. This year, Santa is bringing beach/swim towels. Last year, it was hot chocolate mugs.


The fun part is that the boys get to help play Santa on Christmas Eve by filling stockings for their dad or sisters, or now their nephew. :) Then we all share Santa's cookies, they go to bed, and I finish playing Santa.

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My mother continued to hide things and put them out Christmas Eve.  I assume I'll do the same, but I look forward to the day when I don't have to wait for kids to be sound asleep.


"Magical" traditions have definitely taken their toll on me over time.  I seriously considered changing a few things in between the first three kids and the last two, but hated the idea of giving that experience to some of the kids and not others.


So here I am, with anywhere from 3 to 6 more years ahead of me, judging by experience.

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Our kids know that when one quits believing in Santa, he no longer comes.  My kids still believe... (the two at home are 21 and 20 this year).  :coolgleamA:


Santa's never hidden gifts at our house.  Perhaps we're late on his run or something.  He just puts one gift for each under the tree and fills stockings.  Then he munches on the cookies left out...  There'd better be cookies.

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We put out one gift or so under the tree each night--and sometimes if we can sneak one during the day--so there's always something new and pretty to discover in the morning. It can be for any of us, or a gift for a friend or something to donate. The element of surprise and anticipation of both giving and receiving is fun. DS loves to play elf and surprise us :)


We kind of did Santa, although we never actually left anything specifically from him. We put out most gifts Christmas Eve so there's a big pile in the morning, and we always leave out one big, unwrapped gift by the stove. It's implied that it's the Santa gift, though we never said and he's never asked (DS was a very reluctant believer). When DS was little we went through great pains to use special paper and all that, but we never left a tag from him.

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Oh yes!  My kids never really truly believed in Santa, but we always put gifts out on Christmas Eve after they went to bed and filled their stockings, and it was still magical.   My Scandinavian extended family does most of their celebrating on Christmas Eve, and we still do.  That's when we go to church, eat our big dinner, and open gifts to and from each other.  But on Christmas morning, there was always a filled stocking and a couple gifts from Santa.  Now that my kids are older, we don't do stockings anymore, but Santa still brings one gift each.  ;-)



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We've never done Santa at our house, but the presents still "magically" appear under the tree on Christmas morning. Mostly because I don't want to deal with the drama of possible premature opening by little ones (My four year old would so still do that!) And I don't want to deal with premature guessing to ruin the surprises. Some things, like Lego sets, have such an obvious sound there is just about no way to hide it!

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We've always put all of our presents out during the night on Christmas Eve, whether they were from Santa or not. My kids are 15 & 17 and we still do it that way; any presents for dh and I also. 



 "Magical" traditions have definitely taken their toll on me over time.  I seriously considered changing a few things in between the first three kids and the last two, but hated the idea of giving that experience to some of the kids and not others.



And they would never let you forget it  :laugh:


We carried on as if everyone believed.


Pretty much this! We still put out milk and cookies, lol. 

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We may not do gifts from Santa this year. Instead, at my DD's suggestion (she got the idea because GF used to do this with Christmas gifts for her boys, who are now grown and almost-grown) we are instituting a Yule Treasure Hunt. Their presents will be hidden somewhere around the house and they will have to find them. This will work better this year because we are moving very soon and the house is kind of packing chaos. I don't want to bust out all the decorations in the middle of all that. 

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