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Goal weight! Took 2 years to lose 20 years of gain.


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You rock! Congratulations!


I got all my weight off in a similar manner and then my body went haywire and I'm losing 80% of it again! Ugh. But I'm going about it the exact same way because it works.


We totally need before and after pictures, btw!

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Congratulations! My story is very close to yours except I'm still 2 pounds from my goal weight. Even though I've lost the weight slowly, the downside is now that I've aged my skin isn't bouncing back to the tightness it once had. I'm still hoping with time it will firm back up.


Well done to you and all your hard work. I remember how hard giving up soda was and it's a horrible, horrible feeling. Good for you for sticking with it.


:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:



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