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How often do you clean your bedroom


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I am not a good housekeeper. I do keep public areas of my home clean. I do keep things in my room so I can find stuff, but I dont really clean it. I'm taking oldest to college this weekend and MIL will be staying in my room. I think I needed this. Major declutter: 3 bags of homeschool books long outgrown, a babygate (dd looks at it in my give away pile and says "how long has it been since we had a baby?" Costume jewelry from the early 90s amazing amounts of other stuff that has collected here. My room is not that big.


Anyway, I clearly put off cleaning in here because no one will see.

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I straighten my room up nightly. It is amazing what waking up to a clean room does for the beginning of my day. I vacuum twice a week because I have 2 dogs and I dust once a week. In total it all takes me 5 minutes a day. This was after I spent a good 2 days majorly decluttering it. Getting kid's toys and books out of my room was the best decision I've made in regards to keeping the room clean. They may come into the room but they are not houses here.

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Well, I certainly wish my room was clean.  My house is clean enough for people to visit, with certain areas being cluttered.  But, I do not know how to keep a really clean house.  One of the things I have a habit of doing when people come over is statshing it in my room.  Where I then close the door and people don't see it.  SIGH  Not a good plan.


That being said, I did recently replace the floor in our room, so we did a big clean-up in there.  It was really shocking the amount of stuff that came out of there.  SIGH  Hopefully I can do better.

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Well, I certainly wish my room was clean.  My house is clean enough for people to visit, with certain areas being cluttered.  But, I do not know how to keep a really clean house.  One of the things I have a habit of doing when people come over is statshing it in my room.  Where I then close the door and people don't see it.  SIGH  Not a good plan.


That being said, I did recently replace the floor in our room, so we did a big clean-up in there.  It was really shocking the amount of stuff that came out of there.  SIGH  Hopefully I can do better.



I can't stand my room being messy. I need at least one clean space in my house. I dust, change sheets and vacuum at least once a week. I straighten and pick it up every morning before I get started and make the bed.


It is very nice to know that when the whole house is trashed, that one space is tidy. No kids are permitted to play in there either.


When you do your "people are coming" snatch and stash, place the items in a laundry basket. After company goes away, put the stuff in the basket where it belongs

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I am not a good housekeeper. I do keep public areas of my home clean. I do keep things in my room so I can find stuff, but I dont really clean it. I'm taking oldest to college this weekend and MIL will be staying in my room. I think I needed this. Major declutter: 3 bags of homeschool books long outgrown, a babygate (dd looks at it in my give away pile and says "how long has it been since we had a baby?" Costume jewelry from the early 90s amazing amounts of other stuff that has collected here. My room is not that big.


Anyway, I clearly put off cleaning in here because no one will see.


sounds like we're sisters!


It was much less attended to when my kids were little.  Then we got a lovely woman to come clean for me 2x per week.  She did the main living areas plus my bedroom and bath.  It was wonderful.  And yes, it was nice to have a clean and tidy room... but since I've stopped using her I've fallen back into my old ways.   Now, I do tidy my room every month or so, but my room does tend to be a bit of a dumping ground too.  It rarely gets vacuumed because it's a pain to lug the thing up there...but we're getting another vacuum soon and I plan to keep the old one upstairs until it completely dies.

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I straighten it up for the ways I use it every day or two -- but it also has storage-and-stash corners.


I make sure they stay 'square and tidy looking' but they are perfectly legitimate part of how I live and what I use that room for. In my mind they 'belong' -- as long as they look like organized storage, not clutter mountains.


I get around to clearing out that sort of thing once or twice a year. It's livable, and a very low priority. I clean things in priority of how frequently they bother me or interfere with my life... Storage in the corner? Not interfering with my life very much.

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I straighten it up for the ways I use it every day or two -- but it also has storage-and-stash corners.


I make sure they stay 'square and tidy looking' but they are perfectly legitimate part of how I live and what I use that room for. In my mind they 'belong' -- as long as they look like organized storage, not clutter mountains.


I get around to clearing out that sort of thing once or twice a year. It's livable, and a very low priority. I clean things in priority of how frequently they bother me or interfere with my life... Storage in the corner? Not interfering with my life very much.


Yeah, I've kind of gotten used to my dh's pile in the corner under the highboy. I don't even see it anymore.


I've told him I am going to use the AI/semen tank as a nightstand and put a lamp on it.

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I don't have that much in my room. so vacuum and dust weekly. make bed daily.  it does feel good to have a nice master. I don't have big closets, but I did closet organizers a couple years ago - which allowed me to get rid of a chest of drawers so I just have a dresser. (dh's side does have junk on top of it.)

I agree with others - keeping things neat only takes about five minutes a day.

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We (my husband is the worst part of this we) can easily get a messy bedroom. Our answer is to have a small bedroom and lots of bed. We have barely any closet to speak of, it's under the lowest half of the stairs to the attic. We have two double mattresses on the floor, so never anything under the bed, and two dressers. Other then that we have about one square meter of floor. That's it. It's really hard to get a messy room if you have only one square meter that isn't needed for a door to open. 



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I should add. My room is always the cleanest room in the house. I stay sane as long as it is clean. I have decluttered the rest of the house big time and am working on keeping the rest of the house clean regularly. It is going well but I'll never be one of those people who can have it clean and ready for guests all the time.

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I am not a good housekeeper. I do keep public areas of my home clean. I do keep things in my room so I can find stuff, but I dont really clean it. I'm taking oldest to college this weekend and MIL will be staying in my room. I think I needed this. Major declutter: 3 bags of homeschool books long outgrown, a babygate (dd looks at it in my give away pile and says "how long has it been since we had a baby?" Costume jewelry from the early 90s amazing amounts of other stuff that has collected here. My room is not that big.


Anyway, I clearly put off cleaning in here because no one will see.


Daily. :-)


I make my bed as soon as my feet hit the floor, and I change the sheets weekly. I hang up my clothes (or put them in the hamper) when I take them off. I never, ever use my bedroom to file stuff that doesn't belong in there--no books, no children's stuff, no unfolded laundry, nothing.


Kudos for decluttering! :party: :party:

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It varies.  I really like my room to be clean, but then again it doesn't bother me if it's not "that clean."  I usually work in there (full time job) and I have files and piles.  I have storage bins to put them in, but sometimes they have to be out.  And sometimes I'm too busy and too tired to care.


I don't like to hoard stuff, though.  If I don't use it, out it goes.  Except for a few things that I "might want someday." 


I never leave clothes around - either they are in the hamper or in a cupboard/drawer.  It's no more effort to do that than to throw them on a bed/chair/floor.


We have maids come in once a month to dust and vacuum.  They usually don't get under the furniture, but it's better than waiting around until I feel like doing it.


Before kids, I was way better about this.  :p  Then again, I had time to sit in my room and read, HA HA HA.

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I don't own a lot of stuff because I don't like clutter and we have a small house. My room never gets messy/junky/cluttered so keeping my room clean takes 7 minutes a day.


The boys are responsible for vacuuming/dusting in my room everyday because they are the ones who want the cats around. Before the cats, I vacuumed twice a week in my room.



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It gets de-cluttered often, probably daily. I do not make my bed every day; I stopped making it at soon as I wake up when I realized that bedding needs to be aired out after sleeping and so many times I just forget. That is okay with me, though. Cleaning only happens when the housecleaners are here, so once every two weeks. We don't usually let the kids in our bedroom so it is probably one of the cleanest areas in the house and cleaning more often than that is not necessary.

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Wow, you guys are surprising me! I didn't realize there were that many moms with neat bedrooms.


Mine has always been last on the cleaning/decluttering list because no one (guests) go in there. There are always a few items that don't have a home and had to put them somewhere after cleaning the rest of the house, so they end up on my bureau.


Then there is dh's clean folded laundry that I pile on his dresser, which stays there for a few days until he gets around to putting them away. The rest of the surfaces are covered with clothes dh has worn once and will wear again before washing, but in the meantime they're lying around.


Add in several vhs tapes, boxes and dvds (dd4 watches in our room), oh and the hampers for all the family laundry, and yes, I've given up on it being any type of sanctuary.


ETA: Just realized I didn't answer the question. Umm, I clean it very infrequently, since there are very few exposed surfaces and floor space accessible enough to clean. We do a deep "spring clean" a couple of times a year. Decluttering/straightening. ..probably every 6 weeks or so.

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I straighten daily, vacuum and dust weekly. Decluttering...we do it quarterly, but when we had Babyman we moved bedrooms around and turned what used to be our family room into a big bedroom. Unfortunately it also has storage shelves and the laundry area in it, since it started life as a garage. Our next big inside project is to build a real closet and laundry room so our room doesn't look cluttered all the time.

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I don't have anything in my room, so there is nothing to clean.  I have about half a dozen small paperbacks standing on my nightstand. If I have laundry, I put it away.  Otherwise, there's nothing that is not a permanent fixture: dressers, vases, photographs, etc.  Zero clutter.  Sure, there's bits of clutter in the living areas, and you could make a horror movie in my basement, but my bedroom is a sanctuary.

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If you mean vacuuming under our bed, then once every 10 years...


We do make the bed every day and generally keep things looking in place and not sloppy.  But I usually throw my clothes over a chair all week, and only put them away once/week.


Dusting and vacuuming the floor (not under the bed :)), once/month.  Although we did that more often when we had our hairy dog and cats!


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Yeah, I've kind of gotten used to my dh's pile in the corner under the highboy. I don't even see it anymore.


I've told him I am going to use the AI/semen tank as a nightstand and put a lamp on it.


Um, what? Does this mean what I think it means, or is it a typo?


Was I really the only person who did a double take at this?


And to answer the original question, I try to keep our bedroom neat, but occasionally the chair in there ends up with clothing piled on it. One of my jobs for today is to clear that off and hang some pictures in there. I refuse to just stash stuff when guests are coming. It drives my husband crazy, but I insist on actually putting stuff away where it really belongs even though it might take a little longer in the short run.

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My bedroom is a wreck but there's not much I can do about it.  The room is super-small.  Dh basically put walls up around our bed so the bed touches the walls on three sides.  The open side of the bed there's about two feet of space before the wall.  One end of that space is a window, the other is the door.  One the wall in between we have wall shelves and one of those shelf units that's meant to go over a twin bed (from dd's dorm room freshman year).  It sits over three sets of plastic drawers that hold my clothes.  A selection of my hanging clothes for work hangs from the side of the shelves so I don't have to disturb the girls in the morning ("my" closet is shared with older dd and is in their room).  Next to that is a shoe bag, then a light and then you're at the corner.  There's stuff under the bed, bags in front of my drawers, sweaters and sweatshirts folded on the shelves.  I do have to do some work in there soon because it's gradually getting worse.


I do change the sheets weekly but there's no way to clean under the bed without emptying the entire room and that's not possible (the mattress won't fit through the door, dh literally built the room around the bed).

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Daily pickup, weekly vacuuming, and sheets changed a couple of times a week.


Dh and I made a decision years ago to have a calm and peaceful place for ourselves. Nothing is allowed to stay in our bedroom unless it's supposed to be there. We have a small sitting area in our bedroom as well, and it became a favorite place for the kids to have heart-to-heart talks with us.

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Normally I vacuum, dust and change the sheets once a week.  If I'm super busy or lazy I might let the dusting slide, and maybe even the vacuuming. But something would have to be really, really abnormal for me to not change the sheets.  I do like me some fresh clean sheets. :)

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Tiny bedroom here, the smallest in the house. The queen sized bed fills the center, with a dresser and a wardrobe lining the walls, there is only room for walkways around the bed wide enough for just one person.


About twice a year I notice that things have migrated into my room that need to find a permanent home. Not sure how this happens since it's such a tiny room. So, twice a year I declutter it.


Every day I make the bed. Some days I pull off the sheets and start over and some days I just pull up the comforter and straighten out the biggest lumps and call it a day.


My bedroom is right off the livingroom so it gets dusted the same day that the living room gets dusted--once every week or two. Same with vacuuming.


Twice a year I pull out the furniture and vacuum behind it and under the bed. I also windex the mirror then.


I just did one of my twice-yearly declutter/furniture moving cleaning sessions and have realized that twice a year is no longer good enough now that we have three cats. Usually, there's a bit of dust after 6 months, but this last time it was just atrocious.


I'll have to start doing my twice yearly big cleaning 4 times a year now. (Le sigh.) I hate moving the furniture. It turns into a 3 hour long session. I don't know why I'm so slow at it. :(


If you just glanced into the room, it would look clean pretty much every day. You'd have to look under the bed or behind the furniture to see the dusty fur.


And, as always, since I just decluttered it, I'm determined not to let clutter pile up in the corners again...but I'll bet that in 4 months it'll all be there again. Maybe when I'm 50 I'll get a handle on clutter.

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My bedroom is the one place in the house that doesn't really ever need cleaning, because there is nothing to clean. The room a vacuums it every other day. DH changes sheets and does laundry weekly, but he puts everything away when he does it, so there are never clothes to clean. I suppose I probably dust the nightstand a few times a year. Oh, I also do a through vacuuming job (edges and corners the room a can't reach) every few months.


Toys and 'stuff' aren't allowed in my bedroom, or the kids bedroom, so they stay clean very easily.

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Um, what? Does this mean what I think it means, or is it a typo?


Was I really the only person who did a double take at this?


And to answer the original question, I try to keep our bedroom neat, but occasionally the chair in there ends up with clothing piled on it. One of my jobs for today is to clear that off and hang some pictures in there. I refuse to just stash stuff when guests are coming. It drives my husband crazy, but I insist on actually putting stuff away where it really belongs even though it might take a little longer in the short run.

What IS the semen tank?!?!? I wanna know too. I don't think we have one of those, but you never know.

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I couldn't lift the mattress and had to get down on my hands and knees to try to reach things under the bed (like a water bottle that got away) until dh lifted the mattress. He didn't remove it from the bedroom, just propped it up. He went to secure the cat in another part of the house but instead she darted right into the room. Right after that somehow something caused the mattress to fall and it was so tall that it hit the ceiling fan and broke off 2 blades!! Talk about freak accident. So now we have a broken ceiling fan and a box fan in the room. It's ridiculous lol.




Yeah, unfortunately our ceiling isn't high enough for the mattress to be upright on top of the box springs and frame.  It's a pillow top King size and the ceiling is only 6 1/2 feet in that particular section.  


I could see something like this happening if we ever tried. 

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I clean the master bedroom and bath once a week. I have a high traffic bedroom since all the bookcases and "fun" desks are in my room. The boys tend to sprawl on my bed to read or write at the big desks where they can spread out. Because of this, they have to pick up their things every night, but sweeping, mopping, dusting and changing linens is a once a week job. If I feel really energetic, I might run the sweeper in there a second time during the week.

Typically, I'll purge closets and drawers two to three times a year. Just a little bit at a time, though. Too much out and I get overwhelmed.

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My master is straightened up daily. Dusting, vacuuming about once a week. I also clean the mirrors about every week or two. I make the bed every day and am a huge advocate of doing so. :) My room is always a nice retreat; there's no junk in there ever. Only thing I can't do which some of you have mentioned: move the furniture to clean behind. It is not possible. The bed weighs nine thousand pounds. ;) DH's dresser is also extremely heavy. I can't move these pieces at all. I have painted the bedroom since we moved here and - true confessions - the wall is not painted behind these two pieces.


I regret that furniture with every fiber of my being.

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Wow, you guys are surprising me! I didn't realize there were that many moms with neat bedrooms.


Mine has always been last on the cleaning/decluttering list because no one (guests) go in there. There are always a few items that don't have a home and had to put them somewhere after cleaning the rest of the house, so they end up on my bureau.


Then there is dh's clean folded laundry that I pile on his dresser, which stays there for a few days until he gets around to putting them away. The rest of the surfaces are covered with clothes dh has worn once and will wear again before washing, but in the meantime they're lying around.


Add in several vhs tapes, boxes and dvds (dd4 watches in our room), oh and the hampers for all the family laundry, and yes, I've given up on it being any type of sanctuary.


ETA: Just realized I didn't answer the question. Umm, I clean it very infrequently, since there are very few exposed surfaces and floor space accessible enough to clean. We do a deep "spring clean" a couple of times a year. Decluttering/straightening. ..probably every 6 weeks or so.

That's me. I've used it as a storage unit for the house off and on as needed. Lately I've been reclaiming it. It was always straightened but had piles kept there that had no homes, and the bed is frequently unmade. I'm fixing that now but the last two years it's been in rough shape even as the rest of the house has been very neat :)

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I swiff the hardwood floors occasionally when needed, i.e. every couple of weeks. It takes less than five minutes. Linens are changed as needed.


I don't have random clutter in my bedroom. Clothes that hang over a chair to be re-worn don't count as clutter. My desk is  a work space and supposed to have computers and papers on it.

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Um, what? Does this mean what I think it means, or is it a typo?

yup. :)


Was I really the only person who did a double take at this?


And to answer the original question, I try to keep our bedroom neat, but occasionally the chair in there ends up with clothing piled on it. One of my jobs for today is to clear that off and hang some pictures in there. I refuse to just stash stuff when guests are coming. It drives my husband crazy, but I insist on actually putting stuff away where it really belongs even though it might take a little longer in the short run.


We farm. It's the bovine type. I wanted the tank hidden in my dh;s closet. He says he'll forget about it there and won;t have it filled (with liquid nitrogen) in a timely manner and we'll lose our (cough cough) investment...as in almost $1000 in the tank and its contents.

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I clean it the same as everything else. I can't stand clutter so there is very little of that anywhere visible. We have storage areas and closets and things that could use cleaning out but the main living areas (which I include the bedroom) are relatively clutter-free. I dust and vacuum the bedroom weekly along with the rest of the house. Now that we have a dog, I should ideally vacuum more and some weeks I do. I I don't vacuum more than once a week, I try to swiffer or sweep when needed. 

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In addition to general clutter, my room has a box that I and the kids continuously fill with outgrown toys, clothes, stuff. Said box gets emptied when I schedule a pick up every few months, but it's always there and stuff does get added regularly. It's kind of ugly, but I will just remember that I don't have a semen tank to dust around. I'm jealous--we just have stuff, not interesting unusual stuff.


I am making progress though. A bunch of history books went out to freecycle today. Sad to see SOTW go (still have the cds). Sad to admit younger ds (intellectually disabled) may never have the ability to get more out of it than listening to cds. Happy the lady who responded to my freecycle has a dd who loves history and is excited to read SOTW herself (they already have the cds). I gave her a bunch of other history books too.

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I will just remember that I don't have a semen tank to dust around. I'm jealous--we just have stuff, not interesting unusual stuff.



I don't mind having the interesting stuff...I'm just not crazy about it being in my otherwise lovely bedroom. Oh well...at least the elastrator's (a castration tool ) not in there.

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