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Weather----would this be considered HOT by you?


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On another post people were mentioning how different people view hot, cold, etc. depending on what they are used to.


Our weather forecast for tomorrow is 92-95 degrees with a dew point of 77 (they say anything over 70 is oppressive).  That puts the heat index about 105.  

Would you consider that hot?  I know areas that have temps higher than that but do they also have the very high humidity levels?


I will say that for us here in West Michigan, this is HOT.  They have a lot of warnings out for the weather tomorrow.


My issue with the HOT weather is that there is only so much clothing I can remove when I am outside.  When it is 20 below zero windchills I can easily ADD another layer and stay warm. :)  I am so thankful we have air conditioning though.

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No, I wouldn't consider that hot.  I wouldn't like it, but it's not hot and it's not horrid humidity.  I grew up in southern MD.  You can work up a sweat there by standing absolutely still.  Now I live in San Antonio.  It's hotter, but drier than in MD.  Right now (6:15pm) it is 93, 40% humidity (HI around 95).  Tomorrow we're expecting a high of 96 and 64% humidity (HI of 120).  That is pretty much perfect weather to me.  Humidity closer to 50% is what I prefer, but 64% isn't bad.  Tomorrow where my parents live in southern MD is high of 92 and 71% humidity (HI about 113).  I'm just used to hot and humid so it doesn't bother me.  I can imagine that for people in Michigan that's going to be unbearable.  When you are not used to it, it's hard.  I can't handle cold (which is one reason why I moved here).

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I would consider it hot, but not surprising.  As in I'd think "great day for the pool", and I'd have the air conditioning on, but I wouldn't change my routines or complain because it could easily go up another 10 degrees.

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I consider that hot. We have heat warnings for those temperatures too. I usually only turn on the A/C if we were supposed to have more than one day of that heat and humidity combination, but my tolerance for it has really gone down with this pregnancy. Tonight DH is taking the kids to the pool, but I'm staying in with the air.


This summer has been comparatively cool with only a few 90+ degree days, but it's the 20th anniversary of the heat wave that killed a lot of people in Chicago, so there's a lot more awareness of being careful when it is hot.

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The summer before we moved to Texas humidity where we lived in MD was in the 90s for several weeks.  It was gross.  You couldn't get properly dry.  But it wasn't completely out of the ordinary.  My mom has commented several times that this year is so incredibly dry (note the 71% humidity expected tomorrow).

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I am more sensitive to heat than most people. If the temperature is above around 75 deg. F., I am unhappy. If in the nineties or higher, I am utterly miserable. Eighties are nasty, but I survive. I am trapped living in north Texas. Even Birmingham, AL was better than here! (for the temperature, that is. I loved living there!)

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The humidity will be in the 80--90% range. 


Are you sure about your HI then?  94 degrees with 80% humidity is a HI of 129.  90% humidity bumps it up to 141.  http://www.srh.weather.gov/jetstream/downloads/heatindex_rh_f_20x12.pdf I used this calculator to determine relative humidity using 94 degrees and dew point of 77 and it says the relative humidity is 58%. http://andrew.rsmas.miami.edu/bmcnoldy/Humidity.html

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Yes, I'd consider that hot. I lived in North Texas for 8 years, so I'm well aware that it can get even hotter. but then I just start with adjectives, really hot, extremely hot, etc. When it was 116F (46.7C) it was "I about fainted leaving the air-conditioned room to grab something from the kitchen" hot. The high in north TX would hit 100F for 3 months straight in the summer, but that doesn't mean it wasn't hot. And it usually wasn't as humid.

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Ugh - that would have me inside with the air set at 72 for the day! It was 80 here with super high dewpoint and humidity a week and a half ago and I just about died when I went to my tennis lesson. 95 and I wouldn't be leaving the couch! We're supposed to be 87 with humidity at 70% on Sunday and I'm already grumbling about it!

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I was just going by what my phone app said. Currently humidity is 69% and that is supposed to go up tomorrow. It.might be that the 90% humidity will be earlier in the day when the temps aren't quite as hot.


I consider it hot though. When my clothes stick to be just walking out the door and my earlobes are sweating I consider it hot :-)

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I definitely am not as sensitive to heat as most people.  I keep my house at 80 in the summer.  It's comfortable to me! (and it's not unusual for my kids to insist they are *cold* and wrap up in a blanket - when the house is 80 degrees!)


ETA: Because I keep my house so warm I wonder if it makes it easier to tolerate higher outside temperatures, too.  There's not such a big difference.  I shiver in stores in the summer because they are so incredibly cold.

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Yes, that's hot.  Our forecast for the next few days is pretty much the same as yours, but the heat and humidity are normal for here this time of the year, and certainly nothing that's worth issuing any warnings about.  I hate it.  The good news is that next week is statistically our hottest week of the year, so . . . hopefully we're turning the corner toward fall. ;)

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People wouldn't consider that hot???


Put it this way-if I couldn't sit in my car without a/c waiting for my husband to get milk without feeling like death, then it is hot.  That is hot.  Could I go swimming without shivering when I step out?  Then yes, that is hot. Oppressively hot with the humidity.  I've lived in the East, Midwest, and Southeast and I still consider that YES very hot.  

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I'm originally from the north and living in the south. I think that's hot. My parents used to make fun of me when I would say it was too hot to go to the pool. Then they visited in August. :lol:

Have you ever noticed that people in Florida often have their backyard pools under screened-in rooms?


Anyhow, OP, I have lived in the South my entire life, and yes--that is hot. It also is why I plan to retire to Wyoming. I spent a summer in Vermont once, and of course they had record heat one week that I was there. It was miserable--worse than in Alabama--because in the South, we air condition everything. (See my observation above about pools.). Montpelier, VT was not air conditioned, so there was nowhere to escape. It may be now, but in the 90s, no. Only the grocery store had decent a/c, and even it struggled that week. So all that is to say that Michigan might well be worse in those temps because of your wimpy a/c coverage. Of course, we have that for all of July and August, and you may get a week. Hmmm, hard to know who "wins" that one.

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I consider anything > 80 degrees hot, so yes, tomorrow is going to be hot for me as our forecast isn't that much different than yours.   And we have a church picnic outside in the heat.  You'll likely find me in whatever ac buildings they have.  If I'd have known the forecast before signing up for the picnic, we'd have likely passed on it.


I loved yesterday and today when our highs have been in the 70s.


50-80 is my comfort zone.

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I am more sensitive to heat than most people. If the temperature is above around 75 deg. F., I am unhappy. If in the nineties or higher, I am utterly miserable. Eighties are nasty, but I survive. ...


I completely agree, except I would put the first temp at 80 deg. F. To me the ideal temperatures range from 50-70 deg. F.


I grew up without air conditioning (as many on this board did). Now I don't know how I would make it without A/C. I think some of it is due to the fact that I now have some breathing-related condition (doctor thinks it is asthma, but I told him I am not sure I agree).  DH and I both have allergies too. Fortunately, he says there are other ways he would rather save money than by setting the thermostat higher (although he does get a little chilly down there in his "man cave" sometimes.) :)

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Yes that's hot. But people here complain when it's in the 80s. I even read a newspaper article a couple of days ago about some city workers "braving the heat" in 80 degree weather.


I have lived in the Caribbean before though, and that humid heat is terrible.

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I would consider it hot but not terrible. I like it hot, so I'd be happy that it was hot enough to go to the pool. I don't like summer temps to be below 85. If we had outside plans I'd put sunscreen on and make sure we had water bottles but I wouldn't stay inside because it was "hot." I've lived in the south and north and can't stand cool northern summers. 

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I do not like heat.  I'm happiest at mid 60's to 70.  Tomorrow, in central-ish Ohio, it's to be 90* and 70% humidity.  I will be holed up in my air-conditioned house dreaming of autumn...my dh, on the other hand, will be doing his happy dance.  He's been so bummed at how "cold" our summer has been.  

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I'm sorry, but grew up in the deep south and while I've certainly experienced much worse and that's normal summer temperatures and not anything worth remarking on or anything in summer, I think the people trying to say that's not "hot" are a bit full of it. It's hot. It's not remarkable or excessively or newsworthy hot, but if I walked outside, I'd feel hot.

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Sounds like a matter of what you are used to.


This past winter I left for church with SHORT sleeves and no jacket and felt a bit chilly. Got in the car and it was -4F. Guessing many of you in the south would be freezing at 44 which for us on a sunny day is sweatshirt weather... Unless you get too hot and take it off.

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I remember my first day in Missouri, in august of course.  100 degrees -and 100% humidity.  you could see the water droplets in the air.


my mother's family always has their reunions in august. :glare:



seattle's average humidity is in the 80's in the morning, but drops to the 50s by afternoon in the summer (70s in the winter) 


90s is hot for here.  (when the humidity level is higher than normal, it feels very muggy - you start looking for thunderclouds.)


drink lots of water.

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On another post people were mentioning how different people view hot, cold, etc. depending on what they are used to.


Our weather forecast for tomorrow is 92-95 degrees with a dew point of 77 (they say anything over 70 is oppressive). That puts the heat index about 105.

Would you consider that hot? I know areas that have temps higher than that but do they also have the very high humidity levels?


That's about what we had here today, and yes it was hot. I did go outside to play mid-afternoon, but I sweated through it all.


I like the heat, I celebrate summer and the air conditioner is usually set to 80, so it wasn't miserable. But still hot.

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