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Pray they stop screaming soon


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My 2 oldest have severe autism. One of their main symptoms is screaming and moaning. When they start they find it hard to stop. they have set each other off and they are both screaming right now with all their might. This has been going on for years and, yes, we have seen a ton of experts and nobody could help unfortunately. I am not looking for advice, but just feeling lonely right now. I am trying to hold on to my sanity. My middle son went to bed screaming, screamed for several hours and woke up screaming. I live in an alternate universe. No, I don't have a great support system. Somehow, the screaming and moaning doesn't attract people to our lives. I don't even expect anyone reading this to understand what I mean by living with nonstop, unconsolable screaming or have a clue what I am taking about. I am just hoping it ends by the time I type this post.

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I do know what you mean by non-stop noise although neither GW nor Geezle is a screamer. You have my total sympathy. Dealing with vocal stims is very, very difficult. They're hard to extinguish.


It does get better eventually. GW has been working on having a quiet mouth for years, heck, more than a decade. He's finally able to do it on group outings with his therapist there. We still have to remind him a hundred times when we go out in public, but at least he stops when we tell him to, until he forgets and starts again.


I hope you get a chance at a good night's sleep tonight.



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They stopped!!!!!! your prayers worked though I am afraid to type this. I am going to wait until I say anything to my middle son.

My ability to deal with stress has really gotten pretty amazing and I have become more efficient in life in general but the screaming is starting to do something to the way my blood circulates.

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I am so, so sorry. It must just flood your body with adrenaline and make you feel stressed beyond what I can imagine.

If you do find yourself overwhelmed by the fight or flight response, beta blockers are your friend. My bp wasn't high enough anymore to take them for that, but my doctor said that she felt comfortable renewing my prescription to deal with the stress that GW and G's outbursts generate. Of course, your experience could be different, but atenolol has made my life much better. Even if that's not a solution for you, I'd ask your doctor what your options are because the stress levels of dealing with constant crises cause all kinds of health issues that just add to the misery. I wouldn't have thought that a low dose of a bp med would make such a difference in my quality of life until I tried it, went off of it and restarted it.

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They stopped!!!!!! your prayers worked though I am afraid to type this. I am going to wait until I say anything to my middle son.

My ability to deal with stress has really gotten pretty amazing and I have become more efficient in life in general but the screaming is starting to do something to the way my blood circulates.



Oooh, you poor thing! I'm so glad they've stopped!  Just imagining it is enough to send me to my knees. I don't do noise well.

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MamaBearTeacher, on 27 Feb 2015 - 10:12 AM, said:

My 2 oldest have severe autism. One of their main symptoms is screaming and moaning. When they start they find it hard to stop. they have set each other off and they are both screaming right now with all their might. This has been going on for years and, yes, we have seen a ton of experts and nobody could help unfortunately. I am not looking for advice, but just feeling lonely right now. I am trying to hold on to my sanity. My middle son went to bed screaming, screamed for several hours and woke up screaming. I live in an alternate universe. No, I don't have a great support system. Somehow, the screaming and moaning doesn't attract people to our lives. I don't even expect anyone reading this to understand what I mean by living with nonstop, unconsolable screaming or have a clue what I am taking about. I am just hoping it ends by the time I type this post.


I have a friend whose son is severely (mentally an infant) brain damaged from circumstances of his birth.  (cord compression).  her comment was she wished someone told her brain damaged children scream.


make sure they are physically safe - and earplugs are your friend.

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BTW, I love them a lot. They're really really terrific kids and they really enrich my life. Emotional roller coasters are really hard at age 45 though and I yearn for peace.


I feel like the world's worst mom when they scream. I mean, what kind of mom has such unhappy kids? I feel a bit better now that my oldest is smiling again.

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You are one of the most amazing mothers ever. Seriously. Your patience, grace and kindness just shines through what you've said in this post. Their screaming is absolutely no reflection on you as a mother. Have another cookie. You did good. I really respect mothers who love like you, who see these oppositions and just grow in love for their children. You are amazing.

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Ds (AS) used to do these random shrieking screams when he was little. They were not continuous like that and there was only one child doing it, but it could still set my nerves on edge. I'm glad they've stopped for now. There are people who get it.


It is very difficult to have IRL friendships with autistic kids in the family. It just is. I get that too. 

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Oh man, you are a rock star for keeping your cool through such a tough situation.


I mean this so very sincerely.


Anyway, do you have any money to spare? Perhaps hiring a teen or college student a few hours a day to run a DRO program to help them might be worth a try?


Perhaps you've tried it. I'm sure you've tried a lot of things. Just throwing it out there in case.


But I'm glad you've got some smiles to keep you company now.





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You are one of the most amazing mothers ever. Seriously. Your patience, grace and kindness just shines through what you've said in this post. Their screaming is absolutely no reflection on you as a mother. Have another cookie. You did good. I really respect mothers who love like you, who see these oppositions and just grow in love for their children. You are amazing.

I agree. {{{Hugs}}}

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BTW, I love them a lot. They're really really terrific kids and they really enrich my life. Emotional roller coasters are really hard at age 45 though and I yearn for peace.


I feel like the world's worst mom when they scream. I mean, what kind of mom has such unhappy kids? I feel a bit better now that my oldest is smiling again.

Oh my gosh! Please don't blame yourself!!! :grouphug:


I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through, but you sound a lot more like a saint than like a bad mom!!!

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You are one of the most amazing mothers ever. Seriously. Your patience, grace and kindness just shines through what you've said in this post. Their screaming is absolutely no reflection on you as a mother. Have another cookie. You did good. I really respect mothers who love like you, who see these oppositions and just grow in love for their children. You are amazing.



Slache said it so much better than I could have, so I decided to just quote her and agree. :)

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I understand a little. My disabled dd had a period where there was a lot of screaming (middle school/puberty). Hers did get better on the other side of puberty. Do you have access to free respite care in your state? Oregon has good programs for that. Even the best moms need a break sometimes.


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Could you get:


1) great noise canceling head phones for yourself and an mp3 player . . . Keep them on when you are "on the move" or just plug it into your computer if you are stationary. BLOCK IT OUT. It's not a motherly duty to listen to all that! Just imagine if you were deaf. You could still be a great mom even if you couldn't hear. (Yah, you'd probably sort of welcome hearing loss at this point, no?) 

2) one or more baby monitors with lights . . . So, if you really are stressed out about blocking out the yelling (assuming there might be some higher level of screaming that would draw your attention or indicate some actual emergency . . . If you aren't stressed out about that, then I'd just go with #1, and, if necessary, post written signs to remind your kids that "Mom can't hear us, so if there is an emergency, go find Mom."


I know it might sound heartless, but, really, in retrospect, I wish I'd done that when my youngest ended up being a screamer. I would have saved myself a lot of agony if I could have tuned out all that crying!



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Oh! No, don't think of yourself as a bad mom because they scream. You know in your head that you're not a bad mom. You know it's part of the dx and nothing to do with mothering. I hope it sinks into your heart that it's not bad mothering.


You poor thing. You must feel so alone.

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Continuing to pray for you and your kiddos. Not sure if this will help, but I used to keep a sort of stress kit when my kids had collic. Headphones, earplug, classical music, progressive relaxation cd, tea, directions for calming breathing exercises, quotes from books for moms dealing with stress....one was from a mom's book and forgive me, but I can't recall which one. In the book, Mother Teresa was commenting on a baby screaming all during mass. She asked if that was the child that was singing? For some reason,the thought that someone could view that sound as singing spoke to me. I used to work with challenging behavior kids, and my hat is off to you ..sweet lady.

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