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:grouphug: prayers :grouphug:

Quick update:

DH is still in the hospital.  Over the weekend, he developed a fever and they determined that he had pneumonia.  Last night, he took a bad turn (very low oxygen levels) and so they've moved him to the ICU to intubate him.  Please pray for his recovery and our well-being.


The doctors want me to come over to be with him ASAP, but I can't until my dad can get here to watch my kids (4 hr drive).  I got the news this morning around 5:30, and my dad will get here close to 10 -- I feel terribly anxious to have left DH alone for all these hours (even though I know he's to be sedated, but still...)


Feeling so very torn and helpless.


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It's so great to be able to share a positive update today!


They never did have to intubate DH -- he responded well to oxygen through the mask while in ICU. They moved him out of ICU early today and into the "step down" unit (not a regular room but not ICU).


As soon as his oxygen levels increase, they'll move him back to Oncology. We're hoping for a super-quick recovery, since it's almost time for DH's next round of in-patient chemo (1 week)...and we'd sure like to have him home for a short break before that starts back up again! (he's been in since Dec. 10)


And a short brag: I have such fabulous parents!! My dad drove here (3.5+ hours) as soon as I called early Wednesday morning, and my mom came after work that afternoon. They've watched the girls every day while I've kept DH company in the hospital. My dad has kept himself busy by building cabinets/built-ins in my master bathroom (our Christmas present). :D :D


Thanks for taking time to update. I am so sorry you all are going through this. I hope he get's to come home soon. I so wish I lived close by so I could help. I am so happy for you that your parents are able to support you.

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