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How does anyone stand coffee?

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I'm having a bad gall bladder attack so I decided to try to drink a cup of coffee, someone told me it works to help soothe a gall bladder attack. I can barely drink the stuff. I've never liked coffee and it's all I can do to get the stuff down my throat without throwing up! yuck.


I was just curious to see who on this board, I know I'm the exception, likes coffee. Have you always liked coffee or was it an aquired taste?

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I have never liked coffee, never drink it. I don't drink cokes either, or tea. I thought I was the only weird one! :D


sorry about your gall bladder...........


Well, you and a lot of Mormons. ;)


(Not that I think Mormons are weird, but most of them don't drink coffee or tea and many don't drink colas either.)

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You have to learn to make it to your liking. I don't mind a darker coffee but I prefer I lighter breakfast blend. I can not remember not liking it. There has been coffee I did not like at all. Some places have better coffee than others.

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I'm from New Orleans, and the joke is that we put coffee in baby bottles. I didn't start QUITE that young, but I can't remember when I didn't drink coffee. As young children, we drank cafe au lait nearly every morning. I still love coffee, and drink it every day, french roast with chicory.


Occasionally, someone will post and ask if it's okay to allow their teen a cup of coffee now and then, and that always gives me the giggles. It just never occurred to me that it would be an issue.


My own two are 8 and 10, and they don't drink coffee the way I did when I was a kid. Vanilla lattes from Starbucks are always in danger, though.

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I always loved the taste (coffee ice cream was my favourite when I was a kid). I started out drinking it in the midwest, where it is, IMHO, weak. First real cuppa out here, and WOW!.


I have a cup a day, two if it is the weekend and I'm home. Just a bit of 1% milk, but I buy nice beans. Still cheaper than Starb*cks.

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My doctor put me on a detox diet to get me off artificial sweetners. I thought artificial was good...or at lease better that sugar. I had to cut out diet cokes (which I LOVE), splenda in my coffee (at least 2), and anything else sweetened artificially.


I LOVE coffee. But, I had to adjust to the taste of drinking it unsweetened. (my coffee used to be more like a hot chocolate) Now that I have, the taste of it sweetened makes me sick. I now have a new apprecitation for coffee...because i can actually taste it.


It takes time. Once you begin to like it - you will never go back!


That's my experience!


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I have drank coffee a little bit since I was a kid. My mom did not encourage me but I did have sips of her coffee. In college, I became a steady drinker. It wasn't an acquired taste for me. Buth then I love dark chocolate. Both have rich bitter tastes. Though my dh teases me saying I have cream and sugar with a bit of coffee. My husband says he was drinking coffee as a kid.


Put of three children, one only became a sometime coffee drinker as an adult and since he has stopped taking ADHD medicine. The second one is ADHD, is medicated and doesn't drink coffee. Youngest has been happily drinking coffee since she was about 4. She normally drinks it less than once a week.

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I can barely drink the stuff. I've never liked coffee and it's all I can do to get the stuff down my throat without throwing up! yuck.

:iagree: I tried for years to like coffee because it was such a grown up thing to do. I'd go out with my friends and they would get coffee and I'd get hot chocolate. I felt like such a baby.:001_smile:


I ended up discovering, though, that I love hot tea. Now when I go out with my friends, I spend my time complaining about how hard it it to get a proper cup of hot tea.:tongue_smilie:

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My DH has fixed the children cafe au lait for years (except for the one holdout who hates it). I gave up protesting, and it became their morning ritual. One time I took my 2.5 year old to the doctor for a check up. The doctor got all concerned at funny heart rhythm and actually did an EKG (or EEG, I don't know the difference) right then and there, and faxed the results to a specialist. She said it didn't look problematic to her, and he sent us home - $300 poorer. I realized when I got home that it was probably the coffee! -Duh The heart specialist probably knew that too, I guess, but I was too embarrassed to tell the GP. Next time I took him I made sure that there was NO coffee on the menu that morning.


I'm from New Orleans, and the joke is that we put coffee in baby bottles. I didn't start QUITE that young, but I can't remember when I didn't drink coffee. As young children, we drank cafe au lait nearly every morning. I still love coffee, and drink it every day, french roast with chicory.


Occasionally, someone will post and ask if it's okay to allow their teen a cup of coffee now and then, and that always gives me the giggles. It just never occurred to me that it would be an issue.


My own two are 8 and 10, and they don't drink coffee the way I did when I was a kid. Vanilla lattes from Starbucks are always in danger, though.

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like most meds, I take it with plenty of sugar, cream, and mocha.;)


Normally I'm a water only drinker, maybe some milk once in a while.


Sugar free tea when we eat out or a nice glass of wine.


BUT after the 3rd baby, mama needed some serious pick me up to get her brain jump started. I was working f/t graveyard shift, dh would pick me up and drop me off at home to take care of kids while he went to his f/t job, he'd come home from work and I'd pass out for 5 hours. Did that for a year.


Now, I don't work out of the home, but I sure wouldn't say I put in any less hours. So a big thing of mocha frapicchino helps get me through some days in a rather pleasant way.


even so I don't drink much of it. esp pregnant I just don't crave it, have a weak stomach and tender kidneys when pregnant and can't handle havng more than a cup a day tops.


coffee is my onw vice, well unless you count books, but I really don't think anyone HERE will count books against me.:lol:

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When I was 5, my dad would be in charge of going up to the church building before everyone else and turning on all the lights. I loved more than anything going with him and getting to sip his coffee. It still makes me think of walking through that black auditorium, those dark hallways with my dad.

Now it's a habit. I think I might not make it through the morning if I didn't ahve my coffee.

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Acquired taste. It's the one thing I learned in college. :D


:lol: Ha! Me too!


I drink it with 1 tsp of sugar and 1 tbsp of flavored creamer, + some 2% milk. I wish I could drink it black, because then I could drink more of it. But I hate drinking calories, so I limit myself to 2 cups/day.

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I've never developed a taste for coffee either. My mom says it's because I went to community college instead of going away to school.:glare: She says you have to be away from home trying to stay up all night to be desperate enough to learn to like coffee. Well...


My daughter is the only coffee drinker in our family. DH and I like the smell of coffee, so we don't mind her drinking it. We go to a church full of coffee fiends, so we're trying to learn to make the stuff properly. Our pastor even buys his coffee beans unroasted and roasts them himself because he's that picky about it. :confused:


Just give me a good pot of hot tea and I'm fine. In fact, I'm overdue for my second and third cuppa this morning...which probably explains the disjointed writing and sub-par grammar. :)

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I started off sipping my mom's coffee when I was a little girl.

In high school when I started working I'd buy the General Mills International flavored stuff.

In college I became a full fledged coffee drinker, and have been ever since. So no, it wasn't an acquired taste overall. I've always liked it. But in the past year or so I have stopped sweetening my coffee. Now that is an acquired taste. I add either whole milk or cream.


My husband does not like the taste of coffee at all. He says that it smells good to him, but he doesn't enjoy drinking it. The last time he tried to drink a cup of coffee was the night that he proposed to me. We were in a very nice restaurant and he had coffee with me after dinner. What a romantic guy!! :lol::tongue_smilie:

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I'm having a bad gall bladder attack so I decided to try to drink a cup of coffee, someone told me it works to help soothe a gall bladder attack. I can barely drink the stuff. I've never liked coffee and it's all I can do to get the stuff down my throat without throwing up! yuck.


I was just curious to see who on this board, I know I'm the exception, likes coffee. Have you always liked coffee or was it an aquired taste?


Prevent her gall bladder to flare up.

If you would like to try it let me know and I will get it from her.

The first time she did it I believe she passed almost 300 stones.


She swears by it!

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When I was 6, my prankster great uncle offered me a drink of his "hot chocolate" (coffee with milk), which I barely managed to not spew across the room! My mom says she wished I had to teach him a lesson. (He still calls her "brat" as a nickname, though she's 54)


The first sip of coffee I liked was a classmate's White Chocolate Mocha when I was 13, but obviously that was mostly milk and sugar. My coffee tastes haven't changed much--if I buy coffee, it's usually a Caramel Macchiato. When I went out with my dad the coffee drinker, I would get a cup of 1/3 coffee, 2/3 hot chocolate at the gas station shop. It wasn't until AFTER college that I started drinking coffee regularly. Now I only drink 1 cup per week (Starbucks on the way to church). I figure that will make it easy to wean myself off when I get pregnant again.

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For me, it was definitely an acquired taste, but I started late (in my 30s).


I like my coffee with lots of sweetener. At first, I added hot chocolate mix. Lately, I use Hazlenut Coffeemate (the liquid kind).


Hmmm....my mom just told me that she started adding the hot chocolate mix. I had never heard of that, but I may have to try this!


It's an acquired taste, here. I always swore I would never ever drink coffee. DD (dc #2) came along and I was in desperate need of something. Now, I've learned if I put lots of yummy creamer in it, I actually enjoy it. And it does depend on the coffee, too. The cheap-o stuff doesn't cut it for me. Ick. I like Starbuck's Caffe Verona.

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I'm having a bad gall bladder attack so I decided to try to drink a cup of coffee, someone told me it works to help soothe a gall bladder attack. I can barely drink the stuff. I've never liked coffee and it's all I can do to get the stuff down my throat without throwing up! yuck.


I was just curious to see who on this board, I know I'm the exception, likes coffee. Have you always liked coffee or was it an aquired taste?


I *love* coffee!!! Drink it all day long. Here's a look at our kitchen counter...




BTW, coffee isn't going to help your gall bladder. The only thing that's going to relieve that pain is to rid yourself of your gall bladder. Sorry!!!! Hope you feel better soon.

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Well, you and a lot of Mormons. ;)


(Not that I think Mormons are weird, but most of them don't drink coffee or tea and many don't drink colas either.)


LOL- I don't think Mormons are all that weird either... alas, I was one of those who loved coffee in any form from the first time I tasted it. I had to be extremely discreet about my "drinking habits" until I was 18 and moved out.

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I don't like it unless it's flavored and I kind of see it as pointless to allow my body more calories, it's almost like drinking pop. I don't drink it because it's just empty calories. I guess maybe that's what helps me control my weight, or I like to think it is. Yes, I could do the artificial sweeteners, but I don't like them either. I'd just assume drink water. I'm a beverage snob.



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LOL- I don't think Mormons are all that weird either... alas, I was one of those who loved coffee in any form from the first time I tasted it. I had to be extremely discreet about my "drinking habits" until I was 18 and moved out.


LOL. I would never have had a cup of coffee. The horror! (We didn't do colas either, so we were hardcore.)


However, I did manage to justify mud pie and ice-cream flavor combinations with coffee in them . . . as long as coffee wasn't in the name.:lol:

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I like my coffee strong and black.


What I cannot understand is how most people can consume sweetened beverages! Here in the south, sweetened ice tea is the standard beverage. I cannot drink it. Unsweetened ice tea (no artificial sweetener) is fine. Plain seltzer water for bubbles, but no soft drinks for me either.


While I also choose dry wines, I will not say turn down a cup of Ghiradelli hot cocoa.


Go figure.



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Well, you and a lot of Mormons. ;)


(Not that I think Mormons are weird, but most of them don't drink coffee or tea and many don't drink colas either.)


We're not Mormons....I am just weird! :D Hubby and DD drink coffee, and hubby drinks cokes and tea. DD won't drinks cokes because of the "fizz". I don't drink coffee because of the taste and no cokes for the caffine.

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I started off sipping my mom's coffee when I was a little girl.

In high school when I started working I'd buy the General Mills International flavored stuff.

In college I became a full fledged coffee drinker, and have been ever since. So no, it wasn't an acquired taste overall. I've always liked it. But in the past year or so I have stopped sweetening my coffee. Now that is an acquired taste. I add either whole milk or cream.


Anj, that's so funny, you sound just like me! I did the same things. I've always loved coffee--as I kid I loved coffee-flavored candy, coffee ice cream, etc. I used to beg my mom for sips of hers. I remember when we went to band camp, we had free access to coffee in the morning, and it was such a big deal for all of us :lol:


I've even successfully (ha!) quit drinking it for periods of time, but life is just not the same without it. I think the most difficult time in my life was after DD5 was born and I had to give it up for over a year because she was SO incredibly sensitive to it (I was nursing her). I couldn't even have chocolate chip granola bars because the caffeine in the chips would make her nutso. Thank goodness DD2 was not at all sensitive to it, because by then I needed mass quantities just to survive :lol:

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Definitely acquired taste. I still can't drink my coffee black. I started with mocha drinks. At home you can mix half a bag of hot chocolate mix into your coffee - ok, so it's not really ow calorie or anything but it does make it drinkable! After a while I could drink flavored coffee with a lot of flavored creamer. Later I could drink any coffee with flavored creamer. Now I drink nonflavored coffee with cream and sugar.


Make sure it is a *good* cup of coffee - and not too weak and not too strong. I don't care for Starbuck's coffee except their espresso drinks, so I wouldn't put them on that list. =P


It took me years to get to the point of actually liking coffee. But now I am an addict. :D


Good luck!!

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I've always liked coffee. I don't mind decaf, either. It has to be good coffee, though. I like it with milk/cream, but can't stand it with sweetener. I tried one of the new McDonald's iced lattes the other day. I specifically asked for no sweetener. They put sweetener in it-yuck! I took it back and the clerk thought it was strange that someone would want a coffee drink with no sweetener.


Btw, I used to have gall bladder problems, until I had it taken out. I drank a lot of coffee then, too. It didn't do a thing for my gallbladder.

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LOL. I would never have had a cup of coffee. The horror! (We didn't do colas either, so we were hardcore.)


However, I did manage to justify mud pie and ice-cream flavor combinations with coffee in them . . . as long as coffee wasn't in the name.:lol:


Yep... I had one set of Mormon grandparents and one set of not-Mormon grandparents. My grandpa who was not-Mormon gave me my first sips of coffee and my first sips of beer too. He didn't think I would like either one, lol. I probably wouldn't have tried it either if it wasn't my own grandpa offering.


We didn't have any of that in the house; no coffee ice cream either. My goodness, I didn't discover Hagen Dazs coffee ice cream until college! But in high school, my French teacher let us have coffee during class (LOL!!) and pre-Starbucks even a poor high school student could afford a cup of coffee at the local cafes, where we all went to study anyway.


My poor dad struggled with ONE vice, and that was Pepsi. He would abstain as long as he could before he would give in and have some cola. I think the WOW specifically mentions hot drinks, though... so he kind of waffled on that one a little bit.


I loved coffee so much, I actually talked to my Mormon grandpa who was a Bishop about decaf coffee. It wasn't the caffeine that I wanted, I just really really liked the taste of coffee! Nope. No decaf approval, sigh. So I weighed all the factors in my mind- looked at the health of all my relatives, Mormon and non, and decided to just be discreet about the coffee. Hey, it could have been the beer! ;)

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We refer to coffee as The Nectar of the gods.


eatdrink013.gif I grew up with coffee drinkers so for me it was a given, not something I had to acquire. I gave it up a few years ago, for aboout two weeks. I went back to it because I really have no other vice in my life that is bad for me.


I love my morning coffee, it's the best part of my day.:001_smile:

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Wow! What a response! I post go away for 5 hours and my thread has 5pages already. Well I don't think the coffee helped my attack any so I doubt I'll try that remedy again. I'll have to go back threw and read what everyone has to say! I should be taking a nap since my baby finally decided to take one and the older dc are at a friends house. I'm exhausted. I've been up since 4:30 but I wanted to check on this thread first. :001_smile:

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I'm from New Orleans, and the joke is that we put coffee in baby bottles. I didn't start QUITE that young, but I can't remember when I didn't drink coffee. As young children, we drank cafe au lait nearly every morning. I still love coffee, and drink it every day, french roast with chicory.


Ditto here. Generally black or with a splash of cream, although on weekends when I can I'll savor a proper cafe au lait. I haven't put sweetener in my coffee in about 10 years.

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I have always liked coffee. Even as a kid, I remember sipping my mom's coffee and I liked the taste. I think she put sugar in it though...so it was kind of like hot coffee icecream. I love coffee without sugar now though. Couldn't start my day without it!

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I like coffee, but I do think it was an acquired taste for me....much like I believe wine is an acquired taste. I don't like it black though......I have to have cream and sweetener.


I however, detest hot tea. I've tried sweetening it and all, but I think it's gross. I love sweet, iced tea though! To each his own!:001_smile:

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