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This is the saddest back to school photo ever


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OMG. The author, Meg Cox, thinks this is a fun "new twist on an old tradition" for back to school pics.




I'm not against back to school pics, of course, but the mom doesn't need to be doing this. . .




This is on Meg's Facebook page. If anyone feels like commenting on her page, please do.



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I think it is pretty funny, but I always acknowledged that my mom was super excited for me to get back to school. And I was only slightly less so.


There is the fear the kids might feel like mom doesn't wasn't them around, especially at those young ages, but I think most kids would see the humor in it from a loving mom :)


I get humor. . . I love a good one. . . but I have too many friends who say, "How the H do you do it?! I can't wait for my kids to go back to school!" And frankly our culture's attitude is starting to bug me.


The moms can feel any way they want, of course, but that a tradition's expert is showing this pic as a cute twist on an old tradition I just find kind of icky.



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I'm amazed at how high she can jump! I think the photo is funny. It doesn't bother me at all. I know many moms that love their children just as much as me and do lots of things with their kids after school and on weekends. They have just as much right to choose their educational route for their kids as I do as a homeschool parent.

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I get humor. . . I love a good one. . . but I have too many friends who say, "How the H do you do it?! I can't wait for my kids to go back to school!" And frankly our culture's attitude is starting to bug me.


The moms can feel any way they want, of course, but that a tradition's expert is showing this pic as a cute twist on an old tradition I just find kind of icky.




I don't know.  I can't get riled up about stuff like this. 


After a really busy and unusually crazy summer with very little regular routine to it, as a homeschooler, I'm more than ready to get back to our usual grind where kids know what to expect and we have our regular outings and activities and actually get some things done at home while we're here.  I can completely understand wanting to get back to a routine that feels comfortable and easier.  I only started homeschooling after my oldest had a very poor fit in K and 1st grade.  I suspect if parents had kids that were struggling within whatever school situation they chose, most would chose make a change of some sort. 


One or our neighbors seems to have anxiety and seems pretty frazzled and nuts all summer when her kids are home.  Homeschooling really isn't a fit for every family.  I really couldn't have imagined homeschooling working for my own parents even though my own elementary school experience was less than stellar. 

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Yeah, different versions of that have been floating around the Internet recently, as well as last year. Some have moms with much better jump form than others. Point those toes! :) I'm not crazy about the photo idea, but I'm sure other moms aren't crazy about some of the stuff I do either.


Erica in OR

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I think she is trying to be funny. I wouldn't be surprised if she instructed the kids to make pouty faces. It is totally staged.


I agree. Those kids are all dolled up in their new uniforms (including sweaters in August!) with their new shoes and backpacks. No kid makes a pouty face on the first day of school. Geezle's super excited to see his friends and wear his new tie dye shirt.

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I think it's fun. I'll bet the kids do too.


I have ps mom friends who are excited for school to start because it's back to the comfort of the usual routine. I kind of feel the same way after a packed summer, so I can relate. I don't for a second believe that they really can't stand their children. Moms who truly don't enjoy spending time with their children aren't likely to take funny back-to-school photos. :)



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I suspect that many moms forget how introverted they are until summer break comes and they are suddenly surrounded by people 24/7. As much as I love homeschooling and having my kids with me, there are those rare times when I am the only person home and I suddenly feel able to breath more freely. :)


I do imagine this photo is *mostly* for fun and definitely staged for effect.

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I agree that the photo is likely staged. My kids attend school and today was there first day. Even though they would prefer a little more summer vacation, they both smiled for our back to school photos!


Now, I do agree that it is sad to hear moms talk all summer about how they just can't stand their kids being home. But honestly, most of my friends enjoy summer and other breaks with their kids and are really sad when it's time to send them back.

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I don't care. I think the littlest girl, over on the far right, is proving that the pouts are fake! She's cute!


What does it say about us as humans that we are willing to judge someone's entire life over one snapshot? Whether it's a photo or an episode we've witnessed in real life, one snapshot is all we get. On that tiny bit of evidence, we feel justified by nothing more than our own knee-jerk reaction to that one snapshot to just blurt out, "I feel sorry for her kids."


Nobody lives their entire life or raises their kids without a single unflattering snapshot. Nobody.


Maybe people would be better parents if we didn't vomit our uniformed reactions all over them, all the time. We've gone from raising our eyebrows at less-than-stellar moments in the grocery store to calling the police over a mother swearing at the crushed bread. We've gone from sane and needed truancy laws to arresting parents who allow their nine-year-olds to play in the park outside of arm's reach.


How about getting to know people a little, or if we don't have time for that, how about MYOB?


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I think it's cute. 

Starting the school year is a transition and inspires a lot of emotions for all involved.

This reflects one facet of that in a humorous way.  Most back to school photos show off smiling, well scrubbed kids.  This employs irony to show another side of the story.




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I dislike the whole notion. Sure, this photo may be staged, faked, set up, whatever.....but the notion behind it is real. Many parents have no clue what to do with their children all summer and are thrilled when school begins. I really do feel sorry for children whose parents want to be rid of them nearly all day, every day. Not just want to be rid of them, but shout it from the rooftops as well. Sure, I love a day off as much as the next person, but I couldn't imagine being so annoyed by my children that I want to ship them off daily. Why did they have kids if they can't stand being around them?


I know several moms who have had such a great summer with their kids that they are actually dreading it coming to an end. Kudos to them for spending and enjoying that quality time.


ETA.....I'm not downing anyone who chooses to send their kids to school. I get that not every child/family can be homeschooled. I just truly do not understand the complete joy and celebration that happens when people "get rid" of their kids for 9 months a year. I wish more parents enjoyed their children.

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I guess I am bad mom, but I sort of relate to the mom here:)


I miss my kids now that they are in school. I love when summer comes. But right now? This week? I am sort of (more than sort of) happy about knowing that next week I will have the house totally to myself for six hours a day. No questions. No needs. No interruptions. No violin practice during those hours. They will be writing their essays and doing their labs and conjugating verbs, and I will work on the projects that I have put off all summer. In peace.


This kind of thing used to sort of disgust me when I homeschooled. though. I think what happens is that when your kids are in school, you don't get as much done in the summer. You get used to housework, projects, organizing etc being things you do when the kids are away. So I put a lot off, including having much personal time 'until school starts.' By the end I really need that alone time. When my kids were home, I probably was more used to doing all the normal things and incorporating them into my day/week/month. That was probably a good thing. But I have apparently lost that rhythm. So it is mid august, we travelled a lot, my house is a wreck, and I can't wait to have a two week cleaning binge!

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They don't get rid of their kids for nine months. They are still full-time parents. The kids aren't going away to boarding school! Five days per week, the children leave after breakfast and come home in time for an afternoon snack, and the parents have six hours to go until bedtime. That's not the same as being gone for nine months.

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I never understand why anyone cares if another mom is happy or sad to see her kids go to school.


When I was a kid, I didn't notice what my mom was thinking about it.  My mind completely busy with my own anticipation.  I'm pretty sure that's where most kids are.  And that's good, because it's normal for a school-aged kid to be looking outside of the mom-kid bond for stimulation.


Those of us who work send our kids off to camps all summer anyway - when we aren't traveling.  I daresay most moms' minds would be boggled with all the stuff I've had to figure out all summer.  It will be nice to have the same stuff every week (pretty much) during the school year.  It allows me to make more long-term goals for my kids etc.

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There are days that I'd like to send them somewhere... Especially lately, they are constantly fighting. I do get a lot of people telling me that they couldn't do it and I do find it a bit sad, but I was on the other side at one point and couldn't really imagine having them all the time with me, it seemed very daunting. It has gotten easier as time goes on and now I love it, but I can sympathize a little.


I was called out a few weeks ago for saying something to the kids about not wanting to be around them but the guy who called me out had no idea that I'm always around them and that the kids know I have a very sarcastic sense of humor, they knew I was joking but he didn't.

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I thought the picture was funny.


As kids, we used to take great relish in singing the line from the song "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" that says:


And mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again!


We thought it was funny. If my mom had set up a photo like this one I would have thought it was great humor. I don't think the photo is going to make her kids feel rejected unless they have a terrible relationship with mom and already feel rejected.

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I dislike the whole notion. Sure, this photo may be staged, faked, set up, whatever.....but the notion behind it is real. Many parents have no clue what to do with their children all summer and are thrilled when school begins. I really do feel sorry for children whose parents want to be rid of them nearly all day, every day. Not just want to be rid of them, but shout it from the rooftops as well. Sure, I love a day off as much as the next person, but I couldn't imagine being so annoyed by my children that I want to ship them off daily. Why did they have kids if they can't stand being around them?


I know several moms who have had such a great summer with their kids that they are actually dreading it coming to an end. Kudos to them for spending and enjoying that quality time.


ETA.....I'm not downing anyone who chooses to send their kids to school. I get that not every child/family can be homeschooled. I just truly do not understand the complete joy and celebration that happens when people "get rid" of their kids for 9 months a year. I wish more parents enjoyed their children.


Complete joy and celebration?  Really ? You have never once complained about your kids, or made a joke about them being pains?  If you haven't, that is fine, but a joke doesn't equal "complete  joy and celebration."


I will leave that "why bother havign kids if you can't stand being around them" lying there where it belongs.

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When I hear from parents that attitude in a complaining, griping way or when they just seem bewildered about how to care for their own kids when they have vacation or snow days then I do feel sort of sad for them.  Not angry or thinking they're not good parents but more that they have a limited perspective maybe?  Many of the school parents I know extra enjoy their summer time or unexpected snow days (if they can be flexible about work anyway).  But this is different - it's just funny.  And I get wanting a break.  That's normal.

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I agree that it's staged. I also don't think the mom hates her kids. But, I dislike it for the same reason I dislike commercials or television shows that make dad seem like a bumbling fool and kids seem like it's okay to hate and torment siblings.


It's not awful. I just don't think it's funny.

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I think it is staged and funny.  I used to feel that way about moms who sent their kids to school.  But now that I am in their shoes, I understand.  For a highly introverted person, constant children (or anyone) can be very difficult.  Sometimes we are better moms when we aren't their teacher and when we aren't with them 24/7.  That can't be selfish if it is real.

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I dislike the whole notion. Sure, this photo may be staged, faked, set up, whatever.....but the notion behind it is real. Many parents have no clue what to do with their children all summer and are thrilled when school begins. I really do feel sorry for children whose parents want to be rid of them nearly all day, every day. Not just want to be rid of them, but shout it from the rooftops as well. Sure, I love a day off as much as the next person, but I couldn't imagine being so annoyed by my children that I want to ship them off daily. Why did they have kids if they can't stand being around them?


I know several moms who have had such a great summer with their kids that they are actually dreading it coming to an end. Kudos to them for spending and enjoying that quality time.


ETA.....I'm not downing anyone who chooses to send their kids to school. I get that not every child/family can be homeschooled. I just truly do not understand the complete joy and celebration that happens when people "get rid" of their kids for 9 months a year. I wish more parents enjoyed their children.


This mom may have had just as much quality time with her children this summer.  If she really didn't find joy raising her kids, she probably wouldn't have taken the time to make a photo at all.  

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Moms can't do the littlest thing, have even a little fun without someone coming along and thinking it's mean/sad/dangerous/wrong in some way. It's obviously intended to be in good fun, why not take it that way. I've known parents who didn't like their kids and it was sad to hear the way they talked about them, but they certainly weren't staging silly back to school pictures.

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They don't get rid of their kids for nine months. They are still full-time parents. The kids aren't going away to boarding school! Five days per week, the children leave after breakfast and come home in time for an afternoon snack, and the parents have six hours to go until bedtime. That's not the same as being gone for nine months.




And believe me, I've had PLENTY of days where boarding school sounded simply brilliant. ;) "Goodbye Darling! See you at Christmas... maybe." haha

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Oh, I think it's funny! Reminds me of that Staples commercial. In the background is playing, "it's the Most Wonderful Time of the year," and the parent is sailing down the aisles of the store joyfully throwing school supplies into the shopping cart while the children are sadly trailing behind.

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A lot of kids don't see their parents til the parents get off work and pick them up from a day care/after school program. That means they could see their kids after 5pm, dinner time, any left over homework, bedtime ritual. I don't think they would see their kids that long. I'm not saying this is horrible, but just reality.



That's a parenting logistics issue, not a public school issue -- they have to arrange for childcare in the summer, too, then. They aren't sending their children away for 9 months because they are public school families. There's no reason to assume that the moms creating these silly pics are all working moms.


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Bah. This is like the SAHMs who complain when there's more than 1 snow day in a row. Guess it messes with their tennis game schedule, idk.

Can't blame her though. I'd love to have 4-6 hours a day kid free so I could cook, clean and do whatever else without feeling guilty about my kids listening to books on tape all morning or dealing with "watch a video" nagging.

We're having our summer now and frankly, I can't wait to get back to school schedule. Would cut down on a lotta "stuff" around here...namely sibling arguing. I'll be more stressed and tired though. :-/

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The mom acknowledges (based on negative responses to her photo) that it was just a joke and was a staged picture.  She also posted a link in her response about other back to school rituals that were positive and demonstrated she loves her family.  It's unfortunate she felt she had to defend her love for her family over a silly joke.   I've been on both sides and when my kids went to school I LOVED when school began after a long summer.  Lunch dates with friends, time to run errands in peace, I enjoyed that season of my life.  Now as a homechooling mom of 3, I love this season of life as well.  

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I used to be excited for my kids to go back to school, especially after summer or another break. It seemed like a lot of work and stress, and I just wanted to go back to my less stressful days, working without worrying what kids do and why are they so loud or so quiet....


But something happened to me last winter and I just cannot seem to let them go back to school this year.They seemed to only enjoy recess and lunch with friends. Teachers were mean (literally), not paying attention if you didn't understand something, or if you're ahead and bored, they also ignored you... Seemed so cruel to send your kids to such environment. So I am jumping for joy because my husband and I are in agreement to give this "hsing thing" a try. :)

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Some of the nicest, most loving , most well-adjusted families I know send their kids to school, and are happy that school is back in session. How are kids damaged by a silly photo or song. Every family has some sort of humor 'culture'. Not sure how that makes anyone a terrible parent.


When people on this board offer their challenging children up for 'adoption' on rough days, I'm not thinking they are bad parents. People also confess here all the time about 'losing' it' with the their kids. Is that more or less damaging -- or really not damaging at all ( depending on frequency/degree).

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I just wouldn't advise flaunting that real or fake excitement in front of the children.


Oh dear. That photo's pretty tame compared to some of the silly and joking things I say to my kids. They'll probably be scarred for life.


Or they won't, because even though I call them rotten barbarians, and tell them I should've gotten puppies instead of boys (or snakes because then I'd only have to feed them once a month instead of THREE times a DAY!), and threaten to ship them to the moon so that I can get some peace and quiet, they still seem to know how very deeply I love them and that I don't mean any of it for a single second.


I'd give the mom in the photo some grace and trust that she knows how that joke photo fits into her family culture and how it will be received by her children.




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But something happened to me last winter and I just cannot seem to let them go back to school this year.They seemed to only enjoy recess and lunch with friends. Teachers were mean (literally), not paying attention if you didn't understand something, or if you're ahead and bored, they also ignored you... Seemed so cruel to send your kids to such environment. So I am jumping because my husband and I are in agreement to give this "hsing thing" a try. :)


Welcome! :)


This is a great place for meaty discussions, and silly ones. And sometimes we actually talk about homeschooling. :P




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I don't know how upset I'm willing to get over a staged picture, but it does bother me when I hear moms actually say the feelings that the picture is trying to convey.


My younger son goes to the public school...he started back this week. I was talking to another mom I kind of know at pick-up one afternoon, and asked her how her summer was. Her response? "How do you think it was? I was stuck with my children every day!" And the tone in her voice...wow.


The weirdest thing about her saying that to me is that she knows I have four other children who are home with me all the time. You'd think she'd choose her audience better for summer vacation disdain, but I guess she just really needed to get that off her chest or something. It makes me very sad for her daughters, though.

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