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Need good abnormal mammogram stories please :)


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So, while I was out today, my OB's office called and left a message.  DH had listened to it, and thought they said everything is normal, but call us.  Well…they actually said that my mammogram was abnormal.


Getting my mammogram was a total spur of the moment decision.  They had a mammogram bus in front of the YMCA when I was dropping off the kids.  I had tried to get one two years ago, but I was nursing, so they told me to come back.  Then last year, they told me I could bring my 3 year old with me, and I didn't have a babysitter.


I know there's a good likelihood that this will be normal, but I need some happy stories anyways.  Just found out a few days ago that my brother my have colorectal cancer, and my Dad is fighting leukemia.  When it rains, it pours...

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I've never had a mammogram turn out "normally." I always have to go back for a second mammogram and/or an ultrasound. Apparently, I have dense breasts, which makes the scans hard to read. (Plus side: dense = still pretty perky.)


I'm glad they're so thorough about getting accurate results.


I feel for you, though, having to wait through the weekend. Even with my history, I always have a bit of anxiety over the whole thing.

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I've had one. They looked closer. No big. :-) It's apparently common to have false info. My understanding is that the tests were designed for post menapousal tissue. As the tests are taken earlier and earlier, they're more likely to show false and be looked at closer. My info may be of, but it made sense to me.

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I have to get a mammogram and a breast MRI every year.  I have "very dense breasts".  I've had to do this since my first one 3 years ago.  The first call back scared me to death, but now it's just routine.  Good vibes sent your way :001_smile:

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I'm another who had an abnormal reading. I had to do a biopsy but it was nothing. Then for 2 years, I went back for another mammgram and an ultrasound every 6 months. That was scary but they were just overly concerned because my sister had breast cancer. I'm not even sure when my next one is due. Hmm.. maybe I should call.

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I had an abnormal reading last fall. I had 2 questionable spots. One ended up being a small fibroadenoma and the other a fluid filled cyst. I also have very dense breast tissue. Doctor said it was good that they spotted these abnormalities *despite* the denseness. The mammogram did its job.


:grouphug: The waiting and wondering stinks.

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I had an abnormal mammogram several years ago. Added to that was the incompetency of my doctor's office not returning my calls and failure to follow up on the report from the screening center and yeah, I was a nervous wreck. Thankfully, it ended up being nothing. I have dense tissue, have had all my life and that makes it hard for clear scans, I guess. Another friend also had to go back in and she just had a cyst that they wanted to biopsy and it was fine, also.

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Multiple abnormal areas, and for awhile I was going every six months.  Nothing to worry about, but always "an area of concern."  Yeah, right.


Then by chance, I discovered the expertise of the technician made all the difference.  A particular technician knows how to get it right the first time.  She does two additional shots of my trouble areas, and insurance pays for it because its done at the annual exam.  And I never get call-backs now, but I make sure that I always get her.  Always!

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When they switched from regular mammograms to digital, I had to go back for a repeat.  The repeat was a more uncomfortable mammogram, since they wanted a good view.  It really freaked me out to have to go back, but it turned out well and was wasted energy for me to worry (most of what I worry about is wasted energy).  I hope you can get back for your repeat quickly and it's nothing.  I'm sorry about all the other things you are dealing with right now. :grouphug:

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So, while I was out today, my OB's office called and left a message.  DH had listened to it, and thought they said everything is normal, but call us.  Well…they actually said that my mammogram was abnormal.


Getting my mammogram was a total spur of the moment decision.  They had a mammogram bus in front of the YMCA when I was dropping off the kids.  I had tried to get one two years ago, but I was nursing, so they told me to come back.  Then last year, they told me I could bring my 3 year old with me, and I didn't have a babysitter.


I know there's a good likelihood that this will be normal, but I need some happy stories anyways.  Just found out a few days ago that my brother my have colorectal cancer, and my Dad is fighting leukemia.  When it rains, it pours...

I had one where they found something.  They came in to hand me a box of Kleenex (seriously) and acted like I might croak any minute.  They said they wanted to do a biopsy and I stood up and said, "Let's go." 


That was 15 years ago.  It was calcium or something. I'm fine and I trust you will be too! 

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I stopped going to the "mammogram bus" after getting callbacks for repeat screenings three years in a row. For some of us, the compact machine in the mobile units is a bad choice. My repeat mammograms were always clear.


Now I go into the lovely mammogram center where they serve me tea or coffee and it's all done without rush or hurry. It isn't even uncomfortable and my Health insurance covers it 100% regardless of where I go.

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I'm jealous of all you densely breasted gals :D


That is all.


Good thoughts to you, Umsami, that the mammogram reveals nothing upon further perusal and you're in perfect health :)


I'm another one with "dense" breasts....in my case a better description is dense small breasts.  Oh well!  I also have to have ultrasounds following my mammograms.  

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We had a little abnormal mammogram scare... went in for the ultrasound -- still abnormal, then had the biopsy and it was normal.  I did ask my pathologist friend what percentage of the biopsies they get after abnormal mammograms are troublesome and she said only about 10 or 15% of the biopsies are actually cancerous. And even then... there's plenty of good treatment options.   So really, chances are quite good that it's okay.  Worth getting checked out, but not worth worrying about.

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First,  :grouphug:


But then I have a recent story to share.  I went for a mammogram recently too.  It was also a sort of spur of the moment decision.  I then got a call saying it was abnormal. The call/letter (hospital does both) came late because my provider didn't check it closely.  Not her fault; thought my dh checked it (he's the doc, she's the PA).  Anyway, they said it showed a "cluster", most likely a calcium deposit build up (???) My dh tells me that it competely normal, so no big deal.  We make the follow up appointment, which was 2 weeks later.  I had no concerns at all.  I believed my dh when he said it was normal.  But then on the day of the appointment my dh asks if I need him to come with me for support (???? that kind of made me say, what??) Then when I get there the tech, and later the radiologist bend over backwards to let me know that I won't be leaving without having an answer.  By then I was starting to freak out a little.  I was also getting miffed at my dh who said it was nothing.  


But the radiologist came back and said, yes it appears to be normal. It's more of a case that now that they can see everything so well (thanks to digital pictures) they can see more and have to double check.  It most likely is normal, but I will be getting mammagrams more fequently now.  


Anyway, all this is to share that it probably is nothing.  They can see much greater detail than they could before, which means more false alarms.  It will most likely be fine.  And the detail in my story was for this: if I would have known that it could be serious I would have spent 2 weeks freaking out., instead I didn't think about it twice. Ignorance can be bliss.


:grouphug:  again.  You will probably be fine, but waiting for the unknown is difficult.    

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I got a call back years ago.  I got the whole works -- diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound and then a biopsy.  It turned out to be a benign fibroadenoma, which eventually did have to be removed due to its size.  But it was no big deal.


I have a friend who gets called back so often that she expects it.  She's never had any problem, though.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Sorry you got a call back. They are nerve wracking the first time but the vast majority turn out to be nothing.


I had a screening mammo, then a diagnostic mammo, then an ultrasound, referral to a breast specialist and another ultrasound by a dedicated breast radiologist, who said I had a cyst that looks like a complex cyst but isn't. I declined a biopsy and we ultrasound yearly for change. Two years now and no change.


Ladies with dense breasts and multiple callbacks, get a referral to a breast specialist and a dedicated breast radiologist, one who specializes in breast imaging and nothing else. A technician does the mammograms, but my MD does the ultrasounds.

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When I had my first mammogram the PA told me that I WILL get called back. She said that my job was to expect it and not to worry. She said it is super common to get called back and it is because the radiologist wanted a better picture. Sure enough, every time I have gone I need to go back and it is always because the radiologist wanted a better look or a different angle etc. It has never been anything beyond that.

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My breasts are so dense, I get called back all the time.  We have breast cancer in our family, too.  So far, all of mine have been benign.  But if they find something, I know it will be early.  I'm not worried at all.  You probably just have "dense" breasts that cannot be read clearly.  I'm glad you had the mammogram!  They can keep it for a baseline record.  It will be okay.



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Well, I had on a couple years ago. Had to go in for an ultrasound. So, I'm laying there in the table and the doctor is doing his thing and says, "yeah, I met you at a conference a couple years ago!" And I said, "oh no, that wasn't me that was my sister-in-law" (my sil is an OB/GYN and has exactly the same name as me, is approximately my age, height and coloring. People get us mixed up all the time) and we spent the whole rest of the time arguing about the fact that I wasn't who he thought I was. Regarding the ultrasound, I just have fibrous BooKs.

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Another call back here too.  Why do they always call on Fridays and leave a message for you to find after the office is closed?  By Monday morning I had about killed myself off!  Turned out it was probably a piece of pinched skin that caused a shadow or something. :glare:   My advice is to hit up Victoria Secret and get something pretty for the b00ks instead of worrying about it because it is going to be nothing in the end.

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I had a repeat mammogram a couple of years ago.  As it turns out, some breast tissue was folded over onto some other tissue  and caused an abnormal reading. Idon't know how that happened; the girls aren't all that big. When I went back for a followup, they used different paddles for the squishing and the next one was normal.  I hope it turns out out to be nothing. 

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This is my story as well. Haven't had a problem since, except for scar tissue from the lumpectomy. Best wishes to you!


I got a call back years ago. I got the whole works -- diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound and then a biopsy. It turned out to be a benign fibroadenoma, which eventually did have to be removed due to its size. But it was no big deal.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I've had a couple of call backs.  A second mammo with smaller paddles focussed more on that one area resolved them, and I didn't need them biopsied.


A few years back I found a lump way at the top, beyond what a mammo can see.  That one was biopsied, and it turned out to be a little cluster of fat.  No biggie.

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After reading how many of us had return trips for diagnostic mammograms and u/s, I have to wonder how much money is put out for all these tests that ultimately end up being nothing? Of course we're all so worried and anxious they know we'll get all the testing, as we should. It's just frustrating!


We changed insurance this year, but last year, when I had to have all these diagnostics done, we had a high deductible AND a Disney trip I'd already booked. Impeccable timing :glare: .

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I felt a huge lump and went to the doctor, had a mammogram. It looked really, really, really bad. Each person who looked or felt it said, "it doesn't feel or look like a cyst." The nurse insisted that my husband come back for the exam while the doctor talked to  me - bad sign. The doctor while looking at the lump explained how it did not have the characterisitcs of a cyst (not round, not smooth etc...) and it was so large. He had a nurse call the hospital to schedule a time to get it out. He said he wanted to see if could drain a little of the liquid that surronded it and while we were watching he pushed a needle into my breast  and was removing liquid from the lump and then the lump started to shrink! The doctor was shocked! It was the largest cyst he had ever seen. He said in his 25 years he had never seen a cyst that looked so much like a tumor. He wished he had been recording the whole thing as it was so unbelievable! 


I hope you have wonderful news!  

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I had an abnormal mammogram. It was harmless calcifications. They try to flag every little thing. If something looks different, then they usually want to scan the tissue more frequently so they can chart any changes over time. They will also possibly do an ultrasound to identify more closely what the "abnormal" tissue is.

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My grandmother had many breast cysts removed over the years.  She died at a ripe old age and never had cancer.   I think they are flagging more mammos than ever right now.  I know like half a dozen people who've had to do a follow up after a mammo the last couple years and none of them had cancer. 

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I'm jealous of all you densely breasted gals :D


That is all.


Good thoughts to you, Umsami, that the mammogram reveals nothing upon further perusal and you're in perfect health :)


Dense breast tissue is nothing to be jealous of. I have it too though my mammogram was normal. I do have to have a mammogram every year and it'll be followed by an ultrasound too, just to make sure.

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I have dense breast tissue too, and have had multiple second looks that have always turned out to be nothing. I refuse to worry until they actually have a negative diagnosis to tell me.


It seems like they need to develop better technology - look at all of this extra testing so many of us are going through for nothing. Ugh.

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I have dense breast tissue too, and have had multiple second looks that have always turned out to be nothing. I refuse to worry until they actually have a negative diagnosis to tell me.


It seems like they need to develop better technology - look at all of this extra testing so many of us are going through for nothing. Ugh.


I've only had my first mammogram this year (I'm 42), but I did have a large mass removed from my breast in 2004. They found it while I was at boot camp. It was benign. I asked to see it after the surgery was done and it looked like the top half of a hamburger bun. So, I don't spend my time worrying, but I do keep up with at home checks.

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Dense, tiny little boobs here, too.  But, they are also saggy little things.

Had an initial mammo and they were too dense to see anything.

Got a call back for a more definitive mammo.  They still couldn't tell.

Had to go for an ultrasound and needle biopsy.

Apparently, I have saggy little boobs of diamond and the doctor COULD NOT get the needle in.  He switched to a lesser needle, was straddling me, sweat dripping from his brow, face red, muscles shaking from the effort and he finally got a sample.  Reassured me that it was rare to puncture a lung in the process.  Turned out to be nothing but they put a marker in for future reference.  Then wanted to do ANOTHER mammo.  Uhhh--no, I don't think so.  I think I have had more than my share of radiation at that point. 

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