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Anyone else starting school tomorrow (8-4)?


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We are taking baby steps in starting tomorrow.  Normally we would be going full steam ahead, but we have a trip planned for the following week.  No need to start everything and then stop again.  That said, everyone's math books are prepped.  The spelling pages are ready.  Old school has been cleared out of their bins and the new shiny stuff added in.  I am missing a math book for 1 of the kids though.  I really need to get it ordered.  The one thing I am looking forward to tomorrow, DD's Adderrall.  She has only been doing math over the summer so she's been med free all summer and she is driving me up the wall.  She will be adding on 2 or 3 reading intensive subjects tomorrow so she will have no choice but to take it otherwise she reads a page and has NO clue what it was about.

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I wish I could start tomorrow, but I am leaving for an out of state funeral this week. :( Then, the next week I need to start packing for our move to a new house. ( closer to my dh's work) The week after that, we will be unpacking and organizing. So, I guess, I will start the last week in August . I'm disappointed but my kids are happy about it. :)

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We kind of are. We school year round so it's not so much the beginning of our year, but a starting school back up after WAY too long of a break (two months off) due to moving, church camp, travel, illness, etc. So it's basically like a first day although we'll be continuing on with what we were already doing.


And, no, I still don't feel ready.  :001_smile:

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That was the plan, but my parents want to keep the kids for a week and cannot do that until after the 9th. I don't want to do a week and then take a week off. We have been reading CHOW, some science books, a Bible study, and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe this summer. We will continue with those next week and I may start our math review. But I am just going to delay everything 2 weeks. Good thing Homeschool Skedtrack is so flexible! ;)

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We're year round, but because my Dh is a teacher our schedule is always wacky during the summer when he's off. So tomorrow (when he starts back), we'll get back to following a routine and be more consistent about things. It's a bittersweet time of the year. We'll miss Dh, but it will also be nice to have regular days again.

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Yes, we are!  We always start the first Monday in August.  That way we have a few days under our belt by the time the public school kids start in mid-August and I don't feel guilty about our annual "Not-Back-to-School" donuts and park day.


This year has been a bit different, because we got due to house showings and moving so we've played catch-up all summer.  



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Guest inoubliable

We had planned to. I've got everything ready. I'm not sure if I can psychically do it, though. I'm still oozing stuff. >.< And still in pain. Someone just suggested school on the bed. I might give that a shot. 

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Yes. We didn't stay on track during the summer. Think 10 days only between june and july so we took a dedicated break and picked a start date...I have the next year worked out with breaks in oct nov dec feb and mar...so we have to hit the pavement running....but we also decided last minute to go to an amusement park Tuesday and a field trip Thursday this week...so hey....it is what it is :p

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We had planned to. I've got everything ready. I'm not sure if I can psychically do it, though. I'm still oozing stuff. >.< And still in pain. Someone just suggested school on the bed. I might give that a shot.

You might want to choose to lie on the couch and have the kiddos around instead of schooling on the bed. We tried schooling on the bed after surgery and every little move the kids made caused me to yelp in pain. Best wishes as you heal and try to school your kiddos.

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Guest inoubliable

You might want to choose to lie on the couch and have the kiddos around instead of schooling on the bed. We tried schooling on the bed after surgery and every little move the kids made caused me to yelp in pain. Best wishes as you heal and try to school your kiddos.


Good idea! Thanks!

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We were supposed to start in Sept.  But since my son fell and hurt himself, he has to sit around all day.  So, we are going to start early and then give him a few weeks off during fall harvest, when he'll be out of his wheelchair and able to have more fun around the farm.

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We are! We always start the first full week in August too. We like the wiggle room and take off whenever my husband takes vacation, in addition to the holidays. I like to not stress about it. It also satisfies my year round personality, but still gives us a 6 week break or so. The problem is, my head isn't really in it yet! The weather is usually hot and humid here, so being inside is appealing. But this summer has been mild and beautiful so I'm finding it hard to buckle down. I guess I have about 9 hours to get my head in the game!

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One of the things I love about homeschooling is not having to follow the ps calendar.


I put all of the PS dates on my Outlook Express calendar and use that as a tentative guide.  Our children have long 3-days sport events (swimming meets and water polo tournaments) and I try to take the Monday off to recover.  Keeping those planned days off in mind, I look at the PS schedule for any overlapping dates, etc.)


I am so glad I started this thread because I forgot to do two things:


1)  Every year since my first day to homeschool (Sept. 11, 2001 - easy date to remember), I have taken photos of my children wearing backpacks as they leave for school.  We are in a new house now, so I have to remember to continue the tradition ... I charged my camera and put it with the school supplies.


2)  Every year since the beginning (thanks to an encouraging friend), I have created a theme for the year.  This year it will be, "I Believe".  Our daughter is in her high school senior year and our son is a freshman.  Both will have a challenging academic year - our daughter will graduate (plus have an additional 30-32 college hours) and our son has a packed academic load (plus his two club sports).  I honestly believe this will be our most difficult year yet ... but I am going to sell the, "I Believe" (in You, etc.) message. :001_smile:


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We are! I originally planned to start the 11th, but then the kids were begging to start so I agreed to the 4th. When DH left this past Monday they begged to start that day, but I had redone the schedule in Olly 3 times by that point and told them no.


The girls had a makeover/sleepover tonight as their last night as free girls before the evil homeschooling witch takes over their mom for the year.

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We start back after a 6 week break, which is the longest we take each year. I went to a small conference on Saturday and was able to pick up a few things, so at least we have something new to start tomorrow. I really should be in bed, but I want to add the new subject into my planner. :001_rolleyes:

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We started today. We are actually already done, other than taking DD to her dance class and getting a donut afterwards. :)


I didn't plan much. We read a little bit, and talked about what we will be doing for different subjects. The boys did a math lesson. They declared their binders. DD4 did some pages from her Kumon workbook.


I'm really glad to be back into our routine. :)

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We were going to start today, but then my oldest was sick all last week with double inner and outer ear infections. I felt bad that his last free week was going to be spent in pain and sick. We now are starting next Monday. That works well, because I am sick today and I have doctor's appointment this afternoon. 

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