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would you go to the ER...

Guest inoubliable

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Guest inoubliable

If you had sudden and severe stomach pain? The sort that you couldn't get comfortable in any position, I mean. If you also had chills, nausea, and vomiting?

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Guest inoubliable

I think if I tried jumping I'd end up screaming through the vomiting... I tried to massage the area earlier and it brought tears to my eyes. I had to grit my teeth to keep from screaming.

No fever. Just awful pain and vomiting and chills. Mostly in the middle when it started, now more to the right. High up, more stomach than intestine.

I'd check WebMD or google but they'll say I've got colon cancer or intestine rot or something.

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I had severe stomach pain, vomiting, and chills and it was an acid reflux attack. I did go to the ER, and then felt silly. But the pain was horrible and I had no idea what was going on. I have since had a few more of those attacks, and now I just lay on my left side and wait it out. It takes hours sometimes. It doesn't happen much anymore because I know my triggers and I'm on meds.


Or it could it be something like Pancreatitis, which you would really need to be seen for soon.


Either way, it's probably best to be seen so you can rule more dangerous things out and get some meds or info to help control whatever may be triggering this.



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If you had sudden and severe stomach pain? The sort that you couldn't get comfortable in any position, I mean. If you also had chills, nausea, and vomiting?


Is this a money question or a medical question?  From a medical perspective, yes, absolutely I would go.  And if it was a loved one with those symptoms, I would insist on taking them in.  Now.  As in, NOW.


I don't know enough about medical risk to answer if it is a money question. 

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DH had appendicitis 2 days before I have birth to my first son. I was soooo mad at him because he got to lay around and sleep in a drug induced state while I labored.


Anyway, he never ran a fever. Felt sick and very crampy. More so the pain was severe not when pushing on his stomach but at the release of pressure.

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How are you feeling now, KK?


Could it be food poisoning? Is anyone else in the family having any symptoms, even minor ones?


If everyone else is fine, I vote that you go to the ER, mainly because it sounds like you're in agony, not just having some pain that can wait until you can see your regular doctor in the morning.


Please don't take any chances! :grouphug:

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I would because even food poisoning could become seriously bad fast. A guy I knew was hospitalized for severe food poisoning due to improper handling of food by the caterer for a company dinner. Might be appendicitis or gallstone though.

If it is a money issue, I'll work out a payment plan and I had done that before for my younger boy's bills.

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I just finished talking to KK, and she did go to the ER.  It turns out she has an impacted gallstone. :(  They're admitting her tonight, and they'll be doing surgery in the morning.


Thanks for the update. KK, I'm glad you're getting the treatment you need and hope you're better soon! :grouphug:

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I just finished talking to KK, and she did go to the ER.  It turns out she has an impacted gallstone. :(  They're admitting her tonight, and they'll be doing surgery in the morning.



Yikes!  So glad she decided to go in.  Thanks for updating us.

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I did a couple of weeks ago.  There's fibroid in my uterus so big, it's blocking the tube that drains out my of left kidney. I will have surgery in two weeks as the blockage is only mild to moderate.  More than that would require immediate surgery so as to not lose the kidney.


I hope KK has a quick and complete recovery.  That kind of thing really hurts and I hope she feels better soon.

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I did a couple of weeks ago.  There's fibroid in my uterus so big, it's blocking the tube that drains out my of left kidney. I will have surgery in two weeks as the blockage is only mild to moderate.  More than that would require immediate surgery so as to not lose the kidney.


I hope KK has a quick and complete recovery.  That kind of thing really hurts and I hope she feels better soon.


(Not liking that it happened! I liked your post for sharing your experience. You're in my thoughts.)

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