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s/o My crazy neighbor...


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I can't believe some of these neighbor stories!


Please finish the sentence, "My crazy neighbor..." with a true neighbor experience, past or present.


I'll start:

My crazy neighbor swore up and down that his large dog (allowed to run free) was a big baby that would never hurt anyone. He said this after his dog stalked me to my own front door, hackles raised and growling. We called the police to ask about the local leash law and they said that was more of a "guideline" than an actual law. :banghead:

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MCN...gathered all of his leaves, branches, and brush from his yard, and deposited them just over the property line, in my yard every.single.month. This neighbor also put up a privacy fence on one side of his yard (our yard was also fenced, several feet away, but this wasn't good enough) to protect his shih-tzu from our shelties. Whenever she could, the shih-tzu would escape from her yard and come run and play with my dogs. :p



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I am afraid I am the crazy Neighbour. our geese wondered over to our neighbours and stripped their peach tree- I was so embarrassed, very fortunately for us the Neighbour thought it funny, especially when the gander jumped up as high as it could, caught hold of a branch and pulled it down so the rest of the geese could get the last few high up peaches.... :-(

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We're 99% sure our evil neighbor killed our cat. And just one instance of his other ass-ish behavior is once I told him how much I enjoyed watching the birds eat at his feeder that I could see from my backyard. That very day the feeder disappeared. He may have moved it to another part of the yard, I don't know, but it is definitely no longer where I can watch the birds.

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I couldn't understand why my water bill was so high in the summer, until I came home from work early one day and discovered that my next door neighbor had attached her hose to my outdoor water spicket and was watering her yard! 


Prior to this, I had come home and caught her trimming her hedges using my electricity, so I should have figured out why my water bill was so high without having to catch her in the act.


From that day on, I turned off my water before I left for work during the spring and summer months. 

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This was the high school principal. He shot a confetti rocket outside and showered our house with confetti. After we approached him, he brought his shop-vac over and vacuumed our yard. Seven years later and we still see shiny confetti in our yard sometimes.

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Just yesterday our neighbor mowed his lawn at 7am.  Not a big deal, but I had a bit of insomnia and was awake from 2 to about 6am.  I was finally able to get back to sleep when the mower woke me up.  


Later in the day, at about 1pm, my husband (a service member, enjoying a day off for Memorial day) was outside pressure washing our driveway and patio.  We are preparing to sell our house and he has lots of little projects to get done in the next couple of weeks, and not a lot of time to do them.  As he was coming around the corner, my neighbor motioned him over, and asked him to please stop the washing as it was just too loud - they were having a little get together in their back yard...


Same neighbor had a day care for the first couple of years we lived here.  There was constant baby crying and toddler shrieking noise from their backyard each and every day, most of the day - or at least the part of the day when we wanted to be outside working in the garden.  Also, not a big deal and nothing we ever complained to them about.  Same neighbor recently replaced a roof - that was some seriously loud work.  Did we ask them to please stop roofing so that we could concentrate over here? nope...  insert eye roll...



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How about a certified letter from crazy neighbor asking when we're going to take down a dead tree. There was an entire lot between our houses with at least 300 trees on it. We'd lived there about a month, a hurricane had went through about 8 months previously, killing a lot of trees. In all that time he never asked the previous neighbor and our first introduction was a certified letter. I called to discuss and he was a royal a$$. I think he was offended that a woman had called him. Dh had planned on taking down the tree but was working 14 hour days and hadn't had a day off since we had moved. We finally cut down the tree and we never spoke to him again. 

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MCN... would steal things of crabmeat from the local grocery store and then people would come to their house at all hours to buy it from them.  We really thought they were dealing drugs so we were relieved (and puzzled) when we found out what it actually was.  They didn't pay their electric or water bill so their electricity and water were cut off during the time they were "dealing" crabmeat.

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MCN... would steal things of crabmeat from the local grocery store and then people would come to their house at all hours to buy it from them.  We really thought they were dealing drugs so we were relieved (and puzzled) when we found out what it actually was.  They didn't pay their electric or water bill so their electricity and water were cut off during the time they were "dealing" crabmeat.


Because sometimes you just get a taste for stolen, unrefrigerated shellfish...

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In a previous home, the next door neighbors (neighbor family #1) let their dogs run free.  Our house had an invisible fence when we moved in, so we used that for our dog.  The neighbors said their dogs liked to "socialize" with the other dogs up the hill (maybe 1/2 mile-1 mile away).  Houses had 1 acre-1.5 acre lots and backed up to a forest (state park).


So their dogs would poop in my driveway sometimes, charge our houseguests on occasion as they got out of cars in our driveway, and would bark aggressively at the mail carrier, UPS, etc.  Well, my mail carrier would no longer deliver packages to my house because she was tired of being charged.  So even though they weren't my dogs, every time I had a package, I had to go get it from the PO with kids along.   I am a big dog person, and my dog has his own challenges.  Their dogs did not bite, but one was a german shep, and the other a lab, and they did *bark* aggressively, iykwim.  I'm not easily scared of dogs, but I can see how the two dogs would be very intimidating to anyone who didn't know them.


Our neighbors on the other side of us (neighbor family #2) also had a dog.  They got tired of  the dogs at neighbor #1's house coming into their yard (they also had an invisible fence for their dog).  The two couples (#1 and #2) were friends, but neighbor family #2 finally said something to neighbor family #1 about their dog teasing their dog by coming in and out of their property all of the time.  So neighbor family #1 then asks us if they can get a collar for their dog so he won't cross over to the yard of neighbor #2 (the house on the other side of us).  They didn't care that their dogs would roam everywhere else in the world, they just wanted to sponge off of our fence so their dog wouldn't cross from their yard into the neighbor on the other side of us. 


They also once said something to us about keeping our cats in so their dogs wouldn't kill them.  My cats were indoor cats, but did occasionally go out onto our deck while we were outside and supervising.  It wasn't said apologetically, it was kind of a, "well, you've been warned' thing.  Basically, FYI, the dogs *might* kill your cats if they see them outside :/  It wasn't a, "we'll do everything we can to keep them on our property but can't guarantee it would never happen" kind of thing.  No, it was a warning.  Their dogs later killed a kitten they had brought home for their youngest DD :(


My current neighbor likes to mow right up to the raised beds (off the property line, we keep the vines trimmed back fastidiously) in our side yard.  He takes the mower right up to the box and clips everything off, even though it is clearly on our side of the ditch that runs on the property line.  The vines *do not* go onto his property.  We are very good about that.  But it doesn't stop from him mowing 3-4 feet over the line onto our property and clipping them off.  He's a mild pain.

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Our neighbor story isn't so bad. It had been garbage day and it was horribly windy out. By the time I checked on our own cans they were clear across the road. CN approached dh outside asking (and not very nicely) if we stole his garbage can......dh said no, however with the wind ours did blow pretty far. Dh offered to help CN look for his can, CN just walked off frustrated with dh. That was our first time meeting the guy.

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My neighbor blamed us that his girlfriend wouldn't stay the night at his house.  He said that they couldn't sit out in the backyard and stargaze because of our back porch light and so his girlfriend refused to stay the night with him.  Our light is on a motion sensor and is hardly ever on.  Methinks his girlfriend just didn't want to stay with him.  He is also the one I caught throwing his tree branch trimmings into our backyard.  I was glad when he finally moved.

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Man. I obviously have the world's best neighbors! We did have some kids one time treat our kids not so nicely but that doesn't define the parents per say. I had a girl get injured one time at those kids house and the parents were super nice and apologetic even though it was my girls fault.

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Luckily most of our neighbors are awesome, but there is this one...


She used to stand outside and cuss out the kids when they made noise outside her house.  She had a favorite son she talked about constantly...never mentioned the other one.  Her favorite son got in a fight with my daughter because he was shooting her with a potato gun and she got sick of it and tossed a dirt clod at him.  The neighbor stomped over to my house and threw a raging fit.  Later I heard she was telling the other neighbors that my daughter was breaking into houses and stealing food. 


Maybe dd was in cahoots with the crab dealer upthread. 



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Oh!  I remember another one, although they have long since moved.  Their 4yo showed up at my house with large turkey injector.  I took it away from him and called his dad who told me they let him carry it around and play with it because it helps him to get over his fear of allergy shots.  So you send him to my house with something that looks like a horse vaccine?

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Most of my neighbors are fantastic!  But my neighbor behind us is the HOA president and is a complete nut!  She freaked out once because some kids were skateboarding up and down the street and were being too loud.  When I pointed out to her that it was because she made a rule that they couldn't have basketball nets they found something else to do and that I'd prefer the sound of basketball playing than 5 skateboards all day.  


She freaked out on my once the day before my new windows were being installed because they didn't have grids and I couldn't have gotten permission to put grid-less windows in.  When I told her I had the permission in writing she called me a liar and said she would have never approved of that. I told her that I was lucky she didn't have sole power then and she fumed off to find out who approved them.  

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...came over one day to askme if I had seen men in black suits on her roof putting surveilance devices up because she knew her husband was spying on her. She wanted me to stay up for several nights photographing her yard and house to try to catch the spies in the act.


She was known in the community as a drug addict and alcoholic. Her son was a juvenile delinquent so it was a long two years living next to them.

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We had a neighbor who called the police no fewer than seven times about our noisy and dangerous dog. But we did not have (and never had) a dog. He swore up and down that we were just hiding it whenever the police came. 


Oh my goodness, do you live near me? Our next door neighbor does that exact same thing to us.

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When our next door neighbors moved in, DH found two boys, ages 9 & 11, in his truck. They were playing with the lights, radio, etc. DH walked up and said, "What are you doing? Get out of my truck," in a strong voice. It turns out the parents were sitting outside and heard him. They came over and said, "What's the big deal--they were just playing. You should lock it if you don't want them in it." (BTW it was locked with one window halfway down) Then the next day they lost control of a skateboard while doing tricks and dented the tailgate and ran off, not realizing DH saw them. The happy news is it turns out they were not our new neighbors--just friends who "helped" them move in. We haven't seen them since!

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Our neighbors were on vacation and had a house sitter.  The house sitter said she saw my son break into the house in the middle of the night, and steal the home owners Oxycodone.  Ds was arrested and accused of felony theft. There was no evidence of a break in and she waited until the next afternoon to report it.  It went all the way to trial. The judge said he believed the crazy house sitter but had no evidence so had to rule my son 'not guilty'.  The felony arrest will remain on my sons record forever. 


The ironic thing is that if you haven't noticed in my sig.....my son is a Pastoral Ministry Major!  He does extensive volunteer work, is an honors student, and is a math/reading tutor for kids.  He is tall and thin, with platinum blond shoulder length hair.  If you looked at him and didn't know him, you could believe he was a druggie, but as soon as you talk to him, you realize he is very different from that stereo type. 



BTW...no my son didn't do it.  LOL  :0)



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My next door neighbor would spend almost every summer day burning debris and trash in his backyard. He was retired, so the lawn was his hobby and with our heavily wooded lots, there were always branches and stuff to go with his trash. The 2nd year I had premature twins and the smell was so bad we had to leave our house every day so they could breathe. I would go to the mall or a friend's house, a park, or just drive around. They had weak lungs and literally could not breathe with all of the smoke. We didn't have a/c and couldn't close the windows. I called the non emergency line and was told there was nothing we could do even though our city had a burn ban because we were outside of the city limits. The neighbor didn't care when we said our babies were sick. Thank goodness we moved!


I just discovered today that one of the neighbor children has collected over a dozen eggs from birds' nests in the yards of our cul de sac! I am horrified but her mother doesn't care and says she will be an animal scientist. I have no idea if there are any protected species, but I've told them she is not to touch any nests in our yard from now on!

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Our neighbors were on vacation and had a house sitter. The house sitter said she saw my son broke in to the house in the middle of the night, and stole the home owners Oxycodone. Ds was arrested and accused of felony theft. There was no evidence of a break in and she waited until the next afternoon to report it. It went all the way to trial. The judge said he believed the crazy house sitter but had no evidence so had to rule him 'not guilty'. The felony arrest will remain on my sons record forever.


The ironic thing is that if you haven't noticed in my sig.....my son is a Pastoral Ministry Major! He does extensive volunteer work, is an honors student, and is a math/reading tutor for kids. He is tall and thin, with platinum blond shoulder length hair. If you looked at him and didn't know him, you could believe he was a druggie, but as soon as you talk to him, you realize he is very different from that stereo type.

I think I remember that. I'm so sorry.

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When we moved we hired movers due to major medical event that prevented us from packing. They were there for two days. The truck was outside. It was impossible to miss. The day we moved they loaded up the truck all the cars and off we went to the new place. We had just arrived at the new place 35 minutes away when the nice, sane, neighbor up the street called. The crazy neighbor had called the city to complain about the debris we had not cleaned up before having to show the movers where the new place was. It was not even that bad and when I rushed back to clean up I used a Wal-Mart bag to put everything in it there was so little. I mean really, at least let us unload the truck and come back and get the dogs before bitching. Or *gasp* when your neighbor has a major health crisis and has to rush a move, maybe, just maybe you can cut them a little slack.

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My next door neighbor would spend almost every summer day burning debris and trash in his backyard. He was retired, so the lawn was his hobby and with our heavily wooded lots, there were always branches and stuff to go with his trash. The 2nd year I had premature twins and the smell was so bad we had to leave our house every day so they could breathe. I would go to the mall or a friend's house, a park, or just drive around. They had weak lungs and literally could not breathe with all of the smoke. We didn't have a/c and couldn't close the windows. I called the non emergency line and was told there was nothing we could do even though our city had a burn ban because we were outside of the city limits. The neighbor didn't care when we said our babies were sick. Thank goodness we moved!


I just discovered today that one of the neighbor children has collected over a dozen eggs from birds' nests in the yards of our cul de sac! I am horrified but her mother doesn't care and says she will be an animal scientist. I have no idea if there are any protected species, but I've told them she is not to touch any nests in our yard from now on!


It is against federal law to possess anything to do with non-game bird species.  Technically, you can't even keep a feather you found on the ground.  I'd let them know they are violating the law...

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It is against federal law to possess anything to do with non-game bird species.  Technically, you can't even keep a feather you found on the ground.  I'd let them know they are violating the law...


Thank you for that.  I was completely gobsmacked that they would do this and not sure if there was anything we could do. Neighbor kid said she has raised baby birds from eggs before and that they flew off happily when she was done. BS!! I'm going to look up the law and print it out for her. 

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My crazy neighbor gardens in her pajamas and has been known to randomly deposit plants in my yard in an attempt to get me into gardening. She gives my dog food when he is in the backyard. She uses our trash can and recycling can whenever she wants. She calls to update me about what my children are doing in my backyard that scares her (she is very paranoid). "Did you know dd's name just did a flip. Now she is standing on her head! Ds's name is rolling in the grass, have you checked in him for ticks! You should bring them in, a storm is coming." All true life examples! And today she demanded that I take her car and go to the store for her to get the buy one get one free mayonnaise before the sale ends ...


....I should probably mention that she is my mom... :D  but she is no less a crazy neighbor :lol: . Oh, and I was already using her car to take ds to his doc appt. But the updates on the kids can drive me bonkers. "yes mom, I have windows, I see what they are doing. They're just playing... :lol:...That's what kids do... "

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Our neighbors were on vacation and had a house sitter. The house sitter said she saw my son broke in to the house in the middle of the night, and stole the home owners Oxycodone. Ds was arrested and accused of felony theft. There was no evidence of a break in and she waited until the next afternoon to report it. It went all the way to trial. The judge said he believed the crazy house sitter but had no evidence so had to rule him 'not guilty'. The felony arrest will remain on my sons record forever.


The ironic thing is that if you haven't noticed in my sig.....my son is a Pastoral Ministry Major! He does extensive volunteer work, is an honors student, and is a math/reading tutor for kids. He is tall and thin, with platinum blond shoulder length hair. If you looked at him and didn't know him, you could believe he was a druggie, but as soon as you talk to him, you realize he is very different from that stereo type.



BTW...no my son didn't do it. LOL :0)

This makes me so sad.

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In our first apartment (LA area, think Melrose Place type of set up) my husband watched, from the pool, our downstairs neighbor going to every single front door (at least 10) and trying the doorknob.  Luckily everyone had their doors locked!



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1. I had a bank robber living next door.  My roommates and I noticed several undercover police checking out what we thought was our house one weekend.  I woke up to find people with flashlights looking in my car, which was parked on the street.  They arrested our neighbor the next day. He'd rbbbed several banks in a large city an hour away.


2.  A neighbor appointed himself neighborhood watch captain so he could pick and choose what "rules" to enforce. He arranged for neighborhood watch signs but we never had one meeting in the five years we lived there. He would have "friendly chats" with people who did things he didn't like.  But he parked his motor home illegally on our street for years.  At one point, he had his friends park in MY driveway because there wasn't anything closer on the street--and then he yelled at me when I told them to move.  When his motor home finally got ticketed, he flipped out on us, stuck his ticket on our garage and threatened us, so we had to call the police on him. 


3. Mr. Neighborhood's next door neighbor owned a dog that NEVER used his own yard for a bathroom.  Ever.  The dog would cross the street and use a public walkway.  His owner NEVER cleaned up. (Mr. Neighborhood tried to get him in line, but they'd both lived there for a very long time.)   In the winter, the dog would go over by himself while his owner stayed warm on his porch.  Sometimes the guy's ex-wife would dog sit. She was in the Air Force, and I'd ask her to clean up the dog poop, since the owner refused.  My husband used to hose off the walkway with some sort of antiseptic a few times a year because the urine smell was nauseating.  But the owner was otherwise a super nice guy and used to come over for beers and stuff.  Whenever we talk about his dog's habits, he'd just laugh.

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We had a neighbor who called the police no fewer than seven times about our noisy and dangerous dog. But we did not have (and never had) a dog. He swore up and down that we were just hiding it whenever the police came. 


This cracks me up!


Because sometimes you just get a taste for stolen, unrefrigerated shellfish...


Yuck! :ack2:


Our neighbors were on vacation and had a house sitter.  The house sitter said she saw my son break into the house in the middle of the night, and steal the home owners Oxycodone.  Ds was arrested and accused of felony theft. There was no evidence of a break in and she waited until the next afternoon to report it.  It went all the way to trial. The judge said he believed the crazy house sitter but had no evidence so had to rule my son 'not guilty'.  The felony arrest will remain on my sons record forever. 


The ironic thing is that if you haven't noticed in my sig.....my son is a Pastoral Ministry Major!  He does extensive volunteer work, is an honors student, and is a math/reading tutor for kids.  He is tall and thin, with platinum blond shoulder length hair.  If you looked at him and didn't know him, you could believe he was a druggie, but as soon as you talk to him, you realize he is very different from that stereo type. 



BTW...no my son didn't do it.  LOL  :0)



editted: fixed a grammar issue



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When we were very newly married and living in an apartment, we had rather loud upstairs neighbors. I never met them, but they had an extremely loud sex life. 


That's not so bad. We're all adults here, right? 


The crazy thing was that they owned a parrot. Not that weird? The parrot could and would mimic the woman. I kid you not. Any time of day it might start. You might have your in-laws over on Monday at 1pm and it would get started. Everyone would just kind of freeze. Glances would drift up to the ceiling and finally someone would say, "is that what I think it is?"


And I would have to say, "No, that's actually their parrot." 

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My crazy neighbor called to see if she could come visit my new baby (2 weeks?) because "B-----(the little girl down the street who we barely knew) hasn't gotten to see the baby yet."


I said it wasn't a good time because the baby was fussy and I'd just gotten him to sleep. As soon as I hung up the phone, baby awoke, and I went and got him out of the bedroom and took him into the office to chat with my husband. Baby monitor was still on.


A few minutes later, I hear noise on the baby monitor, then a woman's voice saying "Where's the baby?"


My CRAZY neighbor had walked into our house without knocking or ringing the doorbell or hallooing to see if there was anyone around and gone into our bedroom, presumably to show the nearly-a-stranger child our newish baby.


I was LIVID. I still am, just thinking about it. Fortunately for my neighbor, the perfectly innocent little neighbor girl was there so I just said it was not a good time for a visit and please go home, and the neighbor didn't get an earful until I'd had a chance to calm down and speak rationally in complete sentences.




P.S. So many more stories....but this was the icing on the cake. The sad thing is that she had no idea how off she really was. Is, probably, as I can't imagine she's changed all that much. Moving away from that family was on the "Pros" list when we were trying to decide whether or not to move.

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My neighbor's crazy son was our problem.  Our neighbor, a recent widow, agreed to split the cost of replacing the old wooden fence that ran between our properties, but she wanted her son to do the work.  According to her, he was a contractor like her late husband. In fact, he was a mess. He came and went at odd times, left tools everywhere, did not space the posts regularly or correctly, and finally I had to fire him when I found him nailing the fence to a tree near the property line. And then he claimed he worked 83 hours over 4 days on our property, and we owed him $3K. We had to get a lawyer and ultimately paid him $300 for disposal of the original fence, plus then had to pay a company to put in a new fence.  


The crazy son (who is around 50 years old now) intermittently lives with his mother, so we get to see him a lot. Not my favorite neighbor, that's for sure.

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Our neighbors were on vacation and had a house sitter.  The house sitter said she saw my son break into the house in the middle of the night, and steal the home owners Oxycodone.  Ds was arrested and accused of felony theft. There was no evidence of a break in and she waited until the next afternoon to report it.  It went all the way to trial. The judge said he believed the crazy house sitter but had no evidence so had to rule my son 'not guilty'.  The felony arrest will remain on my sons record forever. 


The ironic thing is that if you haven't noticed in my sig.....my son is a Pastoral Ministry Major!  He does extensive volunteer work, is an honors student, and is a math/reading tutor for kids.  He is tall and thin, with platinum blond shoulder length hair.  If you looked at him and didn't know him, you could believe he was a druggie, but as soon as you talk to him, you realize he is very different from that stereo type. 



BTW...no my son didn't do it.  LOL  :0)



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I still think of this story and all the heartache your family went through when people start talking about sloppy police work and false arrests. This story helps me give credit to other people who have had similar things happen..

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We used to live in a communal graduate student fellowship living arrangement, and our director was completely crazy. He had the kernel of good ideas, but would inevitably veer off into a crazy branch and render his good ideas useless. 


For example:

- We had our wedding on the communal lawn between the three houses on the property. He asked if we could move our wedding site (tents, tables, dance floor) to the asphalt parking space. When we pointed out that it was a lawn party, he replied that yes, this way we could "look out onto the lawn."

(This probably had much to do with the fact that he RESODDED the entire lawn the week of the wedding. There was a minor bit of passive agressiveness there.)


- He later decided he wanted to move the driveway of one house to maximize green space, but the house is protected in a historical district, so instead of being able to move the driveway we made our own parking lot on...the green space he wanted to maximize. (Passive-aggression again.)


- He installed an endless pool in the basement of one of the houses, but didn't properly vent the heated, chlorinated pool room, so it became a big moldy toxic mess. I'm glad I didn't live in that house.


- Instead, I lived in the "leaning" house, which significantly shifted (although was later deemed structurally sound) after several ad hoc renovations, including a spiral staircase to a bat-infested attic living space.


- That house also had a lovely kitchen downstairs that we were forbidden to use. Instead, we had to use a poorly-equipped upstairs kitchen.


Where we live now, though, I don't think there are too many crazy neighbors. That probably means we're the crazy ones, right? (Actually, we probably are. My kids are LOUD.)

We do have a nude sunbather next door. We can see him very easily from our sun patio, a fact we discovered last winter. 

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My crazy neighbor sneaks into my flower garden and plants things w/o my knowledge or permission.  


At first I thought it was nice, but as I got to know her better I really think it's her passive-aggressive way of telling me that I am not a very good gardener.  :p


It drives me nuts because the things she plants are usually perennials that have a way of taking over.  We've gotten phlox, irises and this year....tulips.  I've ripped a bunch out, but there's always more appearing.  Our running joke is  "I wonder how the garden will look this year?"     Crazy! 

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MCN was someone I never met. The house next to us was a rental when we first bought, with the owner living out of state. She had a dead tree in the front yard. A few months after we moved a heavy windstorm came through and blew down some big branches, which collapsed part of our front deck. DH was able to fix it with a drill and few new screws, but we contacted her management company to see if she could remove the dead tree. She personally wrote us back that we could remove it if we had a problem, because it wasn't causing any problems to her property so she didn't care. Fortunately, the city ruled it a hazard and she was forced to take it down.


The rest of our neighbors remembered when she still lived there, and would tell us stories. I guess one time she went door-to-door with a petition to try and make it so no one would start their cars between 9 pm and 7 am because it woke up her dog. I guess she had also tried to sue another neighbor in small claims court for snowblowing her sidewalk once, but the case was thrown out. The tenants never stayed long, saying she was hell to deal with as a landlord. The inside of the house was painted horrendously -- the kitchen had red, white and blue lower cabinets, with pink floral upper cabinets and dark green and black checkerboard tile. She had put neon green crackle paint on all the baseboards. It was so bad she always had trouble renting it when tenants would finally move out. It was like a drunk unicorn had thrown up on the place.


Finally she decided to sell. I caught the management company (which was handling the sale) throwing all the yard debris from the backyard over our fence and into our garden. When I confronted them about it, they said we had told the owner we were fine with that. I guess they reported back to her that we hadn't given permission for her trash to end up in our yard, because we got a nasty-gram from her threatening to sue us for trying to obstruct the sale of her property (written on Family Circle stationary circa 1983, no less)!


I was so happy when the house finally sold a month later. I can only imagine what those two years would have been like if she had actually still lived there!

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I have had many over the years, but the one on the one side of me was a drunk arsehole.  We had raspberry bushes when we moved in here, he would invite his guests to come partake of my berries when they were at his place.  We had a fence separating the yards but no fence blocking the yard from the alley so he would take them around the fence up into my yard.  I got so fed up with it when I didn't have enough berries to make jam as a result that I pruned them all back to the ground and have not grown them since.  He also started cussing me out everytime I stepped outside after I knocked on his deck one night in the wee hours of the morning to ask him to turn his radio he had out on the deck down as it was keeping the kids away. He threatened to hurt me and kids if I ever came there again etc.  I blew him off as an arse.  4 months later in October his gf was taken away to the hospital by ambulance and he went on the run from police.  She never came back, he is still on the run, front door window is all smashed and door hanging off hinges.  It was like that all winter.  Sheriff's dept from the city came knocking at my door asking if I knew where they were (sheriff's dept there deals with debt collection) all I could say was he was on the run, hadn't seen her since the ambulance took her away.  Yup nutters

Old house was worse, but the one that stands out the most wasn't a direct neighbor, it was diagonally up from me.  Man in his 50s murdered his father (in his 80s) and set the house on fire to try and hide the body...it didn't work.  We watched them put out the fire, take the body out and arrest the man all from the front lawn where the kids had been playing.

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OMG! I was thinking about our "mean" crazy neighbor. I forgot the best CN of all! I think I may have posted this here a very long time ago:


There was a couple across the street from us in Mordor. They had two little chi-mix dogs that they would walk every morning and evening. The man would stop and chat when we were outside doing yard work. One evening dh and I hired our babysitters (adorable, 15-yr old twins who came as a package deal) so that we could go out for our anniversary. When we got back from dinner, they told us that the neighbors had been outside, and had recognized them and waved. The couple recognized the girls from court! The twins had been studying state and local laws, and had sat in on a few court cases the previous week. Apparently, the "wife" was not exactly what she appeared to be. ("She" had told us that she had been a Lane Bryant model.) "Wife" had a list of aliases- both male and female,- and both had a string of arrests for petty theft from Florida to New York! Not sure what became of their court case, but they continued to live there for several more months until...I noticed a state police car parked in front of their house. I told my dh about it, and he said that they probably had a friend who was a state trooper. Riiiiight. About two weeks later, the neighbors disappeared.

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I caught the same neighbor that stole my kittens, cutting off pieces of the tarp on my chicken tractor and burning them. This guy burns stuff all day long every day.  He even burns tires which is supossed to be illegal. I guess he ran out of things to burn and decided to start burning stuff in my yard. :glare:

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Our crazy neighbor was an ancient, cranky, lonely, bossy woman who lived across the street. She used to sit on her porch, smoking, all day long. Literally all day. When we moved in, my dd was a wee baby and very beautiful with a full head of fluffy curls. Crazy neighbor introduced herself as "Mama LastName" and insisted on being addressed as that or "Mama" for short. Any time we were out, she would yell (and keep on yelling) for us to come over to visit on her porch. I usually did for just a few minutes--bossy and crazy as she was, she was lonely and mostly harmless.


She did drive me crazy, though, with various demands. She had a TV and VCR in every room of her house. Her home was old and in disrepair, so the electric frequently blinked or went out, causing all the electronic clocks to need resetting. She would call and demand that dh come immediately to fix them. If he didn't come quick enough, she would keep calling.


She bought her niece and nephew some school clothes and brought them to me to hem. She knew I'd be "happy" to help her. She never, ever asked kindly for anything (VCR clocks, hemming, or various other crazy things). It was always a demand.


She was a bit of a hoarder who liked to go through her things when she was bored. Invariably she would find something awful/broken/dirty and give it to me for dd to play with, or for my kitchen. Those I just quietly got rid of. The one that blew me away, though, was when she gave me some sea-foam green polyester and told me I had to make my dd a fancy Easter dress with it.


She was famous in our church and the neighborhood for being truly awful. Everyone had stories to tell about her. We had to walk a fine line with her, as she was demanding and very, very intrusive. No one ever wanted to spend time with her, yet the other side of the equation is that she was sick with cancer, alone, and very, very poor. She had needs that were legitimate. It is a testimony to my church that the church took care of her.



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Our neighbors were on vacation and had a house sitter.  The house sitter said she saw my son break into the house in the middle of the night, and steal the home owners Oxycodone.  Ds was arrested and accused of felony theft. There was no evidence of a break in and she waited until the next afternoon to report it.  It went all the way to trial. The judge said he believed the crazy house sitter but had no evidence so had to rule my son 'not guilty'.  The felony arrest will remain on my sons record forever. 


The ironic thing is that if you haven't noticed in my sig.....my son is a Pastoral Ministry Major!  He does extensive volunteer work, is an honors student, and is a math/reading tutor for kids.  He is tall and thin, with platinum blond shoulder length hair.  If you looked at him and didn't know him, you could believe he was a druggie, but as soon as you talk to him, you realize he is very different from that stereo type. 



BTW...no my son didn't do it.  LOL  :0)



editted: fixed a grammar issue


I remember this- that was an awful time you had to go through!   The girl probably thinks that she caused your son to put his drug days behind him and devote his life to God.  

I didn't realize it was the same house she was sitting for- do you think she stole the drugs?  The whole thing was awful. 

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We had a neighbor who called the police no fewer than seven times about our noisy and dangerous dog. But we did not have (and never had) a dog. He swore up and down that we were just hiding it whenever the police came.

I had this neighbor, too, except they called the condo management, who would send me a letter. After several letters and never a single response to the messages left at the management company, I finally left a message with the receptionist to personally pass along: I do not have a dog. If my cat is barking enough to disturb the neighbors (or at all really) I have larger issues and will be taking him to the vet or a pet psychologist.


I never got another letter. :lol:

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We have rentals on both sides. The worst was a guy who was in the house next to the kids' rooms for two years. He kept keeping dogs chained up in his yard right next to the property line that barked all night long. DH went over to talk to him about it once when the first dog was there and the guy started screaming and threatening to kill him. That dog disappeared a few days later. He also parked his huge truck in the road, which didn't bother us as we never went that way since he was one house further into the neighborhood from us. But, someone left notes on his truck complaining and he blamed us. Then, one night a few months after the first dog disappeared, DH was taking the trash out and the guy was out in his front yard drunk and crying because it was his dead mom's birthday. He ended up telling DH that his dog had died and he thought DH killed it and he was planning revenge but his son convinced him it probably wasn't him. He had several other dogs chained up back there, and I called animal control on each one and they all disappeared. I was glad when he left.

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