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S/O What about hosiery?


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So, sweet Ellie and I were having a friendly dispute about hosiery in the winter wedding guest thread. :)


It got me thinking....what is the "norm?"


Ellie contends that to wear closed toe shoes without some type of material on your feet between the skin and the shoe is nasty.


I claim that wearing socks, trouser socks, knee highs, etc. makes one look dated. I wear my shoes while otherwise barefoot. (Except tennis shoes and boots.)


LibertyH proposed the idea that people wear no show socks, slingback socks, peep toe socks, etc. with their various footwear.


What say all of you? What is your preference in hosiery? 


When you wear flats or heels, do you wear hose, knee highs, trouser socks, no show socks, etc.?


Now I'm wondering if I'm an oddball. :D

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As a general rule, with heels I wear nothing on my feet (the rest of me is clothed though!).  I do have a few pair of closed toe shoes though that rub weird, so I wear the little no show hosiery things (I can't think of what they're called!).  With flats (I do wear them on occasion!), I always wear the no show thingies (WHAT ARE THEY CALLED?).  If I'm wearing boots, I wear trouser socks or hose if I'm wearing them with a skirt and if I'm wearing sneakers, I wear regular socks.  I never wear panty hose (what an awful name!) if I don't absolutely have to.  I can't remember the last time I wore hose.  I don't mind wearing stocking on occasion, but only the kind with the elastic bands at the top.  James Bond said he prefers the kind with the garter belt.  Of course he does!  

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I'm was born in the era of petticoats and pantyhose. I don't have a problem with hosiery but my preferred formal is a long ankle length dress and formal boots. Support hosiery is a nice investment for my tired legs if its going to be a day long wedding of relatives. Dr Scholl's has a nice line of support hosiery.

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Those of us with pale, freckled legs are waiting for hosiery to come back in style. I'm tired of dealing with self tanner. I hate naked feet in shoes that aren't sandals, so I wear the invisible peds things. I'm glad to wear tights in the winter. I don't wear hosiery in warm weather because it's out of style and I don't feel old enough to confidently wear old lady fashions, but I'll gladly put it back on (as long as its below 75 degrees) when it's hip again.

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I think the mean term is grannyhose. Can't stand them...I think for me fake fiber hose and socks make me sweat a ton more and are more disgusting than anything. When I see someone in that I think ick ...sweaty itchy ick. I want to crawl out of my skin,  so miserable. I can handle the no show thingies in a natural fiber. That is my personal experience. 

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My preference is to look dated and wear pantyhose for comfort.  Yes, I know that for many people that is an oxymoron but for me it is not.  I wear well-fitting hose.  


For comfort? You have to link your sources. I threw pantyhose out because of discomfort. I could never stand them but I really think it's the clingy, easily shredded material. No sooner did I manage to wriggle into one, I snagged it on something.


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For comfort? You have to link your sources. I threw pantyhose out because of discomfort. I could never stand them but I really think it's the clingy, easily shredded material. No sooner did I manage to wriggle into one, I snagged it on something.


I only wear it once a week to church, if even then.  Hose cover a multitude of sins for me.  They make my church shoes bearable to wear (the leather rubs otherwise).  They also keep my thighs from chafing.  I've had terrible pantyhose before that was a bear to wear.  For some reason the cheap hose they have down at our pharmacy fits like a charm and lasts and lasts!  Perhaps people are giggling behind  my back but no one has ever gasped while pointing at my legs.  I sort of figured that no one really noticed or thought about what might be on my legs but perhaps they do.  I never notice or think about what others might have on their legs!  

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I only wear it once a week to church, if even then.  Hose cover a multitude of sins for me.  They make my church shoes bearable to wear (the leather rubs otherwise).  They also keep my thighs from chafing.  I've had terrible pantyhose before that was a bear to wear.  For some reason the cheap hose they have down at our pharmacy fits like a charm and lasts and lasts!  Perhaps people are giggling behind  my back but no one has ever gasped while pointing at my legs.  I sort of figured that no one really noticed or thought about what might be on my legs but perhaps they do.  I never notice or think about what others might have on their legs!  


Since I wear mostly pants in winter, it does not matter much to me either. During summer, when it gets super hot here, I don't care that my legs look like a map of the tributaries of the Missouri River. I choose longer skirts that cover everything from below the knee and upward.

As evidenced in my "winter wedding" thread, I don't care much as long as I am dressed and comfortable.

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I haven't worn pantyhose since high school, and then only for various concerts.  I haven't seen anyone wear it since about that time, either.  It wouldn't cross my mind to think anything of it if I did see someone wearing it, but it also wouldn't cross my mind to ever wear it myself.

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My preference is to look dated and wear pantyhose for comfort. Yes, I know that for many people that is an oxymoron but for me it is not. I wear well-fitting hose.

Me too. I only learned on here about it being "dated" and I'm not sure I buy it. If I don't wear hose with dress shoes, my feet get torn up.

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I sometimes wear tights. they are very much like pantyhose just thicker.

 I have to wear flat shoes that look very much like granny shoes as I have specially made orthotics. I cannot walk without them. With the awful shoes I have to wear socks . IF I am wearing a skirt and it is winter I wear tights with them. otherwise I just wear black granny shoes with short black socks. I don't care what people think when the look at my feet. at least I can walk.

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I don't wear panty hose and haven't since the late 90s.if I were still practicing law, I'd wear hose with my suits. After several years at home I dress up for work a little again. I work at an alternative school and I wear skirts . October to April, I wear black tights with some cotton in the knit. Otherwise my legs are bare. I do not know anyone under the age of 60 who wears pantyhose.


As for shoes, I search for shoes that I can be comfortable in without hosiery, because I am not putting on hose just for my feet and I find those no show things roll up inside the shoe.


I firmly believe a man invented panty hose as another way to oppress women.

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I wear socks because I have sweaty feet.


I wear hose when I wear a dress to church or a formal event. That's still the norm in my area, and I have blotchy, scarred legs from multiple surgeries. I don't wear dresses much though, so a few pairs of hose last me a year.

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Wait.  No one wear pantyhose or other types of stockings?  Whoa.  I had no idea.


What do y'all wear in winter when you're wearing a dress or skirt?   Do you go barelegged in January?   Or are tights different enough that they are OK?  



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Yeah, tights are different, they are a color component to the outfit. ;-)


OK, so is it just sheer, no-color hose that's out?   I usually wear black hose (black skirt, black shoes) or occasionally navy (blue skirt, blue shoes).  It is hose, not tights, but has color.  Am I still showing my agedness?     Do I need to go buy tights to wear the rest of the winter?   Or just wear a black skirt and tall boots to church every Sunday till March?  (That would be OK too.)


I do agree with Ellie that closed-toe shoes without some sort of barrier between foot and shoe is icky.  They don't feel comfortable and they won't last as long. 


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In the winter I wear long skirts and boots so I can wear whatever I want underneath - tights, leggings, thermal underwear (it's really cold right now), and depending on the pair of boots, possibly socks as well.


If I'm wearing pants I'm usually wearing socks, at least thin trouser socks, even if I'm wearing closed toe flats. 

In the summer I may go without the trouser socks.


In warmer weather, if I'm wearing a skirt, I will usually wear sandals of some kind and no hosiery.  I do wear shorts under my skirts to help with comfort and chaffing.

I'm not sure what I would do if I HAD to wear a skirt and it was Spring or Fall and chilly, but not a good time to wear boots.  I'm not sure it's ever come up.

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No hose, nobody wears them unless 70+, or maybe 50+. I cannot stand them and think they went out of fashion for good reason, we don't have to suffer anymore for the sake of societal expectations, to me it is a lot like petticoats and such- NOT NEEDED.

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Hose are dated unless you are the Duchess and are wearing super-sheers because royal protocol demands it.


It is okay for legs and ankles to show. Even imperfect ones. It also is okay for your naked feet to touch leather.


Tights are still fine if temps permit.


Naturally everyone is free to be unfashionable in this regard. That is not indicative of a character flaw, but neither is embracing fashion dictates.

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I'm in an area with a lot of professionals, and I've not heard of the "no hose" thing except for online here.


That said, I'm nearly 51, and it's my "norm."


I do get a bit itchy with hose, but I've found the very best ones for me are from Dress Barn. They last, are soft, and are "forgiving" but not the least baggy. The worst for me are Hanes--too thin and very baggy.


What I can't stand is wearing them under pants--that's what knee highs and socks are for!

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Where I live, it's 90+ degrees and humid for 9 months out of the year.   We have one month of cold(er) weather where it's common to see tights.   Other than that, I haven't seen anyone under the age of 70 who wears hose in the past 15 or so years.   I always thought it was because of the weather - nylon makes your feet sweat more than just bare feet in leather shoes.


It's also very common to see nice flip flop type shoes or strappy sandals being worn with even the most formal business attire here.   Again, I always thought it was weather related.

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I despise pantyhose! I refuse to wear them. If I wear a skirt in the winter, it is one that I can wear with boots, under which I wear socks. If I wear a skirt in the spring or summer or even fall, I go bare legged. My legs are a little pale in spring, but I don't care. I hate pantyhose!! If I'm wearing my everyday usual, Dansko clogs, I wear some no show socks that make it look like I'm barefoot. I have a couple pair of heels that I usually only wear with nicer pants. I wear trouser socks with those, because I don't like how they feel without. But if I must wear them with a skirt, I will suffer and wear them without anything, because...I hate pantyhose!! I have a pair of Dansko heels that I wear barefoot. They feel so awesome! Heels usually hurt my feet, but I can wear those things all day and they don't bother me. They also feel great without any socks/hose. So I'll wear those heels with a more casual skirt. I don't care if pantyhose are all the fashion rage, which they absolutely aren't, and I don't care if the government makes hose wearing a law. I will NOT wear them!!


Funny thing though, I think my running tights are super comfy.

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Wow! I have discovered that I am an old fuddy duddy! I'm 40 years old and have recently worn sheer nude hose a couple of times to church. My outfits were knee length (or slightly shorter) skirts with boots. My skin is very pale and I feel horribly naked and awkward without some kind of hose. I've worn tights when the outfit called for it, but there are times that black tights simply wouldn't have worked. :-). Now come late spring and summer when the weather warms up and there is color on my legs, hose are put away for the season.

Fortunately for me my congregation is made up of mostly older gals from the generation of hose-wearing so I won't feel so out of touch with fashion now that I've read this thread! Ack! ;-)

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I hate panty hose...with a passion.....don't even own a pair.....I'm in the SOUTH where it's normally pretty mild weather-so I wear a lot of sandals,flip flops-if I wear sneakers/tennis shoes I usually wear socks but I do have a couple of pairs that I do wear without socks.....works for me....I don't have many "dressy" events to go to but say if I do have a wedding to go to or a funeral to go to -or something where my dressy pants just won't cut it,I would probably break down and buy a pair of knee-high "panty hose"....but they would be ditched as soon as the event was over.....

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The proper foundation garments are important so your clothes drape properly.  I proudly fly my dated freak flag by wearing hosiery with closed toe shoes.  If I am wearing open toe shoes I will wear some sort of spanx, 



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I wear pantyhose only occasionally, and they're usually the textured kind that are popular right now. I have brown ones with a houndstooth pattern, purple ones with a chevron pattern, black lacy ones, etc. I don't quite consider them tights because they do have a sheerness to them, if not being a totally open-weave pattern (like my fish-nets). I have no problem with people being bare-legged though, so long as you've shaved within the past few days. ;)

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Sheer, nude hosiery is coming back thanks to Duchess/Princess Kate. The only thing I'd say is OUT would be hose in the Suntan (orange) color that matches no one's skin tone. And reinforced toe hosiery with sandals...not a good look.


Wear what makes you comfortable!

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Pantyhose are a device of Satan.  :thumbdown:  :w00t:  :smash:  I gave them up when our office went business casual back in the early 90s. 


I am also as pale as this background, so I try to avoid shorter skirts in the winter without some sort of legging. Mostly, I'd just wear pants to a winter wedding or tall boots with a dress. 


In the summer, I don't care about showing my ghastly pale skin as much. 

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I cannot begin to describe how much I cannot stand pantyhose.  I prefer longer skirts or slacks with dress boots in the winter.  A couple years ago, I ruined my favorite pair of strappy dress sandals.  The weather had turned really, really warm (think upper 80s Christmas week) so I wore my strappy sandals with my Christmas skirt.  I guess my feet were too hot or something, because the insole of the sandal stuck to my feet and bacame all torn up.  Don't really know what would have been a good solution.


I do have knee highs and occasionally use them with slacks.  For my sperry's I have these cute low cut socks that I can wear with them. 

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In the winter, it is standard to wear tights or leggings with skirts here.  Self-preservation, I think, and pale legs covered with goose bumps are not attractive.  You do see some ladies wearing the older thin panty-hose things - but mostly older ladies.


In summer (what we have of it), you often see bare legs with any type of shoe. 



Personally, I wear warm wool-blend socks or lovely warm tights all winter.  Summer, I generally wear lighter tights or knee socks with skirts.

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I'm surprised that so many people despise pantyhose.  Not arguing, and understand it's a personal preference, but I've been wearing them for over 40 years and unless I buy a pair that just doesn't fit, I don't even notice it.  


(I can't seem to get my singular/plural in agreement in that sentence.)  


ETA: But I guess since announcing that I've been wearing them for over 40 years, I've put myself in the hose-wearing-old-lady group. LOL.


ETA 2:  I don't like it in summer, and wear sandals with skirts, bare legs when it's hot.  

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Well call me old then (I am in my 30s) but we always wear something on our feet when wearing shoes (except sandals, but I don't own a pair because my feet were ruined by pointe as a preteen).


I rarely wear full hose, usually knee highs/trouser socks or regular athletic socks with jeans. But I have worn full hose on occasion.


The thought of all these people walking around barefoot in shoes (any shoe, sneakers, heels...) sends me over the edge.... to me it is like nails on a chalkboard.... my feet ache just thinking about it. I mean don't you get rough patches/blisters???

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I finally gave up after even the Wall Street Journal fashion section said hosiery was out. I will wear hosiery if I want, but no longer consider it a requirement for correct dressing.


When the WSJ declares them out, they are well and truly out.   :rofl:


Pantyhose are a device of Satan.  :thumbdown:  :w00t:  :smash:  I gave them up when our office went business casual back in the early 90s. 


I am also as pale as this background, so I try to avoid shorter skirts in the winter without some sort of legging. Mostly, I'd just wear pants to a winter wedding or tall boots with a dress. 


In the summer, I don't care about showing my ghastly pale skin as much. 


LOL!  My stepdad was at the dr.'s office and the nurse came in to take his temp, bp, etc.  When she left, he told my mom that the nurse's legs were as pale as mine.  My mom laughed and told him that the nurse was wearing white hose.  


Well call me old then (I am in my 30s) but we always wear something on our feet when wearing shoes (except sandals, but I don't own a pair because my feet were ruined by pointe as a preteen).


I rarely wear full hose, usually knee highs/trouser socks or regular athletic socks with jeans. But I have worn full hose on occasion.


The thought of all these people walking around barefoot in shoes (any shoe, sneakers, heels...) sends me over the edge.... to me it is like nails on a chalkboard.... my feet ache just thinking about it. I mean don't you get rough patches/blisters???


Not if you buy the right shoes.  Honestly, real leather is the way to go, as it stretches and breathes.  If I'm wearing man-made materials, I do wear the no-show thingies.  I do have a few pair of leather heels that rub the wrong way, so I use the stick on strips (they stick to the shoes) to keep from getting blisters.  For pumps, I usually sprinkle a bit of powder or cornstarch in my shoes before I put them on.  When I buy shoes that I know that I will wear with nothing on my feet, I buy them in the afternoon when my feet are at their largest (feet swell a bit during the day), so I know they'll fit properly.

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Weird.  I usually attend a few semi-formal events during the Christmas season and there are definitely more hose than non-hose there.  I usually wear nude hose with a cocktail dress.  These events are during the cold winter months.


I wouldn't wear hose to church or to dinner.  In those cases I'd wear tights or go bare legged.

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Wait...socks are out? But I love socks! I just bought a sock loom, for pity's sake. This was going to be my Year of the Sock.


I'm with most of you on the Hose issue, though. Haven't worn them since my last day working at a law firm (practically ripped them off before I was fully out the door), and that was nearly 20 years ago.

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I won't wear hose. Bleh. 


If it is cold I am not usually going to wear a skirt to a fancy event. I do have a lot of skirts but I only really wear weird over-the-knee socks (you can get them from sock dreams)  with those, which would not be ok at a fancy event. I will wear trouser socks with pants.



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What? What is this sock loom you speak of? Is it easier/harder than regular knitting? 


I'll find out soon: it's being delivered today. And it had better be easier than regular knitting (it promises to be, which is why I bought it in the first place); otherwise, I'll be wearing some pretty irregular socks.

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The Duchess of Cambridge has my undying loyalty for bringing back sheer hose.  I never actually stopped wearing them, but after a decade of feeling hopelessly unfashionable I now feel better about it.  


That said, I wear dressy clothes to work and mostly wear either opaque black pantyhose or black tights.  

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I'll wear hose to super fancy occasions, such as if I'm in a wedding, performing in a concert, or other formal occasion. Sometimes you just deal with them. 


Otherwise I wear socks of different sizes (anklet, hamstring, over the knee, thigh) depending on what shoes I'm wearing. If it's cold I'll wear leggings, thigh high or over the knee socks under my skirts. I also have tights but they are not my favorite. I'll wear those for next step up winter dressy if I have to. 


I like socks a lot. While I wear sandals, mules, and penny loafers without them, I can't really imagine going around in athletic shoes with no socks. And winter! I can't fathom walking around 2/3 of the year without anything on your feet. Yummy wool socks. 

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I don't even own a dress or a skirt so....I can wear whatever I want on my feet. Nobody would notice.

I have to agree with this. I don't own own any pantyhose., I don't own any skirts or dresses. When I had a job that required hose, I wore knee highs with my pants. Now I work at home. I am currently wearing socks and slippers with my pajama bottoms. I do put on real pants and tennis shoes if I have to leave the house.

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I'm in my 30s, and I live in Texas.


I retired a few months ago, and until then I wore hose as part of my professional "uniform" (as did 90% of the women I worked with). I like hose. I'm naturally tan, and can easily get away without hose, but I feel more "put together" when I'm wearing them. I also don't care for the feeling of bare feet in heels or dress shoes. I don't like the no-show things. The one period I didn't wear hose as part of my "uniform" was when I lived in Miami. Too dang humid. Nobody wore hose there, NO ONE. Not even old ladies dressed up for Mass. LOL


Here in my part of Texas, it's rare to see a woman - even a professional - wearing hose. I don't care, I wear mine any how. Nobody really comments on it (like they would've in Miami!) so I guess it's not TOO weird a thing? In winter, I wear tights. I wear socks with shoes. The one type of shoe I don't wear socks with, are my Chucks. And boy do my feet stink when I wear them, but they're the only pair of shoes that don't feel "right" with socks on. And I tell you, I grew up barefoot. We went everywhere barefoot, even to school. So I don't much care for socks in general, nor shoes, and I still spend the majority of my time barefoot ... but if I'm in shoes, I'm in some kind of hosiery. Excepting Chucks, of course. ;)




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When I was working a professional job in a cold northern city, if I had to wear a skirt suit, I always wore hose.  (If I was wearing a suit, I was probably headed to court.)  But, that was over a decade ago.  Now it would probably depend on the weather.


Personally, now if I have to go out in a dress, I would prefer to wear hose - *good quality* hose with lycra and stuff that doesn't snag so much.  The hose of today isn't the stuff I grew up with in the 80s.  However, in spite of my preference, I typically do not actually wear hose, even to a semi-formal or formal occasion (believe me, I can still hear my mother scolding me in the back of my mind, so there's that element of rebellion LOL).  I really hope it does come back though, at least as a not-unfashionable option.

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