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My son is...unexpectedly not in touch


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I don't want to say "missing" because I don't want to over-dramatize, but I saw him last night - we went last minute CHristmas shopping together - and he was in a good mood. I asked him to come to dinner tonight (Christmas Eve dinner) and he said yes. Then he didn't answer emails or his phone all day. I've emailed repeatedly asking him to just drop me a line and tell me everything is okay. So far nothing. He's 20 and has been on his own for over a year. We don't micro-manage his life, but this is weird behavior.


I'm mostly posting because I feel like if I say something publicly (here) it will turn out to be no big deal, you know? It is really creeping me out right now. It's 1:30 am on Christmas. He hasn't emailed yet. Where the heck could he be and why would he blow us off?


Prayers would be lovely. I'm sure it's just a 20-year-old boy being a 20-year-old boy...but I'm spooked.

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I hope it's nothing, and he checks in soon with. I would be a nervous wreck. When my extreemly reliable and never late DH and I were dating, he was three hours late to pick me up once. It was so out of character that I was certain something had happened. I walked around campus in the rain looking for him. He had ended up falling asleep with his phone silenced. It was after midterms and he was so tired that he fell asleep when he sat down to tie his shoes to come meet me. He was so out of it that he didn't even wake up when I was pounding on his apartment door looking for him. I was a sobbing mess by the time I found him. I can still remember the terrible sinking feeling.



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When my dd20 did this, it was because she fell asleep at a friend's house and they didn't think they should wake her. When she woke up and saw all of my texts, she was horrified because she knew how worried I was. Hopefully your son just fell asleep. Does he live nearby? If you don't hear from him by the morning, could you go check on him to see if he's at home?

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Still nothing. It's only 8:30 am here so we're waiting a bit longer, then dh will go and ask the building manager to open his door if he doesn't answer it. I'm about to start calling him every five minutes. I've held off in deference to 20 year old sleep patterns. I've asked one of my other sons to start asking around online to his friends to see if he can locate him. We're all supposed to get together at 11 am for brunch and presents. I'm still sure this will work out fine and am also still totally panicking.


Time to put on my happy face and stuff the turkey so the littlest one doesn't panic, too.


Thanks for the prayers - they are appreciated.

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I did this to my parents once.  Left for a few days for a friend's house and never considered they'd wonder where I was.


I hope that's all it is.


ETA:  Now that it's come out ok I can share even more of my story -- Not only did I leave town and not tell my parents where I was going (and there were no cell phones back then), but when my mom finally called the police to go check on me, the police got VERY quiet when she gave the address.  It turned out the apt building just next door had burned down the night before.  To the ground.  And while they hadn't yet found anyone in the burnt rubble, they were still looking.


Except for everyone losing their stuff in that building, everything turned out ok.  I eventually called my parents from the city I'd ended up in.  It wasn't entirely my fault this took so long.  The place where I was staying had an odd father who really didn't want anyone using his phone.  And I hadn't had a chance to call before leaving because my friends had to leave NOW. 


There are 2 morals to this story:

1. Call your parents if you're leaving town.  Even if you are 25.

2. Don't try to thaw water pipes with a blow torch.


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Argh - found him! In bed. With a cold. He "figured I would call" and then he'd tell me he wasn't coming to dinner. Was too sniffly to make the call himself. Or answer emails, or....


Would it be bad to hit your kid with a 2 x 4 on Christmas morning????? I barely slept last night!!!!


Oh, my goodness! I am so glad this is all it is, but oh, I would be feeling around for that 2 x 4 also!  :grouphug:  One day, he may be a parent and remember this and go, "God, what a doof I was!" 

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Must be a man-cold. Because if YOU had a cold you'd still be doing everything you had to do- shopping, cooking, wrapping, etc.   I vote for the 2 by 4. Pretty sure that even with a man-cold he could have picked up the phone.  I'd be giving him an earful tomorrow- and my kids can vouch for that!




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Argh - found him! In bed. With a cold. He "figured I would call" and then he'd tell me he wasn't coming to dinner. Was too sniffly to make the call himself. Or answer emails, or....


Would it be bad to hit your kid with a 2 x 4 on Christmas morning????? I barely slept last night!!!!

Yay! And, no, I think the whacking is entirely called for. You DID call. Little bugger. Grrrrrr,
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Argh - found him! In bed. With a cold. He "figured I would call" and then he'd tell me he wasn't coming to dinner. Was too sniffly to make the call himself. Or answer emails, or....


Would it be bad to hit your kid with a 2 x 4 on Christmas morning????? I barely slept last night!!!!


YEA!!!!!!!!!!! :party: I bet this will go down in family history -- remember the time your brother scared the blank out of us? Hahahahah! Mom: quit bringing that up!!!


I'm so glad he's just sick and nothing more!


Have a great day!




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Argh - found him! In bed. With a cold. He "figured I would call" and then he'd tell me he wasn't coming to dinner. Was too sniffly to make the call himself.

If your son has a cellphone/mobile, see if there is an emergency button on the phone that he can set to autodial you. Then all he need to do is press that autodial button and "yell" into the phone that he is not feeling well.

The autodial feature on non-smartphones is helpful for my friends when they were too tipsy to press the correct telephone number to get a safe ride home from friends/family.

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Argh - found him! In bed. With a cold. He "figured I would call" and then he'd tell me he wasn't coming to dinner. Was too sniffly to make the call himself. Or answer emails, or....


Would it be bad to hit your kid with a 2 x 4 on Christmas morning????? I barely slept last night!!!!


Oh my goodness!  Yes, wack him with the 2x4.  I'm so glad he's ok. 

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Thank you for all the sympathy and support! I swear, I have never come on here asking for "prayers" and not had it work out in the end. We didn't make a big fuss today, since it is Christmas. He came over on time, and has been a joy to be around. The day has gone smoothly. Dh told me he will have a "word" with son on the way home tonight to let him know NOT to do that again.


Seriously, as I was getting up and dressed this morning I nearly threw up I was so worried. I think tonight when everyone goes home I will have a good cry, LOL.

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