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Is Christmas over for you on December 26?


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I love the week between Christmas and New Year's Day.  To me this is Christmastime - the pace is slower, kids and I (and this year, my husband) are on vacation, etc.  I still like to plan fun things to go.  Still plan to bake some special things to eat and give during the week.  Still watch a lot of Christmas movies.


But it seems most people I know are done by Christmas night.  They've baked like crazy, watched all the movies, and are ready to get back to normal.  


Maybe it's just a preference, and differences in tradition.  I prefer not to be super busy and harried during the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas (except for decorating and buying gifts) and enjoy Christmas and the days after.  Others maybe prefer to do it all before Christmas.


One of the saddest sights to me is the Christmas tree out on the street on the morning of December 26... or even the night of December 25.   I don't always leave the tree up till January 6, but I consider that the real end of the Christmas season (based on my family traditions). 


So, just curious about these differences. I looked to see if there was another thread on this topic and didn't fine one; happy to be pointed to it if so. 


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My tree comes down on the 26th. My birthday is in early January and my mom would put my birthday gifts under the Christmas tree. It drove me nuts that Christmas was over but wrapped gifts were still under there. So once I got my own place, I made the rules and birthday gifts are not even seen until my actual birthday.


But we're still on break. I just don't see a need to continue Christmas beyond the actual day. That doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the holiday.

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Nope, Christmas Day is just the 1st day of Christmas. We will be celebrating until Epiphany. :)


This.  We celebrate all twelve days of Christmas.  On Twelfth Night, we have a huge Italian dinner, and the Wise Men leave three presents for each child.  That's the last night of Christmas for us.

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To me, a tree on the street on the 26th says, "These lucky people were taking off for a Mexican cruise and didn't want to leave a drying tree up for two weeks while they were gone."  Not even a little sad!


I typically put mine up late and then leave it up through the New Year.  I really love having a fresh tree sparkling with lights, and am reluctant to take it down.  I love the days after Christmas, when the work feels "done" and I can lie on the sofa, reading books and drinking tea.  But everyone has their own natural pattern, and it doesn't seem sad to me that some people but a tree up earlier and take it down soon after.


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The actual Christmassy part is over December 26th here. We take that next week to relax and have fun as a family, but all of our traditional things have wrapped up then. Usually we have grandparent guests that (entire) time, which lends some specialness to it, but not necessarily Christmas special, if you know what I mean.

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I try to leave my tree up till New Years Day at least.  But, I'd rather take it down on the 26th.  I've had it up since just after Thanksgiving, and I'm tired of it.  :blush:


That said, when I was growing up, my mom was off the week between Christmas and New Years and I was too.  I was vacation and fun and time to play with the new stuff.  For us, my husband barely gets off on Christmas.  In fact, until about 3 days ago, he was working on Christmas.  He works on Saturday too.  So, for us, it's pretty much back to normal starting on the 26th. 


We've managed to have a lot of time off school in both November and December.  So, I'm not totally convinced they will have the 26th and 27th off school, but I know we will start back to school on Monday, the 30th and we won't take off for New Years Eve or Day because my husband is working anyway and we need to get back to school and normalcy. 


I think it's sad that it isn't vacation for us between Christmas and New Year's, but this is just the way it works out for us.  If hubby isn't off, it is pretty much life as usual for us still.  When my kids are older, I hope to be able to do more without him. 

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Nope, we go into January with family Christmas "stuff" and activities.


This. Our tree comes down the first Sunday after New Year's Day, just to make sure it is out front before pickup day. This is one time of year I don't want to be in a rush to do anything.

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Although we break from Thanksgiving through Epiphant life stool seems hectic- the shopping, kids extra curricular activties are still in full swing, service opportunities, field trips, Christmas fairs, get togthers with friends and family, and of course the big day itself, where we spend Christmas Eve with my family (large gathering w/ extended family) and Christmas Day with my dh's family (smaller, more intimate / immediate family). That's why I live for the 12 days of Christmas post Dec 25. My kids have virtually no extra curricular activity commitments and the whole craziness of social engagements halts. We'll literally spend the whole 12 days at home for the most part, crafting, baking, watching Christmas movies and baking and doing all the stuff I would like to do but don't get to squeeze in during the crazy weeks leading up to Christmas. I mean, I think a big reason we break from school after Thanksgiving is all the social commitments we seem to have the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas Day. And please don't get me wrong! We fully enjoy them and of course we don't have to do it, and I wouldn't hesitate to pull them if we were just too burned out, but after a season of business I feel like we need a season of rest....

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Christmas starts on Dec. 25 liturgically and is a season for 40 days. 


I tag our tree in October and have it cut the weekend before Christmas. We have little presents for the 12 days of Christmas and the big gifts on Epiphany. We take the tree down on Feb. 2, Candlemas. I send my cards out the day after Christmas.

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It used to be for me, but now we celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas and Three Kings Day and I leave the tree up till Candlemas. I'm glad to be in Mexico where nearly everyone celebrates Epiphany and the Twelve Days of Christmas are still part of Christmas.

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No! We put the tree up the Saturday before Christmas and leave it up through mid January. In the Catholic Church, the Christmas feast lasts until Epiphany, but the Christmas season lasts until the baptism of The Lord, which is the 13th.

Yes. This. Christmas doesn't start right after Thanksgiving and last until December 25 with decorating and parties and such. The four weeks leading up to Christmas are Advent for us. Then Christmas begins on Christmas Eve. I love the liturgical calendar.

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We keep the tree up into January. If my husband had his way, it would probably stay up until February!  The week between Christmas and New Year's is generally low key vacation time. This year though, we've been 'on break' since the week of Thanksgiving (because of the new baby), so depending on how my kids behave, I may break back into the school work. We'll see...

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What about the Twelve Days of Christmas?  Do people no longer consider Epiphany part of the Christmas holidays?

When I was growing up, we sang the song "The 12 Days of Christmas", but I never knew it referred to actual days. I didn't learn about Epiphany, 3 Kings day, etc. until I was in my 40's. Sometimes we would light advent candles, but we really didn't have many traditions.


Now it all seems such a bother.

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We are burning the tree on the 26th. This year we are so busy with an upcoming move that we have to use dh's vacation time to declutter, organize, and pack. We've been doing so many activities leading up to Christmas that I'm all Christmased out.


Hey, if we could have a bonfire with our tree, I would be totally up for having it out sooner!


(That is, before we got the fake tree.)



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We usually relax and play with our gifts the whole week. Un-decorating would happen right after the 1st in my fantasy world, but it usually waits another week or two.


This year is going to be weird. I'm flying out on Friday to help my mom out. My stepfather's been in the hospital and not doing well. The one day I'll have with the kids after Christmas will be full of prepping for my trip. :-(

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We don't rush to take our tree down or anything, but I have to admit that this year, I am already ready to get back to a schedule. For some stupid reason, several months ago we thought it would be a good idea to do Christmas with my family before Christmas. They live a plane ride away. So we were gone for two weeks in December. Then dh had several vacation days that had to be used up before Jan. 1st, so he has been home and it has just thrown the routine and schedule completely out the window. We all need to get back to normal around here. We will still have family Christmas stuff with dh's side after Christmas and next week he has mon-Wed off. So we will definitely be having a break. (All year long, dh hoards his vacation days in case something comes up and he needs them....and then the end of the year gets here and he has to use them up. We live in a cold climate and I would really prefer to use these vacation days in the summer!!!!)


I have learned from this though! Never, ever, ever schedule Christmas before Christmas!!! It throws everything off.

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Usually I am chomping at the bit and take the tree and everything down on 1/1. This year, we have come back to our Catholic faith and I am planning on leaving everything up and decorated until after Epiphany. I also love the idea of 3 little presents on Twelfth Night to celebrate, and I think we will do that this year. Also, my daughter is having a tonsillectomy on 12/27 so the lights and decorations might be a little cheery for her to make her feel better

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We usually relax and play with our gifts the whole week. Un-decorating would happen right after the 1st in my fantasy world, but it usually waits another week or two.


This year is going to be weird. I'm flying out on Friday to help my mom out. My stepfather's been in the hospital and not doing well. The one day I'll have with the kids after Christmas will be full of prepping for my trip. :-(


I just wanted to say I'm sorry you are having a weird Christmas.


I liked your post because I'm happy for the conversation - not your content. 



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Lots of different plans here.  I get the desire to get the living room back in order, especially in a small house.  


We don't follow the Liturgical calendar, but I guess my childhood family did so that's what I try to stick with.  We do celebrate Twelfth Night with a cake.  My daughter's birthday is January 7, though, so that makes a lot of celebrating in early January.   An awful lot of cake.


For many years I worked during the week between Christmas and New Year's, and NYE was a long workday and night (year end shipping/billing/revenue counting).  So I guess that's partly why I treasure the time so much now.

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We follow the liturgical calendar, so we're just wrapping up advent. We put up our tree this Sunday, and decorated it yesterday. It'll stay up until Epiphany at least, and probably a bit longer (but more out of laziness than liturgical-ness. ;))  Epiphany is also my grandmother's birthday - this coming year, her 91st. She loves having the Christmas tree still up for her birthday. Or maybe I get my laziness from her, and she's just pretending to like it up that late. LOL






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Yes and no.


Yes, the tree will come down on the 26th, or possibly the afternoon of the 25th.  It's a real tree that's been up since Thanksgiving weekend, and it stopped sucking water a few days ago.  So there's the whole fire hazard issue to consider.  And I like getting my house back to normal.


But no, that doesn't necessarily mean we're done celebrating.  Although DH will be working some, we generally view the week between Christmas and New Year's Day as a restful family time.  Lots of kicking back, watching football and movies and reading.  Maybe do some shopping and go out to eat a few times.  Basically hanging out together a lot.  Decorations (or not) don't impact that.

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If we stay home, we keep everything Christmas until Epiphany.  However, this will be the third year that we are traveling out of the country, beginning shortly after Christmas.  I also work every day, and I have a lot of year-end stuff that I need to finish before I leave for my trip.  But it will still be a bit festive.  We keep up the decorations and Christmas books, and I will let the kids watch some Christmas classics and enjoy their gifts while I work in the afternoons (they have horse camp in the mornings).  We never do take down our Christmas tree; we leave it up all year.

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Christmas Day (well, really Christmas Eve, I guess), is just the beginning of the celebration! I've saved stuff for us to do in the 12 days of Christmas, including our big Christmas dinner, which we have the day after Christmas, baking (more) cookies, watching Christmas movies, making eggnog, and gift exchanges with friends.


The decorations will stay up...well, longer than Epiphany, I'm sure. Until the weekend after at least, and maybe a bit after that. I'm in no rush to let it all go!

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We put our tree up on Dec 5 (St Nicholas Eve), and take it down on Jan 6th.  We're not religious, but those are our traditional dates.  I hate seeing trees down before NY.  My mom always put ours up the day after T-giving and took it down the day after Christmas, and I hated it.  I couldn't leave it up any longer than we do though, or I'd go crazy.  Last year, our tree had to come down a little early, because it was sitting near the radiators, and it dried it out terribly.  If you looked at the tree funny, needles would shower down.  :)

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Dh is off from work until January 2 so we will still have lots of family time and much slower pace.  However, Christmas tree will be coming down.  Maybe not on 26th but no later than 27th.  We have a small living room, I am claustrophobic and I can't take much more of the clutter.  I also want to get everything taken down and put away while dh is here to help me with it.  

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Yep, it's pretty much over. I like to have the tree and decorations down by the new year (but I put my tree up before Thanksgiving! lol). However, we still relax and take it easy. My husband's schedule at work is always low key, we play with all of our new things, watch TV, eat a lot, attend a New Year's party - it's fun!! :)

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We'll be taking our tree down this weekend.  Partially due to a serious lack of space, although we usually leave it up until the weekend after New Years.  We have a new nanny/governess (she'll be watching the kids and teaching them while I work) starting January 6th.  She's coming December 30th for a kind of orientation where we'll walk though the kids school and go over routines.  The only way we can do that is if the house is back to our normal set-up.  I am off work until January 2nd but I'll be spending it doing a deep clean and preparing school.

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Our tree will stay up at least until Epiphany, but it's usually the weekend after, as that's when I get around to it.  We have a fake tree we usually put up the weekend after Thanksgiving.  I LOVE all the holiday décor and hate to take it down, to be honest.  Winter is so bleak once all the pretty lights are gone.

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We put our tree up somewhere around the 3rd week of Advent as part of our preparations. We keep it up at least until 6 Jan. 


This year, I just didn't feel much Christmas spirit. We only just yesterday decorated--ds came home last night, so we wanted to have stuff up. Usually I at least decorate the foyer when we get our tree. 


I have to work today and the rest of the week (not Xmas), so maybe that's contributing. 

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Dh's birthday is Dec 29th.  Mine is Dec 30th.  I like to keep the celebrations separate.  I don't like Christmas stuff out on my birthday and I don't like to get birthday presents wrapped in Christmas paper.


If our birthdays were at another time of year, I think I would feel differently.  But we clear out the Christmas stuff on the 27th so our birthdays feel like birthdays and not just part of Christmas.  You might not understand this unless you were a kid who was given one present and told, "This is for Christmas AND your birthday."  Cheapskates!  We make a point of getting each other just as nice of presents for each celebration.

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