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i am going home today.........


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Since sleeping in a bed has been the most anxiety producing and uncomfortable part of my last week, I am going to sleep in a recliner. I have been wanting to dump my bed and re-think my bedroom anyway.


I am on as needed pain killers which I mostly decline. I am on celebrex, and I am aware that this accident, combined with my weight and age, will trigger an arthritic response.


I won't be released to drive for a while but since I have no transportation, that is ok.


I hope to go back to my school job next week. It is half a day and I will be able to arrange rides. It is my understanding that job has organized a website to provide meals for my family.


A friend has a foldable wheelchair I can use and we still have a walker from Adrian's illness. I need a shower chair.


I am worried about rent and my other job. Starting my private practice is on a bit of a hold.


I will be glad to be with my kids!!

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Great to have support for your family!!


My unsolicited advice is to go home with a prescription for a strong painkiller. You may avoid another trip to the ER if you have it available.

The are sending me home with an Rx for tramadol. I will fill it. Of my options, I am most comfortable with this one. I am very, very careful due to my history. I went off standard pain killers as soon as I could.

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Wow, Joanne, I wasn't online when you were in your car accidentd. I am so glad you are okay.


To get rid of the pain, see if someone in your area offers pemf (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy. Chiropractors and naturopaths sometimes offer reasonable monthly rates for multiple uses. I bet someone would take pity on you and just let you come in and use it. I'm using the Almag-01 right now actually. It is so great for promoting healing -- and in some people, it increases the length of their telomeres. Pretty cool. You shouldn't use it if you have implanted devices, though.


I hope you feel better soon and make a speedy recovery. ((( )))

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So glad you are deemed well enough to go home.


As for painkillers, I know it doesn't sound like it would work, but I was told to use two extra-strength tylenol and two 200mg ibuprophen together, every 4 hours, if I wanted a non-narcotic pain relief idea. It was instead of vicodin, I think. The vicodin did not make me feel "right." This combo worked like a charm. 

I know tramadol is non-narcotic, but if it doesn't work for you or you feel different on it, run the above idea by your doc. 

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Joanne, I've been away for awhile.  I'm so sorry that you are enduring this but glad you can go home!  (There's no place....)  All the best as you recover.  Someone upthread mentioned electronic something-or-nother.  I swear that's what helped me the most at the chiro after I had a terrible back-wrenching fall. (Doc said it was like being in a car accident.)  FWIW, I second her recommendation.  Most of all, I hope *something* helps!



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The are sending me home with an Rx for tramadol. I will fill it. Of my options, I am most comfortable with this one. I am very, very careful due to my history. I went off standard pain killers as soon as I could.




If it saves you money, and since it looks like you may not use the entire pain killer rx, see if you can get 2-4 tablets and leave the rest as a refill. Also, use a pharmacy that gives a cash price, it will save a lot of money.


Get well soon!

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When my MIL had rotator cuff surgery, she couldn't sleep comfortably in a bed for months. In addition to sleeping in her recliner, she put up a net hammock in her house. She was able to sleep much more comfortably in that hammock than in the recliner or the bed. Just a thought . . .

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ideas for bath chair.  When ds10 was in his car accident the red cross loaned us a wheelchair for free (which it sounds like you lined up already) and pointed us in the right direction for a bath chair, loaned from home health services for free.  Now I know the US is different than Canada in what is offered via public health, so maybe the red cross there offers other medical gear too like bath chairs.  Borrowing something short term for free is better than purchasing even cheap things.  The one we borrowed was a bath bench so his leg cast could stick out of the tub properly supported while the rest of his body was in the shower.  Also it made it easier to get into the tub than a normal bath chair because he would sit on the end and then scoot back to get in the shower, with zero need to try and lift anything over the edge of the tub or put too much weight on anything.  Give the red cross a call and see if there is anything they can offer to help you out.  We also borrowed a toilet seat that made it easier for him to get off and on by himself because it made the seat higher up so less bending needed to sit and stand, it might be something you consider.


Pain killers, the best thing we found that worked when we wanted him off the big ones was 800mg of motrin every 4 hours.  It did the job quite well.  The generic ibuprophen did not work nearly as well which was weird, but actual motrin was wonderful.  The ibuprophen in it is an anti-inflammatory not just pain reliever so I think that is why it worked so well.


I am glad you get to go home and that job has arranged meals.  Try not to worry too much about the other job.  Contact your rental manager about the rent this month and explain the situation, hopefully they will at least give you a bit of a reprieve to get something in from insurance.  Given you can not work properly right now due to this let the insurance know asap, they should be covering your lost wages and that would cover your rent.

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So sorry for your situation. Glad your recovery is on track.


Practical advice: cheap white vynal outdoor chair = shower chair, in a pinch.

I second the chair idea. My husband sat on a cheap outdoor chair for three months in the shower after a severe ankle injury. Worked perfectly!


Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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