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Do you still have your wedding dress?


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Yes, I still have mine, but every couple of years, I think it's pointless to keep. It is preserved and would probably fit dd beautifully, but I think it's very unlikely that she wants to wear my dress. It is absolutely beautiful and I've never regretted it, but you would still have no difficulty imagining it was bought in 1994. Long sleeves. Victorian neck. Beads galore. I doubt I could fit into it, not that I'm big, but I was freakishly skinny then. I think my waist was something like 24" at the time. 


I also have my mother's gown. Hers actually fits in better with what is in style currently, but her dress was not preserved and is damaged in multiple areas of the skirt. 


ETA: And I really wish I could figure out posting photos on here. I would happily show you the gown if I wasn't a techno-dunce. 

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No, dropped it off in one of those bins outside of a Walmart around 5 years after we were married. Still have my dh and still love him dearly but we have two sons and I am one of those people who throw things out if it hasn't been used in a year or two or, in this case, likely will never be used again. I was hoping someone else might get some use out of it.


I have the pictures of me in it which I will always keep and enjoy.

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We were in grad school and poor, so we did not want to waste money on a white poofy dress, but bought a  turquoise colored knee length cocktail dress that can be worn many times.  I wore the dress on our 20th wedding anniversary this year, and we took "twenty years later" redos of our wedding picture.

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Yes. My middle dd(10) wants to wear it one day. Her older sister (14) has been too tall for years.


Side note: I also kept my prom dresses. My oldest dd and her friends had all kinds of fun dressing up in them for her 13th b-day party. I'm glad we pulled them out then, because none of those girls would be able to wear them much longer. I was smaller than I realized, lol!

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Sort of.  I cut it up and made a christianing outfit for my son.  I wanted the long flowy dress that would look so good in pictures with his godmother, but the dress was A lined panel tea lenght dress, so I didn't have enough material for that, so I just made him a little jumper with a jacket.  I used the three little rosets as cufflinks on his jacket.


My friend is a designer and he designed a beautiful dress that he was going to make for me.  We ended up have a quicky wedding instead of the big wedding a year later as normal.  (No, I was not pregnant, it just made more sense to do it then for taxes, insurance and other financial reasons.)  I don't know if I could have cut that one up as easily as I did the one I wore. 


My orginal plan was to rent a designer one from this great place in the city when we were having the big wedding, but my friend put the kabosh on that.  Plus he really wanted to design one for me.  He had just done his sisters dress, all 8 bridesmaids and all the flower girls, plus his mom's outfit.  Not only was mine so drastically different, it was going to be so much easier to do as I had fewer people.  It was more elegant hippie style.  And he nailed it, it was very me.  Much more so than the one I wore, but that was just off the rack because I neeed something in about two weeks.  

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Yes, my mom made mine. It was a vintage style, timeless really. Dd couldn't wear it because despite being

Quite thin, she is almost two inches taller and she weighs 110 lbs. I weighed 99.


My mom has hers so does my mil, aunt, and niece. Dear son inlaw's mom and aunt have theirs too, so we did

a family wedding dress display at the wedding reception and it was absolutely gorgeous. We put pictures of

each bride and groom with each gown.

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Yes. I wore my mother's dress which was made of 1970's polyester. It washed it, wrapped in a clean cotton sheet, and it lives in my cedar hope chest. Hopefully, it will last another 30 years. I'm also saving my MIL's veil which I also wore. Someday, my daughter or grand kids might want to use the whole thing or dismantle it for parts.

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I still have mine. Not professionally preserved, but cleaned, wrapped in a sheet, stored in a Rubbermaid bin, along with the too big bouquet ( was not impressed with my fake flower lady!) and other various stuff. After umpteen moves, though, and trying to be a minimalist, I can't decide whether I should keep it or not. It probably still fits, but it is very obviously a wedding dress and would need serious reconstruction to be repurposed.


I also have a few formal gowns hanging in my closet for the Marine Corps ball.


I am a t-shirt and jeans or Yoga pants type girl. I only get dressed up, or wear make-up, when absolutely necessary!!! My closet does not reflect that! LOL

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I wore my mom's wedding dress, and then my sister wore it as well. My grandmother made it back in 1959 when my parents got married. It is simple but classic, lace over organza. I wore it in 1980, and my sister wore it in 1984. It's in storage at my mom's house, and I haven't even seen it in years. I doubt EK will want to wear it to keep the tradition going, but that's fine.

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Sure.  I wear it all the time. :D  We had a civil ceremony, and my wedding dress was a fifties-style blue and white dress.  Very cute.  I don't regret not having the big white floofy thing at all, now that I think about it.  It's sort of nice to be able to wear my wedding dress on a regular basis.  It's a good reminder of how far we've come since the first time I wore it.

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I still have mine.  I made it because I hated the current styles when I got married.  I'm a big girl and wearing a fluffy white dress just made me look like a hippo in Fantasia.  My pattern was actually a costume Renaissance style dress.  It took me so long to make that thing there was no way I was going to get rid of it and I'm not terribly sentimental for the most part.  

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I still have mine.  I'm thinking of having it chopped up to make lace handkerchiefs, one for each child, that they or their bride could carry on their wedding day.  I also adore the idea of using it to make a christening gown, but I didn't hear of that idea soon enough for my own children.

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Big sigh....no.


In our old house, we had a finished basement that was part dh and I's bedroom, and part laundry room.  We had a dog that liked sleeping in her crate and being near us, so the crate was downstairs with us.  One day I took the dress out of storage so that I could bring it to the cleaner and have it boxed up.  I got busy...left for work, and forgot about it.  Dh left for work, and crated the dog for a couple hours till my kids were off school and the sitter (my mom) was there.  Only problem was that he moved the crate to a different area so that he could vacuum before he left for work.  Unfortunately that area was right under where the dress was hanging.  She apparently got bored and tore the bottom of my dress where she could reach it.  Don't even ask where he put the the blanket I crocheted for dd while pregnant after he took it from the dryer.  


Good thing I love him, lol.


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Yes. It was a pink floral print summer dress meant for wearing around town or to the beach or wherever. I was 19 years old and it was 1992. Claire Danes would have worn it with combat boots in "My So Called Life.".


I can still squeeze into it, but my tummy is all flabby and the fabric stretches over the tummy. At 40 years old I look utterly ridiculous in a 21 year old summer dress designed for a teenager.


But it sits in the closet anyway. I'll keep it forever, just because.

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Yes, I still have it. Doesn't fit. The last time I tried it on I weight less than I did when we got married but it still didn't zipper. I guess weight redistributes a little differently. It will not fit my dd and she would not want to wear it most likely.


I was just thinking about it the other day and whether I should keep it or not when I clean my closet out this fall.

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Yes, but only because every time I try to throw it away, I think, "What kind of hard-hearted woman throws out her wedding dress?" Clearly, however, I have some company, and this is encouraging to me.


Someone mentioned making Christmas ornaments out of it, which intrigues because Christmas ornaments are the one thing about which I am sentimental. Any suggestions on how to do that? It was very plain, no lace. Organza over satin or something.

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Nope. My mom has it in a closet with a bunch of other gowns - baptismal, wedding, first communion.



Yes and no. It's actually at my mother's house and I don't fit it. However, it's not a bridal dress. I was married at our local ren faire, so it's a tailor made ren dress for upper middle class wear. As dresses for weddings at the time was the best garment you had, we went for that. It's a kind of bluish-hunter green wool with matching doublet and a tan embroidered foreskirt.

OK, people. Stop messing with my head.


I finally figured out what AMDG means, and now there's PHN. Is it some sort of anti-AMDG? And why haven't I been informed about it? You know I hate being the last to know about these things! :D


Pretty soon, I'm gonna make up something really confusing and start putting it on top of my posts, too, but I'll put the definition in my signature line or something so people won't have to sit around wondering what it means. Although I have to admit that there's a certain sense of mystery doing it your way... And I'll probably keep making the letters mean different things as the whim strikes me, just for variety, so I guess I'll sort of be messing with people's heads, too, but I figure it's my prerogative to change my mind about stuff, so everyone will just have to get used to it. :D


And if PHN just means something like PHONE, please feel free to make something up that will make it seem cooler. :)

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OK, people. Stop messing with my head.


I finally figured out what AMDG means, and now there's PHN. Is it some sort of anti-AMDG? And why haven't I been informed about it? You know I hate being the last to know about these things! :D



I wondered this too, and I hope it isn't an anti-AMDG thing, because that just seems like stirring the pot.


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No.  I had it drycleaned and supposedly secured but it yellowed anyway just like Tammy K's.  As it is, both my daughters are shorter than me and both are different sizes than I was. One daughter has a large ribcage due to swimming and trumpet playing so she wouldn't fit plus she is much more muscular than I was due to all her sports.  The other is skinny like I was however, not only is she shorter too but she has long legs and short torso and I am the opposite.  Neither of them could have worn the dress anyway.

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Yes, but only because every time I try to throw it away, I think, "What kind of hard-hearted woman throws out her wedding dress?" Clearly, however, I have some company, and this is encouraging to me.


Someone mentioned making Christmas ornaments out of it, which intrigues because Christmas ornaments are the one thing about which I am sentimental. Any suggestions on how to do that? It was very plain, no lace. Organza over satin or something.


Quoting my own post, I just wanted to pass along an idea I found for making Christmas ornaments out of your dress.  Somewhere on her site are examples of ornaments she's made for other people out of their wedding dress or bridesmaids' fabric.  I am definitely going to spring for the pattern and give it a shot.  I still have, as an ornament, one of my little net bags of bird seed, and this was 17 years ago.  I always figured critters would find it, but not so far. 

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