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My redone, "inviting" HS room...it's done! PICS...


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and THANK YOU to all of you who gave me such wonderful suggestions in this thread! You all were so helpful, and I took many of your suggestions. I am thrilled. The only thing remaining to be done: the carpenter is coming to box in the washer dryer which you can see behind the couch--he is going to add shelving and doors so I can hide all my "extra" non-essential homeschooling stuff so there will be PLENTY of storage. So right now that area looks blech, but DH promises it will be done before school begins. 


Drum roll.......... :)



















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Did your DH run heating and air out there? How do you keep it adequately heated and cooled with the garage door still there? most of them are fairly thin.


I have begged DH to do this in our 2nd garage, but he is certain that we would need a new wall there and heating and air run out there and it would be more $$ than I think it would be.



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Did your DH run heating and air out there? How do you keep it adequately heated and cooled with the garage door still there? most of them are fairly thin.


I have begged DH to do this in our 2nd garage, but he is certain that we would need a new wall there and heating and air run out there and it would be more $$ than I think it would be.





We installed a portable ac unit. We don't need heat, as we live in South Florida, but the AC unit works well (not on the HOTTEST days, but those are usually in summer, so that's okay. I am going to put curtains up to block the sun on the hottest days, too, to save on electricity). We may add some sort of seal around the garage door, but I want to be able to open it up on cool-ish days, so I don't want it to be "sealed" permanentaly, if you KWIM. 


We had a three car garage and DH put up a wall, a fresh ceiling and electricity. It was a big job, but we knew before we bought the house that this was going to be something we needed, so we had budgeted for it. It wasn't cheap, however. 

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Fantastic! I want to come  and learn!


BTW, what is the set of red books shown in the 2nd photo?


A complete, perfect set of Childcraft books (the larger science books are on a different shelf) that I got at a thrift store for $20. :) We love them. 

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Love it!


Halcyon, is there anyone in your neck of the woods that has a screen garage door? I've seen them around, but have never really researched them. That would be cool for your room!



That would be cool! But some days are REALLY hot down here, and we really need a/c......

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We need heat and air.  Dh thinks it would be too expensive to run on a regular basis, but that may be partly because he doesn't want it done.


We have two garages......one is a 2 car garage and one is a 1.5 car garage.  I just want the 1.5 car garage converted.


Dh likes having 3 car garage spaces.   He uses part of the 2 car garage for woodworking.  


Heavy sigh.  I am very envious of your space.



We installed a portable ac unit. We don't need heat, as we live in South Florida, but the AC unit works well (not on the HOTTEST days, but those are usually in summer, so that's okay. I am going to put curtains up to block the sun on the hottest days, too, to save on electricity). We may add some sort of seal around the garage door, but I want to be able to open it up on cool-ish days, so I don't want it to be "sealed" permanentaly, if you KWIM. 


We had a three car garage and DH put up a wall, a fresh ceiling and electricity. It was a big job, but we knew before we bought the house that this was going to be something we needed, so we had budgeted for it. It wasn't cheap, however. 


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Oh, that looks so wonderful! I love your Keep it Simple sign (words? plaque? art? don't know what those are called :) ) I hope that you have a wonderful school year!

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Instead of curtains, you could string a wire across the doors and hang children's art, funky colored placemats, etc without a lot of $$.

Thanks! I am also considering these: http://www.etsy.com/listing/48849301/silk-screened-tibetan-prayer-flags?ref=sr_gallery_5&ga_search_type=all&ga_includes%5B0%5D=tags&ga_page=1&ga_search_query=prayer+flags&ga_view_type=gallery
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That would be cool! But some days are REALLY hot down here, and we really need a/c......

The whole door isn't just screen. You still have the actual garage door, but there's a sliding screen on the outside. Like a sliding glass door might have.


Love your space!

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Very nice. I want your rug. :)

Thanks for saying so...it was try number three for the rug! I got it at home goods (of course) and it is SO soft and fuzzy! The dogs won't get off it, so I guess that means i have to find me an even cozier dog bed!

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