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Prayers please- dd at ER after seizure led to fall on left temple


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As many of you know, my dd 19 has been having what appear to now be seizures since last February. Today she had one and hit her head on the left temple. Her head really hurts, her speech is slurred. She has been having seizures off and on for three hours. SHe is at the ER with her fiancee- they will be taking her for a CAT scan to check if she has a concussion. Prayers from anyone would be appreciated. I will update when I find out how she is.

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No. she is not on any medicine for seizures, I think it is because the neurologist who referred her to the Epilepsy Level 4 center at UAB is really unsure that she has epilepsy versus seizures from some other cause like a brain infection or something. Her seizures have been getting worse and I am going to call the Center to get on a waiting list for a cancellation since she is not due to be seen until late March. SHe was in the ER about two weeks ago because she had a seizure that left a big lump on her head and since she was cutting strawberries when it happened, apparently she cut her leg while seizing and needed stitches.


I will have to tell her fiancee that if something happens to her like today, he needs to call an ambulance. We have military insurance and it would cover it. He delayed taking her because she was awaking and being totally confused as to who he was and who she was and when he wanted to take her to the hospital, she thought she was being kidnapped. She is very confused sometimes when she awakes but never as bad as that so I am very worried about what happened to her brain as a result of the fall.


I still haven't heard from either of them as to what has happened at the hospital. I am going to wait a while longer and call him.

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Postictal confusion, agitation and headache are common. So is slurring of words, "mushy" sounding speech, etc.


Increased seizures and seizing for 3 hours need to be addressed. It could lead to something called status epilepticus, which is life threatening.


There is no way in hell I wouldn't be with my DD if she was going through an episode like this.

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Chris, Forgive me if this is repetitive, but "usually" it's protocol to run several tests after the attack which caused admittance to the hospital. When my dd had her grand mal she was rushed by ambulance (we were at Bible Study!!) to the hospital. During the course of a week or two they tested her blood and ran a ct-scan. Two or more seizures defines epilepsy so I'd be VERY PROACTIVE in choosing tests, medical facility, doctor, etc. as much as you can. All of this to add that they are testing for a concussion? As a pp stated, intermittent seizures for 3 hours is excessive. Chris, at this point I'd ask for an eeg. I don't remember if she's had one. There are ambulatory eeg's (patient wears an electrode and battery pack for almost 24 hours) and sleep deprived (up for most of the night for 1 night). Truly, if she hasn't had an eeg, it seems like it is VERY necessary. Hope this does NOT scare you. As you can see that I'm joined by other Moms on this board who have dc with epilepsy. I'm sure they would agree that it's more manageable all around to deal with the known of epilepsy (IF that's the case) than an unknown. However, they may not diagnose epilepsy after that, but it would be good to just "know". Then again, the legal definition of epilepsy as stated above. In any event, prayers and hugs to you. Keep us posted.

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Postictal confusion, agitation and headache are common. So is slurring of words, "mushy" sounding speech, etc.


Increased seizures and seizing for 3 hours need to be addressed. It could lead to something called status epilepticus, which is life threatening.


There is no way in hell I wouldn't be with my DD if she was going through an episode like this.


Yes, this is what I meant. They need to get them stopped. My dd has had status ep and almost died- it's a medical emergency. I hope they can get the seizures stopped ASAP.

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I will have to tell her fiancee that if something happens to her like today, he needs to call an ambulance. We have military insurance and it would cover it. He delayed taking her because she was awaking and being totally confused as to who he was and who she was and when he wanted to take her to the hospital, she thought she was being kidnapped. She is very confused sometimes when she awakes but never as bad as that so I am very worried about what happened to her brain as a result of the fall.



I'm guessing there isn't much that can reassure you at this point, but I have epilepsy with full-blown grand mal seizures, and there was one particularly bad seizure where I woke up and didn't recognize my own mother. A day later and I was perfectly fine. So it is possible she didn't suffer any kind of brain injury, and it's just normal confusion.


I hope they figure all this out. I'll keep your family in my thoughts. :grouphug:

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