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What's on your Christmas menu?


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Here's mine:


Prime Rib

Roasted Veggies

Lettuce Salad


Waldorf Salad


(maybe dessert)


Simple. Thanksgiving is a 2-day marathon of prepping, baking, etc as much in advance so that on Thursday there is less to do. Christmas meal planning has always been less hectic to prepare. In fact, it will only take about 2 hours to prep. The oven does the rest! :D JOY!!!

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Christmas Eve. DIL Is making Manicotti and I am adding in Caesar Salad and homemade bread. Dessert..Pecan pie.

Christmas Day. Ginger Ale glazed ham with cheesy potatoes and asparagus. Dinner rolls. Apple Caramel cake.


Welllllllll, I mentioned my Christmas Dinner, but I didn't say anything about Christmas Eve. Do you have room for 3 more. :001_smile:Sounds really good. We were just in MI week before last. Frankenmuth (Bronners), Birch Run, and Royal Oak. I miss that whole area. DH and I moved from MI to NC about 22 years ago. It's such a lovely state.

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We are supposed to have a Christmas menu?!?!


Kidding aside, we are not having a special Christmas lunch/dinner this year. We'll have a nice breakfast (cinnamon rolls), sandwiches for lunch, then we are going to BIL's house to see his family in the in-laws before we pick up my mom at the airport. I am putting chicken and rice soup in the crockpot to be ready when we get home. I refused to be in the kitchen all day this year.

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We're having Christmas at my mom and dad's. We'll have:

Pork tenderloin in apricot sauce

Green bean casserole

Roasted carrots



Peach cobbler


Christmas Eve is always catered by Pizza Hut! We all eat pizza, open one present then go out and look at lights.

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We usually go out for Chinese, but Whole Foods had a surprise one day sale on gorgeous NY strip steaks. So this year it's steak and roasted potatoes and veggies for us.


I'm still floundering over Christmas Eve. My original plans have been set aside 'cause we've having friends over with food allergies. I'm thinking maybe salmon, maybe a turkey breast. Later in the evening we do a cheese tray and port, though this year we're subbing hot buttered rum. The kids leave beer and a bit of peppermint bark for Santa, carrots for the reindeer.

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Christmas Eve: Homemade Personal Pizzas and Pumpkin pie


Christmas Day Breakfast: Cinnamon Rolls, Bacon, Eggs, Breakfast Potatoes


Christmas Day Dinner: Turkey, Stuffing, Macaroni & Cheese, Au Gratin Potatoes, Pecan Spinach Salad, Chocolate Pie, various cookies

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Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are our "days off" to just enjoy being together and focus on the meaning of the season and being with family-- we minimize extra work.


We've been prepping a variety of finger foods to have available for those two days for grazing, including a variety from fruits and vegetables, to crab puffs, wrapped hot dog bites, pumpkin pie, salad, biscuits, and the like. There will be plenty for any who are hungry any time for easy grazing, but nobody needs to miss out on family time by being in the kitchen (we do not have a lot of family coming into town, so there won't be a group to participate together in kitchen prep/clean-up).


It works well for us :) My kids are not the type to pass up the fruits and veggies to get sick on candy; they will reach for the cucumbers and grapes just as readily as the chocolate, which helps it work, too.

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Welllllllll, I mentioned my Christmas Dinner, but I didn't say anything about Christmas Eve. Do you have room for 3 more. :001_smile:Sounds really good. We were just in MI week before last. Frankenmuth (Bronners), Birch Run, and Royal Oak. I miss that whole area. DH and I moved from MI to NC about 22 years ago. It's such a lovely state.

Yes, we do have room for 3 more! Most of our kids are elsewhere this year, so there will only be 4 of us plus a baby who doesn't eat much!

Yes, Michigan is lovely, but we're Minnesotans by birth and I miss home!




Oh dear, am I the only one not making a special Christmas Eve dinner? Pressure's on.............




No guilt on Christmas please!! Notice my DIL is making one of the meals. If we can't have family around, then we are going to eat and play Catan in front of the fire.

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We will go out for Mexican food before mass on Christmas Eve.


When we wake up, we will have jean's cinnamon rolls, pigs in a blanket, bacon and eggs.


We won't have lunch, but as soon as we are no longer full from breakfast, we will start cooking dinner.


Free range turkey, which at the moment is still free ranging, mashed potatoes olive spinach, Greek salad, marinated broccoli, cauliflower and green beans, yellow squash, fresh rolls with butter, apple pie, pecan pie, gingerbread cookies, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, salami and cheese tray and ginger cake with fresh ginger.


I'd better get off of my behind and start cooking.

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Eve - crab cakes, herring - it is a fishie night.


Day - CollegeMan brought home a goose (!!!) he is roasting. I have a beef tenderloin, too, in case the goose doesn't pan out.

Plus - chestnut stuffing (in a pan, not the goose!!!)


wild rice/brown rice pilaf

crescent rolls


Yule Log cake

too many cookies!!!

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Christmas eve- Homemade Buffalo chicken with celery, carrots, and bleu cheese dressing some veggie


Christmas Morning- Cinnamon rolls, sausage, bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns, hot chocolate


snack- cream cheese block covered with pickapepper sauce, crackers, yellow and orange pepper strips with dressing


Dinner- Ribeye steak, sauteed mushrooms, creamed spinach, house salad with homemade ranch dressing, and sour dough toast


Dessert- dd's choice, Key Lime pie

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Christmas eve we are having: Panell ( Roast pork) Rice & beans, scalloped potatoes, spaghetti squash, broccoli bake, corn, cranberry jello salad, homemade bread & tossed salad. Also some wine and a cheese ball :)


Christmas all I know for sure is chicken and noodles, potatos, Waldorf Salad, Red Velvet dessert, and I'm not sure what everyone else is briging!

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Christmas Eve: shrimp in garlicky beer/oil fondue and roasted brussel sprouts. For years we had cheese fondue on Christmas Eve. Last year my son confessed that he is not particularly fond of cheese fondue (what?!?!?) and would I consider another option? The shrimp fondue was a hit so we're going for it again.


Christmas morn: frittata made with potatoes and smoked fish. Moravian Sugar Cake.


Christmas dinner varies with our whims. This year we are having turkey and trimmings, a Thanksgiving dinner of sorts with our college boy whom we had not seen since the start of the semester.


Somewhere along the line we'll have some crab dip.


Deep dish stuffed pizza tonight!

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Christmas Eve:


Cheese fondue with bread and veggies and steak


Chrismas Day:



California rolls

Deviled eggs

Petite quiche

Shrimp cocktail



Stuffed mushrooms

Cheesy bean dip

Petite quiche

Crab dip

Veggie tray




Because my sister has lost her mind.

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Christmas Eve is our big dinner:


Swedish meatballs


Mashed potatoes/gravy

Funeral potatoes

Sweet potatoes

Fruit salad





I don't make dessert as there is tons of treats around including Danish pastries I made today.


Christmas morning: cinnamon rolls made with half the dough from the rolls the night before and easy oven omlet with leftover ham and cheese, juice


Christmas Day my husband is in charge and be buys stuff for hoagie/sub sandwiches. Easy and requires no kitchen time except a few mins to pull it all out. Everyone makes their own and we can eat whenever we feel like it and can relax all day which is our goal.

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Christmas eve we are not doing anything special for dinner. We'll be heading out to church after supper. When we get home and get the kids in bed, I'll be busy getting things ready for Christmas.


We have home made danishes, muffins and ham for breakfast. There will be nuts too.


Christmas dinner will be similar to Thanksgiving. Turkey, dressing, home-made cranberry sauce, fresh-baked rolls, sweet-potato "pudding", salad, (not sure what kind of cooked veggie - depends on what MIL makes). Oh, almost forgot. I'll make gravy since dh and family like it on the dressing my MIL will make.


We'll also have cheese cake for desert. I'd like more variety, but since it will only be the immediate family and MIL & FIL, there aren't really enough people to make more food.


Breakfast will be pretty informal. I'll leave it out all morning and we will have a late Christmas dinner.

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Christmas Eve, vegetarian chili before church.


Christmas morning, Quiver's cinnamon rolls, and bellinis/mimosas.


Christmas dinner, our tradition is to have quiche, and I am making all new to us ones--chicken bacon mushroom; bacon and arugula; and loaded veggie. We will also have homemade rolls, a salad, and Christmas cookies.

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Christmas Eve - Deli sandwich rings from Publix, veggie tray, fruit tray, chips 'n' dip, etc. (family gathering at SIL's)


Christmas morning - Baked French Toast, fresh strawberries, scrambled eggs, bacon


Christmas dinner - Baked ham, homemade mac/cheese, broccoli


I used to do a nice dessert, but it's been way too busy for me to plan it. We'll probably have leftover "Santa" cookies. :)

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Christmas Eve morning we will have gingerbread for breakfast. The kids also open one gift early, which is always the crappy cereal I refuse to buy throughout the year. They each get their own box, so tomorrow morning (or technically, this morning) they will have cocoa pebbles, cocoa puffs, reese's puffs, and fruit loops. They usually manage to still have some for Christmas morning, too.


Christmas Eve is when we have both sides of the family over to our home. The food will be set up buffet style for grazing. We'll have a spiral ham plus an assortment of finger foods. For now, this includes:


meat tray (with salami, prosciutto roll, summer sausage, etc)

veggie tray

cheese tray (smoked gouda, cheddars, brie, etc)

relish tray (kosher dill pickles, black olives, green olives, garlic stuffed olives, pickled okra, etc)

shrimp ring

sausage/cheddar balls

brown sugar coated little smokies wrapped in bacon


chicken wings

chips and dip

7 Layer Mexican dip (dh's aunt brings this)

and then whatever anyone else chooses to bring to add to the table.

I'll also have pie, cupcakes, candies, cookies, etc. on a side dessert buffet. My parents usually end up bringing even more sweets, usually cakes and pies.


For Christmas morning, we have a breakfast casserole made with hashbrowns, sausage, and eggs. There will be biscuits and gravy, and blueberry muffins for those with a sweet tooth.


We'll make a sit-down meal for just dh, the kids, and myself. Since we'll have such a big breakfast, and there will be leftover appetizers from the night before, we'll probably eat on the later side of the day. For now our plans are to have:


roasted turkey (currently defrosting in my fridge)

mashed potatoes and gravy

stuffing (made with veggie broth since dd17 is a vegetarian)

green bean casserole

sweet potatoes


mac and cheese

deviled eggs

cranberry sauce (mainly because we forgot to have any on Thanksgiving, LOL)

crescent rolls


Dessert will be any of the leftovers from the huge amount of sweets the night before!


If dd17 sees any other veggie she'd like thrown in, then we'll cook that, too, LOL!


We'll definitely be eating on leftovers for several days!

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Christmas Eve = Volunteering at a Soup Kitchen & eating out afterwards


Christmas Breakfast= Eggnog French Toast, hot chocolate, juice & fruit


Christmas Dinner= Prime Rib with horseradish sauce, Cheesy Mashed Potatoes, gravy, broccoli, olives, carrots, Cranberry Jell-O Salad, rolls, Sparkling Apple Cider, red velvet brownies and cherry cheesecake for dessert. (A big treat for us!!) :drool5:

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Okay, my confession... I no longer do a big Christmas meal. My kids just don't really like the whole turkey and stuffing thing that I grew up with, so a few years ago I decided that I didn't want to spend the whole day in the kitchen cooking a big meal that no one got very excited about anyway. We don't have any family nearby (we're in the UK, they're in the States) so we just have a really relaxed picking day. We have cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs and fruit for breakfast. Then I just serve up lots of picking foods all through the day - appetizers that I buy ready made from the grocery store, chicken puffs that I can make ahead and just cook on the day, pigs in a blanket, raw veggies for dipping, and lots of Christmas cookies. Some years I've done crockpot cocktail meatballs or calzones made the day ahead. We were actually invited to a friend's house for Christmas dinner this year, but the kids all got really upset about going. They wanted to have their relaxed Christmas at home, so I guess I've created a tradition that they like. I just hope their spouses don't hate me for it later.

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Okay, my confession... I no longer do a big Christmas meal. My kids just don't really like the whole turkey and stuffing thing that I grew up with, so a few years ago I decided that I didn't want to spend the whole day in the kitchen cooking a big meal that no one got very excited about anyway. We don't have any family nearby (we're in the UK, they're in the States) so we just have a really relaxed picking day. We have cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs and fruit for breakfast. Then I just serve up lots of picking foods all through the day - appetizers that I buy ready made from the grocery store, chicken puffs that I can make ahead and just cook on the day, pigs in a blanket, raw veggies for dipping, and lots of Christmas cookies. Some years I've done crockpot cocktail meatballs or calzones made the day ahead. We were actually invited to a friend's house for Christmas dinner this year, but the kids all got really upset about going. They wanted to have their relaxed Christmas at home, so I guess I've created a tradition that they like. I just hope their spouses don't hate me for it later.


I'm pretty sure my kids will need therapy if they marry into families that make a big to-do over Christmas.

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I have a few vegetarians in our extended family mix so Christmas Eve I am making


wild mushroom and spinach lasagna


arugula salad with fennel, fuji apples, tangerine, and pomegranate seeds


roasted pearl onions


homemade focaccia


dessert: Bittersweet chocolate tart in a gingerbread crust with cardamon whipped cream


then Christmas Day I am serving brunch to the extended family, so it's just my own crew for dinner. We are going to see the Hobbit so will have a simple early dinner of pot roast, green beans, and sister shubert rolls.

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Gotta get ready to go to church in a half hour, but my 20 dd just made the nicest supper for us: French Dip sandwiches! We didn't really follow a recipe, but she stuck a piece of roast in some beef broth with lots of onions sliced up on it and cooked it in the oven for a couple hours. She got some nice crusty French bread. We didn't have any provolone cheese so we substituted Havarti (because we did happen to have that). I sliced up some crudite veggies. It was a filling and simply supper. Delicious! Tomorrow morning for breakfast, I'm making cinnamon rolls (from the can!) bacon and eggs. So nuthin' special there, except we hardly ever do cinnamon rolls. For dinner we are having roast turkey with stuffing (we didn't do this at Thanksgiving because we were all down with a terrible flu) mashed potatoes, tossed green salad, roasted veggies (mushrooms, butternut squash, red peppers, leeks and cherry tomatoes). Then for dessert, dd 20 bought a bread pudding from the bakery, which looks interesting. I think I'll make some whipped cream to go on it.

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