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What Time Does Your Local Library Open?

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Our library used to open at 9am. Now, it's 10am and on certain days, even later. I miss the library's early opening hour.


My girls attend a sign language class once a week about a 1/2 hour from home. I drop them off at 9:15. It seems like a waste of gas to come home and go back to pick them up. But the library near their class doesn't open until 10. My plan for tomorrow was to drop them off, then take my boys to the library to do some schoolwork, because I expected the library to open at 9.


Was I just spoiled by my library's former 9am-9pm hours and do most libraries open later in the morning?

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Most of the branch libraries (we have two within walking distance and several others close by) are open from 9:30-5:30 four days a week and from 1:00-9:00 two days a week. They're always 9:30-5:30 on Fri and Sat, but the other days it varies by branch. The main branch is open seven days a week but I forget the hours.


If they can't be open all the time for budget reasons, I like the staggered openings as a creative solution, but I wish they had staggered the locations better. Both the ones I can walk to and most of the other ones that are closest to my normal routes all have the same days that they open late, which is super annoying. Also, I always want to go to the library on Sundays, but going to Chinatown on a Sunday is a pain because it's next to the arena and there's never parking because there's usually something going on. But I'm not going to take the subway when I have a bajillion pounds of books... Anyway, whine, whine, whine... It could be so much worse.

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A couple years ago the library system we use (we live in another county and pay to use this library) had to make significant cuts. They decided to reduce hours rather than close branch libraries. Ours is a regional branch. It used to be open on Sundays but now it's closed Sundays. So the new hours are:


M-W 10-8

Th-Sa 11-6

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Monday through Saturday it opens at 10:00am. Four of those nights they close at 5:30pm. I imagine people who work full time can't go on those nights. The hours on Sunday are 1:30 to 5:30. I emailed a complaint when they changed hours and received a nice letter back from the director about cutbacks. It wasn't long after that they announced a new branch being built less than 2 miles from my house. They can't afford a full staff at every branch so hours are fixed so that staff can work at more than one library. And yet they have the money to open a new library. I'm glad I homeschool. I can't imagine what kind of hours all the libraries will adopt to squeeze in one more workplace.

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Oh my gosh. The library we USE is open mon- th from either 8 or 9 am (can you tell either one of those is too early for me to have looked real close lol) to 8 pm. Friday and Saturday same opening hour, but close at 5 pm. Closed Sunday. The library here in town is open mon, tues, thurs, fri, and a half day on Saturday. Has been ever since I was little :(

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