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Where do you vote?

Where do you vote?  

  1. 1. Where do you vote?

    • Town hall
    • a School
    • a Church
    • Community or civic center
    • Fire Station
    • Other

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We voted in an elementary school this morning. The line wrapped around the halls (45 minute wait) so we had plenty of opportunity to look around. Alex enjoyed looking at, and critiquing, the work posted on the walls. It was her first exposure to invented spelling as an intentional educational philosophy, as opposed to "the way you spell when you're just writing for fun and Mom isn't checking your work."


Before we moved, our polling place was in a high-rise apartment building for low-income seniors. They had a large gym/activity room where they set up the polls.


Oh, and at the elementary school this morning, the Daisy Girl Scouts were selling cookies. :hurray:

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We vote at our local high school. They used to keep school in session and just not use two classrooms that were used for voting. They would also use elementary gyms, but now they just shut down the schools for the day and have a teacher in-service day. I know that our church is also a poll and the church usually gives free coffee and doughnuts to voters!


I'm fascinated by the idea of garage and horse stall voting.:lol:

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I chose other because I voted by mail, but my polling place is an elementary school. Voting is done in the library, which is closed to students and teachers on election day, but otherwise students are always around the building.


Past polling places for me have been a garden club building and fire station. My county also uses libraries, community centers, courthouses, and other government buildings. I don't know about churches.


public schools. they close down for the day. this year, they are closed for the whole week????:001_huh:


When we lived in NJ, schools were closed for election day. Of course that was back in the day with actual booths and curtains. I don't know if schools there still close.

Edited by floridamom
cleaned up a messy sentence :)
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I took at chance and went out around 11:30. I decided if people weren't parking across the street and I could park easily I'd vote then otherwise I''d vote with dh when he gets home. I was suprised we got in and out.


A bit off topic. How many times did you have to show id? It was 3 times here. Once to get in the building, once to check in against registered voters and once to get signed in the voters book and get my ballot. And nobody cared to tell me to leave my id out!

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I took at chance and went out around 11:30. I decided if people weren't parking across the street and I could park easily I'd vote then otherwise I''d vote with dh when he gets home. I was suprised we got in and out.


A bit off topic. How many times did you have to show id? It was 3 times here. Once to get in the building, once to check in against registered voters and once to get signed in the voters book and get my ballot. And nobody cared to tell me to leave my id out!


I just had to show mine once to get my ballot and verify my address. Did they check your ID against a list each time? It seems like showing it three times would slow down the lines a lot.

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A church. I have always voted at a church but the library across the street and the schools and polling places too. I wish my precinct was assigned to the library as it is right across the street whereas the church is far enough away that I have to drive.


There was nobody there when I went to vote. I was in and out in 5 minutes. I think there were more poll workers than voters. And I live in Ohio! I hope I just timed it right and got there during a lull and it is not a case of low voter turn out.

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Our whole town (with a population of about 28,000) votes at our community center. It was much more streamlined/better run last time I voted, but the previous time was a pain! I'm glad they figured it out so I don't have to stand in a massive line this year.


This was a change for me, as the small town I (mostly) grew up in had a population of 9,000 but voted at 6 locations in town. One polling place was the church/school I attended, and my parents always would make 2-3 different soups/stews and bread for meals for the volunteers. It gave it a cozy hometown feel.:001_smile:

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It used to be at a church in our neighborhood up through last November. For the June primary and this election it has been at an assisted living center about a mile away. I don't know if somebody complained about having the voting at a church or if county election officials decided to consolidate some of the polling stations.

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I haven't gone yet, still waiting on the dishwasher repairman, but it appears I'll be voting in a trailer park?


First time voting in this city, and although I know where it is, I've never actually been there, so could be interesting. The polls are open until 7 but we have a ballgame at 5:30, so Mr. Repairman needs to hurry up or he's going to be vetoed. :D

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When I lived in VA, we voted at the elementary school.


Now we live in PA and vote at a senior living place (that has a nursing home, assisted living, independent living, etc. with a big clubhouse.) This is my least favorite place to vote. Not that I don't love the elderly, because I do.....however....the voting officials did such a poor job of managing the crush of people today, I was sure that some poor old woman was going to get knocked over and break a hip (most likely by my 5 year old.) Wheelchairs and walkers everywhere. It was chaos.

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We voted at a church within walking distance of my house. The lines were long but it was full of neighbors visiting and strangers helping each other navigate the confusing line system. It felt real, and democratic, and patriotic. I am sure that mail in ballots are convenient, but I wouldn't trade my neighborhood polling place for anything.


Wish there had been a bake sale, though, that would have made the 40 minute wait easier to handle. ;)

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We only have the mail-in option here, no actual physical polling stations. I voted over a week ago by dropping it off in the ballot drop box at my local library, but i could have mailed it in or dropped it off at the county clerk's office. I refuse to mail it because then I would be buying a stamp, which is the same as paying to vote IMO.

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This year our ballots were mailed to us, and we just dropped them off at the drive-through polling place. (At the local bus depot!) No lines, no wait, easiest voting I've ever done. :D Something about drive-through voting just strikes me as hilarious. LOL.


I was a little surprised we didn't need to show id... Last few times we went to actual polling booths (at either a school or a church, depending on the year) and we had to show id then.


But I guess id isn't needed to mail the ballots in... So none needed to drop them off, either. We did have to sign the envelopes under penalty of perjury in either blue or black ink... ;)


And I also grew up in San Jose, CA where garage voting was the norm. They often had kids' polling booths set up and made us feel very included in the whole process, even though we were too young to really vote.

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