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What movies do you watch over and over again?

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Shawshank Redemption

The Quick and The Dead

A League of the Their Own


The above we don't own but every time they are on tv I have to watch the rest.


Princess Bride and Harry Potter are the ones I own and watch often. The kids know when I ask if they want to watch a movie, what I mean is which HP do you want to watch? Order of the Phoenix is my fav, BTW.

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When I'm by myself, I tend to go for "chick flicks" - Sweet Home Alabama, Pretty Woman, Father of the Bride, etc.


If it's my dd and me, we'll watch Legally Blond, Sabrina, and the ones I mentioned above.


If it's the 4 of us, movies we can watch over and over are Ocean 11 (& 12/13), Fifth Element, HP, LOTR, The Italian Job, Catch Me if You Can, True Lies, comic book movies (Iron Man, Avengers, etc)....basically action movies but not too intense.


We love movies, and since we don't have cable/satellite, we watch a lot of them. We also watch a lot of Netflix shows, like Dr. Who, Star Trek, and other sci-fi series, as well as newer things like Downton Abbey & Sherlock.

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You've Got Mail

10 Things I Hate About You

I, Robot

Fiddler on the Roof

Legally Blonde

A Knight's Tale

Pride and Prejudice (both BBC and Keira Knightley)

Pirates of the Caribbean

Deep Blue Sea

Shawshank Redemption

A League of Their Own

Pyscho/The Birds/Any Hitchcock I can find on TV



All Time FAVORITE>>>>> JAWS!!!!

Edited by MicheleinMN
thought of a few more
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I get on kicks with all of the movies that I really like.. (we have a large DVD collection) and I watch a lot of movies over and over. I mostly have them on as background noise.. Some off the top of my head:


Last of The Mohicans

Clash (and Wrath) of The Titans

Steel Magnolias

The Mummy

The Twilight movies


ahh.. theres just way too many to list ,lol.


And then of course we have my Netflix and tv show obsessions like Lost, Highlander, Greys.. :D

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Lately, The Avengers



Depending on my mood:


The Proposal


The Wedding Singer

Ever After

Iron Man (all)


Mamma Mia


Grease 2

The Lost Boys

Dirty Dancing


Not movies but I have them on dvd:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 6

21 Jumpstreet - the original series with a young Johnny Depp

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It often depends upon my mood, but these come to mind.


Shawshank Redemption

Pretty Woman

Top Gun

Notting Hill

The Notebook (and I sob every time)

Dirty Dancing

Sweet Home Alabama

The Bourne Identity


The Sound of Music

Life is Beautiful (in Italian w/ subtitles)

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Pride and Prejudice (1995)

North and South (Gaskell)

Wives and Daughters

Sense and Sensibility



Downton Abby

Upstairs Downstairs (the new one)

Cranford and Cranford Returns

Northanger Abby

Young Victoria

39 Steps

Kings Speech

National Treasure

Amazing Grace

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

Gosford Park

Ballet Shoes


Or as my husband says "Anything British." (There is one non-British movie in that list.)

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Napoleon Dynamite

The Princess Bride

Forrest Gump

Dirty Dancing


Steel Magnolias

The Big Lebowski

O Brother Where Art Thou

Pride and Prejudice (the BBC one with Collin Firth)

Gone With the Wind (I gotta keep my Southern card up to date)

Did I mention Fargo?


Editing to add Sweet Home Alabama


Editing again to add all the Harry Potter movies. I thought those were a given.

Edited by wendilouwho
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Alice in wonderland


Which one?


ETA: My two favorite old movies are both Cary Grant movies. I love My Favorite Wife and Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.


I was *just* quoting "The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer". I LOVE that movie!


Ocean's 11


The original or the remake? I love the original one.


Reign of Fire (Christian Bale, Gerard Butler, and dragons!)r


Oh I LOVE that movie! "Only one thing worse than a dragon... Americans."



Back in the days of VHS and video stores there was only one VHS that I really needed to own - Twin Peaks. My rule for buying VHS was if I would save money by owning it rather than renting it. Then I became a mother and that rule generally became "Buy anything that will keep her happy while sick with the flu" but really it was more that I bought what we liked enough to watch twice. I won't buy a DVD unless we've seen it and liked it. This has lead to way too many DVDs. Now my rule about buying old movies is "If I will stop to watch a movie that is on TV and waste a day I need to buy it". That rule has resulted in a rather interesting buying pattern. Who knew I loved "Tombstone" (Val Kilmer) or "Steel Magnolias"?


Okay, so the answer to the question. This is off the top of my head and without looking at my DVDs.


Anything by Hayao Miyazaki (Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, etc)

Babe: Pig in the City

The Twilight Saga (especially if I am down with a migraine and need to listen rather than watch)

Auntie Mame (Rosalind Russell version)


The Ugly Dachshund

Independence Day


The Mummy 1 and 2

Annie (1982 version)

Yours, Mine, and Ours (original)

The Hunger Games



Being Human (BBC version)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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