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Do you have friends?

Do you have close friends?  

  1. 1. Do you have close friends?

    • No, but hundreds of superficial friendships via social media
    • No, and I don't utilize social media, either
    • No, and I'm really content this way
    • No, but I would like to
    • Yes, I have a few close friends in real life(1-4)
    • Yes, I have many close friends in real life(5+)

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I have almost 300 facebook friends.

And not one of them can I call tonight to vent about being alone for 24 hours with two sick babies, or go out with for coffee or a movie.


I know I am in a very unique situation--I work two 24 hour shifts and a 12 hour shift a week, opposite my husband. The one day off a week we have together is dedicated for family time, so I have nobody to watch my kids while I pursue hobbies or mom's groups or whatever to make friends at. I also have a policy of not having close friends at work, because especially in the emotionally charged field I work in that is rife with gossip and drama, I've just found it better not to have my friends at work. We don't attend church because one of us is always working on Sunday(we work opposite weekends) and it's too much for the remaining parent to get the kids up, dressed, fed, and out the door by 9 am for a forty five minute drive to church(haven't found a closer church, despite two years of trying). My kids aren't in day care or preschool, so no friendships based on kids.


So I am not really talking about my personal situation here, because I know most people's lives don't look like that.


But have you found, in your life and circle of friends and acquaintances, that you have hundreds of superficial relationships based on social media instead of one or two or three close friendships based on shared interests/deep conversations/etc? And if not, if you have those close friends, where have you found them?

Edited by MedicMom
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I have 67 friends on FB. I have 1 BFF and then a few "friends". The people on my friends lists are people i could vent to about life but no, i couldnt call them at 3am and say i broke my leg and need them to watch my children.


My BFF and i met through school. I can call her day or night about anything from stupid thoughts to major decisions. My few friends are people we have things in common and we go out to eat or have play dates.

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Hmm... I looked at my FB friends and I have 174. Many of them maybe 60% are family. 30% are old friends from high school/college. The rest are miscellaneous, the photographer we use for example and a few close friends.

I can think of 4 people right now that I could call to vent. Any of these ladies I could call in case of an emergency. I would also go anytime day or night to help them, and have. There were several years though when my kids were small that I had no friends. I count myself very lucky to have the friends I have now and I work very hard to cultivate those friendships.

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I have friends, but no one I would consider to be close. My BFF moved back to Miami a few years ago, and our lives are so busy we just can't find the time to reconnect. I miss her terribly. It takes me a long time to open up (in any meaningful way) with others. Aside from my Dh, I would say my MIL is probably my closest friend now.

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I have four friends that I see on a regular basis. Those are the ones I counted for the poll. I also have my five best friends from college, who I email at least once a week, but only see two weekends a year, so I didn't count them. I think it is so hard to make/maintain friendships at this point in life. I remember when I was little my mom had several neighborhood friends that she hung out with, either in their homes or ours, on practically a daily basis.

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I'm not even sure how to answer this poll. I a few people I could call if something happened and I needed help on the farm, or with babysitting the kids. I don't have anyone that I could tell how I feel or think IRL. I have vented on a few unfortunate individuals online in the past little while. I have 108 'friends' on facebook, but a very, very large majority of them are my dh's family members. Not that I don't like them, but I'm not going to vent to them either. It's frustrating and at moments, lonely.

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On Facebook I have 59 "friends". Not a single one of them is closer than a twelve hour drive.


22 are family

10 are friends I have not met in real life (i.e. friends from boards)

3 are friends I met online and have met in real life

the rest are friends I made in real life


I do have a Twitter account, but it's under the name I go by in the Twilight Fandom. There I have 35 people following me, but I am following only about 17 of them. Of those seventeen I talk to two every night and three at least weekly.


Now, I have worked my fanny off trying to make friends where I live. Not a one has stuck more than six months. IT SUCKS. I've lived all over the US and normally in rural towns. Never in my life have I had the problems making local friends like I do here.

Edited by Elizabeth in MN
spelling, again. Cursed s being so near the d
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I have 3-4 good friends from high school. They live in another state, but I could always call them if needed. We all text a lot since I'm not on FB. Two of my good friends here I met through a playgroup years ago. The others are firmer neighbors, my sister in laws, and the friend I run my tutorial with. Maintaining friendships is hard. I try to do a girls night out every now and then, set up regular play dates if our kids are friends, and do things as families (if my dh is friends with their dh).

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I'm not even sure how to answer this poll. I a few people I could call if something happened and I needed help on the farm, or with babysitting the kids. I don't have anyone that I could tell how I feel or think IRL. I have vented on a few unfortunate individuals online in the past little while. I have 108 'friends' on facebook, but a very, very large majority of them are my dh's family members. Not that I don't like them, but I'm not going to vent to them either. It's frustrating and at moments, lonely.


I couldn't answer the poll. I don't have a lot of FB friends - 70-something, I think. Most of those are family or old friends.


Right now I have 2 close friends who live on the other side of the country but with whom I talk/email frequently. Also have a few message board friends whom I've never met but to whom I can vent and talk about my kids/homeschooling with.


IRL I have one pretty close local friend. I have many friendly acquaintances at church. Because our church family is close, I have people I could depend on in an emergency. But I wouldn't vent much to them.


Social media hasn't increased my friend base. I don't friend people that I don't know.

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I have 180 friends on Facebook. About 10 of them live in the same country as I do and none of them live in my state. Apart from my siblings, I have five friends who I could call to just talk to, but four of them live in Canada and one in England.


Around here, I have a few acquaintances who I chat with while the kids play, but no friends. This is one of the many reasons that we're considering moving back to Canada.

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Yes, I have several close friends--some from when I was just out of college, and not all my close friends live nearby. But I have close friends nearby and I've met them through church. AND I use Facebook to keep in touch with people. I find it helps me connect better with people who are acquaintances. It enhances those friendships.

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I used to have at least 10 really good friends but then I moved to a different country. I tried really hard, for the first 2 or 3 years but didn't really find any new friends and now I've sort of given up. I have quite a number of people I know superficially, but not really a good friend I could call up ( unless I call my old friends overseas - not always good with the time change).


I always thought I was good at making friends - guess I'm not as good as I thought. I've kind of gotten in the habit of keeping things to myself now - probably a good thing.


Hope you can find some good friends soon OP.

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I'm not on Facebook - the idea of "300" friends bothers me and I don't really like acquaintances knowing a lot about me. On the other hand, I have 7-8 close friends IRL, spread between where I live now and where I lived up to 3 years ago, that I could call at any time of the day or night if necessary. I know 2 of the long distance ones would fly across country if I needed them - our long history is like that. I feel very lucky.

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No facebook and I'm not interested in that sort of definition of friendship. I have over 5 friends who would drop everything if I really needed them to. (Though I would never abuse this and call them to do that unless it truly were an emergency.) I could schedule a movie or coffee with probably most of them but because of busy schedules it would not be at a moment's notice. I can and do call them at times to vent and they do the same to me.


I've picked up my friends over the course of a lifetime. One of my close friends I've known for 37 years, since I was 11. One of my close friends I met in college 30 years ago. I count one of my sisters as one of my best friends - I met her at birth but didn't actually get to know here until I was in college since we lived on two different continents for 10 years. One of my close friends I met during grad school 26 years ago. I have some other close friends that I've met at a couple of different churches - so 19 years for one and 17 years for the other. There are a couple of more recent friends who would also drop things for me and I would for them, I think, but we haven't had the same test of time and they live out of state. I shouldn't have to say it, but I would also drop everything if they needed me and they know it.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Yes, lots of acquaintances/superficial friendships, but just a few close friends. My 'close' friends are family (my sister, but she lives in another state). When my dad died suddenly a few years ago, I called my cousin (was my roommate in college) first. We hadn't talked to eachother in a few years (d/t kids/busyness; no fallout), but she was there for me. Locally, my close friends are from church.


Even in high school, I had only 2 or 3 friends that I considered 'close.' LOTS of acquaintances.


And then....I have to give a shout out for my current BFF, my husband. :-)


I'm sorry you're in this situation right now. I work in healthcare, as well. I understand what you're saying about the drama and gossip. It comes in waves, and I try to stay out. My friendships at work are sincere, but I tend to keep the scope limited to work. My husband and I also frequently work opposite eachother, but we do have a great daycare provider (for the days/nights we are both working). She is our 'adopted' grandma. If we have an emergency and need someone to watch the kids in the middle of the night we can call her. We know her from church.


When I worked full-time, it was harder to develop new/close friendships (outside of work)--even at church, b/c I wasn't as available (and when I WAS home, I was catching up on housework, errands, kids, etc, etc. any extra time was, like you said, family time). B/c of this, I relied on my husband/family. The one person I could alway connect with or vent to outside of my family was our daycare provider.



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This post made me sad, because the one person I would have identified as my close friend, we recently ended our friendship. Or rather, we ended the "close" friendship but still have a casual friendship.


We would make plans, even with our kids, and she would repeatedly cancel, not for any emergency but because "she didn't feel like getting out". I would rearrange my schedule to be available when she needed something, but repeatedly "she had too much going on". This went on for about 5 years!


When I talked about it with her, she claimed that our friendship was really important to her, but I was expecting too much from her. When she defined what she considered "too much" it was clear to me that she was looking for a casual friendship where no one really depended on you or asked too much of you emotionally. So now we have gone to a "hi how's the family" kind of friendship, and she is perfectly happy with that. Like I really needed another one of those...


I do have one other friend I have had since childhood but she lives in another state. We are close over the phone, but don't get to do any every day things. Such is life... Thank goodness I enjoy my husband's company, because I don't have much else.


I recently called an "acquaintance" to vent about something because I had no one else to call and just had to call someone!! She probably thought I was odd. :-)

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I have 350+ facebook friends. Many, many of them I would love to go to movies with, hang out, etc. The problem is 1) they live all over the country and 2) the stage of life we are in. Everyone is so busy with school, kids, work, that it's really hard to even pick up the phone let alone get together and hang out. I do have a few friends in real life, they are not close or intimate. Unfortunately, my best friend and other close friends live many states away now :( There is only a limited pool in the community where you live, IMO. Besides, I have pulled away substantially in the last few years due to drama.

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I will have to agree with the medical field being all about drama and gossip but that is where all my friends come from. My oldest and closest friend (11 years) I met her through work but we are not working together anymore. We haven't worked together for the past 7 years and mainly kept up by phone conversations until she moved 10 mins away so now I actually see her again. I also have a friend that I used to work with who lives 10 mins away that we will help each other when our cars are messed up and in the shop. Also, if she is out of town I pick up packages for her if needed. We hang out and go out to eat at least every 4-6 weeks.


I have other work friends but don't hang out with them much outside of work. I actually have a work BFF that I would never hang out with outside of work. But I have another work friend who might be leaving soon and I have seen her outside of work and hope that we can continue that friendship after she leaves.


I have about 200 people that are my FB friends but it is mainly high school/hometown people and family with some work people who I don't work with anymore. I am tempted to not even go to my 20th high school reunion bc I can keep up with everyone thru FB.

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i know a lot of people and many i would call friends for sure, but i only have a few very close friends where we truly confide in each other and freely talk about anything (mostly people i've known for 20 plus years). and even then, honestly, i would say i am more of a listening ear to those friends than the one sharing. apart from my husband, i find the people i really open up too and truly confide in would be my mother and my oldest sister.

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If you're my FB friend, it means that if you're too drunk to drive you're welcome to crash on our sofa. Anyone not that close and I'll call you a cab. It keeps the numbers low. ;)


There are a few exceptions - I have spouses of friends on FB that I'd more than likely send home in the test situation, a couple ex spouses of friends that I have on minimal settings but didn't want to unfriend during the more dramatic periods of the divorce process... And I have a few teenagers on there (former students/ math team members) who I'd better not ever see drunk, and then a bunch of relatives and inlaws of various degrees of actual friendliness.


As far as who I'd really call to vent? Actually a pretty good number of friends, plus siblings, but none of them in town. We moved this past spring, and virtually all of my really good friends are in NC. So for me, social media (punctuated by phone calls and direct emails when there's something big going on!) is a very nice way to keep up with them.

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I don't have facebook. I used to have playgroup friends when my dc were smaller but now that they are in high school and all of my "friends" have put their dc into public school, those friends have disappeared. I do my venting here on this fourm lol.


For emergencies: once when my dc were smaller, at midnight dh had to take me to the er. OUr neighbor came right over and stayed with my dc. We also have neighbors who will help me shovel out my sidewalk and car from snow (when dh is not here to do it). Also when we had to evuacuate from the last hurricane, 3 different members of dh's family that lived offshore and had basements offered for us to stay with them and set us a cat city in their basements for our 8 cats.


We spend most of our time with dh's entended family ( I am close to all of them). I consider them friends but I usually do not vent to them.

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havent had any close friends in forever . .. last time was a work friend, but we didnt really have that much in common, we just went out to lunch a lot, and she helped me out w the kids a few times. fb keeps me happy enough, and some nice ladies to chat with at homeschool outings

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Yes, wonderful old friends from pre Kids (2 that I am currently in contact with. One that I spoke to on the phone just this morning and one that I spent last Sat. with sitting by her pool) and wonderful mom friends from playgroups and homeschool groups with whom I trade babysitting and do field trips, etc.

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I have 68 Facebook friends most of which are old high school friends who live on the opposite coast of me. I have 3 local friends I could call to vent or in an emergency. One I see daily as I watch her daughter for 3 hours while she works part time. The other 2 I see once a month or so for coffee/lunch etc. I met one through a homeschool sports class our kids take. The other 2 I met doing roller derby.

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This thread reminds me of an episode of Pawn Stars. Chumly is explaining Facebook to the Old Man and tells him he has over 1500 friends on Facebook. The Old Man tells Chumly to go get a flat tire and see how many of those friends show up to help.



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I voted for 1-4 close friends IRL. I do feel like I have several good friends, and I know I can count on them when I need help. The past few years seem like they have been very hard for a lot of people and we've done a lot of pulling together to get each other through.


I have 285 friends on FB. Not sure how that happened, but I do like seeing what people are up to!

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I have about 250 friends on Facebook. Most of them are from either my hometown or where I went to college. If we were living in those places, many of those people would be close friends. That's especially true now that so many of those friends have gotten married and started having babies. There were a few years when I was the only one in that stage, which made maintaining those friendships a little harder.


Truth be told, I had a bit of a mourning phase when I found out we were moving here instead of back to the city where I went to college. I do like it here, but not knowing anyone isn't quite the same as having semi-regular contact with 100 people in a city. Of those, at least 40 were people I could meet for coffee or a playdate with only a little planning, and I would have a handful of "any time, day or night" friends in there. I definitely don't have the time right now to find 40 new casual friends in this location!

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One beloved old friend. - Before our time in the military

Two current old beloved friends. During our time in the military

And a few, newer (1-3 years) closer than normal, but not "years upon years" long relationship close friends who I *would* trust leaving my children with, which says an awful lot. (Life since moving cross country)

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I have 226 Facebook friends. My sister has over 700.


I have at least 5 friends that are always there for me. I really believe my best friend would throw herself in front of a bus to save me.


When my dad went into hospice, but wanted to go back to his house, she spent weeks cleaning his hoarder house so it would be safe for him. She didn't want me to even help. She works full time and is a single parent, so she gives her time even when she doesn't have any.


Her childhood best friend adopted me, because my best friend loves me so much. She is the first person on my doorstep when I need help. Maybe because she lives closer.


I'm still close to my childhood best friend.


I talk to my 18 year old's best friend several times a day. She driving 5 hours right now, to help us sell this weekend.


I feel very blessed by the friends I've been given. We are lucky to all have each other.

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This thread reminds me of an episode of Pawn Stars. Chumly is explaining Facebook to the Old Man and tells him he has over 1500 friends on Facebook. The Old Man tells Chumly to go get a flat tire and see how many of those friends show up to help.




(Pouring awesome sauce all over this one..lol) :D

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This thread reminds me of an episode of Pawn Stars. Chumly is explaining Facebook to the Old Man and tells him he has over 1500 friends on Facebook. The Old Man tells Chumly to go get a flat tire and see how many of those friends show up to help.




(Pouring awesome sauce all over this one..lol) :D


Really? :confused: If I knew someone within driving distance had a flat tire, I'd send my husband, plus a spare if we had one that would work and the driver didn't.

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I have 103 friends on fb - a healthy mix of family, people from church, high school friends, and people who we've moved away from but I want to keep in touch.


DH is my absolute best friend. I can count on him for everything and talk about everything with him.


In the past I've had some very close friends who I would spend a lot of time with and talk about anything. I've probably had five or so of those - and I met them all in the same place (it's amazing how going through tough times together can make a really deep friendship).


We've all moved away from each other, so I keep up through blogs and fb with them, but we don't hang out or call anymore. I still consider those people my best friends.


Right now there is a list a mile long of people I would have no problem calling in an emergency - mostly from church. They are great people, and we get along just fine, but I'm just not the social type, so we don't go hang out and I wouldn't call them on the phone just to chat.

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I don't do facebook or any other social media, so no 'friends' there.


I have come to realize how much I don't enjoy having close friends that might land in a BFF category. Right now, in this season of my life, I just don't have the time or energy to maintain a friendship like that. I do have 1-2 good friends that I enjoy a good conversation with. But I don't have the desire to push the friendships further, if you know what I mean.


There are, of course, the handful of casual friends, or really aquantainces, that I see in passing at my kids classes and such. I do enjoy the small bursts of conversation with them, but I know I could never call upon them.


At the end of the day, I am very happy with my life. My husband is 'my person' and I am thrilled, and beyond content, with that. :)

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I have almost 300 facebook friends.

And not one of them can I call tonight to vent about being alone for 24 hours with two sick babies, or go out with for coffee or a movie.


I voted that I have many close friends which is really about a dozen. Half of them are not people I talk to weekly even. None of my friends are people I could call to go out for coffee or a movie. But I could call (and have with a chronically ill child) every single one of them for childcare or meals or a sympathetic ear or to listen to me going nuts or to come over and help with house cleaning and house repairs or any number of things. And it goes both ways.


My community is phenomenal. I spent much of my life feeling lonely and now I am surrounded by love and support.


BTW, I have exactly 100 FB friends and maybe 3 out of my dozen close friends are even on FB. I tend to restrict my friends on FB to people whom I actually want to know what it going on in their lives - distant family, old college and high school friends. Yeah, I couldn't call most of them.

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I have quite a few more than 5 people I could call or who just offer help in an ordinary generic crisis- babysitting, illness/hospital stuff. Of those, 2 who I could call to help me bury a body or because I am stranded at 3AM. I make myself available to others a lot. It's very much a be a friend to have a friend world IMO.


I don't do too much on Facebook. I have about 400 "friends" but a lot are people in local professional or political groups. Then my huge family.

Edited by kijipt
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If you asked me this 12 years ago I would have said "One", and prior to that I had almost no personal close friends.


Then I finally grew up. I realized that no single person could be everything I needed in a friend, and I allowed myself to find friends who were very different from me but who had 1 strong thing in common with me. I stopped waiting for friends to arrive magically and started reaching out to acquaintances to be the kind of friend I wished they would be to me. Surprisingly, many were transformed into closer friends even if not "best" friends. Another huge difference for me was finding a faith community where I had more in common with folks in our theological understanding. It is there I have found my better friendships.


Today, I could close this computer and call 5 or 6 people if something serious was on my heart, and they would immediately say "Come now, let's talk". They range from a 76 year old widowed former pastor to a retired teacher, to fellow adoptive parents. Considering where I started from and being so emotionally unhealthy thanks to a mom whom I love dearly but who was terrible at relationships, I know how completely blessed I am at this stage in my life to have true blue friends.


I also have lots of part-time not so close relationships on FB (I have around 300 friends, 85% of whom I have not met in real life. They found me via Facebook and our blog and have adoption in common), but it creates a little sense of community for a stay at home mom like myself. I visit here at the Hive and have made one new friend, but sadly haven't found my niche here, which I really wish I could. I have NO real friends who homeschool or understand the lifestyle decision with whom I can talk about curriculum, high school plans, perspective about various styles, etc. and I really, really feel that gap in my life. I have prayed for that one to be filled, both for myself and our children, but thus far nothing much has been a good fit.


Friendship is complicated, and sometimes we expect too much or give too little. Finding the balance there leads to healthier and deeper relationships. I am getting there, still have more work to do though.



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A couple years ago I was feeling lonely for friends. I decided, as scared as I was, to start accepting social invitations, join clubs etc. It was hard, but seeing the same women every month for years has led to some great friendships. I know all of them would help me if I needed it. In fact last year we had a tragic situation and they were all there. They are a wonderful group!


I have also made a few really close friends. It takes time, and it takes opening up and discussing life. Hopes, fears, struggles. Really sharing. I never did that before - I am not much of a talker, but the reward is worth it. We really do want to connect with people. Now I connect with my family, my husband, my child, and now other women who are going through similar trials. It's fun! I'm glad I made the effort.

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I have lots of friends. But I make friends. What I mean is that almost no one invites me to their house/events. I do almost all of the inviting.


And nope, it doesn't bother me. I know how busy everyone is and they genuinely seem to like it when I invite them places. I figure that we all have our strengths and weaknesses. My strength is that I'm great at scheduling time with friends. If I waited for someone to invite me to something, I'd be pretty lonely.


I met everyone through either a mother's group at church or a photography club at church. If I didn't have church, I would more aggressively pursue people at my homeschool co-op. The only reason I don't pursue the co-op people is that I have no more time for more friendships. It takes a lot of work to keep them all going.


I am friends with at least 10 families, and I could ask any of them for anything at any time of day. But I've worked hard to get to this place and its taken years of non-stop socializing with them.


Here's an example of an easy way I maintain some of the friendships:


Every single Sunday when the church service is done, and the kids are headed to Sunday School, I head to the back of the sanctuary, where I chat with two photography group friends. Then, when they leave, I head over to the children's area, where two mother's group friends are volunteering to sign in the kids, and chat with them. Then, I head to the Atrium where I chat with two different mother's group friends who arrive for the second service. While I'm there, another Photo Club friend arrives and I chat with him and his wife.


If you'll notice, not one of those people seek me out. But I go to where they are and talk to them. It's my routine. My little round takes me one hour a week, about 15 minutes per group of people, but it's enough to keeps the friendships maintained just enough that we don't lose total track of each other.


Then I schedule individual dinners with those groups of people, plus the rest who aren't available when I'm doing my Sunday Round, on Friday or Saturday nights.

Edited by Garga
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I am just getting to the point where I feel like I have real friends again after years of being caught up in "babyhood". We have to make a concentrated effort though like going to small group, over to friends houses, etc even when we're tired and don't want to. It's worth it though!

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