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New dad update thread (cc)

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So my dad's doing worse. His BUN (blood urea nitrogen) is up, his creatinine is up, his white blood cell count is up. All bad things. Plus, his blood oxygen saturation, which is the one thing that has been stable, is going down now into the 80's, so they can't consider taking him off the vent now.


His sputum culture came back positive for a bacteria, so he is in contact isolation; that just means we have to wear gowns and gloves to be in his room. So he *does* have a hospital acquired infection, and they are treating it with heavy duty antibiotics. The infectious disease doctor/team is keeping a close eye.


Things are moving in the wrong direction. Toward death, not healing.


My poor mom is crumbling. I can't be there every day with her, which she understands. I asked her Sunday when I was there with her what exactly she needed from me right now. (She had my youngest sister over cleaning and getting groceries for her the day before.) She said she just wanted my emotional support; that was what meant the most to her. She looks OLD, even though she's not; she's just 54.



I feel bad updating everyone now. It's all so depressing, I don't want to spread the gloom around, you know?




God is good, ALL the time. I praise him today as every day.


The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. - Nahum 1:7


If the Lord lets my father linger like this for weeks, and then he dies, He still gets my praise as much as if He restores my dad to health.

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So my dad's doing worse. His BUN (blood urea nitrogen) is up, his creatinine is up, his white blood cell count is up. All bad things. Plus, his blood oxygen saturation, which is the one thing that has been stable, is going down now into the 80's, so they can't consider taking him off the vent now.


His sputum culture came back positive for a bacteria, so he is in contact isolation; that just means we have to wear gowns and gloves to be in his room. So he *does* have a hospital acquired infection, and they are treating it with heavy duty antibiotics. The infectious disease doctor/team is keeping a close eye.


Things are moving in the wrong direction. Toward death, not healing.


My poor mom is crumbling. I can't be there every day with her, which she understands. I asked her Sunday when I was there with her what exactly she needed from me right now. (She had my youngest sister over cleaning and getting groceries for her the day before.) She said she just wanted my emotional support; that was what meant the most to her. She looks OLD, even though she's not; she's just 54.



I feel bad updating everyone now. It's all so depressing, I don't want to spread the gloom around, you know?




God is good, ALL the time. I praise him today as every day.


The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. - Nahum 1:7


If the Lord lets my father linger like this for weeks, and then he dies, He still gets my praise as much as if He restores my dad to health.




Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer. Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort. (1Cor 1:3-7).


God is good and he is faithful. I'm sorry that you're having to watch your parents suffer; praying for healing for your Dad.

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I'm so sorry, Bethany. That does not sound good at all. :sad: I was just reading about those levels today when reading about kidney problems so I understand what you're talking about.


I'm so sorry, Sweetie.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Hang in there, pray, and do what you can for your mom.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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:grouphug: i am glad you are there with him this morning. :grouphug:


we'll pray for strength and peace, wherever that leads.....


re your mom. if someone is cooking for you, is there a possibility of an extra serving that could go to your mom? that way, you know she always has good food at hand, whether or not she is able to eat it.....




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Dad is having a good day!


BUN is down, creatinine is down, WBC is down. Blood ox is up even with less assistance from the vent. Once his BUN comes down to 50, they can try to extubate him. We're hoping nephrology will dialyse him today so he can get that BUN down.


The antibiotics he's on for his hospital acquired lung infection seem to be working.


They are testing his stool for c. Diff. Anyone can enlighten me on that?


On the bad side, he has developed a large pressure ulcer that is getting worse. If it opens, that is a very concerning not only because of infection, but healing will be hampered because of his diabetes.


And mom is refusing to be happy about the better numbers, because she's convinced that tomorrow, it will get worse again.

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:grouphug: i am glad you are there with him this morning. :grouphug:


we'll pray for strength and peace, wherever that leads.....


re your mom. if someone is cooking for you, is there a possibility of an extra serving that could go to your mom? that way, you know she always has good food at hand, whether or not she is able to eat it.....





No one is cooking for me, I'm still doing that. But thank you for the idea. Whenever I come up, I'll bring mom some food. My other two sisters don't cook, so they are no help in that department.

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Thank you for the positive update, Bethany! I can understand your mom's hesitation to be happy about the news, because she's probably trying to protect herself from another disappointment if the next set of results aren't as good.


It's a horrible roller coaster ride for your whole family, and I pray your dad recovers soon. :grouphug:

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Dad is having a good day!


BUN is down, creatinine is down, WBC is down. Blood ox is up even with less assistance from the vent. Once his BUN comes down to 50, they can try to extubate him. We're hoping nephrology will dialyse him today so he can get that BUN down.


The antibiotics he's on for his hospital acquired lung infection seem to be working.


They are testing his stool for c. Diff. Anyone can enlighten me on that?


On the bad side, he has developed a large pressure ulcer that is getting worse. If it opens, that is a very concerning not only because of infection, but healing will be hampered because of his diabetes.


And mom is refusing to be happy about the better numbers, because she's convinced that tomorrow, it will get worse again.


C. diff is basically caused by antibiotics. The antibiotics disrupt the normal gut flora, which causes inflammation, and infection in the colon.


C. diff causes horrible diarrhea. :( Is your dad continent (able to control his bowels)? If so, then just make sure you all are using soap and water every time you have contact with him (before and after). This includes staff members! C. diff is NOT killed by hand sanitizer, not even the powerful stuff we use in hospitals. If you dad is incontinent, he will be placed on isolation precautions if he does have it. That doesn't mean he can't have visitors; it just means anyone who comes in the room will have to wear a gown and gloves. I'm praying his test is negative.



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