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Calling all "fat" people, those who wear Lands' End, etc.

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After reading the birthday party/mean mom thread, I feel compelled to say:


If there's ever a party at my house, you ALL are invited -- no matter your weight, wardrobe, color, race, religion, social standing, wealth, poverty, education, politics, or anything. I am serious. :toetap05:


That level of meanness blows my mind. So... just want to say...


You could show up at my door wearing anything (but please do wear something, okay?), and you would be welcome. Let's party!




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Wow, Land's End is bad??? Wow, just wow. I think Land's End, LL Bean, etc, type clothing is classy and looks fine in any decade. Oh, and I socialize in a circle with high ranking officers and their wives, doctors, lawyers, engineers, business owners, etc. Basically the top rungs and you wouldn't have looked out of place here. You would be more than welcome at my house and I would come to your party.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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:party:I'll bring cupcakes!
I'll make tea. The real kind of tea, that you put in a cup. To go with the cupcakes. ;)


Ya know, I just finished organizing my teas. Spicy teas in one box, herbal/minty teas in another, black/green in another... Why am I segregating my teas? Hmm....


We're going to have some nice masala chai in a few minutes. All three girls are wearing adorable Land's End dresses that look like Pop Pop's boxers, LOL (they like to match).


It's a tea party, and we like all types here.



Are you a fruity tea, a spicy tea, a black tea, or a green tea? If you were a tea, what kind of tea would you be?

Edited by Sahamamama
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oh,no! Land's End clothes are the ones that I every so often treat myself with and feel guilty at the expense! Shows where I stand in life!





Same here. Of course I have to admit that I hate clothes shopping and generally don't like "trendy" clothes. Land's End mixes and matches well, I would rather spend my time and mental energy doing curriculum research than figuring out outfits.

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I'm more of an Old Navy clearance girl myself, can I still come?


I like Old Navy and the Land's End style too but I get my clothes from garage sales and consignment stores. :leaving:



OK, would I be invited? I look for Lands End clothing at the thrift stores. :blushing: I can usually only find tops if at all.


Ha ha! I missed this! Well, I'm right there with ya!

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I'll come!


I like to party with folks who value people not looks.


:iagree: I can honestly I've never once thought about what the guests in my photos will look like. Which is kind of funny since I obsessed over what my darling little toddlers and preschoolers should wear in their b-day pics. :D As an adult, I just try to stay out of all pictures. :tongue_smilie:

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I had a weird dream last night. I was walking and I saw this group of girls who were dancing in a routine, then I noticed their director (who was dressed like a pimp) on the ground yelling up at the girls. They were singing a song about McDonalds and were wearing these trashy outfits while groovin' with these giant soda cups from Mickey Dees.


I yelled up, "You don't have to do this, it's who are you the inside that counts, not what you look like on the outside." They just kind of glared at me. I turned to whoever was with me and said something like "they never will get it will they" and we kept walking.



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Wow. I'm in jeans shorts and a maternity tank (which did not fit me pregnant because my plan to be a cute pregnant chick was thwarted by twins)...


I've been to tea at the Four Seasons with no scandalous fallout. I would be oddly dressed if I was wearing formal tea-wear at home, and casual wear at tea. I'm sure most people know the difference between dress up occasions and casual ones, don't they? :confused:

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Most of my clothes came from the thrift shop, ebay under $10 (including shipping!), and Target and Meijer Clearance (all garments $10 or way under). I do have a couple of nice dresses from Eddie Bauer and Hanna Andersson from way back when we didn't have to pay for violin lessons! (7 years ago).

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After reading the birthday party/mean mom thread, I feel compelled to say:


If there's ever a party at my house, you ALL are invited -- no matter your weight, wardrobe, color, race, religion, social standing, wealth, poverty, education, politics, or anything. I am serious. :toetap05:


That level of meanness blows my mind. So... just want to say...


You could show up at my door wearing anything (but please do wear something, okay?), and you would be welcome. Let's party!






Wow! I just started reading that other post :( How sad that people base their friendship on what people look like and wear!


I would rather go to this kind of party with "real " people!

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I'm 5'8" tall and 125 pounds... And I love Land's End. (And, yes, I consider Land's End to be pretty nice clothes.) Maybe the op of that thread needs to hang out in the Land's End dept. at Sears and look for some new friends!

I'm 5'5", 115, and I love Land's End too-especially with what's our there right now...I lived the 80's and have no desire to go back to that fashion disaster!

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After reading the birthday party/mean mom thread, I feel compelled to say:


If there's ever a party at my house, you ALL are invited -- no matter your weight, wardrobe, color, race, religion, social standing, wealth, poverty, education, politics, or anything. I am serious. :toetap05:


That level of meanness blows my mind. So... just want to say...


You could show up at my door wearing anything (but please do wear something, okay?), and you would be welcome. Let's party!







:iagree::iagree::iagree: you all are also welcome here!!!

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If there's ever a party at my house, you ALL are invited -- no matter your weight, wardrobe, color, race, religion, social standing, wealth, poverty, education, politics, or anything. I am serious. :toetap05:




You sure? Would you be comfortable with an atheist? Cause it's happened to me before when people say they are accepting of all......until the word atheist pops up. Anything is acceptable except atheism. That's where the line is drawn for many many many.


I'm not saying that's you. I'm just saying that atheists are a group in which it is still perfectly acceptable to discriminate against.



I don't mean to interrupt the party. I have gf hotdogs and buns. :)

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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You sure? Would you be comfortable with an atheist? Cause it's happened to me before when people say they are accepting of all......until the word atheist pops up. Anything is acceptable except atheism. That's where the line is drawn for many many many.


I'm not saying that's you. I'm just saying that atheists are a group in which it is still perfectly acceptable to discriminate against.


I would be....or a Pagan, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist or an Agnostic, or a Christian or a Jew, or whoever you are as long as you are as nice, non-judgmental, welcoming and willing to share a drink ( alcoholic or not:D), nice conversation, and leave your biases at the door....including whether or not you liked my clothes....


Eta: I do not think is it appropriate to discriminate against anyone. In my personal life, there are people I will not associate with...but that is because they are not nice...they are in your face nasty, and push tolerance, but do not show it....the talk inclusion, yet are very quick to jump on anyone who does not believe as they do.....I also do not hang out with liars, thieves, drug addicts, or other people who do not know how to behave themselves....no matter what their religious, or non-religious persuasion.

Edited by Mommyfaithe
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You sure? Would you be comfortable with an atheist? Cause it's happened to me before when people say they are accepting of all......until the word atheist pops up. Anything is acceptable except atheism. That's where the line is drawn for many many many.


I'm not saying that's you. I'm just saying that atheists are a group in which it is still perfectly acceptable to discriminate against.



I don't mean to interrupt the party. I have gf hotdogs and buns. :)


I would love to have you at my party. You always have something interesting to say. :D


[i would be afraid to come b/c I can hardly handle witty banter online. I'm way too slow irl and don't want people to know the truth, [size=1]I'm not all that smart. shhhhhh:tongue_smilie:[/size]





BUT since we are being so welcoming, I'm gonna take a chance. What may I bring? :D

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Sometimes I feel like a slob when I hit Target in jeans and a t-shirt (usually from Kohl's, I would wager)... because, really, do you have to dress up for Target? I've discovered apparently you do... I keep running into women dressed to the nines. And it's not the after-work dressed up crowd, it's the SAHM crowd.


So I will come to the party in my jeans and t-shirt, and I will bring a couple bottles of nice, bubbly wine for us to chat over! :)

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I dress for function and comfort, and occasionally just because I like how an outfit or color makes me feel. I do not dress for the viewing pleasure of others. They may feel free to look the other way. :glare:


For the record, I often find the clothes that trendy people wear to be rather distasteful, but I would hope that I am psychologically mature enough to overlook that and to focus more on who they are, not what they wear. IME, many times there isn't much of substance to be found upon closer inspection.


I have always liked Land's End, Eddie Bauer, REI, etc. clothing because the relaxed, outdoorsy styles fit my lifestyle much better than more trendy offerings. However, I seem to find quite a bit of it at thrift stores, so I usually buy it for pennies on the dollar.


Regardless of their exclusive criteria, I don't enjoy socializing with women who are so insecure that they can't handle relationships with others who are different from them. I assume that most of them would not care to socialize with me either. I have many quirks and habits that I'm sure don't fit the "socially correct" profile.:tongue_smilie:


I hope the person who was "too fat and too Land's End" will run, not walk, away from that self-righteous group and find people who follow life, not what the fashion industry has decided to fob off on the unsuspecting and lemming-like public this year.


BTW, I'd come to the party if invited and would probably wear something that was guaranteed not to impress. I would try to make it be something clean and mostly wrinkle free, but no guarantees. I often have to guide an errant animal out of the way between my front door and my car door, and the car seat itself is no bastion of crumblessness. However, I could bring some lovely elk or moose meatballs in sauce to die for, and a veggie tray loaded with some of the most tasty, delicate heirloom varieties that exist. :)

Edited by hillfarm
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I missed it. What's wrong with Land's End?


ETA: Found it. OK. Erm. Wow.


Boy, according to this link I would really be out. I haven't had a 'new outfit for several years and then it has been if I found a really good price on a denim skirt or jumper. My jeans are all about 12+ yrs old, most of my tops are 4-6+ yrs old......... I simply don't spend $$s on clothes for myself.


I will come to your party though if everyone will agree to not wear fragrances.:tongue_smilie:

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